What stats on armor for leveling?

What stats on armor for leveling?

in Guardian

Posted by: Stonewarrior.1967


Just hit 45 and have been balancing out power, vit, and toughness. Should I keep with this or go for more toughness then any other? I mainly use sword/shield and GS. Thanks!

What stats on armor for leveling?

in Guardian

Posted by: Ynna.8769


I pretty much stack Power and Precision at level 40. So far I didn’t find my survivability lacking due to our skills, so I’m just focusing on damage.
I’m probably going to go for a more +healing set in the future, for better support.

“Come on, hit me!”

What stats on armor for leveling?

in Guardian

Posted by: Stonewarrior.1967


No condition for our burns? I know alot will say well rounded stats, but not very easy at our lvl with low stats on gear.

What stats on armor for leveling?

in Guardian

Posted by: Ynna.8769


I don’t care much for condition damage, but if it’s your thing, go for it.

Just pick stats to complement your playstyle. If you find yourself dying a lot, get more defensive stats, if not, just focus on the offensive.

“Come on, hit me!”

What stats on armor for leveling?

in Guardian

Posted by: AnubisXy.5713


At level 40 I started running with a Hammer build. Thanks to (essentially) perma Protection, I was able to focus my stats entirely on Precision/Power and still be plenty tanky to handle any mob I ran into in PvE. Once I hit 60, I swapped out my rings, amulet and trinkets for Toughness/Vitality ones but still kept my armor as Precision/Power. I had no issues while leveling.

What stats on armor for leveling?

in Guardian

Posted by: Revenant.2691


Might want to check out Explorer gear for the magic find bonus. Get some decent accessories and a full set of Sup Traveler runes when you hit 60, along with Magic Find food, and you’ll be up to at least 100 magic find, which means a double chance for rare drops and therefore more money. Even without the 50% boost from the gem store you can get over 200% and triple the chance, though I’d wait for level 80 to aim that high, with a dedicated farming set. Shouldn’t see much if any decrease in survivability, as on my Guardian I found the PvE content almost laughably easy right up until Orr, and you’ll have more money saved up for level 80 stuff, before which you honestly shouldn’t be worrying too much about your gear because you’ll outgrow it so fast regardless. Better instead to just get some armor on that makes you more money from just doing the content so you’ll be able to get the really good stuff when you hit the level cap.