Bravo to you sir, for understanding how to build an objective test. Would you be kind enough to link your results again? I believe I have missed them, or simply forgotten.
I test after every patch or update and this is what i got from my latest test after yesterdays update, at least my patcher updated.
No traits, no gear and VoJ triggered when off cd so i eliminate passive triggering and steady weapon in the mist and a heavy golem, i measure in killtime btw.
Skill 1 125s
Skill 1+2 125s (MB infact adds dps but in a pve environment the difference between spamming one and using mb is kind of meager, its a total different story in pvp.)
Skill 1 130s
Skill 1+2 125s
Add in 2 mastery and you can remove 2-3 s from GS and an additional 2-3 s if you use skill 3.
Single, static, target the dps difference is about 5%.
Hammer isnt improved dps wise by 2h mastery and the use of more skills then 1+2 but if you add in writ of persistence to the hammer then about 11.8% (+of one more hit that can trigger VoJ) damage is added to the chain.
Just a disclaimer here, as you can see the killtimes is around 2 minute (hammer chain with WoP was the only one scoring under 2 minutes at 1:55 but also got one less active VoJ) which means that the kill was made during the burn effect from active VoJ which makes the “finish line” a bit blury. But the relations correspond to what i seen in every test. But these numbers are a bit incorrect but i will redo them and if i find something that differs greatly i will post about it.
GS benefits from Radiance line. Hammer requires Honor line to be effective. It’s not really complicated.
Moreover, I’m convinced your numbers are skewed purely because iirc you think hammer does the same as gs in terms of base damage, which is outright wrong. I suggest you go back and do your tests again.
First i have never said they do the same damage, i think i have been pretty clear what the relative strenght of the two weapons are. I clearly stated that i wouldnt use hammer in duels for instance, hammer is an aoe weapon and its here where it shines and where it shortcoming, clunkiness imo, can be effectively eliminated.
There are multiple claims here so lets sort it out.
Hammer imo gains just as much as GS from radiance. In pure numbers there is no difference or have i missed something here?
For maxing dps on GS one of the main contributers is 2h master (20 points in valor) and especially in pvp. We all know this trait doesnt increase dps on the hammer, in pve, but is huge in pvp.
If we use a 10/30/30/0/0 build with both weapons they both have the same increase (%) in dps. Am i correct in this or have i missed something?
Both weapons can trait into Honor (which gives both weapons a freedom of choice in how to obtain a certain dps) and GS is improved by 2h mastery primarily and hammer byt traiting symbols. Am i correct?
So if people want to know what weapon to choose based on dps we need:
1. base dps on single targets
2. Total uptime on aoe and the number of damage components applied in a given time frame so we can estimate aoe dps which is very different from single target dps.
3. Know how i want to play the game and trait/gear accordingly to achive the wante dpd, burst, aoe and ofc survivability.
I chose hammer, primarily, since it fulfills my needs for a high dps aoe build with great survivability which allows me to gear in a very offensively manner and still be in the front bashing in heads and spreading boons to the team. Even though i could have a margianlly higher burst/dps with gs i find the lack of survivability and its dependency on cooldown to not be in my taste even though i use it in small clashes and duel situations.
Regarding your personal opinion about me it has no relevance, i can do the tests again but i know we will find that the ‘base dps’ on GS and hammer are almost exactly the same on a single target and GS will come out with maybe 5% advantage and if you add 2h mastery espcially. If we isolate the aoe damage and add in one more target the hammer will be on top and the chain is always stronger (in a pve environment) and can be further improved for more aoe with traited symbols.
(edited by Brutaly.6257)