more range weapons pls

more range weapons pls

in Guardian

Posted by: BandAid.9720


scpeter is very boring and staff only 600 range!

more range weapons pls

in Guardian

Posted by: tom.7468


Agree with you there have been dozens of thread like this but devs never read them.

more range weapons pls

in Guardian

Posted by: Bastionhawk.7120


I think that the longbow is very suitable for a Guardian.

Aauryn | Sylvari Ranger
EJS I | Human Guardian
Tarnished Coast

more range weapons pls

in Guardian

Posted by: Fjandi.2516


I think that the longbow is very suitable for a Guardian.

Tbh i don’t think so. It doesn’t fit the class at all. It’s more a warrior weapon. Just my opinon tho.
They just need to rework the scepter #1 to make the weapon better at range.

more range weapons pls

in Guardian

Posted by: BandAid.9720


or even the rifle.. something fast at least. if i want to hit something with scepter o have to plan at least 1min ahead lol sooooo slow
rifle or bow with option to pierce through enemies.

more range weapons pls

in Guardian

Posted by: Phoenix the One.4071

Phoenix the One.4071

Or fix Scepter.. Make it rain lightning for the skill.. Or blue fire.. W/e.. Remove the need for the blue orbs to connect the target and gives us a new cool animation:D

more range weapons pls

in Guardian

Posted by: Tinboy.7954


At the very least, make the #1 skill actually shoot faster. It is so slow, never hits and always obstructed.

more range weapons pls

in Guardian

Posted by: Imbune.5497


I guess the kids aren’t back from school yet-you’ll soon hear ‘l2p noob, the guardian has tons of leaps/cripples/immobilize to cover range lol you suck go play more’. They’ll most likely add weapons but that won’t happen until expansions I’m willing to bet so there’s not much you can do. I agree though-the scepter is criminally uninteresting and the staff is…well weird. The staff is good for support (albeit a very specific, black and white support)…but really I don’t think there’s any other weapon that’s like that (not that it’s a bad thing mind you, just odd).
Personally I want to be able to have fun at range with the guardian, not simply hit things-the staff comes close to that if you invest in symbols imo (otherwise I look at the 3 skill and wish it was something else) but the profession still feels boring at range

When free speech ends, tyranny begins.

The beginning of wisdom is to call things by their proper name.

more range weapons pls

in Guardian

Posted by: Bacon.2360


I do agree that the guardian needs a better ranged weapon, but I believe the class was meant to frontline. Right now I use a GS with Staff, the staff allows me to heal up and remain in melee range for longer. I put a sigil of rage on the staff so if I do happen to switch I won’t lose too much dps while under quickness. Of course I keep a scepter on hand for those 1200 range fights.

more range weapons pls

in Guardian

Posted by: xFireize.6318


I use GS/Hammer since I hate the buggy staff and the princess wand. I’d like to see Guardians with a bow, especially when Bow of Truth is one of the Spirit Weapons. Thank god they didn’t come up with Princess Wand of Truth.

Bloo Foefire [RAM]
Yak’s Bend
Why bother being a Guardian if you don’t guard anyone?

more range weapons pls

in Guardian

Posted by: Alvik.4207


If they would fix scepter #1 orb to follow targets and make #2 smite a real AoE I would use it all the time, even with offensive builds.

more range weapons pls

in Guardian

Posted by: PlagueParade.7942


Warriors have longbow. If we need a bow then I’d say go shortbow it’s not like they can’t make us use it at a 900-1200 range. The devs can make it do whatever they want.

Speeding up the orbs is probably the better option. Maybe not as fast as an arrow or bullet but close to it would be nice.

more range weapons pls

in Guardian

Posted by: BandAid.9720


Yes we already have the bow of truth I deserve a better option scpeter is just too gay
Short bow with some aoe would be awesome

more range weapons pls

in Guardian

Posted by: Irena.1062


No, Scepter should just be improved instead. Or, perhaps staff could be the 2-handed version?

more range weapons pls

in Guardian

Posted by: Oatmeal.1895


Whatever you do, don’t change Staff #1, #3, & #5. Thanks! (if you change #1, only change the range.. 1200 aoe Jedi Force damage anyone? )

more range weapons pls

in Guardian

Posted by: Incarmine.1953


I’d go with improving scepter. I think weak ranged is supposed to offset the guardian’s great melee capability.

Also I don’t know about the class using shortbow or longbow. It’s a magic-user class. In plate armor, sure, but guardians use a lot of magic. The profession has a trident as its ranged aquatic option, for one thing. All the magic users in the game use trident, and the non-magic professions all use harpoon guns.

So fitting with the plate-armored magic-wielding knight theme of the guardian, I don’t think it’s appropriate for them to use short or longbows, or rifles when they can shoot magic instead.

EDIT: As awesome and hilarious a 1200 staff autoattack would be, it’d also be OP as hell. Imagine you’re ikittenerg facing another zerg, and all you have to do is to face their general direction and spam 1 to whittle down the health of everyone in that group at once. It would be total lulz.

more range weapons pls

in Guardian

Posted by: Obtena.7952


Agree with you there have been dozens of thread like this but devs never read them.

What gives you that impression? You believe they don’t read the forums because they don’t instantly cave to the whims of players that don’t want to deal with the shortcomings of a profession even though it goes against the design of the class? Interesting.

Yes, this isn’t the first or last thread on the topic but I think a new weapon is the last thing we will get IF the devs decide to improve our ranged capability. It’s the most work of all options to address it. More likely they improve Sceptre (didn’t they do something with that recently?) Frankly I don’t see it happening without some kind of nerf to accompany it as well. Things that happen by design aren’t accidental.

(edited by Obtena.7952)

more range weapons pls

in Guardian

Posted by: Destac.2064


If they would just change the staff’s #1 ability to a more ranged attack.

more range weapons pls

in Guardian

Posted by: Fomby.4295


DoublePistols! I dunno, I think it might look cool.

Or throwing axes like the Ranger…. but better.

Maguuma [PYRO]
Kal Snow – Norn Guardian

more range weapons pls

in Guardian

Posted by: HKC.5624


I agree that scepter #1 skill needs to change. It just feels awkward to have a heavy class wave a stick about like that. If they could instead hold the scepter the same way they do maces in the artwork (held up, the head tilted), like in silent prayer, that would fit their class much better. Now replace the orbs with a pulse-like eruption and you’re done.

more range weapons pls

in Guardian

Posted by: Shootsfoot.9276


IMO, nobody in heavy armor should be lugging around a bow.

Taint right I say.

more range weapons pls

in Guardian

Posted by: KensaiZen.3740


I would be happy with a change in sceptre 1 animation. You can fire magical balls out of a pointing sceptre… don’t even need a proper animation. And increase the speed by an extra 10% or at least a trait that will increase its speed by 10%.

That will do nicely Speed increase trait lol

Winters Ascension The White Guardian
Sophia Theos Beast Master
[Fissure of Woe]

more range weapons pls

in Guardian

Posted by: ValkoorSC.9178


Just change the Staff 1 skill. Instead of an short range AOE make it 1,200 Range single target skill.

more range weapons pls

in Guardian

Posted by: Celestina.2894


I agree with scepter being improved. Right now it looks and feels really lame, blue tennis balls? Seriously?

more range weapons pls

in Guardian

Posted by: purpleskies.3274


Ideally I would say switch wrath (downed state skill) and scepter 1.

more range weapons pls

in Guardian

Posted by: Celestina.2894


Ideally I would say switch wrath (downed state skill) and scepter 1.

That I would be perfectly ok with.

It’s pretty bad when our downed skill (aka where we are dieing) looks more powerful then a skill we’re using at full strength.

more range weapons pls

in Guardian

Posted by: Mougen.6702


I wish they would just increase the range on staff 1.

At the end of the day it would still only hit 5 targets max. At least this way we could throw out a little damage and get some kill credit when sitting on top of a tower playing support.

more range weapons pls

in Guardian

Posted by: Kangataz.6842


If they would fix scepter #1 orb to follow targets and make #2 smite a real AoE I would use it all the time, even with offensive builds.

how is #2 not a real AoE?

more range weapons pls

in Guardian

Posted by: Kangataz.6842


Just change the Staff 1 skill. Instead of an short range AOE make it 1,200 Range single target skill.

nooo then you can’t zerg tag things anymore!

more range weapons pls

in Guardian

Posted by: Kangataz.6842


do u think the devs cripple us in the ranged abilities cuz we would be OP otherwise? Honestly I have no issue with scepters in PvE since enemy npcs are generally either slower or stationary enough. But hey if they are gonna buff us guards even more who’s complaining!

I used to run GS/scepter+focus, then that last patch where they buff staff happened, now I don’t mind staff. But still for boss fights I still rely heavily on scepters…( mainly cuz of the focus skills I guess)

more range weapons pls

in Guardian

Posted by: Delarius.1583


I think the underwater trident abilities would be awesome on land. Maybe replace the sinking ability with a n immobilization.

more range weapons pls

in Guardian

Posted by: Hicci.8761


The patch preview said that scepters orb gets 30% increase in speed. We’ll see if it really happens.

more range weapons pls

in Guardian

Posted by: SchizoFrenikTHCS.5396


How about a throwable Spear like the Paragon from GW: Nightfall? I think that’d be the perfect addition to the guardian’s kitten nal.

more range weapons pls

in Guardian

Posted by: Vizardlorde.8243


If they would fix scepter #1 orb to follow targets and make #2 smite a real AoE I would use it all the time, even with offensive builds.

how is #2 not a real AoE?

because each little fist only hits one enemy at a time so 15 hits in total no matter how many mobs are in it. Every other aoe usually has a 5 target cap, so instead of doing 15 hits total on 5 targets it would do 75 hits total on 5 targets

more range weapons pls

in Guardian

Posted by: Periclitor.1892


Il rather see them buff/Fix our other utility and improve our melee and soft cc so we can stay in melee with our prey rather than improve our ranged weapon(yes weapon, singular. Staff is not a ranged weapon).

As dev has said, Guardian are supposed to be a melee focused class and there i want us to stay. Our problem currently is exactly that, staying in melee.

Periclltor – Guardian
Account and Char® name could
be the same, Profanity!?

more range weapons pls

in Guardian

Posted by: Wetpaw.3487


W/the change coming to staff Symbol of Swiftness it would be pretty nice if Anet would make a change to staff #2 Orb of Light, it’s really bad. I would like to see some overhaul to #2 staff that includes a 1200 range dmg/cleanse low cd.

JQ Druid

(edited by Wetpaw.3487)

more range weapons pls

in Guardian

Posted by: Zach.3264


Increase staff range and decrease it’s cone size and it’s sorted.

How about a throwable Spear like the Paragon from GW: Nightfall? I think that’d be the perfect addition to the guardian’s kitten nal.

Would be nice, but I think I read somewhere that they wouldn’t consider adding new weapons for a long time. They would only update the already existing ones.