Whats with all the Guardians in spvp?

Whats with all the Guardians in spvp?

in Guardian

Posted by: Drussthelegend.2630


I know we got some fixes but they hardly were to the extent that the population in spvp should jump 2x or 3x what it was. Bandwagoners that don’t even understand what was changed? A lot are DH that dont even use scepter or sword. All this is going to cause is people asking for nerfs that are totally unjustified using the specious logic of look at all those guardians they must be op! The class got a nice smallish boost and that’s if you use what was actually boosted. A bunch of bandwagon jumping numbnuts are going to cause a bunch of anti Guardian PR. It’s already happening. If you want to play the very strongest classes/builds there are still quite a few better then any build Guardian has.

(edited by Drussthelegend.2630)

Whats with all the Guardians in spvp?

in Guardian

Posted by: Spartacus.3192


the reason is because they got buffs/changes on weapons like scepter and mace that generally were not used in pvp so people want to see how they are. Also Sword was improved (well the 4 year old bugs/annoying stuff was fixed) so its understandable that players want to see how they are now. Guardian is actually fun now since there seems to actually be a varierty of builds that are interesting/fun at the moment.

Your typical average gamer -
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "

Whats with all the Guardians in spvp?

in Guardian

Posted by: Vikkela.7261


Some build diversity opened up and people are simply testing it out.
Also it’s been 10 months now and lower tier still haven’t adjusted to trap mechanics. I doubt you can take that QQ seriously, while higher tiers most likely will still stick to completely other classes

9 Guardians later…

Whats with all the Guardians in spvp?

in Guardian

Posted by: Drussthelegend.2630


the reason is because they got buffs/changes on weapons like scepter and mace that generally were not used in pvp so people want to see how they are. Also Sword was improved (well the 4 year old bugs/annoying stuff was fixed) so its understandable that players want to see how they are now. Guardian is actually fun now since there seems to actually be a varierty of builds that are interesting/fun at the moment.

Those buffs were not enough to make the population boom by 2 to 3 times. Or shouldnt have been. Its stoopid that I am getting 2 other guardians on my team in spvp half the time. I know the buffs. They were nice but not enough to turn a class that was close to the worst pvp class to anything more then middle of the rung. All its going to cause is complaints that are not grounded in fact. Guardians went from a D- spvp class to a C+ or B but the numbers of people playing them you would think they were A+. I’d like to keep the modest improvments we got not lose them because of delusional band wagon rollers. I mean we are back to the pvp forum being littered with complaints about traps and they werent even buffed.

(edited by Drussthelegend.2630)

Whats with all the Guardians in spvp?

in Guardian

Posted by: Ryou.2398


the reason is because they got buffs/changes on weapons like scepter and mace that generally were not used in pvp so people want to see how they are. Also Sword was improved (well the 4 year old bugs/annoying stuff was fixed) so its understandable that players want to see how they are now. Guardian is actually fun now since there seems to actually be a varierty of builds that are interesting/fun at the moment.

Those buffs were not enough to make the population boom by 2 to 3 times. Or shouldnt have been. Its stoopid that I am getting 2 other guardians on my team in spvp half the time. I know the buffs. They were nice but not enough to turn a class that was close to the worst pvp class to anything more then middle of the rung. All its going to cause is complaints that are not grounded in fact. Guardians went from a D- spvp class to a C+ or B but the numbers of people playing them you would think they were A+. I’d like to keep the modest improvments we got not lose them because of delusional band wagon rollers. I mean we are back to the pvp forum being littered with complaints about traps and they werent even buffed.

I play pvp quite often and dont see the numbers of guardians you claim, I see way more necros, rangers, and mesmer then anything.

And actually allot of those weapons are viable in pvp now as well as some of the core builds.

Whats with all the Guardians in spvp?

in Guardian

Posted by: Ubik.8315


People heard DH is OP now, so they’re giving it a try. Most of them are pretty inexperienced and have no idea what their new fotm can actually do.

I beat 3 other guards at once using a hambow build just yesterday…I think one was running old meditrapper, one was the new meditrappers with sw/focus and one was symbolic. All were pretty clueless. I’m sure it’ll die back in a couple weeks as these players either move on or git gud.

Whats with all the Guardians in spvp?

in Guardian

Posted by: Ryou.2398


People heard DH is OP now, so they’re giving it a try. Most of them are pretty inexperienced and have no idea what their new fotm can actually do.

I beat 3 other guards at once using a hambow build just yesterday…I think one was running old meditrapper, one was the new meditrappers with sw/focus and one was symbolic. All were pretty clueless. I’m sure it’ll die back in a couple weeks as these players either move on or git gud.

I dont see how anyone can use weapons like hammer in pvp, they are just to slow for it from my understanding, I may be wrong.

Whats with all the Guardians in spvp?

in Guardian

Posted by: Rodzynald.5897


Hammer in spvp is G-L-O-R-I-O-U-S
I play my very own hammer build even before HoT and I am using it all the time. It is fairly powerful and the fact that there are like no guardians with such build, it is something new and hard to counter in certain spots because of lack of knowledge on how to fight it.
What I run is kind of a glass cannon but due to sustain, condi cleanse and enhanced shield of courage, I can withstand quite a harsh punishement and still dish out a considerable ammount of power damage, along with heavy CC capabilities, which is nice.
Even my guildies who do PvP all day/night long say that what I have done with my guardian is working surprisingly well. I even managed to hit diamond on my own (solo que most of the time and a handful of premades), though I didn’t have enough time to get to legendary.

Guardian is meant for jolly crusading.

Whats with all the Guardians in spvp?

in Guardian

Posted by: Darknicrofia.2604


Biggest reason is cleric amulet removal and bunker tempest being nerfed.

Darknicrofia Sage – Bad Gerdian, Merciless Legend, Platinum NA Solo Que

Whats with all the Guardians in spvp?

in Guardian

Posted by: Ryou.2398


Hammer in spvp is G-L-O-R-I-O-U-S
I play my very own hammer build even before HoT and I am using it all the time. It is fairly powerful and the fact that there are like no guardians with such build, it is something new and hard to counter in certain spots because of lack of knowledge on how to fight it.
What I run is kind of a glass cannon but due to sustain, condi cleanse and enhanced shield of courage, I can withstand quite a harsh punishement and still dish out a considerable ammount of power damage, along with heavy CC capabilities, which is nice.
Even my guildies who do PvP all day/night long say that what I have done with my guardian is working surprisingly well. I even managed to hit diamond on my own (solo que most of the time and a handful of premades), though I didn’t have enough time to get to legendary.

Nice do you have a build you can share? Any good in wvw?

Whats with all the Guardians in spvp?

in Guardian

Posted by: Rodzynald.5897


I do not mean to be rude but I don’t share it. Most of this builds power lies in its secrecy.
A bunch of my legendary guildmates (all seasons thus far they keep their divs) told me that it could went meta but I don’t want it to be like that. If someone would find out, I’d be forced to change the whole build or just reroll to some other class and that I won’t do because I am a righteousfag who always and only plays Guardians/Paladins/Crusaders etc…

Guardian is meant for jolly crusading.

Whats with all the Guardians in spvp?

in Guardian

Posted by: hourglass.2486


I do not mean to be rude but I don’t share it. Most of this builds power lies in its secrecy.
A bunch of my legendary guildmates (all seasons thus far they keep their divs) told me that it could went meta but I don’t want it to be like that. If someone would find out, I’d be forced to change the whole build or just reroll to some other class and that I won’t do because I am a righteousfag who always and only plays Guardians/Paladins/Crusaders etc…

I know your build I’m pretty sure its the same build as this

Whats with all the Guardians in spvp?

in Guardian

Posted by: Xillllix.3485


As an elementalist I now play DH because you don’t even need to know how to play the class to win a 1v2. It’s simply the easiest class to play and the strongest class, therefore when your class becomes useless because Anet mess up the balance (like with the elementalist) it’s the perfect immediate substitute.

Whats with all the Guardians in spvp?

in Guardian

Posted by: Dirame.8521


I know we got some fixes but they hardly were to the extent that the population in spvp should jump 2x or 3x what it was. Bandwagoners that don’t even understand what was changed? A lot are DH that dont even use scepter or sword. All this is going to cause is people asking for nerfs that are totally unjustified using the specious logic of look at all those guardians they must be op! The class got a nice smallish boost and that’s if you use what was actually boosted. A bunch of bandwagon jumping numbnuts are going to cause a bunch of anti Guardian PR. It’s already happening. If you want to play the very strongest classes/builds there are still quite a few better then any build Guardian has.

That’s what happens when a class gets new stuff. Doesn’t matter which one it is.

I make guides to builds you may not have heard of;

Whats with all the Guardians in spvp?

in Guardian

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


As an elementalist I now play DH because you don’t even need to know how to play the class to win a 1v2. It’s simply the easiest class to play and the strongest class, therefore when your class becomes useless because Anet mess up the balance (like with the elementalist) it’s the perfect immediate substitute.

Than play druid, just spam 1111 while your pet kills all players. You can easy 1 vs 4.

Whats with all the Guardians in spvp?

in Guardian

Posted by: Yannir.4132


As an elementalist I now play DH because you don’t even need to know how to play the class to win a 1v2. It’s simply the easiest class to play and the strongest class, therefore when your class becomes useless because Anet mess up the balance (like with the elementalist) it’s the perfect immediate substitute.

Than play druid, just spam 1111 while your pet kills all players. You can easy 1 vs 4.

That only works for noobstomping. Besides, the new Symbolic DH build can pretty easily stalemate druids. Those 2 share the same weaknesses and strengths.

Yannir for males. (guard,thief,war,ele)
Sonya for females. (necro,rev,ranger,mes,engi)
All classes lvl 80.

Whats with all the Guardians in spvp?

in Guardian

Posted by: Saiyan.1704


I know we got some fixes but they hardly were to the extent that the population in spvp should jump 2x or 3x what it was. Bandwagoners that don’t even understand what was changed? A lot are DH that dont even use scepter or sword. All this is going to cause is people asking for nerfs that are totally unjustified using the specious logic of look at all those guardians they must be op! The class got a nice smallish boost and that’s if you use what was actually boosted. A bunch of bandwagon jumping numbnuts are going to cause a bunch of anti Guardian PR. It’s already happening. If you want to play the very strongest classes/builds there are still quite a few better then any build Guardian has.

It’s just popularity. The same thing happened post patch when we received Traps and a Bow. Guardian simply was “cooler” than everyone else. Then Anet answered the large crowd (at the time) and nerfed LB + Trap damages.

Same thing happened this come-round. We’re more popular due to the much needed QoL changes but because of the excess guardians, players are complaining about items that has nothing to do with our QoL changes.

Guardians stack horribly on point unless there’s nothing but Thieves on the other team. Necro/Rev/Druids stack twice better on a team than Guardians :/

aka FalseLights
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld

Whats with all the Guardians in spvp?

in Guardian

Posted by: Rezzet.3614


DH is pretty much uncounterable since sustain was nerfed but their spammable nukes were left untouched also sword dishes out ungodly damage every third strike as it basically spits 3 backstabs at once and has a teleport

Whats with all the Guardians in spvp?

in Guardian

Posted by: mrauls.6519


1k (if it crits) per hit isn’t backstab level xD

Mes (Guardian)
I make PvP & WvW videos

Whats with all the Guardians in spvp?

in Guardian

Posted by: Ghotistyx.6942


I too, like to do 33k damage in an auto attack


Whats with all the Guardians in spvp?

in Guardian

Posted by: Rezzet.3614


1k (if it crits) per hit isn’t backstab level xD

its still a good 4.5-6k every full AA combo

Whats with all the Guardians in spvp?

in Guardian

Posted by: JDjitsu.7895


1k (if it crits) per hit isn’t backstab level xD

its still a good 4.5-6k every full AA combo

For the chain, yeah. My power Necro does that in Zerk/Valk gear on dagger AA chain also. If you ever get hit with a full AA chain by someone running full Zerker or even Marauder(unless downed or something), you need more stun breaks, energy sigils or blocks or something. Just don’t do that. You’re gonna have a bad day…DH is prob 5th down the line of toons I play, and really only large scale WvW on it, so I’m not defending it out of bias.

I’ve only watched a handful of the pvp Qualifiers, but only saw maybe(Texbi I think?)roll witha DH. If it was OP there’d be 1 on most top teams. Though I haven’t watched them all like usual, so correct me if I’m wrong plz. I think there’s a couple builds that can replace Scrapper(boooo!), but nothing over the top I’ve seen myself. I’m glad DH mains have more choices. Pretty sick of rolling my eyes at these scrubby traps.

Maguuma & A Few alts on other NA/EU servers

Whats with all the Guardians in spvp?

in Guardian

Posted by: Saiyan.1704


1k (if it crits) per hit isn’t backstab level xD

its still a good 4.5-6k every full AA combo

For the chain, yeah. My power Necro does that in Zerk/Valk gear on dagger AA chain also. If you ever get hit with a full AA chain by someone running full Zerker or even Marauder(unless downed or something), you need more stun breaks, energy sigils or blocks or something. Just don’t do that. You’re gonna have a bad day…DH is prob 5th down the line of toons I play, and really only large scale WvW on it, so I’m not defending it out of bias.

I’ve only watched a handful of the pvp Qualifiers, but only saw maybe(Texbi I think?)roll witha DH. If it was OP there’d be 1 on most top teams. Though I haven’t watched them all like usual, so correct me if I’m wrong plz. I think there’s a couple builds that can replace Scrapper(boooo!), but nothing over the top I’ve seen myself. I’m glad DH mains have more choices. Pretty sick of rolling my eyes at these scrubby traps.

Wakkey has been using DH pretty often in Ranked but he’s not a DH main. He’s darn good though, we’ll see if he picks it up in Leagues.

Others aren’t DH main either otherwise they’d pick up the class.

aka FalseLights
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld

Whats with all the Guardians in spvp?

in Guardian

Posted by: Ryou.2398


I do not mean to be rude but I don’t share it. Most of this builds power lies in its secrecy.
A bunch of my legendary guildmates (all seasons thus far they keep their divs) told me that it could went meta but I don’t want it to be like that. If someone would find out, I’d be forced to change the whole build or just reroll to some other class and that I won’t do because I am a righteousfag who always and only plays Guardians/Paladins/Crusaders etc…

I get what your saying and I agree but the customization of skills in this game isn’t deep enough for hidden builds, people test builds with 123, 123, and 123, passives easy I just don’t see how you can have a hidden build.

Whats with all the Guardians in spvp?

in Guardian

Posted by: Ryou.2398


I do not mean to be rude but I don’t share it. Most of this builds power lies in its secrecy.
A bunch of my legendary guildmates (all seasons thus far they keep their divs) told me that it could went meta but I don’t want it to be like that. If someone would find out, I’d be forced to change the whole build or just reroll to some other class and that I won’t do because I am a righteousfag who always and only plays Guardians/Paladins/Crusaders etc…

I get what your saying and I agree but the customization of skills in this game aren’t deep enough for hidden builds, people test builds with 123, 123, and 123, passives easy I just don’t see how you can have a hidden build.

Whats with all the Guardians in spvp?

in Guardian

Posted by: Saiyan.1704


Hammer in spvp is G-L-O-R-I-O-U-S
I play my very own hammer build even before HoT and I am using it all the time. It is fairly powerful and the fact that there are like no guardians with such build, it is something new and hard to counter in certain spots because of lack of knowledge on how to fight it.
What I run is kind of a glass cannon but due to sustain, condi cleanse and enhanced shield of courage, I can withstand quite a harsh punishement and still dish out a considerable ammount of power damage, along with heavy CC capabilities, which is nice.
Even my guildies who do PvP all day/night long say that what I have done with my guardian is working surprisingly well. I even managed to hit diamond on my own (solo que most of the time and a handful of premades), though I didn’t have enough time to get to legendary.

Their are no secret hidden esports builds m8. Me and 10k other DH players have theory crafted everything.

I wouldn’t touch a 10k healthed, dmg reducing, heavy CC built DH with a 5ft stick. And the F3 buffed trait is bad.

aka FalseLights
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld

Whats with all the Guardians in spvp?

in Guardian

Posted by: Spartacus.3192


LOL at anyone who thinks PVP (not wvw) builds are “secret”. The June 2015 patch dumbed down build crafting so much that most builds can be determined very easily. The only variety left in the game is WvW where you can mix and match armor/weapons and use different runes/food/sigils etc that are not available in pvp.

Your typical average gamer -
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "

Whats with all the Guardians in spvp?

in Guardian

Posted by: Chasind.3128


They’re very simple and easy to play, their traps are overpowered and can melt anything- you lay your traps down and pull the enemy into them, no instructions required. Even someone who has never played an mmo could rock at a trap DH

Whats with all the Guardians in spvp?

in Guardian

Posted by: Azoqu.8917


They’re very simple and easy to play, their traps are overpowered and can melt anything- you lay your traps down and pull the enemy into them, no instructions required. Even someone who has never played an mmo could rock at a trap DH

Hey guys! I found someone who doesn’t know you can dodge in this game.

Whats with all the Guardians in spvp?

in Guardian

Posted by: Archon.6480


They’re very simple and easy to play, their traps are overpowered and can melt anything- you lay your traps down and pull the enemy into them, no instructions required. Even someone who has never played an mmo could rock at a trap DH

Hey guys! I found someone who doesn’t know you can dodge in this game.

Yeah, bristleback f2 was on a longer cooldown and could be dodged as well, but everyone complained. Even pansy guardians…

Jade Quarry – Esparie
Illustrious Exhausted Primordial Legendary Druid, and Mesmer for fun
PvE | PvP (1500)| WvW | Fractals | Dungeons

Whats with all the Guardians in spvp?

in Guardian

Posted by: Evilek.5690


https://www.twitch.tv/vallunv/v/83394236 and look how is DH underpower vs Thief.

DH is useful right now but hardly in top tier or OP. Every single Druid,Thief,Revenant or Mesmer destroy you.

This gregarious hysteria in sPvP section is really funny

Evilek lvl 80 Charr Thief Why no ?
Fredy Brimstone lvl 80 Mighty Warrior
Oupí lvl 80 Immortal Guardian

Whats with all the Guardians in spvp?

in Guardian

Posted by: Yannir.4132


They’re very simple and easy to play, their traps are overpowered and can melt anything- you lay your traps down and pull the enemy into them, no instructions required. Even someone who has never played an mmo could rock at a trap DH

Yeah, and when you pop all those traps, the first guy dies and a 2nd enemy appears from behind the horizon, you’re helpless as a baby because you don’t have RF to reset your virtues. Try it, I dare you.

Yannir for males. (guard,thief,war,ele)
Sonya for females. (necro,rev,ranger,mes,engi)
All classes lvl 80.

Whats with all the Guardians in spvp?

in Guardian

Posted by: moobs.5862


They’re very simple and easy to play, their traps are overpowered and can melt anything- you lay your traps down and pull the enemy into them, no instructions required. Even someone who has never played an mmo could rock at a trap DH

Yeah, and when you pop all those traps, the first guy dies and a 2nd enemy appears from behind the horizon, you’re helpless as a baby because you don’t have RF to reset your virtues. Try it, I dare you.

assuming the first guy doesnt have a blink or 2 second invuln L0L

NL m0bz

Whats with all the Guardians in spvp?

in Guardian

Posted by: Ubik.8315


Yeah, and when you pop all those traps, the first guy dies and a 2nd enemy appears from behind the horizon, you’re helpless as a baby because you don’t have RF to reset your virtues. Try it, I dare you.

I saw a full trap DH today (basically the old medi build, but running ToF, PoB, Maw with JI). Sure he blew up a few unsuspecting people. But he didn’t really contribute anything and kinda instantly died the moment someone saw him afterwards. Even worse for him if his full trap combo happened to out rev and they popped shield 5. XD

Whats with all the Guardians in spvp?

in Guardian

Posted by: Archon.6480


I saw a sword/shield, scepter/focus DH the other day and dueled him for 8 minutes on a side node in Foefire. At least the duel was more interesting than fighting a bunker Ele… Reminds me of S1 Chronobunker.

Jade Quarry – Esparie
Illustrious Exhausted Primordial Legendary Druid, and Mesmer for fun
PvE | PvP (1500)| WvW | Fractals | Dungeons

Whats with all the Guardians in spvp?

in Guardian

Posted by: Hanth.2978


Because guardians are cheese in spvp? It’s no secret and everyone knows it most of all the guardians. You can bet every match you will be fighting 2-3 guards while having the same amount on you’re team. Whichever team has the better guardians will win. I’m hoping this changes once I hit Diamond because the less experienced pvpers have no idea how to fight guardians.

Also with the new buffs which added to their dps you can’t blame players for wanting to take the easier route for pips which is just sitting in traps and mitigate almost all damage for certain stretches.

(edited by Hanth.2978)

Whats with all the Guardians in spvp?

in Guardian

Posted by: emkelly.2371


Best team comp i’ve seen:

  • Meta Dragon Hunter
  • Elementalist (Fresh Air)
  • Scrapper
  • Mesmer (Who knows how to use portal)
  • Reaper

If plays right it’s the best team comp because everything has plenty of sustain while each class has massive damage output. The only squishy class is The Elementalist, but she never runs alone, all they need her for is air overload, and maybe Lightning storm

Whats with all the Guardians in spvp?

in Guardian

Posted by: moobs.5862


Best team comp i’ve seen:

  • Meta Dragon Hunter
  • Elementalist (Fresh Air)
  • Scrapper
  • Mesmer (Who knows how to use portal)
  • Reaper

If plays right it’s the best team comp because everything has plenty of sustain while each class has massive damage output. The only squishy class is The Elementalist, but she never runs alone, all they need her for is air overload, and maybe Lightning storm

l0l fresh air ele

NL m0bz

Whats with all the Guardians in spvp?

in Guardian

Posted by: Exciton.8942


Because it is easy to play while being effective.
Its biggest counter is good rotation which rarely exists in random queue.

Whats with all the Guardians in spvp?

in Guardian

Posted by: Yannir.4132


Best team comp i’ve seen:

  • Meta Dragon Hunter
  • Elementalist (Fresh Air)
  • Scrapper
  • Mesmer (Who knows how to use portal)
  • Reaper

If plays right it’s the best team comp because everything has plenty of sustain while each class has massive damage output. The only squishy class is The Elementalist, but she never runs alone, all they need her for is air overload, and maybe Lightning storm

Personally I would swap that elementalist for a good warrior or revenant.

Yannir for males. (guard,thief,war,ele)
Sonya for females. (necro,rev,ranger,mes,engi)
All classes lvl 80.

Whats with all the Guardians in spvp?

in Guardian

Posted by: emkelly.2371


Naw, Fresh air hits too hard, and too sudenly, and if the team has good communication the Ele is pretty safe. alsom you can make a fresh air build pretty tanky. Nothing like bunker ele, but tanky enough to take a few hits and still hit like a truck.

Whats with all the Guardians in spvp?

in Guardian

Posted by: RoRo.8270


With every game people flock to the fotm class. Right now guards take very minimal effort for high rewards in solo queue they destroy. When the game is about holding nodes it is very easy to prevent players from contesting a point when you can just spam traps that cover the entire thing.

(edited by RoRo.8270)

Whats with all the Guardians in spvp?

in Guardian

Posted by: Henrik.7560


Seeing no eles, no necros and no mesmers nowadays, half of every game is DH. This is ranked Sapphire and Ruby, common state.

Arcane Bastion [AB]
Elementalist Mesmer Ranger
Sea of Sorrows