Xpac 2: what could replace DH/Longbow?
Tomes hopefully. Maybe guardians could actually be viable at support again then, and on top of that a style of gameplay would be made available that is otherwise completely absent from the game. That is to say, long-ranged support.
If the next elite spec is just melee or ranged dps, I’ll be a bit more than disappointed. If it’s melee or ranged dps, it’ll just be used in a meditation build ala DH and effectively do the same thing. If it’s melee support, it’ll just be doing the same thing as shouts except more useful since elite specs are initially released as overpowered.
(edited by Fashion Mage.3712)
I don’t see Guardian viable as support class in the foresable future. Not in a world in which Druids which such much healing is paired which that much powerful pets, or in which Tempest with so much healing and cleansing is paired with such AoE damage, or in wich Chronos and Heralds can combine so much single target damage while having such team buff support.
I’m not only speaking about PvP; Guardian spot in PvE raids is also lauglable aswell. WvW raid shouts is what keeps this class a step ahead utter obsolescence. And as soon as another class will be able to provide instant AoE stability we will be done.
Warhorn 4
- Grant allies copies of your boons
- Boons Copied: 3
Warhorn 5
- 5: Consume all boons healing nearby allies based on how many boons you consume.
- Boons Consumed: 13
- Healing Per boon: 300
Warhorn 4
- Grant allies copies of your boons
- Boons Copied: 3
Warhorn 5
- 5: Consume all boons healing nearby allies based on how many boons you consume.
- Boons Consumed: 13
- Healing Per boon: 300
Not bad for some situations, couple that with a mace and it would be a nasty Frontline healer… but a primary healer shouldn’t be on the front line. And there again the uselessness of the Scepter in its current state shines though.
It also would be pretty bad for open world since its effectiveness is linear with the number of players in your vicinity.
Warhorn 4
- Grant allies copies of your boons
- Boons Copied: 3
Warhorn 5
- 5: Consume all boons healing nearby allies based on how many boons you consume.
- Boons Consumed: 13
- Healing Per boon: 300
Not bad for some situations, couple that with a mace and it would be a nasty Frontline healer… but a primary healer shouldn’t be on the front line. And there again the uselessness of the Scepter in its current state shines though.
It also would be pretty bad for open world since its effectiveness is linear with the number of players in your vicinity.
No reason a primary healer can’t be in the frontlines. In fact, that’s probably exactly the spot Guardian is supposed to fill. I won’t go and say it has the tools to do this, but it isn’t too terribly far off. I wouldn’t want that exact functionality for warhorn, but the overall concept of Frontline Healer is a perfect fit for a future Guardian elite spec.
No, there are very good reasons why a primary healer shouldn’t be on the front line. Healers with huge healing potential in any game are things that are supposed to be focused due to the high amount of threat they produce in team fights. If they’re tanky (as is typical of frontliners), then the counterplay of focusing them goes flying out the window, and if they’re not tanky, then they can’t function properly. Imagine a tanky berserker glass staff ele in pvp, and now tell me exactly how that would be good design or balanced.
And yes, the scepter is pretty much completely useless since it’s outclassed by the longbow in every way. It’s an extremely boring weapon too, so I’d say it deserves a rework.
(edited by Fashion Mage.3712)
You can’t be tanky and glass at the same time, so there’s that.
Plus, there are plenty of ways you could have a frontline healer. One way might be too revolve around boons and allies. The healer might have strong allied healing, but lower personal healing. But, for the support they give their allies, they might be healed themselves. Without allies to support, their sustain plummets. Sounds an awful lot like a concept already in place for Guardian. An elite spec that expands on this idea wouldn’t be out of place.
You know exactly what I mean, so save the nitpicking. :>
Or they could just buff builds that use Altruistic Healing instead of wasting an entire elite spec on making a pre-existing trait/playstyle more viable. I never said a frontline healer isn’t possible. I said a frontline healer isn’t good design because being tanky and being a high priority target doesn’t make any sense design-wise or balance-wise. Of course frontline healers already do exist in the form of druids and tempest healers, so either way I really don’t see the need for more. Unsurprisingly, a common complaint with tempest healers in pvp is “they shouldn’t be able to dish out so much support while being so tanky”.
(edited by Fashion Mage.3712)
I like my spear skillset. having that on land would be agreeable.
Youtubes: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpXd26ZeABJNWi83dXDjtoZ8Lf-4IJ9Gu
I think our next weapon will largely depend on what will fit into out lore without being too far-fetched. In order from most likely to least-likely here is what I think we’ll get:
1. War horn: This would fit very nicely into guardian’s lore, and it’s something we’ve all wanted for quite a while. One skill would of course be the basic aoe speed for allies + some other small benefit, but the #5 skill is something the devs have plenty of room to get creative with!
2. Axe: A bit less likely unless they add some very interesting theme or motif to the axe skills. There is potential here though! It could be a mid-range weapon that deals damage mainly through magical slash-waves.
3. Mainhand focus: Quite unlikely, but it could have some tie-ins to lore depending on how the focus is used. It could essentially become a catalyst for magic (think talismans in dark souls) and could turn us into powerful casters! This could compliment the return of tomes!
4. Off-hand mace: Same points as axe. It would need an interesting theme to it far different than just hitting someone with a blunt object. I think this is far less likely as dual-wielding isn’t really thematic to guardian.
5. Off-hand scepter: Very unlikely. No class currently can off-hand this thing, so I doubt guard would get it. Also, a guardian dual wielding scepters just seems really really off…. unless the scepters were some sort of catalyst for powerful magic, or they transformed into other weapons/tools.
6. Land-spear. As AMAZING as this would be I think this is by far the least likely option. There would be way too much to fix in the game in order for classes to have land-versions of their underwater weapons. I honestly wouldn’t wish this upon any of the dev teams at ANET, at least not at the moment.
3. Mainhand focus: Quite unlikely, but it could have some tie-ins to lore depending on how the focus is used. It could essentially become a catalyst for magic (think talismans in dark souls) and could turn us into powerful casters! This could compliment the return of tomes!
Yaaassss. I don’t expect it, but still. :0
I agree on the warhorn being most likely.
My idea of guardian’s 2nd specialization: “The Librarian”
They wouldn’t get a new ranged weapon to replace the bow, but they would get “Tome” skills that are kits like engineer kits and they give access to ranged damage skills. For example condition damage kit would look like this: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Tome_of_Wrath ; D
As for the new weapon… The idea of this specialization doens’t care about specific weapon. It could be anything.
Tbf the guard main hands are in such a bad shape atm that an offhand would be a bummer as elite spec.
I’m weird. I’ve never been a fan of DH. Stuck with core guard for mine. I like the tomes as utility skill idea, with each tome replacing weapon skills, and each tome focused on a different aspect. (This idea has been hashed out in many places, I won’t repeat it here.) As for a weapon, no idea, at least not among the current existing ones.
While my first choice will always be a 2h-terrestrial spear wielding Paragon, I’m also fairly partial to adding an off-hand sword…
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
I think our next weapon will largely depend on what will fit into out lore without being too far-fetched. In order from most likely to least-likely here is what I think we’ll get:
1. War horn: This would fit very nicely into guardian’s lore, and it’s something we’ve all wanted for quite a while. One skill would of course be the basic aoe speed for allies + some other small benefit, but the #5 skill is something the devs have plenty of room to get creative with!
2. Axe: A bit less likely unless they add some very interesting theme or motif to the axe skills. There is potential here though! It could be a mid-range weapon that deals damage mainly through magical slash-waves.
3. Mainhand focus: Quite unlikely, but it could have some tie-ins to lore depending on how the focus is used. It could essentially become a catalyst for magic (think talismans in dark souls) and could turn us into powerful casters! This could compliment the return of tomes!
4. Off-hand mace: Same points as axe. It would need an interesting theme to it far different than just hitting someone with a blunt object. I think this is far less likely as dual-wielding isn’t really thematic to guardian.
5. Off-hand scepter: Very unlikely. No class currently can off-hand this thing, so I doubt guard would get it. Also, a guardian dual wielding scepters just seems really really off…. unless the scepters were some sort of catalyst for powerful magic, or they transformed into other weapons/tools.
6. Land-spear. As AMAZING as this would be I think this is by far the least likely option. There would be way too much to fix in the game in order for classes to have land-versions of their underwater weapons. I honestly wouldn’t wish this upon any of the dev teams at ANET, at least not at the moment.
Why are people so kitten narrow-minded? UW Spear and “Land” Spear have nothing to do with each other. There are plenty of polearm variants. It could be a Glaive(which is not a spear), Poleaxe or a Halberd or any number of other things. New weapons do not have to come from the existing weapon pool.
So let’s do that again:
- MH Axe – Because Warhorn is boring, and nobody wants it. They could just patch it in and nobody would notice. A mid-range axe as a condi weapon on the other hand? A lot more exciting, and deserving of an elite spec.
- Warhorn – As boring as it is, it is still very likely.
- Glaive – What people keep referring to as a landspear. Which it is not. An elite weapon, there are only lvl 80 variants of it, and can only be used by select ESpecs.
- OH Mace – I could easily see this as a CC-OH for guardians.
- MH Focus/OH Scepter – I don’t see these as very likely, they go against some well established ANet principles. Not entirely impossible but unlikely. I mean seriously, can you imagine going toe-to-toe against dragons with a Sam in your MH?
Sonya for females. (necro,rev,ranger,mes,engi)
All classes lvl 80.
Why is it not a “landspear”?
Simply based on skin?
A Glaive is mainly used for cutting/slashing.
A Spear is used for stabbing.
A Polearm is a vague term which could refer to both really. <— my wording of choice. + it was already more-or-less developed pre-launch yet scrapped for unknown reasons.
“This weapon was included in early development stages but didn’t make it in the final cut of the game, though it may make an appearance later.”
a small, casual Guild with a play as you want style.
Why are people so kitten narrow-minded? UW Spear and “Land” Spear have nothing to do with each other. There are plenty of polearm variants. It could be a Glaive(which is not a spear), Poleaxe or a Halberd or any number of other things. New weapons do not have to come from the existing weapon pool.
- Glaive – What people keep referring to as a landspear. Which it is not. An elite weapon, there are only lvl 80 variants of it, and can only be used by select ESpecs.
No one is referring to Glaive as a Spear. Why are you so insistent on marking their differences? Also, Spears are/were frequently used for Slashing. Actual spears, and not Glaives.
Nothing will “replace” it per se but rather be an option parallel to it.
With that said I think something that can work with holy magic and for an elite summon angels (non-NPCs) that do damage to enemies and heal allies. Warhorn would be the offhand weapon and can AoE cleanse and heal (maybe with some CC for enemies on top of that?) Focus already has shields so that’s already covered.
The warhorn would be because angels use trumpets so it has that holy niche too.
Tbf the guard main hands are in such a bad shape atm that an offhand would be a bummer as elite spec.
The only things left for two handed for guardian are shortbow and rifle while mainhand axe seems a bit iffy. Pistol would just be downright silly but some lore could be shoehorned in to justify it.
(edited by Agemnon.4608)
With that said I think something that can work with holy magic and for an elite summon angels (non-NPCs) that do damage to enemies and heal allies.
The warhorn would be because angels use trumpets so it has that holy niche too.
Angels would currently be unbefitting of GW-lore.
The closest we’ve had aesthetically to angels is the appearance of the Paragon.
It is strange how the term “Angel” is used in skill names (Angelic Bond) or for NPC’s (Fallen Angels) but a creature with an angelic appearance and the name “Angel” would be quite new.
- The closest lore it would fit-in with is human lore regarding the Gods, Dwayna especially. (Charr and Asura culture would clash HARD with angels.)
- If Angels are to be befitting of Tyrian lore, one would assume they’d have been mentioned before by priests or simple devout citizens.
As I see it now “Angel” is only used as a form of describing something considered Angelic.
For the Fallen Angel case:
- Seraph → Angelic appearance with their polished shiny armour and winged details
- Fallen Seraph → Fallen Angel
If anything, Dwayna is the closest you’ll get to an Angel in both appearance and status.
a small, casual Guild with a play as you want style.
Why are people so kitten narrow-minded? UW Spear and “Land” Spear have nothing to do with each other. There are plenty of polearm variants. It could be a Glaive(which is not a spear), Poleaxe or a Halberd or any number of other things. New weapons do not have to come from the existing weapon pool.
So let’s do that again:
- MH Axe – Because Warhorn is boring, and nobody wants it. They could just patch it in and nobody would notice. A mid-range axe as a condi weapon on the other hand? A lot more exciting, and deserving of an elite spec.
- Warhorn – As boring as it is, it is still very likely.
- Glaive – What people keep referring to as a landspear. Which it is not. An elite weapon, there are only lvl 80 variants of it, and can only be used by select ESpecs.
- OH Mace – I could easily see this as a CC-OH for guardians.
- MH Focus/OH Scepter – I don’t see these as very likely, they go against some well established ANet principles. Not entirely impossible but unlikely. I mean seriously, can you imagine going toe-to-toe against dragons with a Sam in your MH?
I was calling it ‘Land Spear’ to emphasize that it would be a weapon usable on land and to avoid confusion. As is, the weapon we know in game as “spear” is entirely an underwater weapon. At any rate, land spear, glaive polearm, etc. would be a new weapon and would not be the same thing as current spears in any way (save for appearance). A new weapon is very unlikely for many reasons. As much as I would love new weapons in the game, there would be a lot of important questions to answer: which classes receive access to these new weapons? What about the classes who don’t get them, they’re missing out right? Will only new elite specs receive access to them? Would this set a bad precedent on pay2win (for essential new weapons)? How will this affect balance across 3 game modes? What about designing new skins, legendaries and character animations?
These are all pretty big issues that would be quite taxing on a dev team and considering the content they’re currently working on I highly doubt we’ll get any sort of new pole-arm weapon any time soon.
The fact that they stopped developing skins for spears/tridents/spearguns kind of makes me doubt that they’d make a return above water, even with a different name. Not that I would mind them.
If anything, Dwayna is the closest you’ll get to an Angel in both appearance and status.
Well, Grenth has his reapers, I wouldn’t be surprised if Dwayna had some sort of counterpart. Not that this has been established in the lore at all. :p
(edited by Fashion Mage.3712)
Guardian already has all the best mainhand and two handed weapons so there’s not much else to cover as far as cool weapons go except maybe off hand sword. Pistol is cool but doesn’t fit guard that well. Warhorn can be made cool though and the privateer warhorn looks cool.
Tomes should be the next update with proper support/heal and GUARDING skills. Like a kit, one tome for defense, one tome for heal would be very interesting. I would definitely play that.
I think it’s only fair that tomes are the focus of the next elite specialization considering that the people who liked them in the first place got kittened in the kitten ; especially when one notes that tomes were deleted because the narrow-minded majority wanted less interesting elite skills (that initially appeared more OP than RF) over just simply balancing tomes properly which were cool to begin with.
Tomes should be the next update with proper support/heal and GUARDING skills. Like a kit, one tome for defense, one tome for heal would be very interesting. I would definitely play that.
Something like this perhaps? :p
(edited by Fashion Mage.3712)
I think it’s only fair that tomes are the focus of the next elite specialization considering that the people who liked them in the first place got kittened in the kitten ; especially when one notes that tomes were deleted because the narrow-minded majority wanted less interesting elite skills (that initially appeared more OP than RF) over just simply balancing tomes properly which were cool to begin with.
Tomes should be the next update with proper support/heal and GUARDING skills. Like a kit, one tome for defense, one tome for heal would be very interesting. I would definitely play that.
Something like this perhaps? :p
Several ideas have been proposed along those lines. The ones I had seen gave tomes as the new skill (instead of prayers like this one seems to have), and the tomes (like this one) were kits that replaced your 1-5 skills, not your virtues.
Given how many traits do effect your virtues (and are scattered throughout all the traitlines, I think modifying them in this way would be hugely impractical. Minor changes, like what was done with DH, can work, but this would invalidate a lot of traits. And yes, I read what was at the end, but I don’t think that accounts for everything.
Dont get me wrong. I love the idea and sincerely hope that the next elite spec of guard does something with tomes for the skills as a kit. The weapon, I have no idea on. Same for some sort of thematic change to the virtues (that doesn’t break a bunch of traits).
Why is it not a “landspear”?
Simply based on skin?A Glaive is mainly used for cutting/slashing.
A Spear is used for stabbing.
A Polearm is a vague term which could refer to both really. <— my wording of choice. + it was already more-or-less developed pre-launch yet scrapped for unknown reasons.“This weapon was included in early development stages but didn’t make it in the final cut of the game, though it may make an appearance later.”
Yes! That’s what I meant. Sry I got mixed up on those. I realized I made this mistake a few days ago but I haven’t been to the forums much lately.
I shall respond to other comments later in depth, I have to head to work now. I know you await them eagerly!
Sonya for females. (necro,rev,ranger,mes,engi)
All classes lvl 80.
Unfortunately, I feel a water xpac coming on, so they may end up making under water weapons usable on land and all other weapons (with slight rework on both) will be usable while swimming.
I fear another platformer xpac, and the more I think about all the things that were added for hot, and all the things more than likely coming with the next xpac.
A new weapon is very unlikely for many reasons. As much as I would love new weapons in the game, there would be a lot of important questions to answer: which classes receive access to these new weapons? What about the classes who don’t get them, they’re missing out right? Will only new elite specs receive access to them? Would this set a bad precedent on pay2win (for essential new weapons)? How will this affect balance across 3 game modes? What about designing new skins, legendaries and character animations?
These are all pretty big issues that would be quite taxing on a dev team and considering the content they’re currently working on I highly doubt we’ll get any sort of new pole-arm weapon any time soon.
Most of the issues you are giving as reasons not to are going to happen with a new xpac anyway. You honestly think it matters for balance whether the weapons are entirely new or just new to the profession?
Designing new skins doesn’t seem to be too much of an issue for ANet, as they already put out 18 new weapon skins atleast once a month. A new weapon type would actually be easier since they can draw inspiration from existing weapon skins and have no need to come up with something fresh right away.
I admit there are some issues such as new legendaries and the need to distribute the new weapon types across 9 professions. But it’s a small fraction of the work required for a new xpac that we know is coming.
No one is referring to Glaive as a Spear. Why are you so insistent on marking their differences? Also, Spears are/were frequently used for Slashing. Actual spears, and not Glaives.
Oh yes, I should clear that up. No one is exactly referring to it but what ppl seem to assume is that spears are somehow going to become a land weapon. Which will not happen. It would be extremely confusing for new players (and some old ones as well..) and it would artificially inflate the game economy. Which is a bigger deal than ppl think.
And yes, spears were used for slashing but it’s like comparing a knife to a sword. They both cut but are used very differently. The difference is not what they can do but rather what they are meant to do. A spears main function is thrusting, slashes are more of a backhand opportunity attack. The blades function is to deepen penetration when the thrust lands. For glaives it is the other way around, slashing being the main form of attack. Thrusts are the attack of opportunity.
Sonya for females. (necro,rev,ranger,mes,engi)
All classes lvl 80.
The issue escalates rather quickly depending on the answers to some of those questions. If spears were brought to land, and some core specs as well as elite specs gained access to them, that would create a balancing nightmare. I’m mainly worried about fairness here. There is no way ANet is going to design 9 new weapons. If they design 1 to 3 new weapons and each new elite spec gets 1 of them, then that would seem lazy and somewhat redundant. If each elite spec utilized those weapons in vastly different ways then that wouldn’t very well define what the weapon does (so it’s literally just a place holder for 5 more skills) and if they only gave certain elite specs the new weapons then that wouldn’t go over well for the other classes.
Edit: Forgot to be optimistic here though haha. They probably won’t be able to make more elite specs with new weapon skills for even 2 more xpacs unless they add new weapons into the game as some classes can wield just about everything that their lore allows. I’d say 2h great axes (since there are already 1h and 2h swords and hammers), a pole-weapon (by popular demand) a crossbow or ranged weapon (probably a 1 handed ranged weapon since we only have pistol atm) and an offhand are likely. Actually, if they introduced all of that with the next xpac, all 9 classes could have access to at least one of these weapons within the next 2 xpacs.
(edited by Arcaedus.7290)
Edit: Forgot to be optimistic here though haha. They probably won’t be able to make more elite specs with new weapon skills for even 2 more xpacs unless they add new weapons into the game as some classes can wield just about everything that their lore allows. I’d say 2h great axes (since there are already 1h and 2h swords and hammers), a pole-weapon (by popular demand) a crossbow or ranged weapon (probably a 1 handed ranged weapon since we only have pistol atm) and an offhand are likely. Actually, if they introduced all of that with the next xpac, all 9 classes could have access to at least one of these weapons within the next 2 xpacs.
That’s one of the things I had in mind as well. They can’t exactly start giving warriors scepters now, can they? I’d say mesmer and ranger thought have pretty much already tapped out on weapon choices within the current pool.
Sonya for females. (necro,rev,ranger,mes,engi)
All classes lvl 80.
That’s one of the things I had in mind as well. They can’t exactly start giving warriors scepters now, can they?
I’d say mesmer and ranger thought have pretty much already tapped out on weapon choices within the current pool.
The whole point to elite specs was that they offered a bit of a new spin on the profession while still staying within the profession’s theme (although I won’t necessarily say the devs executed this idea very well). So mesmers getting hammers for example might not necessarily be so out of place if executed properly, although if it isn’t then it’ll probably turn into another Dragonhunter scenario where it doesn’t fit the profession very well, if at all.
Daggers and mainhanded pistols suit mesmers quite well, and rifles, bows, and warhorns could probably fit in quite nicely as well. As for rangers, I can easily see them getting rifles, and I wouldn’t be surprised if some of the other weapons would fit well (a ranger with a shield wouldn’t shock me, for example).
There’s also the possibility of off-hands becoming main-hands, which is probably more likely than a new weapon (but still not that likely).
(edited by Fashion Mage.3712)
I think longbow fit guardian very well but the traps are a bit awkward I’ll admit.
And yes it’s true that ANet could probably pull off giving each profession yet another of the already available weapons, but just think: bringing in 3 to 5 new weapons would breath life into the game.
I think longbow fit guardian very well but the traps are a bit awkward I’ll admit.
To be honest, I have always felt that the DH did not fit guardian very well thematically. The only lore we have suggesting any kind of fit is Braham taking up his mother’s bow. That’s a little thin to me for guardian to take on such an offensive role. (I’ve always seen guardian as the defense to the warrior’s offense, but that’s just me,
I think longbow fit guardian very well but the traps are a bit awkward I’ll admit.
The weapon itself isn’t the thing that isn’t fitting, but rather how it’s used, although I think traps fit even less.
The weapon itself isn’t the thing that isn’t fitting, but rather how it’s used, although I think traps fit even less.
To be honest, I have always felt that the DH did not fit guardian very well thematically.
Y’all’s headcanon doesn’t mean much.
Y’all’s headcanon doesn’t mean much.
Yes, you’re right. In the face of ANet’s absurd design decisions, common sense and consistency mean nothing.
Yes, you’re right. In the face of ANet’s absurd design decisions, common sense and consistency mean nothing.
That’s implying that your opinions are superior to the creators’, which is dripping in hubris.
I mean sure, you can have your opinions, and you might think them to be important, but that doesn’t mean they should be considered. I wouldn’t expect a consultation call any time soon.
Yes, you’re right. In the face of ANet’s absurd design decisions, common sense and consistency mean nothing.
That’s implying that your opinions are superior to the creators’, which is dripping in hubris.
I mean sure, you can have your opinions, and you might think them to be important, but that doesn’t mean they should be considered. I wouldn’t expect a consultation call any time soon.
It’s less hubris and more that many of ANet’s designers are terrible. So it would be more accurate to say that I think my “opinions” are superior because ANet is just so bad at what they do, which isn’t saying much. GW2 is a game plagued by huge amounts of power creep and bad game design decisions that most game designers wouldn’t dream of implementing.
Me neither. For the most part this isn’t a place to get the devs to consider one’s ideas, however it is a place for discussion, so what you’re saying is really quite irrelevant to this discussion. If you want to discuss how much of a hard-on you have for ANet’s sub-par devs and how you think they shouldn’t listen to anyone, then go make a topic about it in general discussion. :0
(edited by Fashion Mage.3712)
Yes, you’re right. In the face of ANet’s absurd design decisions, common sense and consistency mean nothing.
That’s implying that your opinions are superior to the creators’, which is dripping in hubris.
I mean sure, you can have your opinions, and you might think them to be important, but that doesn’t mean they should be considered. I wouldn’t expect a consultation call any time soon.
It’s less hubris and more that many of ANet’s designers are terrible. So it would be more accurate to say that I think my “opinions” are superior because ANet is just so bad at what they do, which isn’t saying much. GW2 is a game plagued by huge amounts of power creep and bad game design decisions that most game designers wouldn’t dream of implementing.
Me neither. For the most part this isn’t a place to get the devs to consider one’s ideas, however it is a place for discussion, so what you’re saying is really quite irrelevant to this discussion. If you want to discuss how much of a hard-on you have for ANet’s sub-par devs and how you think they shouldn’t listen to anyone, then go make a topic about it in general discussion. :0
Also I stated my opinion because another player had already stated theirs about the same topic. Yet you (@Ghotistyx) jump on us about stating our opinions. No bias at all there.
Stating or having an opinion doesn’t protect it from criticism
Stating or having an opinion doesn’t protect it from criticism
Never suggested that. I am saying that your criticism (that whole opinion vs Anet dev argument) applies to everyone, yet you only pull it out with those whom you disagree with. Your criticism is inherently weak because you presented it in a biased fashion.
Lets not pretend an unbiased opinion exists.
It really doesn’t matter how you (or I) think DH fits in with Guardain thematically. We aren’t the content creators (For the record, I do see how it fits in. I can see the concept as a whole, the inspiration from outside media, and how it was integrated into Guild Wars). But, implying that “because I don’t agree with the implementation or idea itself means its inherently a bad idea” would be poor form. It would be very safe, considering the time and other investments needed, to assume that whatever included in the game that isn’t a bug/glitch/exploit/etc is there for intentionally. Its there because the designers wanted it to be there in their game. It is, after all, their game, and they have full power to control what it includes. That doesn’t mean we have to agree with everything included by any means. If I were in charge of the Guardian, I wouldn’t necessarily design Scepter the way it has. However, I cannot also reasonably expect that because I don’t like it, it should be changed. Nor should I expect that anyone would have to agree with me. I’m not in a position of power when it comes to game content.
Lets not pretend an unbiased opinion exists.
It really doesn’t matter how you (or I) think DH fits in with Guardain thematically. We aren’t the content creators (For the record, I do see how it fits in. I can see the concept as a whole, the inspiration from outside media, and how it was integrated into Guild Wars). But, implying that “because I don’t agree with the implementation or idea itself means its inherently a bad idea” would be poor form. It would be very safe, considering the time and other investments needed, to assume that whatever included in the game that isn’t a bug/glitch/exploit/etc is there for intentionally. Its there because the designers wanted it to be there in their game. It is, after all, their game, and they have full power to control what it includes. That doesn’t mean we have to agree with everything included by any means. If I were in charge of the Guardian, I wouldn’t necessarily design Scepter the way it has. However, I cannot also reasonably expect that because I don’t like it, it should be changed. Nor should I expect that anyone would have to agree with me. I’m not in a position of power when it comes to game content.
Aside from the unbiased opinion not existing, I can agree with all of that. What one can assume is that, if one does raise a rational issue with something in the game, it MIGHT (not will) get changed. Gaile has said as much, and some of the changes I’ve seen made were first suggested by players here in the forums. So if people want, they can suggest changes that they think are beneficial to the game, and the devs may agree or they may not. But the possibility that they won’t doesn’t mean that people shouldn’t make suggestions. If anything, we’ve seen the squeaky axle does in fact get the grease. That’s not to imply that we have power, or that we should all think our suggestions are right. Just saying, there’s nothing wrong with making them, and it might even do some good.
Sure, but what I had initially quoted was in regards to Dragonhunter. That’s not going to be changed at this point. Longbow and traps aren’t up for consideration.
Instead, we should be making suggestions for the future, as is the intention of the thread.
Sure, but what I had initially quoted was in regards to Dragonhunter. That’s not going to be changed at this point. Longbow and traps aren’t up for consideration.
Instead, we should be making suggestions for the future, as is the intention of the thread.
Agreed. The OP shouldn’t have used the word “replace” in the title and the initial post. Kinda sidetracked the conversation from what was intended (assuming that was what was intended).
Sure, but what I had initially quoted was in regards to Dragonhunter. That’s not going to be changed at this point. Longbow and traps aren’t up for consideration.
Instead, we should be making suggestions for the future, as is the intention of the thread.
Agreed. The OP shouldn’t have used the word “replace” in the title and the initial post. Kinda sidetracked the conversation from what was intended (assuming that was what was intended).
Well it does replace it in a sense because only one elite spec will be equipped at a time. My initial thoughts were which weapon could fill the Guardian’s weak points enough to be favorable over the longbow? Basically if the new elite (weapons, skills, and traits) isn’t at least on par, it won’t get used much or at all.
Anyway it has been a good discussion to read.
I think if they tacked a symbol onto sword 2, bleed onto the auto, amd let sword 3 be mobile then sword would be a fantastic burn applier (with bleed as the cover condi)!
My opinion for what will be the other option then Dragonhunter is the tomes. And since 6 skills that replace your weapon skills (so 30 skills compared to other classes 8-11 with the exception of elementalist) would be insane, I doubt we would receive a weapon with tomes. If anything we’d lose weapon swap and just gain 6 tomes which would be fine so long as the tomes all filled a different role:
Tome of Courage – Defensive buffs and condition removal.
Tome of Wrath – Long range burning like the old tome of wrath.
Tome of Resolve – Healing skills based off of the old elite tome. Name is different because it lines up with the virtues.
A tome for offensive utility like quickness, might and alacrity.
A tome based off of PBAoE direct damage.
Then another tome for the elite skill that would be something crazy unique.
Just my option if we get tomes that we’d get no new weapon but wouldn’t need a new one since we’d be receiving the equivalent of 6 new weapons.