What if DH got a 4th Utility Slot for Traps?

What if DH got a 4th Utility Slot for Traps?

in Guardian

Posted by: Absolute Ze Woah.1074

Absolute Ze Woah.1074

Just an idea my friend and I were talking about. As much as I wanted to use traps, I personally found it really hard to find room for traps over the utility that shouts/other skills bring. So what if Dragonhunters received a 4th utility slot only for traps and only if you trait for it (grandmaster).

Here’s what I’m thinking:

Change Hunter’s Fortification to also give a 4th utility slot for traps. It makes sense fortifying something means you’re strengthening something and traps help strengthen defense.

I feel that Big Game Hunter and Heavy light are slightly better than Hunter’s Fortitude, especially since Guardians have “Hold the Line” which is already on a 35 second CD- a mere 10 seconds more than Spear of Justice, which is the shortest cooldown virtue to proc Hunter’s Fortitude.

In PVP, Heavy light will probably be favored for it’s knockback and in PVE, Big Game Hunter will probably be favored for it’s damage buff and vulnerability. Adding the 4th utility slot onto Hunter’s Fortitude would make it more pickable.

Also, another note is that all the traps are 45 seconds long meaning that in most fights aside from bosses, you’ll probably be able to place one trap, maybe two if your party lacks dps, before the fight is over. So this idea would be drastically gamebreaking. Even in PVP, the 1 second activation time makes it kinda obvious a trap is coming.

What do you all think? I love guardian but I’m iffy on the Dragonhunter. I’m just trying to think of ways to make traps more viable because they do seem fun to use and I WANT to use them, but I don’t want to make my party suffer because of it.

I honestly don’t think it’s too much to ask for considering how much Mesmer’s are getting to their toolbox. cough using skills twice and 16 second quickness cough.

What if DH got a 4th Utility Slot for Traps?

in Guardian

Posted by: Quarktastic.1027


Rangers everywhere would ragequit.

Those armadillos would be a lot cooler if they looked more like real armadillos. mmm armadillos

What if DH got a 4th Utility Slot for Traps?

in Guardian

Posted by: Talyn.3295


It would never happen. So asking what if…? is kinda pointless.

“We have now left Reason and Sanity Junction. Next stop, Looneyville.”

What if DH got a 4th Utility Slot for Traps?

in Guardian

Posted by: Electro.4173


Or they could… I dunno, make the traps good enough that they would be considered over other stuff?

Adding a special utility slot specifically for traps because “they aren’t good enough for normal utilities” just seems like an utter cop-out to me.

What if DH got a 4th Utility Slot for Traps?

in Guardian

Posted by: Arnath.2319


They could give us an F4 to F9 filled with traps and i would still never use them because traps are pure garbage.

We can only hope and pray ArenaNet actually care about this class and revamp traps before HoT launch.