is it good in the long run?
OK GUYS nvm just re-geared with 10 gears now.. im hitting pretty kitten high x.x lol but i still wanna ask is it a good farming class for engame and how well does it do in dungeons and roaming
You will find no better class for dungeons(IMO) As for farming endgame we are not the best, but with a staff/scepter you will be fine. WvW/sPVP at least 1 guardian is a requirement on every team
hey there, had the same feel when i was leveling up. : ))) and then at a certain point, when you get better gear, learn to trait and build your character. you will notice you can hit FRIGGING hard. lol.
and yes, in dungeons, very survivable. great asset to any team or group events. but definitely more than solo-able.
general roaming, many people complain Guards are too slow, but with staff, save yourselves and retreat, you can pretty much keep up swiftness at all times. i can manage high-level areas on my own, even in full magic find gear.
and when running in farming zergs, the staff #1 spam is all you need. sure can get boring, so i switch it up with the hammer, which is also AoE and hits really hard. GS is great as well.
i have a lot of fun with the Guardian and love him. : ))) my main, started with him and my alts are all stuck at lvl 10.
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall
yea i see im killing mobs in eithier 2 or 3 hits lol 2 if it criticals its pretty fun to use staff for empower then jump into like 8 mobs and murder them all with whirling wrath xD
You haven’t started really playing any class only 10 levels in, so try to avoid snap judgments. Several classes only begin to shine halfway to 80. That said, if you are using at least blue gear close to your level as a Guardian, and you are playing it properly (using your blinds, using shouts and virtues properly, traiting properly, dodging intelligently, etc), you should fairly soon have no problem running into a group of half a dozen normal foes, kill them, and walk away close to unscathed. Veterans and champions are similar, but just take longer. This is a very durable class that can also do decent damage, and brings fantastic support (while doing damage) in dungeons and “end game”.
yea i was just asking a question sorry only because i have my thief and ranger and when i was lvl 10 on those i pretty much was hitting pretty kitten high but i didnt notice that i forgot to upgrade my gears at 10 lol so i finally did and yea its pretty nice. So im lvling it up now hopefully i can hit atleast 24 or 25 today
OH and i saw sum screenshots of players armors.. my god they look so good x.x way better than wats on my ranger right now xD
(edited by Lordryux.9785)
You haven’t started really playing any class only 10 levels in, so try to avoid snap judgments. Several classes only begin to shine halfway to 80. That said, if you are using at least blue gear close to your level as a Guardian, and you are playing it properly (using your blinds, using shouts and virtues properly, traiting properly, dodging intelligently, etc), you should fairly soon have no problem running into a group of half a dozen normal foes, kill them, and walk away close to unscathed. Veterans and champions are similar, but just take longer. This is a very durable class that can also do decent damage, and brings fantastic support (while doing damage) in dungeons and “end game”.
i have been playing class way above 10 tho js. my mesmer was 70 but in all honesty thats not the class i wanted to play so i deleted that aswell as my warrior who was 40 just wasnt into it made room for my ranger thief and guardian goona make a necro later on and ele i just dont have the cash to be buying extra character slots x.x
Yes it is, on PVE u can solo almost anything besides some Champions (just take a long way to get mob down or other still kill you if you have -13-15k hp) anything that says veteran u dont even need to move u can mitigate almost all the damage.
i do have another question tho when i hit 35 should i get the strong gladiators rare set? or the vigorous gladiators set?
i do have another question tho when i hit 35 should i get the strong gladiators rare set? or the vigorous gladiators set?
feel free like a bird, use what you think that makes sense for you and learn to use it! both armor stats look like they are used for diferent action roles.
well im not made of gold xD lol so its just one set for now tryna save wat little gold i have left x.x
For leveling, I focused on gear with Power, then Precision and/or toughness. Get some jewelry with toughness and vitality if you feel like you are too squishy.
For early money, learn what sells well on the trading post instead of just selling everything to the merchants (don’t bother salvaging). Most blue gear dropped can just be sold to the merchant, but almost all low-level cloth armor, rags, and crafting supplies (blood, poison, totems, claws, etc.) will sell for 20-50 copper a piece, depending on the market.
I started a guardian alt, then I started a mesmer alt. When I get frustrated with my mesmer I’ll just pop over to guardian and smash stuff until I feel better…
Guardian so far is the easiest/fastest to level with. Go GS and Staff or Hammer and don’t look back I’m only 24 but I see what my guardian buddies do and I’m excited for 80.
well i have 14gold its just u kno i mite need that later on so i dnt wanna buy 2 sets xD those 35 rares went up in price a bit.. i usually spend atleast 2g on them x.x but yea i was thinking tht power and prec for gears and jewelry tough and vit :p
as for weapon sets on mine im going with GS Staff and scepter/shield just incase i have huge mobs on me shield 5 helps a bit xD
(edited by Lordryux.9785)
“my grammar’s bad because I’m not dealing enough damage”
Server: Darkhaven. The Besthaven.
if u dont have anything nice to input dont comment. simply put.
i do have another question tho when i hit 35 should i get the strong gladiators rare set? or the vigorous gladiators set?
Don’t buy rares at 35. Trust me. Not unless you’re overflowing with Karma and you can afford some rare cultural weapons at 40.
The stats won’t make a huge difference on how fast you level, not at L35. Stick to using gear you find, gear you craft and gear you can buy off Karma vendors.
As for actually dealing damage while leveling, it’s going to depend on your traits and choice of weapon. I leveled to 80 the first time around using primarily Sword and Mace, and went deep Radiance, especially for Radiance 15 (which is very useful while leveling!).
Do not judge a guardian on how high he can hit per hit. A gurdians true damage is combined damage.
Burn+Symbol+Melee hit. This total damage is what makes the guardian tick as 2 of these doesn’t even require you to try to kill but you kill while you survive.
currently my symbols deal around 380 dmg. Burning does 390 dmg, Melee hitting for 600 dmg (mace). Thats 1370 per tick. using skills will add even more damage. Retaliation adds to this as well.
All this whilst healing constantly from symbol, VoR and mace 3. I can tank a group of 10 mobs in cursed shore (lvl 80) and come out laughing.
This is the ultimate Dungeon and farming class IMO. The only times you die is when your not paying attention.
In WvW Guardians can take on 3v1 and still come out on top (they they don’t pick up downed people)
The longer the fight the weaker the other classes become. This is not the case with guardians.
Sophia Theos Beast Master
[Fissure of Woe]
well these are gears from the TP thier not expensive. just one guy suggested maybe buy both which ehh thats costly lolxD i was just asking wats best for guardian but some 1 answered my question i guess
and yes this is by far the class i wanted to play just wasnt sure how to go about it cuz some people would talk bad about the class then it makes u wanna not play it :P but glad i tried it atleast cuz its fun now
(edited by Lordryux.9785)