What empowers Guardians...?
While PvEing my guardian is powered by Zerk gear and Scholar runes ®.
While WvWing, Knight Gear and Melandru runes ®.
“Rely on Iron, not false gods”.
/end RPing.
Been wondering this a lot. Some say Dwayna, but, she empowered PARAGONS which is technically not the same thing and left with the other gods.
The game says it’s their deep passion and loyalty to their allies and friends. So, are they like blue lanterns, just passion instead of hope? Or maybe their magic comes from life itself, as in, life in it’s pure form?
Whatever it is, it really fascinates me. I think they are a unique class, maybe not counting GW1.
“With the turmoil in Elona and the spread of the Order of Whispers into other lands, more Paragon teaching showed elsewhere in Tyria. These teachings melded with other traditions, and over time, the guardians and their abilities can be found throughout the world and among all the races. They are not tied to a particular race, philosophy, or group of gods but rather to a larger concept of proactive defense, of taking the fight to a foe and protecting those you fight alongside while appealing equally to humanity’s defensive nature and the charr’s desire to rule the battlefield.”
Windows 10
Been wondering this a lot. Some say Dwayna, but, she empowered PARAGONS which is technically not the same thing and left with the other gods.
The game says it’s their deep passion and loyalty to their allies and friends. So, are they like blue lanterns, just passion instead of hope? Or maybe their magic comes from life itself, as in, life in it’s pure form?
Whatever it is, it really fascinates me. I think they are a unique class, maybe not counting GW1.
“With the turmoil in Elona and the spread of the Order of Whispers into other lands, more Paragon teaching showed elsewhere in Tyria. These teachings melded with other traditions, and over time, the guardians and their abilities can be found throughout the world and among all the races. They are not tied to a particular race, philosophy, or group of gods but rather to a larger concept of proactive defense, of taking the fight to a foe and protecting those you fight alongside while appealing equally to humanity’s defensive nature and the charr’s desire to rule the battlefield.”
I’ve read that before, and it doesn’t answer the question. Just explains what they STAND for.
If I recall correctly, the official answer is Faith. Not faith in anything in particular, but complete and total Faith in something.
If I recall correctly, the official answer is Faith. Not faith in anything in particular, but complete and total Faith in something.
I like to think that it’s faith in life itself. That it’s worth protecting, to live, fight, and die for, and that this right apply to everyone who would stand in it’s defense.
After all, you have to believe.
As an Asura guardian of the College of Statics, and an adherent to the fundamentals of the Eternal Alchemy, it’s not faith, but an understanding as solid as bedrock that one must stand with one’s compatriots, to be the bulwark against which the turmoil of the world crashes against, and is repelled.
For me, it’s Staff #4.
For me, it’s Staff #4.
As a male Norn I call it “Power Poop!”
The canon answer is just “faith.” That’s what they said when the profession was released. What that faith is placed in doesn’t necessarily matter.
That said, TECHNICALLY the majority of (if not all) magic used by the mortals of Tyria originates from the bloodstones. A lot of our magic would come from the Restoration stone. Don’t quote me on this though. Someone will split hairs with details.
(edited by Christos de Soufre.3802)
Guardian = Dervish
No, that’s not right at all. Everything about the Dervish was based around the human gods, the guardian isn’t. Also Dervish weren’t the defenders and supporters that the guardian and paragon are. Saying the Guardian = Dervish is like saying the Guardian = Ritualist because of their affinity with spirits.
There are a few schools of thought, but the reigning theory is that Guardians practice Restoration magic which they acquire spontaneously through strong faith. Even though Guardians are a fusion of Monks and Paragons, Monks practiced Prayers which were linked specifically to human gods and Paragons are also directly linked to the gods. Since the gods are now absent, the only plausible source of magic for them is the Restoration school which doesn’t require any sort of deity as an intercessor.
Painbow.6059: Ignore what anyone else who doesn’t agree with me has said because its wrong.