WvW Need Build Help - Mace/Shield

WvW Need Build Help - Mace/Shield

in Guardian

Posted by: Naffy.1493


Below is my build. It isn’t very good I assume. I like playing mace/shield as I like to heal/support and I think it look kittening kitten. I also like staff as secondary for obvi reasons. I play WvW almost exclusively. Can anyone help me out with a good mace/shield build? Or if mace/shield is worthless for WvW let me know as well. I wear full knights armor (except gloves are soldiers) and all my trinks/jewelry are soliders.



Tree Dink – Sylvari Guardian
Os of NSP

WvW Need Build Help - Mace/Shield

in Guardian

Posted by: Clumsy.6257


Below is my build. It isn’t very good I assume. I like playing mace/shield as I like to heal/support and I think it look kittening kitten. I also like staff as secondary for obvi reasons. I play WvW almost exclusively. Can anyone help me out with a good mace/shield build? Or if mace/shield is worthless for WvW let me know as well. I wear full knights armor (except gloves are soldiers) and all my trinks/jewelry are soliders.



if you want to support id recommend hammer over mace/any, hammer outdamages mace and 33% damage reduction and a spammable blast finisher outperform maces tiny heals and regen
edit: checked your build, good trait setup but even spec’d for symbols the heals are still low especially for a wvw situation where normally youll be moving, i prefer shouts with pure of voice because they work well in all situations (even with shouts sanctuary is a great utility for certain situations), elites are optional as none of them are great
also your armor (assuming its exotic) is perfect for wvw (if you want to go the extra mile for support you could use 6 runes of the soldier for extra condition removal)

2nd edit: ive heard that lower tier wvw servers dont use the same tactics as t1 servers so if you find yourself standing still in longrange zerg fights symbol healing may be a bit more effective but imo still outperformed by pure of voice shouts

3rd edit: forgot to mention if you really want to go mace/shield pure of voice shouts is still probably better than symbols

(edited by Clumsy.6257)

WvW Need Build Help - Mace/Shield

in Guardian

Posted by: JustCurious.3457


Below is my build. It isn’t very good I assume. I like playing mace/shield as I like to heal/support and I think it look kittening kitten. I also like staff as secondary for obvi reasons. I play WvW almost exclusively. Can anyone help me out with a good mace/shield build? Or if mace/shield is worthless for WvW let me know as well. I wear full knights armor (except gloves are soldiers) and all my trinks/jewelry are soliders.



Hammer would be better for your gear setup, Mace is ok but doesn’t shine till you have REALLY high healing power, even then the blast finishers still outheal it’s regen (The main reason I go Mace/Shield + Hammer). I don’t think Mace is good for WvW as it’s mobility is lacking, however Shield can come in handy quite often, have you thought about using a Sword instead?

I personally use Mace/Shield for PvE as things don’t move around too much. I wear Cleric armour with boon duration runes, trinkets and weapons; traits are 0/0/20/30/20 using triple shouts most of the time. This focuses on healing/support through boons and symbols, and it’s very tanky also has reasonable attack power. However it severely lacks in crit chance and crit damage which makes it’s synergy with some runes, sigils and traits very poor.

To sum up: Mace is better for PvE imo, try using Hammer instead. If you care more about the shield skills think about taking a Sword instead.

Classes: Guardian, Elementalist, Warrior, Thief, Engineer, Herald

WvW Need Build Help - Mace/Shield

in Guardian

Posted by: Samis.1750


In my opinion, mace/shield synergizes best with cleric’s gear/trinkets since mace 1 and 2 heal (mace2 has 2 heals when traited). Your damage will be low because of low crit. I think mace/shield is underrated because 2-5 are all AE effects but in my opinion you really need 1000+ healing to make it work. You won’t need AH for a mace/shield build with cleric’s. Go 20-30-20 with battle presence and absolute resolution (drop writ or persistence). Send me a tell if you want to discuss this further.

If you want to go with knight’s gear, go 0-5-30-30-5.
Forget the symbol traits. Take improved shouts and superior aria. Middle honor trait is improved 2h weapon or empowered might. You could use a hammer or a great sword along with staff.

Tarnished Coast

WvW Need Build Help - Mace/Shield

in Guardian

Posted by: Aeolus.3615


Below is my build. It isn’t very good I assume. I like playing mace/shield as I like to heal/support and I think it look kittening kitten. I also like staff as secondary for obvi reasons. I play WvW almost exclusively. Can anyone help me out with a good mace/shield build? Or if mace/shield is worthless for WvW let me know as well. I wear full knights armor (except gloves are soldiers) and all my trinks/jewelry are soliders.



Hello mighty, i use like hammer/staff or mace shield/staff
depending situations, since we are same server i can share the info about gear and traits i am using.

ill contac you, im still @work atm

1st April joke, when gw2 receives a “balance” update.

WvW Need Build Help - Mace/Shield

in Guardian

Posted by: mambastik.8735


In my opinion, mace/shield synergizes best with cleric’s gear/trinkets since mace 1 and 2 heal (mace2 has 2 heals when traited).

Wouldn’t it be 3 heals? The Regen itself, the heal from symbols, and AH from applying Regen?

WvW Need Build Help - Mace/Shield

in Guardian

Posted by: Samis.1750


In my opinion, mace/shield synergizes best with cleric’s gear/trinkets since mace 1 and 2 heal (mace2 has 2 heals when traited).

Wouldn’t it be 3 heals? The Regen itself, the heal from symbols, and AH from applying Regen?

I don’t use an AH build with cleric’s gear. I find I have enough survivability without it (Sigil of Energy on at least 1 weapon). I take Battle Presence and Absolute Resolution and usually grab increased retaliation trait as well. YMMV.

Tarnished Coast

WvW Need Build Help - Mace/Shield

in Guardian

Posted by: Parktou.4263


Below is my build. It isn’t very good I assume. I like playing mace/shield as I like to heal/support and I think it look kittening kitten. I also like staff as secondary for obvi reasons. I play WvW almost exclusively. Can anyone help me out with a good mace/shield build? Or if mace/shield is worthless for WvW let me know as well. I wear full knights armor (except gloves are soldiers) and all my trinks/jewelry are soliders.



if you want to support id recommend hammer over mace/any, hammer outdamages mace and 33% damage reduction and a spammable blast finisher outperform maces tiny heals and regen
edit: checked your build, good trait setup but even spec’d for symbols the heals are still low especially for a wvw situation where normally youll be moving, i prefer shouts with pure of voice because they work well in all situations (even with shouts sanctuary is a great utility for certain situations), elites are optional as none of them are great
also your armor (assuming its exotic) is perfect for wvw (if you want to go the extra mile for support you could use 6 runes of the soldier for extra condition removal)

2nd edit: ive heard that lower tier wvw servers dont use the same tactics as t1 servers so if you find yourself standing still in longrange zerg fights symbol healing may be a bit more effective but imo still outperformed by pure of voice shouts

3rd edit: forgot to mention if you really want to go mace/shield pure of voice shouts is still probably better than symbols

4th edit: I probably should have said all of this the first time I made this post ;P hahaha

Mace/Shield is pretty nice when you think about it If you run AH then dropping your symbol will heal you everytime someone walks over it and shiled #4 is another heal because that grants boons too, #5 is a heal anyways plus another projectile barrier, we all know how rangers like to run glass bow and backpeddle as far away as they can. Mace #3 is a block and the great thing about all of these abilites is that they all do aoe damage so your going to be constantly tagging enemies which means your much more likely to rally if/when you get downed. The symbol traits are pretty nice in my opinion, healing your allies following you is actually a good thing in a zerg vs zerg plus your allies will get retaliation from all the blast finishers going off in your symbols which means more damage to the enemy zerg. I prefer consecration skills to shouts, but thats just me.

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