Why should i pick a guardian?
I’d suggest just making the classes that seem the most interesting to you, level them up through normal gameplay and you’ll probably know if you’re going to like the class by level 15-20.
Do not roll a guardian. You won’t be happy.
Guardians are pretty good at supporting a group with boons and some heals. They are the only ones who can stop movement with the staff and hammer wards. Only source of group stability also, I believe.
Guardians are always support first, everything else later. The AH build you can find as a sticky in this part of the forums is the best example.
It’s not like a guardian can’t do damage, but you’ll be gimping yourself. A guardian’s class mechanic works around support, we have a ton of support utility skills <-> warrior, who has more offensive utilities. So if it’s true damage you want while taking hits, I think you’re better off with the warrior. Guardians are the ones that like to keep on standing and take things a bit slower, while making sure everyone stays alive.
From a role-play perspective they are magical knights. The official description says they use defensive magic to support allies and that is the truth, the Virtues, shouts and weapons such as the staff grant unrivalled boon support. You also have hard, stability-affected CC that gives area control like no other class. Almost everything you do deals splash damage.
You will always be useful in a group as offence/support.
There are full damage builds out there but other classes can be more effective at bursting, and you do need to know what you are doing.
Carrying enemy team since 2012
“Multiclass implies you can actually play the class” – a certain royalty
just throwing it out there – Guardians can DPS, while surviving as well. XDD
but yes, Guardians do excel at team play, various forms of control via area denial, and giving out boons. i find them to be a versatile class and even with each build, there are innate qualities that allow them to last longer. but due to the low health pool, you do need to know the class mechanics that can help you survive.
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall
You pick one because you can….not because you should. You should go to the bathroom, get dressed, eat, go to work, school, etc. But you “shouldn’t” pick a Guardian.
The question I’d ask you rather is this. Have you played RPG’s or MMO’s in the past and if so, what sort of class was your primary/main?
If you haven’t then I’d ask what lights a fire under your kitten and what playstyle favors you? Do you like to be up front and personal? Do you like to blindly charge in before anyone else, kick in their faces, smash some heads in, and live to drink about it? Or, do you like to use range to your advantage and not get all dirty or bloody yet kill people? Come on, we won’t poke fun at you (ok, not in public anyway)…
Johnny Johnny – Ranger (Ehmry Bay)
Hárvey Wallbanger – Alt Warrior (Ehmry Bay)
because they are unkillable piece of tank
“berserker stance clears all CC on you and you’re still immune to CC for 8 seconds”
Guardians are brawlers. They’re designed to get in close, stay in close, and beat enemies about the head with large, heavy objects. Built right, they’re incredibly hard to kill, deal significant, consistent damage, and are nearly impossible to shut down. Even better, they provide a lot of their survivability and even some offensive capability to their allies via boons; and they don’t have to invest much effort to provide this sort of support. It simply comes naturally to them.
Built poorly, they have significant issues.
- A poor build won’t deal much damage, won’t have enough survivability due to our low healthpool, and/or won’t be able to stick to opponents in melee.
- Our ranged weaponry is nothing to write home about, and while scepter is the highest single-target damage ranged weapon in the game, it’s very weak against mobile opponents or at long range.
- Guardians have very few ways of shutting down opponents’ movement aside from hard crowd control skills and a couple of immobilizes, so an opponent with Stability is immune to most of our control.
- Many (most?) of our active condition removals are on long cooldowns, and those that aren’t are unreliable (not triggerable on-demand.
Guardian was the first class I created when the game released. I encourage people to play every class (I have all 8 classes at lvl80) to better understand the mechanics, find your personal play style and frankly educate yourself so you’re more prepared, especially in dungeons, wvw or pvp.
Lots of flexibility with this profession. I’ve ran the standard bunker/AH build for the first month or so then explored with hybrids, more offensive type set-ups. Damage is consistent and decent and they excel in party play, trash mobs and events. They certainly cannot burst down an enemy like a thief or warrior; however, they’re very effective at blocking, self/party heals & stability & retaliation & so on…
I use a 0/15/5/30/20 build centered around burning/retaliation with Renewed Justice and Shouts/Two-Handed weapon recharge & Battle Presence in Honor for party regeneration and Absolute Resolution to increase the passive healing and self-condition removal (which is fantastic when you need to remove 3 conditions).
The toughness is sacrificed and doesn’t cripple me because guardians where heavy armor and have utilities, virtues and skills to reduce or avoid damage and they’re better at this than other classes (in my experience) depending on the situation.
I wear all zerker gear w/ ruby orbs… same with the weapons (sigils vary depending on situation, but SS of accuracy is nice for the increased critical chance).
I only mention my set-up because the class can certainly dish out single-target and aoe damage well even though the class is structured around more defensive utilities, self/party boon sharing, healing and support.
Make a guard today — they can be lots of fun and extremely useful in group play/dungeons/zergs.
(edited by Azalin Rex The Lich.3759)
I made a guardian when the game came out. Never changed my main character since then. Tried all the other classes yes but always came back. Guardians are so much fun and I learn something new every day. You might not wanna jump into pvp right away because you will be chewed there. Take your time getting used to stuff and then go. You will enter a brand new world.
It’s funny how in most cases saying “play how you like and see how it goes” would sound incredibly clicé but in this game, you can’t phrase it any better than that.
You don’t pick Guardian…Guardian picks you!
JK…Guardians are the bomb that’s why!
GOLF CLUB!!!! (aka: hammer 4)
People will want you around if your a guardian regardless of what you are doing. Other profession aren’t desired as much in certain aspects of the game. For example, most people don’t really have any desire to have a ranger in their zerg.
Guardians are your chose if you want to be a divine warrior priest.
I am very spiritual, so the profession suits me nice.