weapons you would want on your guardian

weapons you would want on your guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: catqeer.1954


I am partial to giving it a pistol… Idk what it would do but it seems like a cool idea… waht about what weapon would u like

weapons you would want on your guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Tarsius.3170


I’m still not convinced it’s right for guardian to have any kind of ranged weapon, none of current ranged options feels right against the profession’s style.
It would have to be something new, like a spirit crossbow ( literally a “Constantine” style cross ) or secondary weapon like an Ankh symbol which shoots beams of light.

This has been discussed to death already, but I’m fairly certain that if we got a good ranged weapon we’d be seriously nerfed in other areas – otherwise we could just park ourselves somewhere with shields and regen up and blast away at things all day long.

Warhaft Tarsius – Asura Guardian ( Desolation ) – [NUKE]

weapons you would want on your guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Asmodal.6489


New 2h Weapon: The Crossbow

1: Standard Shot: Deal Damge to your foe, more damage the closer you are to the target
2: Brutal Pierce: Fire a high damage shot that pierces all target in a line causing cripple (projectile finisher)
3: Crossbow Slash: Whack you foe with you crossbow, dazing it
4: Hook Shot: Shoot your target and cripple them. Trigger again to bleed and immobelize your target.
5: Searing Bolts: fire three flaming bolts causing burn. 300% more damage against objects

weapons you would want on your guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: WeWantWaffles.2873


Guardian is totally in the style of a D&D cleric/paladin, and Tarsius makes a lot of sense. Any of the current non-magical ranged weapons are too ‘dishonorable’ to give to a guardian, whose role is to be brave and selflessly stand between the enemy and allies. Even with a scepter/staff they have superior support skills.

I’ve always been in favor of keeping the weapons we have, but allowing players to switch around skills for those weapons. That’s a whole other topic though.

weapons you would want on your guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Relentliss.2170


Longbow would make the most sense and fill a big void.

We don’t need to make mandatory gear treadmills, we make all of it optional

Anet lied (where’s the Manifesto now?)

weapons you would want on your guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: lerak.5286


Weapons I’d like to see:
Crossbow (2h, 1200 range) : like Asmodal proposes
Halberd (2h, 400 range) : attacks based on interrupting and pushing back enemies
Javelin (mh, 900 range) : projectile-based weapon, supportive skills
Icon (oh, 600 range) : Depicting in game “deities”(Human pantheon, titans, mursaat, …), acting like Beatrice’s cross in Dante’s Inferno
Scroll (oh, no range) : Gives access to 2 chants/shouts skills

Gabriel Angelheart – Far Shiverpeaks

weapons you would want on your guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Okuza.5210


Crossbow. Or, at least some 2Hx1200 ranged weapon. Rifle is too techy for a Guardian.
Javelin. Nice idea, great animation potential.

Scepter: high speed orbs.

The last one isn’t a new weapon or even a new suggestion. I literally outran a bunch of guardian orbs the other night on mesmer when a mini-zerg was chasing me. I almost laughed, but then I remembered the poor things were doing the best they could. It should at least be fast enough to worry a runner a tiny bit. ><

weapons you would want on your guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Silver.8023


I say, fix the broken weapons we have now before adding new ones
Personally, I think the weapon selection is pretty good, we just need a couple of them working better.

Silver Stormshield – Guardian
Kaimoon Blade – Warrior
Fort Aspenwood

weapons you would want on your guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Asmodal.6489


well of course what silver said… but we are making wishes here right?

it is actually kindof hard to introduce new weapons and not totally mess up the balance once again. i imagine that anet might introduce them with the same mechanic as conjured weapons or engineer traits per se.

new weapons will also enlarge the loot table further which is already pretty packed imo

weapons you would want on your guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Razor.9132


..otherwise we could just park ourselves somewhere with shields and regen up and blast away at things all day long.

Yeah, so? I don’t see this as a problem. It’s not like our ranged weapon would be powerful like warriors let’s say.

New 2h Weapon: The Crossbow

Skill setup is overpowered.

I say, fix the broken weapons we have now before adding new ones

Staff will never get a rework and neither will the scepter, minor tweaks at most is what we can expect.

We will get a ranged option somewhere down the road, whether people like it or not. As far as I remember, even ANet mentioned they had it in mind but had not enough time to bring it to life.

As for balance, there’s a thousand options to make a ranged weapon work on us without overpowering the profession.

I personally vote for a longbow, although I’ve had few ideas such as dual wielding a shield (#1 attack being a ricochet maybe) or even better – dual wielding a focus (there is a monk inside of us after all) with some guardian magic and range.

weapons you would want on your guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: DreamOfACure.4382


A Long Bow or Crossbow with at least one skill involving holy-flame arrows would be cool.

That and I feel GW2 needs a profession that can feel like an Archer without the need to utilize a pet.

Guardian would be a great fit, since our ranged capabilities aren’t very notable.

“Bleeding, Poison, Confusion, Torment, they all look delightful on you.”

Lv80s: Guard, Thief, Necro. Renewed my Altaholic’s card on the HoT Hype-Train. Choo choo~

(edited by DreamOfACure.4382)

weapons you would want on your guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Tassalar.9427


Why don’t they just recycle some of the old GW1 Paragon Spear skills. Quite a few of them go along with a Guardian style of play.

weapons you would want on your guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: ArcTheFallen.7682


I’m still rooting for weapons having a different skill set for long-range and you can swap.

[VZ] Sky Avalon – Guardian (Main)
Master of all Professions
sPvP Rank Dragon – 8 Champ Titles – Ruby Division

weapons you would want on your guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Kreslin.6832


I would like to see the one handed weapon that hits in a middle distance, or 1200 distance. Something like underwater spear.

You hit the air by your weapon, and magical energy, which looks like 3d skill on 1h sword, or something like that, and like on underwater spear, hit your foes. Just like 3d skill on one handed sword or underwater spear.

Personally I would like a 1h sword with such abilities, but it’s because of sword and shield my favorite combinations. But it could be… something else. I don’t know, axe, or some kind of one handed trident…

Just imagine, a weapon which looks like a melee weapon, except it is middle or long ranged weapon. And it’s not like mesmer with a sword. It must look like you are doing melee hits on the air, and magic energy hits foe.

Seize the day.

(edited by Kreslin.6832)

weapons you would want on your guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Cilox.1374


If limited by the weapons that are currently in game I’d want a shortbow(1200 range), offhand sword(very offensive single target spells), warhorn ( fury buff since we have almost non and a symbol), mainhand axe and of course some fist weapons.

weapons you would want on your guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Obtena.7952


I wish we could get some spirit enhancement or divine support through a warhorn. What an awesome idea to call lightning on your enemy by calling the gods through a massive horn! Otherwise, the selection is pretty awesome.

weapons you would want on your guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Leowan.4389


I would like to see a Pilum or a Crossbow.

Leowan (Ranger) / Patrel Braveling (Thief) / Agusta Steelton (Guardian) / Danner Braveling (Warrior)

weapons you would want on your guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Tobeyeus.9376


The only issue I really have with the Guardian currently is his lack of ranged. I do not think Guardians need a new weapon the current selection if fine, Arenanet needs to rework them. I would like the Guardian’s Scepter #1 skill to function similarly to the Mesmer’s Scepter with semi-homing projectiles in a chain but have the 3rd attack in the chain be a targeted bolt of lightning. That is literally all the weapon needs IMO.

- This would solve the issues of the Scepter along with giving them a true ranged weapon.

Staff on the other hand needs a few changes. Channel time of Empower needs reduced 1 second and the stacks per pulse need increased by 1. The auto-attack needs to be changed to a ranged targeted attack akin to Elementalist’s Scepter auto-attack SFX but with the Guardians signature blue flames. Orb of Light should be renamed and turned into a CAoE that damages enemies and weakens them and heals allies and grants Swiftness, Symbol of Swiftness should become Symbol of Vigor. I think both Line of Warding (Ring of Warding also) need fixed so that they cannot be rolled through and those that pass through it with Stability should take damage and/or be burned. Teleports should be the only way to safely pass through.

- Staff is a great support item but with skills that are bugged/glitchy and even with fixes are still lack luster. Staff should be something that can be used to support from afar or at mid range. Changing the auto-attack from a CAoE to a single target direct attack gives Guardians a 2H ranged weapon option and makes the weapon not require the Scepter as your mandatory back-up weapon for keep takes/defenses. I moved the Swiftness buff to Skill 2 because Symbol of Swiftness was wasted as a stationary effect. You toss it for people to run through, currently it is not even used for the damage or possible healing with Traits. If you wanted a way to give Swiftness to the masses why not just give them a AoE Boon skill (hence my proposed CAoE skill). The Symbol was changed to give Vigor since Vigor is more useful in a stationary fight. You dodge roll in and out of the Symbol while fighting able to keep enemies in it for damage and have the option to heal for the players when traited.

If they were to add a completely new weapon to the game that Guardians could use I would want them to get a Spellbook/Tome. Something similar to the spellbooks used by Mages in Aion or Leon used in Star Ocean 2. It would be a 2H ranged weapon option.

Weapons I would like to see added to the game and not just for the Guardian would be Crossbows, Fist Weapons, Polearms (Halberds, Pikes), Greataxes, Whips and Throwing Weapons (Darts, Shuriken etc)

weapons you would want on your guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Seras.5702


Longbow. But not as a pure damage weapon like ranger & warrior use it. Something like…

1. fire an arrow
2. fire 2 burning arrows
3. smack your target with your bow and cripple them for 8 secs
4. fire an enchanted arrow at an ally, granting them 3 secs of regeneration
5. fire an arrow that explodes on impact, creating an aoe ‘symbol of war’ granting stability, might, and fury to allies inside the symbol. lasts 6 secs

Obviously, tweak the values & CDs to avoid making it OP. But this would give us a viable long range weapon, lets us kite, and still maintains that support feel that all of our weapons have.

Flixx Gatebuster, Orwynn Lightgrave, Seras Snapdragon
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)

weapons you would want on your guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Reihert.1509


I believe we should be able to equip permanently a tome and use it as ranged.
I know tomes dont exist outside our skill, but it makes more sense lore wise.

weapons you would want on your guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Mizu.9387


Why don’t they just recycle some of the old GW1 Paragon Spear skills. Quite a few of them go along with a Guardian style of play.

Hell yes! I would love to get the paragon animation, with the magical angelic wings when casting, on my guardian. The Anthems, Recitations and Ballads all fit the guardian imo.

Sif Urkraft

weapons you would want on your guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Icarus Pherae.4680

Icarus Pherae.4680

Guardian is totally in the style of a D&D cleric/paladin, and Tarsius makes a lot of sense. Any of the current non-magical ranged weapons are too ‘dishonorable’ to give to a guardian, whose role is to be brave and selflessly stand between the enemy and allies. Even with a scepter/staff they have superior support skills.

I’ve always been in favor of keeping the weapons we have, but allowing players to switch around skills for those weapons. That’s a whole other topic though.

There is nothing “dishonorable” about using the longbow. If you stick with D&D you better believe that elf paladins use bows. Samurai were known for using the Yumi and they were all about their honor!

Despite that, it would bring in another theme or trope that goes along with the feel of the guardian. Suddenly you have access to a “zen archer”. If you look at a lot of asian tales they feature a priest or what have you that fires cleansing arrows, back here in western culture you have angels and cherubs that are often depicted as using bows. (I’m thinking some kind of “cupid shot” that functions a bit like berserk in the Final Fantasy series).

My last arguments for why I believe we will see the longbow is:
1) the community is complaining often and loudly about not having a ranged option.
2) it is the only spirit weapon the guardian can not actually wield a mundane version of
3) right now there are only two classes that use longbow, and I don’t see any others that it would go with that wouldn’t step on other’s toes (Thief is more likely to get the rifle for a “sniper” set or the crossbow if/when it comes out).

weapons you would want on your guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Ganzo.5079


Id really like the idea of a pistol guardian (or GUNDIAN, for the ones that played hellgate XD)
But the weapon that i want to play is the Spear for land combat, or an Halberd.

Because, like Guild Wars before it, GW2 doesn’t fall into the traps of traditional MMORPGs.
It doesn’t suck your life away and force you onto a grinding treadmill"

weapons you would want on your guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Sabyne.6329


I already said that in another thread but I want a whip. 900-1200 range aa would be cute. Give me a lightwhip please.

weapons you would want on your guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Melchior.2135


If they give me Spears on land, or some other kind of similar polearm, I don’t care what they actually do, I’ll be playing one.

Former Guild Wars 2 fan. RIP, ArenaNet’s integrity.

weapons you would want on your guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Vitu.3580


I want a Flail. A big spiky ball on the end of a chain.

weapons you would want on your guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Gagaru.6132


I want to dual wield swords.
Although I’d want it more if any profession changed auto attack animations to utilize their off hand weapon.

Otherwise I wouldn’t be opposed to punching things.

Land spear is a must for the game in general.

weapons you would want on your guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Sythus.2396


All I want for Christmas..is a LongBow for my Guardian! It’s not much eh? The moment I picture it in my head, running with a LB on my Guard firing arrows and putting everything in blue flames..ohh chills! I really hope they give us a Bow in the future

weapons you would want on your guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: mille.9867


I would like:

Javelin (primary hand)
1- three hit chain very slow (like hammer) 1200 range and with third hit removing 1 condition from allies in area near target
2- 10 sec CD burning hit (2 sec) 1200 range
3- 20 sec CD knockdown 600 range

I think it would fit good on guardian, especially with a shield in offhand.
I loved the paragon class in first GW.

And an halberd as 2h melee would be cool.

PS – Im not complaining about the lack of ranged weapons for guardians.

(edited by mille.9867)

weapons you would want on your guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Nike.2631


With Guardians having evolved from Paragons in the lore, I’d like to be able to use a spear one-handed in my land weapons main-hand slot.

Spear & Shield is our most ancient tradition.

(I also support dual-wield swords, and dual-weild maces. I like symetical weapon loadouts)

“You keep saying ‘its unfair.’
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.

weapons you would want on your guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Nike.2631


I already said that in another thread but I want a whip. 900-1200 range aa would be cute. Give me a lightwhip please.

Go to Ebonhawwke and spend some time gathering up lost animals in the back corner – you’ll be using a whip for 10 minutes and it’ll seem every bit as cool as you were thinking .

“You keep saying ‘its unfair.’
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.

weapons you would want on your guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: KensaiZen.3740


I don’t think Guardians need a new weapon. Perhaps a new utility skill if not a new weapon.

Bow of the righteous = Summons a bow of light (in your hands) which will give you access to a new set of weapon skills.

Something a long the lines of Engineers kit skills but with a timer. A tank with a everlasting effective range attacks would be invincible and OP.

Winters Ascension The White Guardian
Sophia Theos Beast Master
[Fissure of Woe]

weapons you would want on your guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Amins.3710


X-Bow would be awesome and it fits the class.

Oh, and fix Orb speed… yes, just do it for cry’n out loud.

Amins – Guardian
Gameplay Video’s & Forum Post

weapons you would want on your guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Webba.3071


off hand mace would be cool, as well as javelins. And if they made the scepter orbs shoot faster or just turned them into some sort of stabby laser that would be cool too. Not very original ideas, I know, but the guardian has pretty original weapon selection already.

weapons you would want on your guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Arken.3725


Give me a Scythe. I think it would be cool since it would be similar to the Dervish from GW1.

weapons you would want on your guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Orion.1678


I don’t think Guardians need a new weapon. Perhaps a new utility skill if not a new weapon.

Bow of the righteous = Summons a bow of light (in your hands) which will give you access to a new set of weapon skills.

Something a long the lines of Engineers kit skills but with a timer. A tank with a everlasting effective range attacks would be invincible and OP.

I don’t like the idea of having a ranged weapon on a cool down. It seems cool, but taking a utility slot to have an adequate ranged option does not sit well with me. I doubt we’d be OP with better ranged options; all we need are serious changes to scepter and staff (to a lesser extent) and that would be acceptable.

weapons you would want on your guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: KensaiZen.3740


I don’t think Guardians need a new weapon. Perhaps a new utility skill if not a new weapon.

Bow of the righteous = Summons a bow of light (in your hands) which will give you access to a new set of weapon skills.

Something a long the lines of Engineers kit skills but with a timer. A tank with a everlasting effective range attacks would be invincible and OP.

I don’t like the idea of having a ranged weapon on a cool down. It seems cool, but taking a utility slot to have an adequate ranged option does not sit well with me. I doubt we’d be OP with better ranged options; all we need are serious changes to scepter and staff (to a lesser extent) and that would be acceptable.

Your quite wrong. Guardians have the ability to mitigate a tonne of attacks. to allow a guardian to be able to throw out good damage at range whilst being able to do it is incredibly OP.

We are pretty kitten strong in melee as it is. The only way to beat a guardian is to kite it. So what happens when you cant kite a guardian? game over.

We have wall of reflection as our main counter to range. Pop this up for 5 seconds whilst throwing out all our lets say a new guardian longbow skills would be insta kill.

If they give us better ranged ability they will have to nerf us in our survivability. I don’t particularly wan’t that so the best solution I can see is to have a range skill set on utility that’s timed. It won’t make us OP in any way as it will be limited.

If said skill set was a permanent utility skill then its use would either be for CC or do very little damage.

Got to factor in the balance factor. Sure Guardians can do with a new long range ability/weapon. But lets not ask for something that will just mean we get nerfed some more

Winters Ascension The White Guardian
Sophia Theos Beast Master
[Fissure of Woe]

weapons you would want on your guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Orion.1678


I don’t think Guardians need a new weapon. Perhaps a new utility skill if not a new weapon.

Bow of the righteous = Summons a bow of light (in your hands) which will give you access to a new set of weapon skills.

Something a long the lines of Engineers kit skills but with a timer. A tank with a everlasting effective range attacks would be invincible and OP.

I don’t like the idea of having a ranged weapon on a cool down. It seems cool, but taking a utility slot to have an adequate ranged option does not sit well with me. I doubt we’d be OP with better ranged options; all we need are serious changes to scepter and staff (to a lesser extent) and that would be acceptable.

Your quite wrong. Guardians have the ability to mitigate a tonne of attacks. to allow a guardian to be able to throw out good damage at range whilst being able to do it is incredibly OP.

We are pretty kitten strong in melee as it is. The only way to beat a guardian is to kite it. So what happens when you cant kite a guardian? game over.

We have wall of reflection as our main counter to range. Pop this up for 5 seconds whilst throwing out all our lets say a new guardian longbow skills would be insta kill.

If they give us better ranged ability they will have to nerf us in our survivability. I don’t particularly wan’t that so the best solution I can see is to have a range skill set on utility that’s timed. It won’t make us OP in any way as it will be limited.

If said skill set was a permanent utility skill then its use would either be for CC or do very little damage.

Got to factor in the balance factor. Sure Guardians can do with a new long range ability/weapon. But lets not ask for something that will just mean we get nerfed some more

I disagree. We can mitigate damage through protection/regeneration/etc. but when every class has ranged options that (for the most part) are far better than our own we definitely need help in the ranged department. This game is designed to play as you WANT; Warriors and Thieves are strong melee and their ranged options are better in my opinion.
Wall of reflection has a 32 second CD traited plus you can AoE around it, simply strafe around, or back up so that our ranged attacks won’t hit you. It doesn’t last indefinitely and it wouldn’t be “insta kill” as you put it. All scepter needs is a change to make it BETTER not amazing, but better than it is. Ever try using the scepter in WvW? It’s beyond frustrating, especially when you’re running with swiftness on and almost running as fast as the projectiles themselves.
Having a ranged on CD doesn’t sound fun does it? Having to sit there and wait for your timer to come up so that you can ranged attack?

weapons you would want on your guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: KensaiZen.3740


With over 3k toughness and the ability to heal any damage done to quite easily PLUS able to mitigate just about every skill thrown at us not to mention rolling to dodge them AND being able to dish back the damage. Yes that is over powered.

Mesmers will no longer be able to kite.
Thiefs cannot run away.
Warriors get kitten before they get close.
Rangers? Rangers get destroyed without us having ranged now. Think what will happen when we do have a propper effective ranged weapon.
Necro, well necro wont take so long to kill because you can just ignore their summons and keep shooting at him whilst removing any conditions.

Having a ranged weapon on a tank will make us into a Cannon. Hit hard, cant die. How do you think they will balance this? remove our mitigation abilities? nerf our healing some more?

The concept of “Play as you want” is still bound by the game mechanics as well as balance. You people take it far too literally.

I play guardian in WvW very successfully. And this is with a kitteny sceptre and a pretty good staff (Hammer/staff with all the other weapons in the bag incase there is a need to switch)

“Having a ranged on CD doesn’t sound fun does it? Having to sit there and wait for your timer to come up so that you can ranged attack?”

You have a sceptre and a staff to use while you wait for the cooldown. Your options are there. You just don’t want them.

Winters Ascension The White Guardian
Sophia Theos Beast Master
[Fissure of Woe]

weapons you would want on your guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: Orion.1678


I seriously doubt that at 3K toughness you’ll be hitting them THAT hard, otherwise I’d like to see so. Heal any damage? Resolve heals for a little over 8K for me with Honor traits and if you’re running +healing you’re not going to be dishing out as much damage. We have the lowest health pool in the game to offset our damage mitigation, which is good I agree. Rolling to dodge? All classes can do that too. Dishing damage back is relative; if you’re built like a tank you won’t be hitting as hard as a class cannon.

Thieves will easily be able to run away with stealth; not too sure about mesmers though. You seem to think I want scepter to shoot laser beams that are 1 hit KO, I just want it (and staff a little) IMPROVED not buffed out the kitten You seem to think we can’t have ranged weapons because we’re a melee class, ALL classes (ALL) have access to better ranged than us.

I’ve played WvW pretty extensively and while I’m not the best player the scepter is the absolute most frustrating weapon I’ve used. I do WANT the scepter but it needs to be better and most guardians, and even other classes, agree it needs to be buffed. Staff isn’t bad but it’s not really a ranged weapon and the only change needed is that the #1 attack have a Z axis so we can hit 3 dimensional not 2.

weapons you would want on your guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: KensaiZen.3740


You don’t need to be dishing out much damage to kill glass cannons. And you are quite wrong about me thinking we are only a Melee class (although it is by design that we are close ranged front line fighters i.e soldier class)

For balance issues it would be great to have a ranged utility that is on a timer. once active lasts for 20 second with 30 second cooldown etc to have it readily available will just mean we will be able to maintain damage to every class whilst maintaining the near immortal mechanics that is Guardian.

With a proper ranged weapon in place such as a gun or a longbow etc we would destroy every class in the game it wouldn’t even be funny. It would make us overly OP without the other classes having anything to counter us with.

Like I said, glass cannons don’t take much damage to kill so we wouldn’t have a problem with doing low damage. they can’t kill us before we kill them. We can out tank other tanks such as warriors and are able to kill them after they do their burst. Now imagine that we could kite as well.

Its not that I am disagreeing with us getting a ranged weapon of some kind, but I am also considering the balancing issues it has on the game and the impact it will have on the other classes when we do get it.

We are already close to being godly. With an effective ranged weapon…we will be!

Winters Ascension The White Guardian
Sophia Theos Beast Master
[Fissure of Woe]

weapons you would want on your guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: KensaiZen.3740


hell they can just give us a utility for the ranged weapon like I mentioned and not put a timer on it. At least we will sacrifice something for the ranged ability. Makes it quite balanced.

Bunker builds would lost some kind of mitigation for range. A fair trade imo.

Winters Ascension The White Guardian
Sophia Theos Beast Master
[Fissure of Woe]