WvW Specific Guardian Build Vid!

WvW Specific Guardian Build Vid!

in Guardian

Posted by: Grommet.2963


I’ve been running/tweaking this build for a long time, and have a lot of fun with it in WvW. It’s not a good solo build, this specifically works thanks to AH healing from empowering might, and greatly benefits allies through might stacks, staff 4 heals, and dodge roll healing.

I’d really like some feedback and know what you guys think! If there’s any tips to take this build to the next level, I’m all ears. Guardian has been my main for a long time, and I hope this vid helps other Guardians who are looking for a fun WvW build to play.

Update: Thanks for all the great advice everyone, both on the videos, forums, and PM’s. I actually have started to adapt stand your ground instead of save yourself to get my full combo’s off more often, although I do miss the essentially “super saiyen” mode save yourself gives you for about 10 seconds with every buff possible xD, but more reliable combo’s with stability seems better for a lot of situations and a stability to get stomps off in smaller fights.

Here’s a bunch of clips put together of WvW for the past few weeks, I had a lot of footage, so I just took some of the best clips I could find. I hope this gives people a better feel for how I play the build and ideas for their of builds and playstyles.

Cedrick Klom – GM of Pirate Knights
Eradon Terrace

(edited by Grommet.2963)

WvW Specific Guardian Build Vid!

in Guardian

Posted by: Daemonne.5018


Lead us to the Promised Land Ced!!!!

Still working on a build for when I hit 80 but I’m trying to see if something like this would work with Cleric gear


Not damage intensive at all, but as a door buster/Siege defender….protecting the masses.

If you play solitaire with only one suit, your game is going to end faster and feel lacking.

(edited by Daemonne.5018)

WvW Specific Guardian Build Vid!

in Guardian

Posted by: Coin.7529


bumped for a friend

Operator / Operator Sentry/ Operator Peste

WvW Specific Guardian Build Vid!

in Guardian

Posted by: CMF.5461


I think one of the biggest geniuses of your play style and build is that large AE attacks as seen with staff and greatsword that provide you with more rally attempts when playing with a group. This is good for large scale battles, but less good at smaller 2s-3s battles.

Other than that, the standard AH build is another great synergy with your build as your play style is with large groups and always having people around you increases the heal returns on AH.

Also very good observation on the sanctuary cast speed with ground targeting versus reduced cooldown. I did not know that fact and creates some good use of cooldowns even if on a long timer.

WvW Specific Guardian Build Vid!

in Guardian

Posted by: Indure.5410


I like the video and your playstyle. Your damage look decent, your survivability was great, and you provided good support for zergs. My only suggestion would be to consider using Judges Intervention because I think that could really benefit your playstyle. It will allow you to quickly get into enemy zergs and cause havoc.

If you’re having trouble in small scale fights, JI can help for that as well. You may also want to switch your secondary weapon during smaller fights. The staff is great, but a hammer or scepter/sword+focus can give you a lot more pressuring ability.

WvW Specific Guardian Build Vid!

in Guardian

Posted by: VeTx.5340


Would definately promote hammer over staff, since the protection buff will help you stay up longer, and the utility skills are more useful then those of the staff, generally speaky. especially on the front lines.

Personally I’ve never been able to justify sanctuary on the bar because of the cooldown but it definately has it’s moments.

I wouldn’t recommend Save Yourself unless you have active condition removal or you’re using soldier runes… your playstyle is different to mine but when I used it in or near a zerg there were times when I would pick up every condition under the sun. As you noted, Stand your ground is an excellent replacement.

And yeah, Judge’s Intervention is my favourite WvW skill. 1200 range gap closer with a large aoe? Yes please.

Vex Yakslapper – Seventh Abyss [ABYS] – DARKHAVEN

WvW Specific Guardian Build Vid!

in Guardian

Posted by: Coin.7529


Hey Cedrick you changing anything with this new Warrior boon hate patch?

Operator / Operator Sentry/ Operator Peste

WvW Specific Guardian Build Vid!

in Guardian

Posted by: Pukknub.7368


Half of the video you run without ground target on sanctuary :| You shouldn’t use sanctuary if you don’t have it in my opinion. 600 range and 1/4 sec cast time instead of 1½ sec. I believe sanctuary should be used mainly as crowd control.

I also don’t understand why you aren’t using “Stand Your Ground”.

Proud member of Velocity [VcY]

WvW Specific Guardian Build Vid!

in Guardian

Posted by: hippocrytehyppo.3506


Hey Ced! This build looks really nice, i may have to try it, what do you use to record because i often have been getting messages asking about my ranger build and it would be way easier to just to make a video. Thank you!

WvW Specific Guardian Build Vid!

in Guardian

Posted by: timidobserver.7925


Nice build. Unfortunately for me, I play on a higher tier server so running vitality is necessary. At least for me it is.