Which skills to unlock ?

Which skills to unlock ?

in Guardian

Posted by: Prevas.9305


New player here , 16 level Guardian and i already found a build on this forum including skill builds but i wanna know what skills do i unlock to get access to higher tier skills , i needed to get Judge Intervention so i had to unlock 5skills on lower tier and i did not know which ones to choose so i pretty much made my own decisions (which are probably bad considering that im a new player) so for future i wanna know what skills do i unlock so i dont waste my skill points.

Which skills to unlock ?

in Guardian

Posted by: Mandras.7638


As a relatively new player who also went Guardian first, just pick the skills that sound the best / most interesting to you. If you are an avid map explorer you will have more skillpoints than you can use. If you’re not such a completionist and kind of level quickly, it’s still trivial to grab a few extra skillpoints whenever you need them.

Somewhere in my late 60s levels I noticed that I had 40-something unspent skillpoints and hadn’t bought any skills since unlocking the 2nd elite tier. Went on a spending spree and have almost everything long before level 80.

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