Why do guards only have 1 condi weapon?

Why do guards only have 1 condi weapon?

in Guardian

Posted by: Coolguy.8702


And the only condi move torch has is 4…. I think making mace and scepter condi weapons would rlly help guard alot more since they can only go power and thats about to get gutted with the next patch. Also movement speed is still wanted

Why do guards only have 1 condi weapon?

in Guardian

Posted by: King Cephalopod.7942

King Cephalopod.7942

Mace should be a support/defensive weapon, not condi (healer viability someday?). Sword could work, but is mobility focused and the hidden powerful blades trait conflicts with the torch trait. Scepter seems like it would fit the bill for proc-ing justice passive but for the slow projectile.

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Why do guards only have 1 condi weapon?

in Guardian

Posted by: Ragnar the Rock.3174

Ragnar the Rock.3174

I have suggested for over a year that they just get rid of radiant retaliation and move right handed strength into its place with 1 simple addition.

In addition to its current effects it would make critical hits with 1 handed weapons apply 5 or so seconds of bleeding.

That alone would be a great addition to guardians and possibly make condi guard viable.

Why do guards only have 1 condi weapon?

in Guardian

Posted by: Saiyan.1704


So much for the introduction of Bleeds in DH trait line…
“Condi Guardian, it’s a thing” … well apparently not

I would like Radiant Retaliation to have a rework or changed completely. Heck, Scrappers have higher retaliation damages now! We would have to sacrifice a Lot just to have 10 more retal damage points than scrappers but can’t be nearly as effective.

In terms of condi weapons, our F1 can turn any weapon into a condi weapon with the exception of Hammer, Mace, Staff and Bow. Guardians are the exception of the “weapons has to apply condi” rule.. but yea, we’re missing that “oomph”.

aka FalseLights
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld

(edited by Saiyan.1704)

Why do guards only have 1 condi weapon?

in Guardian

Posted by: Obtena.7952


Every weapon is condi when your condi application is primarily from traits and Virtue. IMO, that’s actually the strength of condi on Guardian; we AREN’T locked into a specific weapon to get it. This does come with drawbacks though.

Come to think of it, aren’t most other professions in a similar boat? I mean, if you want a condi build on Necro, you’re going Scepter, or should be. This isn’t a unique to Guardian characteristic.

(edited by Obtena.7952)

Why do guards only have 1 condi weapon?

in Guardian

Posted by: Ghotistyx.6942


Every weapon can be a condi weapon, but some do it easier than others. Most of our ability comes from Virtues, and augmenting that to become more powerful is key.

The different weapons are also better in different situations. I actually used a carrion build in wvw zerging with Staff and Permeating Wrath and became a portable mortar. 15 people all ticking for 2k burns or more. GS can have similar results.

Sword and Scepter do well with single target, but Permeating Wrath can make that single target all of a sudden become aoe. Permeating Wrath is really a great trait, especially paired with Supreme Justice.


Why do guards only have 1 condi weapon?

in Guardian

Posted by: Aeolus.3615


Spirit weapons also shoud count as condi tools they aply fire when they hit, or dont afk, or dont run out on the wrong direction.

1st April joke, when gw2 receives a “balance” update.

Why do guards only have 1 condi weapon?

in Guardian

Posted by: cranos.5913


Condi guard was never rly allowed to be a thing. It was good in pvp for a little while because of the bursty burning but that’s about it. I would love for them to buff guardian condis to it being on par with engi and berserker in PvE, but nope, not gonna happen. The fact that torch #5 doesn’t even apply burning… sigh

Why do guards only have 1 condi weapon?

in Guardian

Posted by: Saiyan.1704


The fact that torch #5 doesn’t even apply burning… sigh

I was bummed at first but accepted the fact that the 10 or 30 hit Torch#5 weapon was meant to proc F1 and was never meant to apply burns itself. I just wish the cleanse effect occurred on allies only when there’s a condition on them and not sporadically when #5 is activated.

aka FalseLights
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld

Why do guards only have 1 condi weapon?

in Guardian

Posted by: cranos.5913


The fact that torch #5 doesn’t even apply burning… sigh

I was bummed at first but accepted the fact that the 10 or 30 hit Torch#5 weapon was meant to proc F1 and was never meant to apply burns itself. I just wish the cleanse effect occurred on allies only when there’s a condition on them and not sporadically when #5 is activated.

Which is all good and well in PvP, but it’s a skill you never even touch in PvE, even on the mediocre condi build that a guardian could opt for atm.

Why do guards only have 1 condi weapon?

in Guardian

Posted by: Obtena.7952


Not every skill needs to be good for PVE but you know … if you want to play a condi Guard in PVE, you can … it’s even pretty good otherwise Obal wouldn’t have taken the time to outline it.

Why do guards only have 1 condi weapon?

in Guardian

Posted by: cranos.5913


Not every skill needs to be good for PVE but you know … if you want to play a condi Guard in PVE, you can … it’s even pretty good otherwise Obal wouldn’t have taken the time to outline it.

I never suggested any of that.

Why do guards only have 1 condi weapon?

in Guardian

Posted by: merchantchuck.4875


Anet can give us axes and make those condi weapons.

Why do guards only have 1 condi weapon?

in Guardian

Posted by: Fashion Mage.3712

Fashion Mage.3712

Weren’t burning guardians meta not too long ago before broken elite specs got introduced?

Why do guards only have 1 condi weapon?

in Guardian

Posted by: Dezuel.4519


Under no condition can we have two.

“With these wings of fiery destruction, I shall smash everything into dust!”

Why do guards only have 1 condi weapon?

in Guardian

Posted by: guildabd.6529


Guardian has plenty of condi weapons: torch, staff, greatsword, hammer, mace, sword, shield, focus, scepter and longbow. You just need to hit multiple targets at same time.

(edited by guildabd.6529)

Why do guards only have 1 condi weapon?

in Guardian

Posted by: sorrychief.2563


staff is the best condi weapon if used right.

champion magus
previously rank 2 on old leaderboards

Why do guards only have 1 condi weapon?

in Guardian

Posted by: mambastik.8735


Every weapon can be a condi weapon, but some do it easier than others. Most of our ability comes from Virtues, and augmenting that to become more powerful is key.

The different weapons are also better in different situations. I actually used a carrion build in wvw zerging with Staff and Permeating Wrath and became a portable mortar. 15 people all ticking for 2k burns or more. GS can have similar results.

Sword and Scepter do well with single target, but Permeating Wrath can make that single target all of a sudden become aoe. Permeating Wrath is really a great trait, especially paired with Supreme Justice.

Dunno why everyone’s saying burn guardian isn’t a thing when it’s still most definitely a thing. It’s especially deadly in WvW. Pair it with the meditation heal and you’re practically invincible for the next 6 seconds while it’s active. Best combo for me is pre-activate Zealot’s Flame + JI + Whirling Wrath into a tight stack in WvW, you’d easily get 10k/sec burning, easily dropping any tank in less than 3 seconds flat.

I still prefer the scepter over staff for long range. Staff#3 symbol is nice but CD is too long, traited symbol is too long duration (might be better in PvP for on-point fights, but in WvW long duration is pretty much useless when groups are flanking/juking). Scepter#2 is spammable, perfect for fast re-positioning.

Why do guards only have 1 condi weapon?

in Guardian

Posted by: Saiyan.1704


Every weapon can be a condi weapon, but some do it easier than others. Most of our ability comes from Virtues, and augmenting that to become more powerful is key.

The different weapons are also better in different situations. I actually used a carrion build in wvw zerging with Staff and Permeating Wrath and became a portable mortar. 15 people all ticking for 2k burns or more. GS can have similar results.

Sword and Scepter do well with single target, but Permeating Wrath can make that single target all of a sudden become aoe. Permeating Wrath is really a great trait, especially paired with Supreme Justice.

Dunno why everyone’s saying burn guardian isn’t a thing when it’s still most definitely a thing.

Honestly, most people don’t have the skill for it, especially if they’re not used to using a specific weapon variant like Sword/Torch, etc. It takes a lot to know who to burst target, immediately switching to a target to burst when you see their health pool dropping, surviving a burst attack yourself, rotations, etc.

Even back during the patch release where burst burning was borderline OP, the skill gap on burn guard was huge. I’ve only met maybe two people who could actually beat me 1v1 while also consistently contribute to their team. Even against double necro and ele comps.

Those who blindly spam their skills will always be subpar guardians and will call the build unviable when it’s pretty darn close to the performance of Power DH. Burn Burst build actually out performs Power Dh against a highly bunker team comp because it can down mesmers and eles.

aka FalseLights
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld

Why do guards only have 1 condi weapon?

in Guardian

Posted by: Legiion.7385


I Love the Burn build.
In sPvP or in WvW its still very viable.
And After the Patch the DS eles are gone.
BeSt time to play with a Burn build.
I can beat 2 DH easy alone and I can kill evry class in 1vs1.
After Patch is Druid the biggest Problem but u can easy kill them if u try to Burst them fast .
Let them Burn ;D