just curious, where does DH stand?
Dragon hunter is an area denial/punishment build designed to spike nown enemies quickly. they have an arguably better longbow than rangers, better traps than rangers, better suitability than warriors, and have the bonus of being flexible. in short DH does everything you need it to do. The Specialization is over powered.
use the class to set up a battle field and support your allies. you can use only two or three traps to spike players down quickly, or you can even use 5 traps to become a battlefield skirmisher. The only drawback is that you are slow, except when you actually get in combat…super speed FTW. you can also use the rune of the trapper to sneak past enemy lines and surprise them with a well times true shot.
Stangely I have noticed that most DH players just play the meta and only know the basics, but the dragon hunter can do oh so much more than what you see players do.
Dragon hunter is an area denial/punishment build designed to spike nown enemies quickly. they have an arguably better longbow than rangers, better traps than rangers, better suitability than warriors, and have the bonus of being flexible. in short DH does everything you need it to do. The Specialization is over powered.
use the class to set up a battle field and support your allies. you can use only two or three traps to spike players down quickly, or you can even use 5 traps to become a battlefield skirmisher. The only drawback is that you are slow, except when you actually get in combat…super speed FTW. you can also use the rune of the trapper to sneak past enemy lines and surprise them with a well times true shot.
Stangely I have noticed that most DH players just play the meta and only know the basics, but the dragon hunter can do oh so much more than what you see players do.
I would disagree with a few of those statements.
To start, Warriors are vastly Underpowered Every proffession in the game right now is ABOVE a warrior, so making that comparison is worthless on a realistic scale, to say ur Better then the worse proffession in the game.. is hardly a good thing.
the Ranger?.. again i’d disagree, Rangers 2 Consumes 2 Dodges to evade the Damage, True shot costs 1 dodge to completely Disreguard, also rangers 2 is ALOT less predictable where the true shot has a pretty standing out animation with a cast time behind it, sure its on a lower CD but at the end of the day.. its Pretty easy.. the guardian cant even move while using it.
The Traps?… 2/3 are instantly Nullified by 1 Dodge again, u cannot block them so dont waste blocks trying, u may aswell save that for true shots, also any form of Ranged ability counters trap mechanics pretty hard, Also Once activated it only does damage if u PASS THROUGH the ring.. not for standing in it, and due the sheer size its pretty easy to move around inside it avoiding all the damage. also Mesmer clones and pets also instantly activate them.
Dragonhunters Considered Overpowered in Low – Medium MMR, where people dont play properly and needlessly die to ur traps suiciding based o ngreed as all they care for is kills and feel having the highest points is what wins the game, not actually the objectives.
in high MMR specially in well knitted teams / combinations the Dragonhunter lacks severely, its mechanics are so shallow and basic it gets Facerolled because past a bunch of Actives on Long CDs and Traps they really have no Sustain, they’re on a time limit where their survivability is ebcause the length of CD on meditations and they’re its entire defence line combined with the Lowest HP in the game.
If you want to know the truth about Dragonhunter watch the ESLs, where Dragonhunters have barely any representation and on the occassion it is it dies repeatively and is 0 help to their team… they’re representation is like 1 above Warrior and thief which are both competitively Unviable currently.
are dragonhunters bad? no, they have a few abusable mechanics such as Traps being instant, this allows u to sword teleport to a player and instantly activate one on them as they cannot physically stop you using the combination, they are strong in solo queues and if ur a player who regularly solo queues and doesnt really play within any teams or with reliable players they’re defintly a good option. PuGs do not work as a team and they dont really attempt to counter anything, just blames the proffession for why they lost.
Truth be told Every proffession in the game right now except Warriors and thiefs are in-need of Nerfs… they’re all Overpowered realistically, all replacing their base proffessions with elites which are miles ahead power creep wise. Dragonhunters will get their traps nerfed based on the endless Low MMR pool of Players QQing on the matter, they cant be assed to learn to counter and just want it nerfed to avoid the situation.
in truth, dragonhunters Alot of fun it has some mechanics which can pull you through, but if ur contemplating it, dont think of it as a Dragonhunter, the fact is due to how shallow their skillset is theres no depth or anything for it to hold onto when its nerfed… we’ll result back to bunker guardians in SPVP.
its hilarious to read these posts on them, knowing not a Single high tier Player represents them in any aspect, its the ONLY proffession to actually LACK any Info on because there isnt a top tier streamer Anywhere actually playing the proffession, Stop with the QQ, It Spikes idiots down, against Competent players they dont win.. Auramancers and Reapers both can outsustain Anything a DH can do, and “Can do so much more”???… the TOP PLAYERS GOT WRECKED PLAYING IT, they play the proffession to the top its ability and it Just gets Wiped across the floor Lmfao.
if u want a Proffession with a good History and Representation, Chronomancer / Reaper / Scrapper / Revenant and Tempest are prolly better options in all honesty.
(edited by Drayos.8759)
if u want a Proffession with a good History and Representation, Chronomancer / Reaper / Scrapper / Revenant and Tempest are prolly better options in all honesty.
I seldom play anything else than pvp now a days and almost exclusively premade.
I just have to QFT on this one. I swapped my guardian for revenant since the guardian is just so lackluster in the current state of the game so my team dont even want me on it.
There is zero representation of DH in the games i play. Tbh its close to zero guardians tbh.
DH is a gimmicky PVP spec that dominates against players who don’t really know what they’re doing and is all but useless against ones who do.
Guardians, along with Thieves and Warriors, have been rendered completely irrelevant by Revenants.
Woaw alot of text. DH is fun to play, and in pvp okay. Not op, but kitten it feels good to instakill HS-spam thieves… Traps are, as already pointed out, easy to counter.
Play it with meditation and you got great mobility.
I like it, I think it is average overall. If you want something strong, revenant is the choice though, just got boring after awhile.
I laugh.
1: Traps: yes one dodge can cancel all your traps if you place them on top of eachother. See, this is what I’m talking about. you assume just because your instant kill combo does not work 100% that it is a week class.
2. True shot: I said debatable. The upside of true shot is that if your opponent does not dodge you will get a sudden burst on them. There are steps you can take to make sure the opponent does not dodge. for example stealth from trappers rune gives you time to cast true shot. (just one example
3: Warriors: You are correct, comparing DH to Warrior is a mistake. I can conceed that. the warrior IS in a bad place right now. but i was not comparing the warrior to DH i was using the survival of warriors as a gauge for the DH’s own survival. Between Focus 5, F3, and healing, the DH can sustain it’s self for quite a while even 4v1 if the player is smart.
4: Just an example:
you have just capped a point. lay out your traps (lets say you have 5 of them) you don’t place them on top of one another. you place them at chokes and where you plan to move when a fight starts. lets say:
Procession of blades on point, Dragons maw before point, healing trap somewhere to the side where you can LOS or get out of the way.and your other traps at key entences to point.
your traps last for 1 minute, but their cool downs are less. so likely when the fight begins you’ll have a full set or at least one or two reaps to place again.
So the fight starts, and “oh no” there are two enemies. Thats fine because your superspeed allows you to maneuver, LOS and delay until help arrives.
Lets say they dodge your first trap, Fine, you still have 4 others. They use another dodge, now they are at your mercy. They pop endure pain, or shroud, no problem, you can recast. There is a daredevil? Well that’s okay you only need one good hit to destroy them.
There will be a point when all your traps are on cool down. Focus 5 gives yu a few seconds reprieve, also you get an extra heal and regen from focus 4. plus, also you have two dodges, maybe three if sigil of energy is on your sword or focus.
And thats not meta. that’s just the way i play.
This is what i’m talking about, yu assume just because your insta kill combo can be defeated easily that your class is useless. learn to play outside the bounds of meta and you’ll learn how to play meta better.
Not useless, but not op either.. Just my opinion. Also you are not forced to go trap.
^ good point about not having to take traps. i was just trying to include everything that DH comes with as a specialization
I do not really pvp at the moment just wanted to leave my current condi builds here that I run in open world and do all the HoT and story content. Since the guard build is basically the Obals Dps build with some dps cuts because I am obsessed with rune of the mad king this works quite well in dugeons too – although why would you run those now?
somtimes I run Dragons Maw too. Dropping three traps plus elite on a group of 3-5 mobs will cause mayhem and produce an easy 20+ stacks of burn in around 2-3 seconds on all targets. PF is a swap depending on encounter. Put in WoR and watch thos bristlebacks veterans + 2 adds light up in 6 seconds.
SW are awsome to do HP for some extra map currency or to help out others. The signet is for breakbars which together with Hammer SW command and auto does a wonderful job. depending on the encounter its a swap.
I do have a Condi Berserker as well and truth be told: The true king of fires is the Dragonhunter.
so non pvp state of DH/Guard:
Imo better than ever!
(edited by Asmodal.6489)
your traps last for 1 minute, but their cool downs are less. so likely when the fight begins
the last five minutes … enjoy.
Now that HoT has been out for over a month. I think it’s safe to say DH falls into line with pre-HoT medi Guard. It’s viable, however it’s has glaring issues, same way medi Guard did and still does. Every day you see less and less DHs and for good reason, there are just better choices in the meta. Tempest, Scrapper, Rev, and Druid all counter DH. One Tempest alone can make a DH almost useless in a team fight. The more I play DH the more frustrated I become with the class and I can understand why people are switching to other professions like Rev. DH isn’t a bad class and in my view it doesn’t need any buffs, however the other elite specs need to be brought into line.
Heavens Rage
Not useless, but not op either.. Just my opinion. Also you are not forced to go trap.
my point wasnt to push it to be useless, it isnt, but it does have issues, its skillsets damage output is very shallow theres not much room to move it around with.. its exactly what it looks like which means countering it completely nullifys it rather then actually having any effect.
Dragonhunters got potiental, but it is a Drowning specc where high MMR / Competitive gaming is concerned, nobodies really representing it at all anymore outside low – average MMR who seem to think its OP they’ll eventually die off once their MMR raises tbh.
I do not really pvp at the moment just wanted to leave my current condi builds here that I run in open world and do all the HoT and story content. Since the guard build is basically the Obals Dps build with some dps cuts because I am obsessed with rune of the mad king this works quite well in dugeons too – although why would you run those now?
somtimes I run Dragons Maw too. Dropping three traps plus elite on a group of 3-5 mobs will cause mayhem and produce an easy 20+ stacks of burn in around 2-3 seconds on all targets. PF is a swap depending on encounter. Put in WoR and watch thos bristlebacks veterans + 2 adds light up in 6 seconds.
SW are awsome to do HP for some extra map currency or to help out others. The signet is for breakbars which together with Hammer SW command and auto does a wonderful job. depending on the encounter its a swap.
I do have a Condi Berserker as well and truth be told: The true king of fires is the Dragonhunter.
so non pvp state of DH/Guard:
Imo better than ever!
as far as i have seen Guardians are only taken as a Tank, due to Dragonhunters being currently one of the lowest DPS Speccs i nthe game currently?… This was established by Quite alot of the community in a DH in Raids thread, where people again and again said they were refused as a DH, i wouldnt really say they’re fine if this is the case, DH is ment to be a Zerker all-out DPS if it isnt in the Top section of DPS with the other Pure Zerker Speccs, its not really standing to what its ment to really do.
As far as i have seen so far, the only people getting into raids with DH are those in very accepting guilds who dont mind taking alittle Less DPS in their guardian for Community reasoning more then what is actually best, DH is defintly not being used Over bunker Guardian, Sadly it has been painted to be Bunker or nothing.
Now that HoT has been out for over a month. I think it’s safe to say DH falls into line with pre-HoT medi Guard. It’s viable, however it’s has glaring issues, same way medi Guard did and still does. Every day you see less and less DHs and for good reason, there are just better choices in the meta. Tempest, Scrapper, Rev, and Druid all counter DH. One Tempest alone can make a DH almost useless in a team fight. The more I play DH the more frustrated I become with the class and I can understand why people are switching to other professions like Rev. DH isn’t a bad class and in my view it doesn’t need any buffs, however the other elite specs need to be brought into line.
it needs both nerfs and buffs imho, i dont mean that as in buff this and nerf that, i mean the Dragonhunter needs to take a hit somewhere (likely the traps) to rebalance it with some depth in more of its skillsets, or to make some traits Baseline so we can get to other things, the glaring issues could be fixed doing this without pushing the DH any more stronge rthen it currently is providing the nerfs compensate for the buffs, the only issue thats rpolly not fixable is the fact they’re rammed all ur burst into 1 single ability xD.
(edited by Drayos.8759)
Dragon hunter is an area denial/punishment build designed to spike nown enemies quickly. they have an arguably better longbow than rangers, better traps than rangers, better suitability than warriors, and have the bonus of being flexible. in short DH does everything you need it to do. The Specialization is over powered.
use the class to set up a battle field and support your allies. you can use only two or three traps to spike players down quickly, or you can even use 5 traps to become a battlefield skirmisher. The only drawback is that you are slow, except when you actually get in combat…super speed FTW. you can also use the rune of the trapper to sneak past enemy lines and surprise them with a well times true shot.
Stangely I have noticed that most DH players just play the meta and only know the basics, but the dragon hunter can do oh so much more than what you see players do.
Yes, it’s OP!! Right that’s why ESL is full of Dragon Hunters….
Wait a minute, not ONE SINGLE DRAGON HUNTER is used in ESL. If they are so brokenly OP, why aren’t they being used in ESL? If they are such a fantastic uber profession like you make them out to be, surely the best teams would be playing them?
Just for your edification, latest breakdown:
Revenant 10 [8 Shiro/Malyx, 2 Shiro/Glynt]
Ele 7
Engi 7
Mesmer 7
Necromancer 5
Ranger 4
Dragon Hunters are no where near OP. They punish BAD lazy players, good players just time the their dodges/blocks/evades and negate traps completely.
Cyrus Glitch – sPvP/tPvP Mesmer
Doctor Loki – sPvP/tPvP/WvW Power Necro
as far as i have seen Guardians are only taken as a Tank, due to Dragonhunters being currently one of the lowest DPS Speccs i nthe game currently?…
dont know about that but burn guard sure as hell is not. iirc DnT placed it a little lower than condi engi and nearly on par fighting trash – asuming you keep your SW (which is not happening in Raids afaik?).
also: who cares about raids?
there are 9 classes and 9 elite specs. there will always be drop outs. from what I see guard or DH are often taken as tanks for the Vale Guardian.
Cele temepsts can do everything you need it to do as well, nobody says a word -_-
Im actually loving all 3 heavy classes right now, but my main question is about DH.
What is the purpose of DH/Guard right now? Rev power dps is ridiculous. Berserker Condi dps blows us out of the water (I think power as well tbh). Reflects dont seem AS important, atleast, so far. Even with that, Revs projectile destruction is amazing.
I dont even know where we stand in the dps charts, I think we are about the same as reaper.
I hear we make good tanks, but I cant imagine us being any better than Tempest/Druid/Reaper, or maybe we are?
just curious
Well, I’m sorry, but I will be kittened off if they buff DH before thief. No matter how bad it is, thief has it worse.
Plot Twist: Elder Dragons are massive robots created by the Black Lion Trading Company.
Think of the money they make off weapons and armor…
Im actually loving all 3 heavy classes right now, but my main question is about DH.
What is the purpose of DH/Guard right now? Rev power dps is ridiculous. Berserker Condi dps blows us out of the water (I think power as well tbh). Reflects dont seem AS important, atleast, so far. Even with that, Revs projectile destruction is amazing.
I dont even know where we stand in the dps charts, I think we are about the same as reaper.
I hear we make good tanks, but I cant imagine us being any better than Tempest/Druid/Reaper, or maybe we are?
just curious
Well, I’m sorry, but I will be kittened off if they buff DH before thief. No matter how bad it is, thief has it worse.
i will be kittened off if i dont See warrior and Thiefs getting atleast half a god kitten overhaul.
This and Warriors PROVE that numbers mean nothing, at the end of the day, they buffed Warriors Numbers, Didnt help kitten, they buffed the numbers in DH and not its just a pubstomper which lacks in high tier competitive PvP.
Someone tried to justify their use above, and i admit the tactic works, also on the same subject thought, a Dragonhunter isnt ment to BUNKER POINTS, thats something they need to lose, at the end of the day, they’re ment to be a Assaulter, high Damage Squishy and Teamfighters, the fact they’re capability lies within Sitting on point is ridiculous and is the EXACT reason they need Nerfing and Buffing.
All three of these Proffessions could do with atleast half their kitten overhauled, I hate the typical just ramp numbers, this is how Thief got so wrecked by this expansion, even beforehand they still werent viable, They had like what? one build that worked?… and less then a handful of useful utilities in their grasps, the trait lines were so bad they had 0 variation and it forced thieves into just playing the Exact same thing over and over and over again, it gets tiresome every meta being identical to the last.
I mean like, if Anet are going to make us wait Months and Months to see these proffessions played again, seriously they need to do something massive, cause if they roll out a bunch of numbers its going to go sour oh so very quickly, Numbers are buffable at any moment of the game, nthere is 0 Need to make it wait forso long for just that.