What's up with shield skills

What's up with shield skills

in Guardian

Posted by: jakalofnaar.1702


I run Guardian a lot in dungeons, and have recently starting using a more DPS shout build with Sword/Focus, but my main gripe with it is…I want to use shield! Because shields just look so much better on a guardian than focus, but therein lies the problem…

Shield skills just aren’t useful. I NEVER equip a shield, focus skills are just so much more useful!

How many of the other guardians out there would prefer to see the focus skills on the shield, or at least see some sort of buff to the shield?

What's up with shield skills

in Guardian

Posted by: Christos de Soufre.3802

Christos de Soufre.3802

It’s no secret that shield skills could at least use slightly shorter base recharges.

Chris “Dawnheart” Aerinoh — Revenant, Guardian — Blackgate

What's up with shield skills

in Guardian

Posted by: Relentliss.2170


Admittedly the shield is better for pvp and the focus better for pve. Its a bit odd really.

The shield isn’t that bad in pvp. Protection for your mates and a big AOE knockback. I don’t see much use for it in pve.

When I think of a Guardian I envision it with a shield.

We don’t need to make mandatory gear treadmills, we make all of it optional

Anet lied (where’s the Manifesto now?)

What's up with shield skills

in Guardian

Posted by: toaster messiah.7320

toaster messiah.7320

Shield’s main problem is the cooldowns imho. Because most of the time, you are just holding it for nothing, except for occasional Shield of Judgment usage (which is highly situational, since it lowers your main hand dps most of the time).

10 seconds of reduction in each skill would make up for it, without making anything overpowered.

(edited by toaster messiah.7320)

What's up with shield skills

in Guardian

Posted by: CMF.5461


Since they are not totally against 100% protection up time (see hammer auto attack) they should rework the shield to provide near 100% uptime of protection as well, being as we are boon based and such.

Either a long duration protection (less likely, and prone to being wiped by enemies….although that could provide counter play?)
Short cooldown and frequent usage. Something where you have 70+% uptime of the boon.

This would pretty much be hammer but in 1hander / off hand form. Then you have a pick of main hand weapons.

Shield 5 is ok for what it does with decent burst healing involved with it. Mobility while channeling it would be nice though.

What's up with shield skills

in Guardian

Posted by: Guyver.1426


IMHO, sustainability of guardian who equipped with GS or hammer is as high as with 2 single hand weapons, may be higher. And only one trait can decrease all two hand weapons’ cool down time.

I love shield, but it is a total waste in pve and wvw, due to long cool down time (even trait for it) and places require mobility.