what is a good wvw build atm
For soloing : http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fUAQNAR8dlUgqCXEyvDfIFRuAbBYPwYG741jESRGC-jkCBYfCyEEQ0HwpmCiJpKrlhFRjVVTIVXDT5Ky2bFRrWKAmUGB-w
Great mobility w/ +25% speed and escapes sword/greatsword, great damage, good survavibility if u use your skills well, lot of blocks and blinds. U can take another utility instead of signet of judgment. This build is very very strong w/ guards buffs + power stacks. If u want to duel war/guard/thieves/dd elem… (all non ranged classes) u can equip mace instead of sword and take big symbols trait. Avoid good condi players , hard to manage with guardian.
(edited by Duiz.6042)
you pretty much gave him a zerg build with roaming weapons. Why would anyone take AH if you’re running solo? You get most out of that trait, if there are 5 ppl around you, so there’s no need to pick that if you’re looking into 1v1’s.
5 left for either virtues or radiance
swap out trinkets depending on the blobs you encounter
(edited by manudiao.9803)
soloing doesn’t mean 1v1 and meditation build is a very bad choice for surviving in wvw. With ur build u can’t manage 1vX and ur survavibility is near of 0, ok u do a lot of damage but with 2k5 armor/11k hp and 0 regen its a kittening joke in wvw… Even in 1v1, if u play against good player who evade ur burst sequence u will be a dead men.
Too long to quote, and full of Ur’s.
That’s some crazy mesh-up and you’ll get rolled like yankies by a soloer wearing full greens.
One does not simply use Stand Your ground, SoJ, Strength In numbers, AH, Superior Aria and Pure of Voice for soloing, just like one shall not get Retributive Armor(oh look, that trait gives me 5% critical chance – so worth it! …not)
Meanwhile build offered by a poster above me which you are critising definitely deserves critique. I mean, full berserker? But it’s still tons better than one offered by you.
I use:
1. for solo roaming: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fUAQRAsf7dlUgiDnGyNEfIFRuArHA8g+DXw1DIGxGC-jkCBYLBCjJ0EEwkFBiKAMBqIaslhFRjVtATViIq2boIa1yAoPGA-w
2. for small group roaming: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fUAQJARSlUgiDnGyKEf4ESmiVCBxUoRZ01DIKiaIA-jECBYLBisIQJQFRjtMsIas6FYqSLqWXCwboIa1yAoPGA-w
3. for leading guild raids: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fUAQJARWlUgyCXEyKEf4ERWhVi9AjZsjXPSIFZIA-jECBoLBi+IQZPFRjtMMIVXht8KaKbYqXER1SBskyI-w
All of these builds are standard in their own way. Berserker is definitely survivable, but i prefer a bit of knights for 1vx scenarios.
Edit: It might be helpful to know how you’d like to play. I prefer good burst damage, the poster below me a more balanced approach. The magic build that allows you to do everything doesn’t exits.
(edited by Monkeymonger.9235)
0/5/30/30/5 is a great build for solo roaming, small groups, and even zerging if that’s your thing.
The worst thing you can do is go full glass for roaming. You want a nice mix of sustain, paired with enough dps to kill. It’s best to start with more sustain, learn your rotations and when to do what, then migrate towards being more offensive. That being said, some good example stats for a wvw build would be something along the lines of
3k attack
2800 armor
15k hp
At least 300 healing power for dodge heals, which you get from 30 in honor anyway
80% crit damage
And 40% crit chance
This is a good balance of stats, and you can add or remove stats that you don’t feel you need, but from experience, they’re all useful. Just find the numbers that suit you from trial and error.
(Insert other useless !@#$ here)
(edited by JahRo.6432)
If you want sPvP I’d use manudiao’s first build. If you want WvW I’d use his second one. Though I’d certainly use hammer in there for the blasts when commanders call for it. I’d only have staff when you’re on the move, switch for combat to have GS and Hammer. You most likely won’t even need the staff if you’re zerging since there will be plenty of electric fields to blast with your hammer.
0/5/30/30/5 is good for zerging. Myself i use 0/0/30/30/10 to get master of conscreation because in my guild we use Wall of Reflection in some situation (choke point).
For gear, i use full soldier armor/weapons with divinity runes, 3 Zerker trinkets and 3 Cavalier’s trinket. I use Staff for Empower, Line of Warding and Auto-attack against spread out group. I use Hammer for Banish (next to a cliff), ring of warding for cc and auto-attack against tight group.