how to deal with mesmers ?

how to deal with mesmers ?

in Guardian

Posted by: Rayya.2591


i need some advices regarding how to deal with mesmers in wvw
i got no problem vs rangers /thiefs / warriors /necro
some elem are hard to kill , engen can be an pain
but i cannot find any viable tactic against mesmers , if i jump on them, they drop 3 clones after i kill those another 3 , then they go invisible , and other clones etc
i know that they are easy frags for thiefs , because dmg brust 2 -3 hits ko , but as an guardian i cannot find any tactic
curently i use scepter / staf
my stats unbuffed :
2800 attack – 37 crit rate / 70 critical power
3270 armor -16800 hp
no.1 WvW kills

how to deal with mesmers ?

in Guardian

Posted by: Tobeyeus.9376


I have trouble with Mesmers also but that is since I went Mace/Shield and Scepter. I didn’t have as many issues when I was Scepter/Shield and Hammer. The small leap on our AoE allowed to me to stay on the Mesmer while blowing his Illusions up faster then he could create them.

You need a bursty build not a tanky build for Mesmers. Greatsword or Sword/Torch would also be a good option.

how to deal with mesmers ?

in Guardian

Posted by: Kasei.8726



You need a bursty build not a tanky build for Mesmers. Greatsword or Sword/Torch would also be a good option.

I agree that the best way to deal with mesmers is to go all out offensive, but you don’t necessarily need a burst build to do it.


Even the best mesmer will react in some way if someone is charging at them full steam. You just have to notice the one that dodges / walks backwards / strafes / jumps / etc.

I find the greatsword or hammer is the best way to deal with them, but instead of the aoe damage, I think the control skills help the most.

how to deal with mesmers ?

in Guardian

Posted by: BishopX.6453


there is no way to beat a mezmer other than having lots of bursty aoe and high single damage dot

when I have stacks of might up ankittenep leaping after him with 2h hammer and activage the dot on him is the only time i get a kill on a mezmer. but 70% of the time this dosent happen .
you will NOT beat a good mezmer or a good thief. they will just exit the fight then come back once they have their cooldowns and destroy you.

how to deal with mesmers ?

in Guardian

Posted by: Brigandier.3102


1. Equip Staff
2. Spam #1 in all directions while dodging clones, if mesmer goes invisible look for that damage number to appear where they are hiding.
3. ????
4. Badges

how to deal with mesmers ?

in Guardian

Posted by: Nirvash.3018


Form a party… place target marker… win?

Sucks you can’t place target marker unless you have a party

how to deal with mesmers ?

in Guardian

Posted by: Rojaha.4082


Sounds like you’re chasing the clones around attacking them. That’s definitely a huge problem. Go after the mesmer. The clones will either stand still and attack from range, or blindly melee rush auto attack you. Anyone kiting, dodge rolling, or using an ability is the real mesmer. Also, if you pay attention, the clones never have the mesmer’s offhand. Once you actually know how they work, they’re very easy to defeat.

how to deal with mesmers ?

in Guardian

Posted by: George Steel.1804

George Steel.1804

Use target marks to greatly assist in your chase and acquisition – And it always helps to have a weapon with some AOE capability (Hammer, GS, Staff)

Pay attention to behaviors! And remember, they only stay in stealth until they deal damage to you Good luck, mesmers are definitely one of the harder profs to deal with in PvP

Platinum – Guardian
Technical Strength – Engineer
Dungeon Master – FotM 46

how to deal with mesmers ?

in Guardian

Posted by: BishopX.6453


LOL yeah i forgot about STAFF, the great mezzmer killer. youuse a staff and just mezz his clones all kinds of up. you wont kill him but he sure will troll him as bad as they troll everyone else.

how to deal with mesmers ?

in Guardian

Posted by: Svarty.8019


How to deal with mesmers ?

Same as we deal with dungeons. Die and run back.

Nobody at Anet loves WvW like Grouch loved PvP. That’s what we need, a WvW Grouch, but taller.

how to deal with mesmers ?

in Guardian

Posted by: Rayya.2591


Sounds like you’re chasing the clones around attacking them. That’s definitely a huge problem. Go after the mesmer. The clones will either stand still and attack from range, or blindly melee rush auto attack you. Anyone kiting, dodge rolling, or using an ability is the real mesmer. Also, if you pay attention, the clones never have the mesmer’s offhand. Once you actually know how they work, they’re very easy to defeat.

never noticed the off hand, thx
no.1 WvW kills

how to deal with mesmers ?

in Guardian

Posted by: Drgori.5724


I never had problems to kill mesmers with GS, just annoying to finish them…