What stat combos are people rolling?

What stat combos are people rolling?

in Guardian

Posted by: Davi.4920


So I am in the process of getting towards Dragonhunter and am wondering what stats people have found most effective?

What stat combos are people rolling?

in Guardian

Posted by: Akijo.7395


In PvE I’m running Zerker with Dolyak runes. Trickets and weapons are still Carrion tho (my last build, I’m too poor to switch them)
With Longbow and Hammer I can destroy 3/4 of most breakbars without too much problem and I have a surprising high durability

What stat combos are people rolling?

in Guardian

Posted by: Cat Has Ducks.1982

Cat Has Ducks.1982

Zerker everything with scholar runes for fractals. And I have a Zerker set with traveller runes for farming the rest of my elite spec in open world pve.

Lord Chuck I – Guardian
Chuck The Stampede – Engineer
[Lg] Agatha – Dragonbrand

What stat combos are people rolling?

in Guardian

Posted by: Davi.4920


Thanks for the replies guys appreciate it. I read the DH has quite good condi damage, does that show even in your zerker builds?

What stat combos are people rolling?

in Guardian

Posted by: nuaa.4962


celestial armor with sinister trinket(Berserker weapons since i didn´t have time to farm celestial or sinister version). But my build focus on a lot of burning.

Plan is to replace sinister with new viper set and keep celestial armor, since i feel base health pool is to low. this will up my power and lower my crit and condition for nice duration bonus on burning.

What stat combos are people rolling?

in Guardian

Posted by: Cat Has Ducks.1982

Cat Has Ducks.1982

Thanks for the replies guys appreciate it. I read the DH has quite good condi damage, does that show even in your zerker builds?

No, the burning is just damage modifiers for the power build. Like more damage vs burning enemies. Things like that augment your power.

Sinister guard has a fair bit less dps than power guard. But it’s whatever you like I suppose. And if you are trying to min max

Lord Chuck I – Guardian
Chuck The Stampede – Engineer
[Lg] Agatha – Dragonbrand

What stat combos are people rolling?

in Guardian

Posted by: Ragnar the Rock.3174

Ragnar the Rock.3174

Thanks for the replies guys appreciate it. I read the DH has quite good condi damage, does that show even in your zerker builds?

No, the burning is just damage modifiers for the power build. Like more damage vs burning enemies. Things like that augment your power.

Sinister guard has a fair bit less dps than power guard. But it’s whatever you like I suppose. And if you are trying to min max

That actually depends weather your doing single target or multi target.

Sinister actually comes out ahead on multi target when your using virtue traits to make justice proc AOE.

Zerk comes out about 10% or more ahead on single target however & thus is better for most boss fights.

@ OP.

As for gear I would suggest having a couple different sets given you have the time & or gold.

Zerker with a couple pieces of valk or celestial is a must as your main dps set. (rune up to you. Flame legion, pack or scholar all work great depending on your preference)

After that however having a carrion/sinister or full celestial (with zerk trinkets) stat set for back up can come in handy if you want to have max survival or lots of AOE damage.

Also having a set with traveler runes is a great thing to have as it means you won’t be reliant on a staff or using 2/3 of your skills to maintain swiftness.

What stat combos are people rolling?

in Guardian

Posted by: obal.3218


I updated the pve build sticky for HoT with optimal stuffs and dps charts if you want to check that out.