would I be effective?
Honestly, you could walk into silverwaste with 0/0/0/0/0 as traits and still be fine. Play what’s fun to you in open world PvE. It’s way too casual to care about builds.
i do SW in full zerker 0/3/6/4/1 Altruistic Healing / Empowering Might with Renewed Justice for the VoJ spam, and with GS/Hammer. Its a lot of fun. Get in the middle of all the action and let the AH heals roll in, while having over 40% crit and 200% crit damage.
Like anything in PVE, the faster you can kill it the less healing you need.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
Sylent your build can work fine as long as you play it to its strengths. Engage large numbers of mobs at a time and use your sustain to trade blows with them.
Builds like yours don’t have the kill time per mod of say a glass staff ely. But you will be able to coral large numbers of mobs into an area and survive dpsing them down without panicking teh second a teragriff charges you. Itl work even better if your partnered with say a necromancer running staff and or an elementalist.
(sustain builds were fine as long as you play them with the recklesness they allow you to do. Glass builds tend to focus on individual targets or using aoes at range. That tends to kill some of htem when scaling reaches a certain point. Youl be able to handle the scaling and continue engaging at close range should you have the stones and skill to do so.)
Works for me
Just so tired of the full zerker dps everything down thing toys game turned into. I play tank in other mmos I don’t care about my numbers. Rather help the other players in events and heal them and buff them while I stay front lines