Why do Some Guards Refuse Wall of Reflect?

Why do Some Guards Refuse Wall of Reflect?

in Guardian

Posted by: bhagwad.4281


I’ve met at least two guardians now who refused to use Wall of Reflection in fights where it’s kitten useful. One example is at the start of all CoE paths when you LOS the ice mobs. They have a huge attack that knocks you back that can easily be reflected.

When I asked them, they said “Just dodge”. So here’s why you should use Wall of Reflection in that situation.

1. Reflecting it is an insta kill for the mobs

2. If it hits warriors, it knocks back ruining their dps

3. If you dodge, it again interrupts a warrior’s HB – you lose anywhere upto 25k damage per warrior right there!

Now of course wall of reflection is useless in many fights. Like if you’re fighting alpha there’s no benefit. But for fights where it is useful, what’s the problem? One guardian I met didn’t want to change his skills depending on the boss. This isn’t GW1 where your skills are locked as soon as you step out of town! So what’s the problem?

Sure, you can dodge. And I will dodge when I don’t have a choice. But when I don’t, dodging just messes up the damage chain…and that’s the reason why warriors come along to dungeons in the first place.

I also play a guard and regularly switch in wall of reflection when the fight calls for it. So what’s the problem here?

Why do Some Guards Refuse Wall of Reflect?

in Guardian

Posted by: Softspoken.2410


Personally? I didn’t know that attack was reflectable until a few weeks ago: it really just doesn’t look the type. Of course, it’s tempting to say you should always have Wall of Reflection on when you’re in a dungeon anyways: reflection is incredibly powerful in dungeons, both for safety and for offense. In that context, it’s probably one of the guardian’s best utility skills.

Mixing insults with your post is like pooping in a salad.
It’s pretty obvious, and nobody’s impressed.

Why do Some Guards Refuse Wall of Reflect?

in Guardian

Posted by: purgatoryz.6038


Sounds like you met one or two guardians who refused to switch. Like the poster above me, some things that are reflectable aren’t extremely obvious, so if you kindly pointed it out I’m sure 99% of us would oblige you.

Why do Some Guards Refuse Wall of Reflect?

in Guardian

Posted by: CptAurellian.9537


Fascinating, those V-shaped ice crystals from the ice elementals are reflectable? I wonder … would that work at the fractal ice elemental?

Warning! This post may contain traces of irony, sarcasm and peanuts.

There is no loyalty without betrayal. -Ann Smiley

Why do Some Guards Refuse Wall of Reflect?

in Guardian

Posted by: bhagwad.4281


Sounds like you met one or two guardians who refused to switch. Like the poster above me, some things that are reflectable aren’t extremely obvious, so if you kindly pointed it out I’m sure 99% of us would oblige you.

I always make it a point to be polite and frame it as a request like: “Could you use wall of reflection?” It’s just that some people get defensive and think I’m teaching them how to play etc..

Why do Some Guards Refuse Wall of Reflect?

in Guardian

Posted by: ImagoX.4718


Yes, please point it out… I personally haven’t use the Wall very much up to my current level (74) because as a solo player there are more “bang for the buck” skills that need to be in my bar. I assume you’re running with PUGs which are hard enough to get a handle on (bad communications, players you’re not familiar with, etc. etc.), so any POLITE suggestions and assistance always help! A quick “Hey… did you know you could Reflect those ice bolts? Give it a try next time, assuming you have the skill unlocked” wouldn’t get my hackles up, anyway…

Why do Some Guards Refuse Wall of Reflect?

in Guardian

Posted by: Wukunlin.8461


you must have met this guy

I would start a vote kick the moment I see that sort of “just dodge” bs. It is one thing to not know things can be reflected (do you know guardian sword auto chain’s last hit can be reflected? ), in which case I am more than happy to share what I know, but it is something totally different to flat out refuse to help your teammates.

Although some newer or younger players might have something like "but I don’t like that skill " then I don’t know what to say or do anymore…

Oceanic [LOD]

(edited by Wukunlin.8461)

Why do Some Guards Refuse Wall of Reflect?

in Guardian

Posted by: Obtena.7952


Personally I think it’s a little insulting to tell someone how to play, especially if you are in a PUG. No one has a clue what everyone’s skills and knowledge are. Don’t assume that if they aren’t WoR, they are noobs that need you to tell them to use it.

Ask them nice, if they don’t want to use it, then let it go. WoR is nice. There are other useful ways to help your team, even if it’s ‘helping’ them by giving them tough love.

(edited by Obtena.7952)

Why do Some Guards Refuse Wall of Reflect?

in Guardian

Posted by: ArchonWing.9480


When I asked them, they said “Just dodge”. So here’s why you should use Wall of Reflection in that situation.

Lol, it’s that zerker “I must dodge everything like Neo” mentality that has infected the community. The main thing was what did he run in favor of it? (Most likely a signet >.>)

I guess a lot of people aren’t willing to change skills on the fly and old habits die hard. It’s not something that can easily be remedied, though a few wipes may help. Not good for you though.

Personally? I might just have forgotten. Depending on the tone of the reminder, I guess things could vary.

For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards,
for there you have been and there you will long to return.

Why do Some Guards Refuse Wall of Reflect?

in Guardian

Posted by: bhagwad.4281


you must have met this guy

I would start a vote kick the moment I see that sort of “just dodge” bs. It is one thing to not know things can be reflected (do you know guardian sword auto chain’s last hit can be reflected? ), in which case I am more than happy to share what I know, but it is something totally different to flat out refuse to help your teammates.

Although some newer or younger players might have something like "but I don’t like that skill " then I don’t know what to say or do anymore…

Ouch. Can’t believe the comments in that thread.

Why do Some Guards Refuse Wall of Reflect?

in Guardian

Posted by: Shadow.3475


In general (WvsW) then some should use Hallowed Ground and you only have 1 slot you can switch. Stand your ground and hold the line never get switched away.

Why do Some Guards Refuse Wall of Reflect?

in Guardian

Posted by: Fiorrello.8126


i just wanted to add another attack that can be reflected and doesnt seem like it should be

in path 3 of HotW one of the mini bosses has a water attack that travels along the ground and knocks you down.

reflected it also hits him for around 4k damage on all three parts of the attack.

Why do Some Guards Refuse Wall of Reflect?

in Guardian

Posted by: Farming Flats.5370

Farming Flats.5370

i usually have Sunrise/Foefire power + Purging flame/save yourselves/Stand Your Ground

when im in a group or dungeon i use : Scepter-Shield / Hammer + Wall of reflection/santuary/Stand Your Ground.. im so kitten useful that way and i can soak lot of damage for my team. If you detonate shield skill#5 just before it end you heal your party … iv seen very few guardian detonate the shield …

im using a 0- 0-30-30-10 ( AH – pure voice + master consecration )

(edited by Farming Flats.5370)

Why do Some Guards Refuse Wall of Reflect?

in Guardian

Posted by: Wukunlin.8461


i just wanted to add another attack that can be reflected and doesnt seem like it should be

in path 3 of HotW one of the mini bosses has a water attack that travels along the ground and knocks you down.

reflected it also hits him for around 4k damage on all three parts of the attack.

do you also know the poison pool attack (combat log says “regurgitate”) by the alpha drake can be reflected?

Oceanic [LOD]

Why do Some Guards Refuse Wall of Reflect?

in Guardian

Posted by: Exedore.6320


On the other hand, you’re talking about slotting one skill to do two packs of mobs 20 seconds faster. The V-shaped attack is incredibly easy to avoid and if the 100blades warriors stand behind the elemental, it will never hit them. From a PUG perspective, seeing who can avoid attacks will tell you how smoothly the run will go.

If it was something like the end boss of the volcano fractal or the harpies in the crazed asura fractal, then I’d agree.

Kirrena Rosenkreutz

Why do Some Guards Refuse Wall of Reflect?

in Guardian

Posted by: bhagwad.4281


On the other hand, you’re talking about slotting one skill to do two packs of mobs 20 seconds faster. The V-shaped attack is incredibly easy to avoid and if the 100blades warriors stand behind the elemental, it will never hit them. From a PUG perspective, seeing who can avoid attacks will tell you how smoothly the run will go.

If it was something like the end boss of the volcano fractal or the harpies in the crazed asura fractal, then I’d agree.

By the time you’re done with the second pack, wall will be off recharge and you can switch it out for a regular shout.

The idea is to switch skills between mobs and bosses to get maximum effect. Using wall for one fight doesn’t mean that utility slot is forever blocked…

Why do Some Guards Refuse Wall of Reflect?

in Guardian

Posted by: Charak.9761


didnt know coe ice mob ground skills were projectiles


Why do Some Guards Refuse Wall of Reflect?

in Guardian

Posted by: Aeolus.3615


im always changing on dungeons as fast as i can, on wvw deppends role.

1st April joke, when gw2 receives a “balance” update.

Why do Some Guards Refuse Wall of Reflect?

in Guardian

Posted by: Blood Red Arachnid.2493

Blood Red Arachnid.2493

Not knowing that those attacks were reflectable is understandable. I didn’t even know that.

However… due to how incredibly useful I’ve found reflects to be in PVE and PVP (engineer and mesmer both have plenty of them), Wall of Reflection has earned a permanent spot on my utility bar until I memorize exactly where it is needed and where it isn’t. Why anyone would refuse to use Wall of Reflect in a spot where it is useful is beyond me.

“Hey, you know there’s this skill that protects everyone while putting own a light field and doing a crap-ton of damage to enemies?”
“I don’t want to use that skill.”
“…why not?”

I don’t have opinions. I only have facts I can’t adequately prove.

Why do Some Guards Refuse Wall of Reflect?

in Guardian

Posted by: Obtena.7952


“I don’t want to use that skill.”
“…why not?”

Out of principle for me. I personally don’t think that telling someone how they should play and what to do is respectful to a player … as a player who also seeks to be respected. If you want to run optimized dungeon runs, form a group and assign roles, and ONLY play with them. That’s the only situation I would say you could ‘critique’ someone’s build openly.

In a PUG, you get what you get and even then, unless you simply suspect someone doesn’t know about WoR, it’s simply not your place to debate and critique their build with them unless they ask you to. It’s a lot like insulting a person for being fat, thinking it will motivate them to lose weight.

(edited by Obtena.7952)

Why do Some Guards Refuse Wall of Reflect?

in Guardian

Posted by: purgatoryz.6038


“I don’t want to use that skill.”
“…why not?”

Out of principle for me. I personally don’t think that telling someone how they should play and what to do is respectful to a player … as a player who also seeks to be respected. If you want to run optimized dungeon runs, form a group and assign roles, and ONLY play with them. That’s the only situation I would say you could ‘critique’ someone’s build openly.

In a PUG, you get what you get and even then, unless you simply suspect someone doesn’t know about WoR, it’s simply not your place to debate and critique their build with them unless they ask you to. It’s a lot like insulting a person for being fat, thinking it will motivate them to lose weight.

That’s a fail analogy, because a fat person, unless they are sitting next to me on an airline seat, aren’t really affecting me. Bad group members, on the other hand, have the ability to drag an entire group down.

If I’m playing incorrectly I’d expect some tips. When someone else is playing incorrectly I’ll give them some tips. Not an in insulting way, but friendly advice. How you choose to react is your choice.

PUGs want to succeed, and I’d say that generally everyone wants to be “good” at the game. That involves playing your class correctly, and changing your habits when you don’t. That means using reflects when the time is right. Friendly suggestions aren’t disrespectful, it’s when the conversation devolves into someone dictating exact play. I think we’d all agree that benefits no one.

Why do Some Guards Refuse Wall of Reflect?

in Guardian

Posted by: tom.7468


Because they are smart. The only place where you actually need it is in high lvl grawl shaman and even there it might be possible to do it without. But it also a nice skill for dps. But when you group up with pugs let the guardians play the way they like. Its not their responsibility to keep you alive its you. That’s why you have a dodge key. Just because there is a guardian in the party doesn’t mean you can forget how to dodge.
One thing that a lot of people forget for some reason or maybe just don’t know.
is that that every profession have skills to block ranged attacks except necro. They are there for a reason USE IT.

Why do Some Guards Refuse Wall of Reflect?

in Guardian

Posted by: Obtena.7952


That’s a fail analogy, because a fat person, unless they are sitting next to me on an airline seat, aren’t really affecting me. Bad group members, on the other hand, have the ability to drag an entire group down.

OK maybe but I’m not here to be pedantic with you. Not having WoR doesn’t make a player bad and certainly not DRAG a group down ever. As I said, if you PUG, you get what you get.

I think people forget a fundamental thing here … no one is actually in a position to tell someone how to play no matter how bad you think they are unless you pay for their time and game.

(edited by Obtena.7952)

Why do Some Guards Refuse Wall of Reflect?

in Guardian

Posted by: Wukunlin.8461


wait, are people in this thread saying giving advice on how to kill things faster is disrespectful?

Oceanic [LOD]

Why do Some Guards Refuse Wall of Reflect?

in Guardian

Posted by: Obtena.7952


No, but challenging people about their build and how they want to play is.

(edited by Obtena.7952)

Why do Some Guards Refuse Wall of Reflect?

in Guardian

Posted by: Exedore.6320


No, it’s about viewing players as terrible if they don’t do every single thing possible to shave a few seconds off a dungeon run.

Kirrena Rosenkreutz

Why do Some Guards Refuse Wall of Reflect?

in Guardian

Posted by: Wukunlin.8461


sure, that’s unnecessary. But I think the OP is just wondering why people flat out refuse to help make things easier

Oceanic [LOD]

Why do Some Guards Refuse Wall of Reflect?

in Guardian

Posted by: Blood Red Arachnid.2493

Blood Red Arachnid.2493

I do not associate unquestioning acceptance with a show of respect. If I ask about something and all I get are defensive responses that dance around unrelated issues, then this just makes me hate them.

EDIT: confound it, I can’t write correctly to save my life.

I don’t have opinions. I only have facts I can’t adequately prove.

(edited by Blood Red Arachnid.2493)