Why don't Guardians have access to taunt?
I don’t have a quote ready for you or anything, but I believe that the devs eventually intend to expand access to taunt and resistance as these are essentially the new kids on the block that have only been marginally introduced into the current game.
At the moment only three classes will have access to taunt upon HoT release. I’d say it’s pretty reasonable that there will be at least a couple more skills that will be able to taunt.
On guardian I’d like to see taunt on either a spirit weapon, a signet, or one of the shouts (Save Yourselves—> it would draw all conditions and foes to you!). These would be good choices. I can’t really see taunt being placed on any of our weapon skills without drastically changing the mechanic of that weapon.
I always thought they should add resistance to “save your selves” since atm if you use it at the wrong time it is a death sentence. But i get this feeling they will give it to war since war gets everything
save yourselves will be ideal spot.
On guardian I’d like to see taunt on either a spirit weapon, a signet, or one of the shouts (Save Yourselves—> it would draw all conditions and foes to you!). These would be good choices. I can’t really see taunt being placed on any of our weapon skills without drastically changing the mechanic of that weapon.
I like these idea. Save yourselves always felt a bit lackluster to me. Having taunt could make it more useful to support guardians. The taunt would fit perfectly with Signet of Judgment; passive to reduce incoming damage, active to taunt enemies to attack you instead of party members. Not a big fan of spirit weapons but anything to help their cause I suppose.
New condi and new buffs are for revenant first …and will definitely not be shared to profession they are supposed to replace.
If you could not spread your salt around, that would be great.
It prevents actually useful things from growing.
If you could not spread your salt around, that would be great.
It prevents actually useful things from growing.
Like revs ?
Lol ok sorry you are right i am salty…but seriously it is hard not to be … we have invested time on a toon whith a role..we are not asking for top supremacy but just be good at what we were designed for and we are just put on the complete lackluster side for a long time…for marketing obvious reasons..this is bad approach…
But you are right i’d better stop because their decision has been taken a while ago and won’t change for sure.
Frankly we have every right to be salty. Maybe if the dev team were actually responding to us after their own requests for feedback I’d say you were right. But as of right now, this place is a ghost town while Roy is chatting it up in the Rev forum… so yeah, every right to be salty.
save yourselves will be ideal spot.
I must disagree.
Shouts and meditations are already heavily represented on guardian, and to make use of more of our utilities we should see spirit weapons have taunt, and consecrations resistance if anything.
Adding more good and new stuff to what we already heavily use will just keep the guardian stuck in the same “good” spot.
I’m not complaining about your complaining necessarily, but the way you’re complaining. There’s a difference between being constructive and selling bottles of the Dead Sea.
Putting salt on a field prevents things from growing. So instead of salting the earth, plant seeds.
If you could not spread your salt around, that would be great.
It prevents actually useful things from growing.
Like revs ?
Lol ok sorry you are right i am salty…but seriously it is hard not to be … we have invested time on a toon whith a role..we are not asking for top supremacy but just be good at what we were designed for and we are just put on the complete lackluster side for a long time…for marketing obvious reasons..this is bad approach…
But you are right i’d better stop because their decision has been taken a while ago and won’t change for sure.
This is where I don’t get the complaining. Where or how have people come to the conclusion that we aren’t good at what we were designed for and we are lackluster? I believe that’s where the ‘salty’ is coming from because I just don’t see it. Guardian isn’t good at what it does or is lackluster? I think it is, in my opinion, really good at what it does. I do agree that it does seem a little uninspired (DH name for example) but that’s a somewhat minor issue; certainly not a reason to be ‘salty’.
Frankly, I don’t think the new conditions/boons are rolled out enough to the other professions as they could be, but I don’t think that’s an indication of any particular professions awesomeness/terribleness.
Going by its name, I think “Save Yourselves” should be the skill to get a taunt, for Guardian. It just has that self-sacrificing concept to it. Just like in films, ‘the hero’ tosses off a line like that, the supporting cast runs for safety, and the bad guys converge on the hero.
I have been suggesting ideas for taunt & resistance since they announced them.
Sadly the only responses guards ever seem to get is either
1: Karl making mistakes about the names of abilities
2: Guardians are in a god spot……….
As for what abilities could have what
The shield trait granting shield number 4 taunt & shield number 5 resistance would be great.
Save yourselves granting the guardian resistance is practically a must nowdays or you will likely kill yourself in team play.
Sanctuary could also stand to grant resistance, it could also stand to have a much lower CD given that you can take melee through it & ground targeted stuff goes through it.
Why do we need access to taunt? We have the most reliable access to group wide aegis, especially with the new shield skill.
Selectively blocking attacks is far better than a couple second long CC effect that’s blocked by defiance on anything worth using it on anyway.
Save yourselves granting the guardian resistance is practically a must nowdays or you will likely kill yourself in team play.
Running it alongside contemplation on purity is also an option. You might take one tick, but unless you’re running no vitality and your entire team is covered in conditions, or you’re almost dead anyway, one tick is unlikely to kill you.
(edited by Eponet.4829)
Condition to boon conversion means that every time you face an enemy reaper, you’ll get Resistence, and tons of it.
I don’t think we should get taunt on shouts, because shouts are a pretty solid option as is.
I would like to have taunt placed with less used skills and traits so we can have more build variety.
What about the tanking shouts “Hold the line” or " Stand your ground" Being the shouts with taunt because its a purely defensive shout that won’t get you killed in a condition heavy fights?
Also Eponet why guardians should have taunt is that we have unused(In pve) Tanking capabilities that is enjoyable to use but currently we really can’t due to a lack of getting npc enemies to keep attacking us instead of teammates.
Its also thematic after all we are GUARDIANS WE SHOULD BE ABLE TO GUARD PEOPLE.
@Ragnar: I know you’ve been suggesting taunt on shield for a while not, but I’m still gonna disagree with ya: Taunt neither makes visual nor logical sense on shield imo. Unlesssss you meant spirit shield haha!
I think a good fix to spirit weapons that could also fit in a bit of taunt would be to add functionality to the spirit weapons including “taunts all struck enemies” to the command skill of shield. This would make shield a stun-break, a projectile block, and a cc all in one which would be pretty neat!