Why do you love guard?
I am not expert, but what I like about guard:
High damage, high burst, several viable weapons, flexibility of role and strong ranged options. You can switch easily between being tanky or dealing high damage. I do not do end game PvE, but guard is one of the top dps.
It works well for queing solo in sPvP. You can deal with almost any form of enemy, cuz you do not have any hard counters. Like PvE, guard has a range of viable builds that do work.
Cosmetically, I like guard animations and light blue color on skills.
For some reason I like like the idea of big aoe burns/dots coming from a non-caster aesthetic. This isn’t the only reason by far that I like Guardian, but its a trend I’m noticing in the games I’ve been playing.
I definitely have a Guardian that fits that aesthetic though.
I adore Guardian Virtues (and dragonhunters’ buffed versions).
Is almost as cool as the Herald but has viable ranged weapons and based on your loadout you can have broad access to condition cleansing, breakstuns and stability.
He uses heavy armor and I also like blue patterns associated to the class. Is not tanky at all but after all the nerfs in all the other classess the sustain makes Him playable.
everything is so bluevi love it
Jack of all trades.
Its a versatile class able to adapt to most situations, I like the fact that I can choose from a big array of weapons, providing good dps both at range and in close quarters.
It’s a supporty dps with a kit filled with useful skills, such as condi cleanse, party-wide stability and aegis, healing, and damaging traps.
I also like putting blue fire over my character. A lot.
i can afk and play runescape while raiding on my DH
I was initially drawn to guard because of the versatility of being support or dps, and stuck with it because it was a very all around class with defensive, healing, and offensive traits. Many of their skills have a offensive and defensive quality at the same time, which I like.
(edited by Moonsinn.5382)
What’s not to love? Best class in game!
Walk into combat, accelerate to light speed teleports. Play style supports fast combos. The downside is that guard weapon coefficients are so kitten low only burning or traps can bring your damage high enough to kill someone.
I love highly mobile classes that don’t punish you for utilizing the mobility. With Guards’ offensive teleports, DH leap, and ability to switch back and forth from bow to sword in a heartbeat, it’s just a lot of fun.
I wish there was a viable healing build, and I wish the existing tank build let it be on par with chronotank, but beyond that its in a very good place.
“Beware he who would deny you access to information,
for in his heart he dreams himself your master.”
All it needs is more mobility to be the perfect profession.