spirit weapon build

spirit weapon build

in Guardian

Posted by: Avatar.1923


i ve seen that in the las patch the slightly “nerfed” spirit weapons.

i dont get it, as i think mostly everyody is running aroud with shout or meditation builds.

somebody having success with a spirit weapon build ?
is it more pvp, wvw or pve?

just looking for some idea on it.
i think a “summoner” type build for the guardian is/can be cool, but right now i dont get the gameplay.

spirit weapon build

in Guardian

Posted by: foofad.5162


Spirit weapons work okay in PVE until you get higher level. At 80, good luck keeping one alive long enough to use it. The spirit weapon builds of yore are toast, though.

Eilir Eirasdottir, Guardian, Tarnished Coast
Painbow.6059: Ignore what anyone else who doesn’t agree with me has said because its wrong.

spirit weapon build

in Guardian

Posted by: Lightrayne.7829


As a dungeon runner, I think the spirit weapons (minus the shield), both before and after the patch, are better suited for solo play in open world PvE. They don’t really contribute much to team play as shouts do. The hammer knocks things outside of reach with its auto attack, reducing your team’s damage. The sword is a bit of extra damage, not providing anything useful. The bow’s condition removal is outshined by all the other condition removal a guardian has, and its heal command is only useful if you have a lot of people stationary near it. The shouts offer many things to you and your teammates: condition removal (especially with soldier runes), damage mitigation, speed, stun breaks, and stability.

spirit weapon build

in Guardian

Posted by: dimentox.6019


actually i have a spvp build that is spirit weapon build. They affect alturistic healing btw…

LOL its fun to play does dps and people go wtf.. they dont know how to counter it which is fun but its by no means a end all build LOL.

spirit weapon build

in Guardian

Posted by: showatt.9413


Well it still works but it’s not as overpowering as before.

With spirit weapon becoming breakable the key is no longer how long they can last but rather the effect they provide. Hammer of justice is still best for ccing as it KB when not commanded and KD when you do.

I’m still a spirit guard myself and if you spec burning to all your weapon and use focus + 100% burn with blocks trait, pop the fifth skill, summon your weapons and you can literally burn people to death.

It works fantastic for solo play because its’ all about solo kills. For torny? You’re gonna be wanting to hold a point longer so Spirit weapons aren’r so much use anymore.

spirit weapon build

in Guardian

Posted by: Tarsius.3170


They still do work in fractals situationally. The shield lasted well against harpies and old tom, and worked fine against the underwater jelly fish, but you can forget about sending them against any kind of melee or aoe mobs.

Warhaft Tarsius – Asura Guardian ( Desolation ) – [NUKE]

spirit weapon build

in Guardian

Posted by: Tous.7082


Let’s get down to business. These utilities are fundamentally broken. Everything that they were is now gone, and if you’re a spirit weapon Guardian, good for you; you are now a member of an endangered species. In fact, we were always 1 in a handful so I have no idea who plays this anymore; please report to Gate 9, you have lost luggage.

To assume: is to make an a— out of you and me, so suffice it to say, the nerf was intended for SPvp. Let’s just say that. Most nerfs come from a player vs player environment. As dungeon minions don’t really have “a say” over what goes on in the utility/trait pool. <—- as I’ve mentioned, the traits have diminished along with them.
Let’s go over them shall we?

1. Spirit weapons cause burning? For a lucky 1 hit, yes they do (and might I add that as a Guardian, our condition damage is amazing).

2. Spirit weapons are not destroyed when activated? Again, you should activate this immediately before its 3 shot-obliterated. [You’re lucky if it lasts more than 10 seconds]. The auto-attack of up to an additional 2 knock-backs — NOTE: Not Knockdowns, that’s the command button Sgt.Thompson — that can easily be dodged, mind you. if one were so inclined as to count, let alone, SEE, with THEIR EYES, when it would strike it’s third hit. NOTE: Third hit usually comes after two hits: the first hit, which is quickly followed by a second hit, and so on… Actually, scratch that – there is no so on – the third hits comes directly no sooner after the second hit, please make mental note. [The animation is quite flawless, i.e. easily ascertained].

3. Spirit weapons last 20% longer? You’d be lucky if they last the first round, i.e. the normal 20 duration that they get. You might as well stick to PvE; mind the AoE. [Useless trait #64]

*Here to speak with us is random person:

Random Person:
‘But this is how it was always intended. To be target-able. It’s a 8-month release fix; not a nerf. It’s now in comp. with Mesmer illusions (except they don’t give you a combo-wombo of up to 9k dmg), necromancer pets (except they aren’t out of way, but in your face so you’re pretty much forced to attack them) and Warrior knock-down; you don’t see them getting extra damage from some invul. thing that follows you. YOU DON’T SEE THAT.

[Tangent: Except if you’re a ranger’s pet with full beat-mastery, then you tell me the difference of 1v1ing that as a bunker guardian. Cause you can’t handle the dps on that thing, it’s not even equivalent to your own dps, let alone you’re hp regen. End Tangent].

-Okay, then save us the trouble of summoning it. Who are we fooling? We’ll just take the ele’s updraft instead, i.e. the knock-down is a lot longer. (Have you seen this animation? Your character will collect his thoughts longer than you! Buy Now!)

Random Person #46:
‘They just fixed it so that guardian weapons are now target-able, because it was so unfair that many people didn’t know they could just wait 20 seconds in a duel and walla, they have a wasted utility; jeez you’re telling me? I used to laugh at guardians with full spirit-spec. That meant they were missing some very useful utilities such as Stand Your Ground and Shout/condtion Removal Capability, least of all some bring-back meditation juice. Let alone, you wouldn’t see a bunker with them. So, in essence, they would be quite squishy to burst. -You’re welcome.

Whomever designed this should be shot, hanged, gutted, and tried for their laziness, lack of consideration, and lack of will/judgement in fixing this so-called problem; because now you actually have one.

It’s kinda like the cautionary tale of those who take a path to avoid their fate, usually end up meeting it. A self-fulfilling prophecy as it were. Let’s fix these spirit weapons to their initial intent, 8 months after it’s release to get things back on track. We have one person using the Spirit Hammer on Khylo and it’s getting a lot of complaints during the 20 second duration.

“Sir, can’t we just prolong the gap between attacks?”
“No! Or any other suggestion to be suggested. Bryan! (cause you’re name is Bryan). You have till friday to fix this Guardian issue, or you’re FIRED” Regular Show voice
“-But that’s only 5 minutes away! What am I supposed to do? Make it target-able?”

*Boss’s eyes light up as his face cringes with a smile.
*Bryan’s eyes do the same; except they’re twitching every now and then from the caffeine deficiency, as this is what happens during sleep deprivation, children!

“I’m sure they’ll get over it,” Boss says “Now, let’s give these ele’s more mobility”

spirit weapon build

in Guardian

Posted by: Tous.7082


Note: that should be 50% increase duration.

And I understand the fix, it’s a very strong build, and that’s not putting it lightly. If you knew how to use it, it could be dominating but what profession couldn’t be? So, it was very over-matched and needed the nerf, but my main say was not that it was fixed, but how it was fixed. Bryan should have thought more on this. I understand the knock-down is it’s initial purpose and all little Bryan wanted to do was capitalize on that, turn the tide into that favor as it was initially intended to be. With the added dmg it can do on the side. I hear ya Bryan.

But the traits have to be changed along with that! And that is what I am stating. You can’t lock one thing in place and leave out all the screws. Thanks for the fortune cookie.

spirit weapon build

in Guardian

Posted by: Kichiyou.2934


Was just thinking abbot how fun this could be.

Ps: Here’s a list of all the “outside sources” for guardian summoner.

Racial skills[edit]

SummonSkill7-Series Golem Summon 7-Series GolemD-Series Golem Summon D-Series GolemCharr Warband Warband SupportHounds of Balthazar Hounds of BalthazarSnow Wurm Call WurmDruid Spirit Summon Druid SpiritFern Mastiff Summon Sylvan HoundMistfire Wolf Mistfire Wolf

Runes and sigils[edit]

SummonItemGolemSuperior Rune of the GolemancerMinionSuperior Rune of the LichParrotSuperior Rune of the PrivateerRock DogSuperior Rune of the OgreRavensSuperior Rune of the Mad KingFleshreaverSigil of Demon Summoning


SummonItemEmberFire Elemental PowderOgre PetOgre Pet WhistleWas just thinking this (the summoner)

(makes for a good solo “party” for AH). Note: fleashreaver & both consumables seem best, but parrot is another “quick chance”.

Pps: I’ll fix this to be easier to read later.

(edited by Kichiyou.2934)

spirit weapon build

in Guardian

Posted by: Aeolus.3615


Spirit weapons work okay in PVE until you get higher level. At 80, good luck keeping one alive long enough to use it. The spirit weapon builds of yore are toast, though.

^this, but everything works in pve.
Iimo anet is not enouraging “play as you want” well player can do that but will die and forced to play more meta classes/builds due a more easy with lower effort way to win.
Bahh im being blunt all over again.. i feel this game is broken in so many ways….

1st April joke, when gw2 receives a “balance” update.

spirit weapon build

in Guardian

Posted by: Obtena.7952


Spirit weapons work okay in PVE until you get higher level. At 80, good luck keeping one alive long enough to use it. The spirit weapon builds of yore are toast, though.

^this, but everything works in pve.
Iimo anet is not enouraging “play as you want” well player can do that but will die and forced to play more meta classes/builds due a more easy with lower effort way to win.
Bahh im being blunt all over again.. i feel this game is broken in so many ways….

I don’t get what you’re saying: Players using a spirit weapon build (as crap as they are) will not be driven to meta because they will die more often. If a player is dying using spirit weapons, the other skill categories don’t have much more to offer to prevent death for that level of skill.

SW’s would have to become almost OPed to even be considered useful for any meta build that exists.

spirit weapon build

in Guardian

Posted by: Aeolus.3615


Spirit weapons work okay in PVE until you get higher level. At 80, good luck keeping one alive long enough to use it. The spirit weapon builds of yore are toast, though.

^this, but everything works in pve.
Iimo anet is not enouraging “play as you want” well player can do that but will die and forced to play more meta classes/builds ?due a more easy with lower effort way to win.
Bahh im being blunt all over again.. i feel this gam
is broken in so many ways….

I don’t get what you’re saying: Players using a spirit weapon build (as crap as they are) will not be driven to meta because they will die more often. If a player is dying using spirit weapons, the other skill categories don’t have much more to offer to prevent death for that level of skill.

SW’s would have to become almost OPed to even be considered useful for any meta build that exists.

I said completely the contrary ….. did my english went that bad ?? :<

SW would not have to be OP if their mechanics were reworked, SW would need to be OP to have a playable role only with the actual mechanics (we have noticed how some classes had sufered from this update to became more viable).
I would risk to say if SW were op, overall comparing all classes efectivess builds, SW would be balanced towards that…

A player using SW is way more susceptible to die using SW becouse they dont offer nothing similiar or close to shouts or meditations, and SW efficace on the batle field is more like a spectator, also the situation of casting 1/2 second (each weapon) if i recall in midle of a combat its pretty dangerous for a 14k guardian, only way to make SW at least make mediocre damage was built over assassin or zerker gear.

I also dont understand why ur stating “If a player is dying using spirit weapons, the other skill categories don’t have much more to offer to prevent death for that level of skill” ofcourse other utilities have a major effect if not a complete result as win situation.

1st April joke, when gw2 receives a “balance” update.

(edited by Aeolus.3615)

spirit weapon build

in Guardian

Posted by: Obtena.7952


Spirit weapons work okay in PVE until you get higher level. At 80, good luck keeping one alive long enough to use it. The spirit weapon builds of yore are toast, though.

^this, but everything works in pve.
Iimo anet is not enouraging “play as you want” well player can do that but will die and forced to play more meta classes/builds due a more easy with lower effort way to win.
Bahh im being blunt all over again.. i feel this game is broken in so many ways….

I don’t get what you’re saying: Players using a spirit weapon build (as crap as they are) will not be driven to meta because they will die more often. If a player is dying using spirit weapons, the other skill categories don’t have much more to offer to prevent death for that level of skill.

SW’s would have to become almost OPed to even be considered useful for any meta build that exists.

SW would not have to be OP if their mechanics were reworked, SW would need to be OP to have a playable role only with the actual mechanics (we have noticed how some classes had sufered from this update to became more viable).

You’re going to have to be more specific with what you think would make SW’s an accepted part of the meta in this game; my point was that if SW’s are EVER to become a useful part of the meta, they will have to be made overpowered because 1. they die to fast and 2. they don’t really offer very much utility. To make them a useful meta tool, they need to have a much larger damage output, more frequent, broadly applicable effects or not have HP (like they used to).

A player using SW is way more susceptible to die using SW becouse they dont offer nothing similiar or close to shouts or meditations, and SW efficace on the batle field is more like a spectator, also the situation of casting 1/2 second (each weapon) if i recall in midle of a combat its pretty dangerous for a 14k guardian, only way to make SW at least make mediocre damage was built over assassin or zerker gear.

You’re not getting me here: If a player is SO BAD that they die using SW’s, then for the majority of those players, shouts and meditations can’t help them. Furthermore, if you’re playing a meta build (assuming PVE here) then meditations don’t actually have a big impact to your survival at all. There is a very narrow range of skill where those things will make the difference between using them and not, especially if we limit ourselves to meta builds.

(edited by Obtena.7952)

spirit weapon build

in Guardian

Posted by: Aeolus.3615


Ah… ic now lol…. i was talking about pvp and mostly if not all the gameplay arround WvW.

In pve as i usually say… everything works even SW or play without armor :P

To make them viable (overall) taking HP out would be fine to start(back to native play/ vanilla), but still lies 2 problems in traitline are to spreaded and combat efectivness of the SW even if full traited so let assume all SW start traited as native with:
- Improved Spirit-Weapon Duration – Spirit weapons last longer (virtues).
-Expeditious Spirit – Spirit weapon command skills have reduced recharge (Zeal)..

SW need to follow more the caster instead of getting lost in the battlefield, other way is to use ground targetting on command here are a few examples:

SoA: follow by side the guardian if guardian takes damage it activates dome, but if exits dome, SoA ends dome permaturly and follows the caster, also command skill need to be reworked for a ground targetting with a recall back to caster or if on command a chain skill to recall back to caster while not pressed SoA gets atached to closest ally, also keep SoA as a stun breaker.
Instead of SoA search for a ally to help, it is the guardian who decides that and might want to recall it, Ai should be only for checking when needs to be used and ended.

HoW and SoJ to deffend near the guardian instead of them running arround far from the caster instead of getting somewhere else they are there to deffend the guardian and punish who gets near, the changes were to make HoW command targeting area for KD (3-5 targets if traited?) There is a 6-second (approximate) cooldown between attack chains looks fine or maibe reduce the first two and prelong the 3 animation since its area?
SoJ would keep simply the same but proly aplying bleed on auto atack and change “Attacks approximately every 2 seconds.”
They are 2 fast actions SW but loosing target if his no longer a threat near guardian, they also teleport with the guardian.

Bow of Truth: 5 seconds is a nice time removing condis indeed, either caster keeps the 5 seconds condi removersor uses the command to heal allies on ground targeting area (a little (real little)bit healing increase would not be bad).

-Spirit-Weapon Mastery – Reduces recharge on spirit-weapon.
-Expeditious Spirit – Spirit weapon command skills have reduced recharge. (that would provide a 3r use of the command).
-Wrathful Spirits(trait merged with “A fire inside”) – Increases spirit weapon damage by 25% and Spirit weapons cause burning. ( reduced fom 50% to 25 and vanilla SW had already a 10-15% damage boost).

Trait based on http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Guided_Weapon replaces #Fire Inside# trait in Radiance:
Guided Weapon – SW atack is unblockable, enters in 30 sec cooldown when it happens.

Improved Spirit-Weapon on Virtues:
Changes to somethinf similiar to “inspired virtue” but related to SW
SoA -> on command to allies inside reduced 7-10% damage reduced or increase armor or proly some sorta condition reducer.
HoW -> increase KD area or increase the KD time (being already to 3 players).
SoJ -> Increase sword movement also increasing guardian speed while SoJ is casted.

Elite related SW – Signet of Spirits, while its in passive state SW Have no health but can be afected by Fear, KD, KB, stuns, and slowed down in time, when active will cast for20-x seconds a group of (3-4? or more :P ) Veteran Ascalon ghosts that will help the caster.

well i got to admit i envy a litle bit what i noticed on the ravenent so… if u guys feel this would be to op here is a link of stuff that could work across all game spirits even for ranger.

Sorry for the format and any bad english :<

1st April joke, when gw2 receives a “balance” update.

(edited by Aeolus.3615)

spirit weapon build

in Guardian

Posted by: Obtena.7952


Well, that does make more sense then. I think PVP/WvW was the only place that pre-nerf SW’s were useful.