(edited by Ragnarox.9601)
few suggestions...
New Elite Skill- Completely OP. Traited into a shout support build they are already quite good. A complete reset of them right after you use them, especially Save yourself is ridiculous.
Hold the line’s CD could be a bit shorter but if you are goinf full shouts then with virtues you should have almost perma regen anyway and perma protection is also possible if you run hammer.
Agree completely with the Retreat name change
New Heal skill will mean a new one for every class. Healing Breeze is an option is you want group heal and virtues effect group for regen and protection
Hammer #5 + #2 is area retaliation
Hammer Auto attack + #2 is Retaliation
3 in virtues. Retal on activation of all virtues.
Stand your ground – More Retal.
Sheild definitely needs a revamp. Like the daze on shield #4 but any CC on it would be nice like a knockdown or such . Also agree with Shield #5 needs something to benefit from actually keeping up the dome. IM not sure we need more stability but regen would be nice. Or the longer the sheild is up the more the heal is. As it is the only thing you might use it for is a KB. The dome absorbs projectiles but gives absolutely no bonus for melee yet the #4 skill is for melee. Maybe A blind if an enemy is in the dome
Like the hammer trait Idea
New Elite Skill- Completely OP. Traited into a shout support build they are already quite good. A complete reset of them right after you use them, especially Save yourself is ridiculous.
Hold the line’s CD could be a bit shorter but if you are goinf full shouts then with virtues you should have almost perma regen anyway and perma protection is also possible if you run hammer.
Agree completely with the Retreat name change
New Heal skill will mean a new one for every class. Healing Breeze is an option is you want group heal and virtues effect group for regen and protection
Hammer #5 + #2 is area retaliation
Hammer Auto attack + #2 is Retaliation
3 in virtues. Retal on activation of all virtues.
Stand your ground – More Retal.Sheild definitely needs a revamp. Like the daze on shield #4 but any CC on it would be nice like a knockdown or such . Also agree with Shield #5 needs something to benefit from actually keeping up the dome. IM not sure we need more stability but regen would be nice. Or the longer the sheild is up the more the heal is. As it is the only thing you might use it for is a KB. The dome absorbs projectiles but gives absolutely no bonus for melee yet the #4 skill is for melee. Maybe A blind if an enemy is in the dome
Like the hammer trait Idea
yea that elite would be massive op..but maybe with 180sec cd. We just need one more playable build for wvw or pvp. Shout build is interesting but UP compared to only viable build – meditation.
Well shield is crap it needs revamp completely.
Shout build is interesting but UP compared to only viable build – meditation.
I would like an explanation for this, please. Otherwise my thought is below:
I hope there aren’t a lot of guardians have this kind of mentality. When shout was shining, people complained about meditation. Now that meditation is shining, people complain about shout. When does it end then? The thoughts are better spent on other aspects of guardian that haven’t shined at all.
Remember that shout gives you more diversed build options than meditation. It’s nice to not be forced to spend 6 trait points in Valor just for meditation and left with terrible minor traits.
Have you ever thought that maybe shout is not your cup of tea and you prefer meditation? It doesn’t mean shout is under-powered and meditation is the only viable guardian’s build.
Shout is my cup of tea.
I’m fine with the last three suggestions. But I don’t see the reasons why the rest should happen. I mean, an elite that depends on utility skills? We already have a healing skill that relies on traits, and IMO is terrible.
Yak’s Bend
Why bother being a Guardian if you don’t guard anyone?
(edited by xFireize.6318)
Shout build is interesting but UP compared to only viable build – meditation.
I would like an explanation for this, please. Otherwise my thought is below:
I hope there aren’t a lot of guardians have this kind of mentality. When shout was shining, people complained about meditation. Now that meditation is shining, people complain about shout. When does it end then? The thoughts are better spent on other aspects of guardian that haven’t shined at all.
Remember that shout gives you more diversed build options than meditation. It’s nice to not be forced to spend 6 trait points in Valor just for meditation and left with terrible minor traits.
Have you ever thought that maybe shout is not your cup of tea and you prefer meditation? It doesn’t mean shout is under-powered and meditation is the only viable guardian’s build.
Shout is my cup of tea.
I’m fine with the last three suggestions. But I don’t see the reasons why the rest should happen. I mean, an elite that depends on utility skills? We already have a healing skill that relies on traits, and IMO is terrible.
Well you saw recently very good buff to retreat skill so Dev’s think that shouts are not that strong, we may see some other buffs to shouts. Personally I am using both but shouts more recently and I like it but it feels something is missing. (meditations have elite, heal skill plus 4 other usable skills) while shouts have only 4 skills without elite and heal (lacking those).
I think shouts and meditations are both good depending on the role you want to play. Ive played Support Staff Zerg Frontline and shouts have never failed me. Solo Meditations are much better but both have their niches
Shout build is interesting but UP compared to only viable build – meditation.
I would like an explanation for this, please. Otherwise my thought is below:
I hope there aren’t a lot of guardians have this kind of mentality. When shout was shining, people complained about meditation. Now that meditation is shining, people complain about shout. When does it end then? The thoughts are better spent on other aspects of guardian that haven’t shined at all.
Remember that shout gives you more diversed build options than meditation. It’s nice to not be forced to spend 6 trait points in Valor just for meditation and left with terrible minor traits.
Have you ever thought that maybe shout is not your cup of tea and you prefer meditation? It doesn’t mean shout is under-powered and meditation is the only viable guardian’s build.
Shout is my cup of tea.
I’m fine with the last three suggestions. But I don’t see the reasons why the rest should happen. I mean, an elite that depends on utility skills? We already have a healing skill that relies on traits, and IMO is terrible.
Well you saw recently very good buff to retreat skill so Dev’s think that shouts are not that strong, we may see some other buffs to shouts.
Can you explain the logic of that, please? What I understand is you think if a skill is underpowered, every other skill in its category is automatically underpowered? Where does it end?
Retreat’s buff was long overdue, and it needed the buff; but that doesn’t mean the rest of shout skills are not viable.
Yak’s Bend
Why bother being a Guardian if you don’t guard anyone?
Shout build is interesting but UP compared to only viable build – meditation.
I would like an explanation for this, please. Otherwise my thought is below:
I hope there aren’t a lot of guardians have this kind of mentality. When shout was shining, people complained about meditation. Now that meditation is shining, people complain about shout. When does it end then? The thoughts are better spent on other aspects of guardian that haven’t shined at all.
Remember that shout gives you more diversed build options than meditation. It’s nice to not be forced to spend 6 trait points in Valor just for meditation and left with terrible minor traits.
Have you ever thought that maybe shout is not your cup of tea and you prefer meditation? It doesn’t mean shout is under-powered and meditation is the only viable guardian’s build.
Shout is my cup of tea.
I’m fine with the last three suggestions. But I don’t see the reasons why the rest should happen. I mean, an elite that depends on utility skills? We already have a healing skill that relies on traits, and IMO is terrible.
Well you saw recently very good buff to retreat skill so Dev’s think that shouts are not that strong, we may see some other buffs to shouts.
Can you explain the logic of that, please? What I understand is you think if a skill is underpowered, every other skill in its category is automatically underpowered? Where does it end?
Retreat’s buff was long overdue, and it needed the buff; but that doesn’t mean the rest of shout skills are not viable.
I actually agree the retreat buff is long over due.
Granted I would have done it differently.
I would have reduced the base duration of the effects to 15 seconds then reduced the base CD to 30 seconds.
The end result would be about the same in swiftness uptime but the ability would have been able to be used more often thus making it even better for specs focused on shouts & specs with the trait pure of heart.
I would have done this because if you look at the guardian vs many other classes you will notice that the guardian tends to rely (in pvp anyway) more on its utility skills for actual utility, ability to apply pressure & defensive skills. (the obvious exception being hammer & mace at least in terms of defensive utility)
Most other classes have allot more of their offensive utility & ability to apply pressure built into their weapon abilities.