five sources of health/second
You forgot about Altruistic Healing, which will tick once per each Symbol tick, complementing your Writ of the Merciful…
Not quite health per second but I’m fairly certain that strength in numbers also triggers altruistuc healing.
Not quite health per second but I’m fairly certain that strength in numbers also triggers altruistuc healing.
Strength in Numbers does not give a boon, does it? How often is it applied?
Not quite health per second but I’m fairly certain that strength in numbers also triggers altruistuc healing.
Strength in Numbers does not give a boon, does it? How often is it applied?
Once every five seconds?
I don’t believe it counts. I know for a fact that battle presence doesn’t. (that triggers once every 3 seconds).
Applying a boon to yourself counts however
strength is numbers doesn’t give a boon, it gives a trait buff (which look wierd) and absolute resolution increases your passive virtue regen by 25% so more hp regen :P
Engineers can stack up multiples as well. Regeneration, Kit Regeneration, two separate super elixir fields. Then there’s runes and food buffs… And that’s without ever actually using the heal skill.
For the toast!
eles: soothing mist trait, regen, and the signet heal skill (not passive regen, but you’re gaining hp every time you use a skill so it’s basically the same thing). Could also throw in geyser except that can’t be maintained permanently.
warrior: healing signet, adrenal health trait, regen (from banner of tactics, or from any banner with the appropriate tactics trait)
I’m sure there are others too.
Food/runes are implied since anyone can use those, although the dolyak rune passive heal is terrible unless you’re scaled down (since the heal doesn’t get scaled down). 30 hp/s is basically nothing at 80.
The Mace is the only Guardian weapon where you can really squeeze healing numbers out. If you AH, Writ, and longer symbols trait it lasts 6 seconds. Each time it ticks a regen on somebody (once a second) it triggers AH and Writ.
The staff can trigger AH 60 times in its full duration if you have 5 people around so it’s just as powerful as your big heal.
Lorella Windrunner – 80 Thief
Shayera Nightfall – 80 Mesmer