Yh, so Elementalist or Guardian?
Well that’s a wierd question. I’d say both are good, althou both sit at lowest hp pool in the game, so soloing would be somewhat problematic at starting levels (with no traits). Lately, all the dungeon groups crave for elementalist AND guardians both. Regarding middle-range combat, guardian’s got a scepter, and it is pretty decent in pve, and will soon receive a longbow. I suggest you flip a coin, because it’s not really something you can take another person’s word on, since it comes to personal preference on lots of aspects. But if it helps you – guardian is easier to learn but very slow for a melee class.
Aside from all I’ve said, you can enter Heart of the Mists (PVP), and you’ll become lvl 80 in that zone, allowing you to test all weapon skills and traits. (WARNING: Might ruin the fun of discovering new stuff during leveling. )
If you’re going PvE, the Guardian is very encounter knowledge intensive while the Elementalist is very skill-focused, with many attunements to take care of. I’d suggest starting out as a Warrior so you have the highest armor, highest health, best self-healing (Healing Signet) and easy rotations to learn. Check out metabattle.com or leveling guides for your class so you can do it in an efficient and fun way. Welcome to GW2 and have fun!
Guardian main since launch
Classes aren’t necessarily “bad” by themselves it’s just that there’s no one around to spread the love to. What I mean by that is both Ele’s and Guards have great access to boons so by not being a group of some sort that’s wasted potential say over a necro who’s funcionality is more self-supporting. However, both classes excel perfectly fine on their own.
Ele’s are often the “resources” of a group being able to conjure weapons and summon elementals while Guards bring a lot of defensive support. Granted it’s all about the build and gear you slot in.
An Ele that focuses Fire and Air is going to be an offensive threat while focusing Water and Arcana shifts their potential to a more heal and defensive support based character (I’m generalizing).
Guards traiting into virtues, Valor, and Honor make for great defenders, but moving into Zeal and Radiance makes that Guard a high threat by boosting their overall strength and being able to nearly spam blinds and stack vulnerability (again, I’m generalizing).
Look over the class skills and see what is more likely to meet your play style. Ele’s require more skill on the player by being able to better manage cooldowns and know what skills to bring to boost the party’s potential. Guards require a bit more knowledge on the fights overall as they tend to automatically get the burden of “guarding” the team.
Nonetheless, it’s a game. If you feel like breaking the stereotypes go for it I say! Play the game the way you want to!
What kind of playstyle do you like – in terms of like does following the meta interest you? Because then ele outstrips guardian in terms of DPS and might stacking by quite a large margin. Guardian has a lot of useful things to them though. They can blind effectively, reflect, block attacks for the entire party. They are good support. They have really good burst too. Their sustained DPS is lacking though.