meditation vs shout vs virtue of resolve

meditation vs shout vs virtue of resolve

in Guardian

Posted by: titaniumm.2983


first of all, i’m not english, so please, forgive me if i say something wrong, thank you

ok let’s start, i hate conditions, any conditions, whether they are cc, whether Dot..

so i would like to focus my survival build in condition removal, without sacrifice healing..

my doubt is about focus on meditation, (which have two conditions removal, one remove one condition, smite condition, and one convert all conditions to boons, plus healing with relatived trait, monk focus),
and shout (which provide me many boons, plus one condition converted for each shout, with relatived trait, but without direct healing like monk focus, and withut a total converter),

and there’s also a trait for virtue of resolve, that remove three condition, plus heal, but with a long cooldown.

i play with a full cleric set, with very low hp pool(like 12k or so) , and, in normal scenario, only thing that kill me is DoT, due that the DoT doesn’t not affected by toghness, or better, by anything.

so, i’m here to ask you some suggest, and opinion to help me decide

again, sorry for my bad english, and thank you for your time


i’m not english, so forgive me if i say something wrong.

(edited by titaniumm.2983)

meditation vs shout vs virtue of resolve

in Guardian

Posted by: Lalangamena.3694


what is your play focus?
do you need it in WWW?
in sPVP
do you solo roaming or always in group?

what is your build? bunker/tanking? healing/support? dps?
this info will affect the answers,
for example, if you mainly solo / DPS, then meditations are for you. (they are offensive)
if you always group , then rune of the soldier+shouts +altruistic healing build is what you want.

my opinion is that virtue of resolve is for passive healing and mainly for the “oh crap” moments when you must use the virtue or you’re dead, because it is on very long CD and while it is on CD you don’t get the passive benefit.
so using it for condition removal is waste.

meditation vs shout vs virtue of resolve

in Guardian

Posted by: Tarsius.3170


If you don’t like conditions then you can do a lot worse than traiting Purity ( 10 points into valor ).

Basically this gives you 2x passive condition removals every 10 seconds.

Also, many people seem to use Runes of the Soldier combined with shouts as an active condition removal ( I’ve not run with it personally, so I can’t comment on it’s effectiveness, but it does seem popular ).

It’s probably better than slotting something like Smite Condition or Contemplation of Purty, since you’re not sacrificing utility for condition removal.

Warhaft Tarsius – Asura Guardian ( Desolation ) – [NUKE]

meditation vs shout vs virtue of resolve

in Guardian

Posted by: titaniumm.2983


first of all, thank you for your answer, i appreciate it

i don’t post my build because i change it often, and your answer can make me change again

my idea is to be a tank/healer, or better, a tank with a great self heal plus support to party.. surely not pure dps..i use cleric set for that ^^

i do everything, dungeon, wvw, freeroaming, event farm in orr, so sometimes i’m with many people, sometimes i’m alone..

seems rune of soldier, plus shout could be my solution, there’s also a trait for that “pure of voice”, but require 30 in valor, i thought to do a:

0/0/30/20/20 with AH, but in this way i can’t remove condition by shouts, instead if i do a 0/0/30/30/10 with “pure of voice” i think, but i’m not sure at all, the 10 point in virtues couldn’t be enough for boons duration and for many traits it have..but maybe i wrong..

for healing skill i prefer use shelter, i find it very usefull in many situations..

anyway, i’m gonna to try some build with rune of the soldier

thank to all of you again

(and again, sorry for my bad english^^’)

i’m not english, so forgive me if i say something wrong.

(edited by titaniumm.2983)

meditation vs shout vs virtue of resolve

in Guardian

Posted by: Lalangamena.3694


pure voice is semi bugged, doesn’t work well with half the shouts.
if you go for runes of the soldier, don’t go for pure voice.
you can go for AH and still remove plenty of conditions via shouts and purity.

meditation vs shout vs virtue of resolve

in Guardian

Posted by: Lightrayne.7829


You also have condition removal through the greatsword combo: Symbol of Wrath into Whirling Wrath/Binding Blade. Whirl combo on light field is condition removal.

EDIT: Proved myself wrong.

(edited by Lightrayne.7829)

meditation vs shout vs virtue of resolve

in Guardian

Posted by: titaniumm.2983


You also have condition removal through the greatsword combo: Symbol of Wrath into Whirling Wrath/Binding Blade. Whirl combo on light field is condition removal.

even for me? i though it was only for ppl i hit whit cleansing bolt..

i’m not english, so forgive me if i say something wrong.

meditation vs shout vs virtue of resolve

in Guardian

Posted by: Lightrayne.7829


You also have condition removal through the greatsword combo: Symbol of Wrath into Whirling Wrath/Binding Blade. Whirl combo on light field is condition removal.

even for me? i though it was only for ppl i hit whit cleansing bolt..

EDIT: Gah, nvm. You’re right. I was misled with my self-cleansing traits. I’ve used them so long that I forgot how automatic it was. I just tested it w/o the traits and it didn’t work.

My main sources of cleansing come from purity trait in valor line, soldier runes with shouts, and the passive on the signet of resolve healing skill. Conditions feel pretty trivial most of the time.

Signet of resolve is overall a better healing skill, at least for dungeons, than shelter, but shelter is really great in anti-burst situations. In dungeons, I like to use shelter in situations like Kholer’s spin in AC because it makes me block a heavy attack and builds up a few might stacks (I use 0/0/30/30/10; there’s a minor trait in valor that gives me might for each block).

(edited by Lightrayne.7829)

meditation vs shout vs virtue of resolve

in Guardian

Posted by: alamore.1974


Isn’t there a trait that grants signets cond removal.

meditation vs shout vs virtue of resolve

in Guardian

Posted by: xFireize.6318


You don’t like conditions/CCs? Me neither.

Runes of Lyssa
Smite Condition + Contemplation of Purity + Judge’s Intervention + Renewed Focus
Bowl of Lemongrass Poultry Soup

I doubt cleric’s set is good for meditation build tho.

Bloo Foefire [RAM]
Yak’s Bend
Why bother being a Guardian if you don’t guard anyone?

(edited by xFireize.6318)