Zealot's Defense; Blocks or Destroys?

Zealot's Defense; Blocks or Destroys?

in Guardian

Posted by: Dirame.8521


What I mean is, if Zealot’s did block projectiles, you would see the “block” text come up when someone fires a projectile at you whilst using it. The truth is it doesn’t block projectiles, it DESTROYS them.

Why the emphasis on something that no one really cares about? You might ask. Well, skill descriptions can be a very deceitful if you put the wrong information on there. I thought Zealot’s Defense would “block” projectiles, thinking I would be able to stack might whilst using it but unfortunately I’ve been deceived and instead I got no might for my timely use of the skill. All because someone forgot to either change the text or make the skill actually block things and proc effects from said blocked things.

So my plea to Anet, please make Zealot’s Defense block projectiles or just change the description to say “Destroys projectiles” and remove the block duration tooltip.

I make guides to builds you may not have heard of;

Zealot's Defense; Blocks or Destroys?

in Guardian

Posted by: Viralseed.9362


It destroys projectiles.

Zealot's Defense; Blocks or Destroys?

in Guardian

Posted by: Gaudrath.6725


So can you use it to bat treb shots out of the air?

Uthgar Stormbringer, elementalist
Sigurd Greymane, guardian
~ Piken

Zealot's Defense; Blocks or Destroys?

in Guardian

Posted by: Dirame.8521


It destroys projectiles.

Thanks for answering the question from the title but there was more to my question than that.

I make guides to builds you may not have heard of;

Zealot's Defense; Blocks or Destroys?

in Guardian

Posted by: Tarsius.3170


So can you use it to bat treb shots out of the air?

Doesn’t work for Trebs – only Sanctuary will stop those.

Warhaft Tarsius – Asura Guardian ( Desolation ) – [NUKE]

Zealot's Defense; Blocks or Destroys?

in Guardian

Posted by: Electro.4173


So can you use it to bat treb shots out of the air?

Doesn’t work for Trebs – only Sanctuary will stop those.

It might work if the projectile actually hit the shield itself. That seems to be how most projectile blocking / reflecting abilities work, if the actual projectile hits the “shield” directly it’ll get reflected or blocked but if it hits the ground then nothing happens (well, nothing besides the treb causing AoE damage as it normally would).

Though it would be extremely difficult to pull off, given how small the shield is and the fact that treb shots come from above.