1 minute of silence for the Chronomancers
Eh, I suspect we’ll still be wanted for Quickness/Alacrity in raids, even with the nerfs. Exactly one of us.
These changes just ensure that we have more-or-less nothing else to bring to the table besides Quickness/Alacrity. Back to buff bot, boys!
Exactly one of us.
Exacly like before the nerf! God forbid mesmer stacking! Or the only mesmer cover alacrity/quickness necessities (building all-in for it, sacrificing what we dont have) or sit on the bench and start handing over some water bottles (portals and veils)
Can I give you like 12 seconds of silence? Someone gave me quickness. I got over the changes already.
Co-Leader of the Get Fresh Crew
I’ll give you a year because that’s how long anet will take to fully destroy this game and that’s being modest.
I’ll give you a year because that’s how long anet will take to fully destroy this game and that’s being modest.
I’d argue that its already been fully destroyed.
Taking a break from GW2 to play various
Nintendo games..
Chrono is still needed for WvW, that awesome speed trait was not nerfed …
Chrono is still needed for WvW, that awesome speed trait was not nerfed …
alacrity was nerfed to 33%…
In your backline: Elementalist+Mesmer+Necromancer
Chrono is still needed for WvW, that awesome speed trait was not nerfed …
alacrity was nerfed to 33%…
Pretty sure he’s referring to Time Marches On. But when the best you can say about a traitline is “Well hey, we don’t need to slot Traveler’s Runes any more…”
Gavity well- Check
Phase shift- Check
Weaker but still strong alacrity- Check
Amazing shield skills- Check
Condi buffs- Check-
All the overdramatisation.
All the overdramatisation.
We all seem to be prone to it if we are passionate about something.
Gavity well- Check
Phase shift- Check
Weaker but still strong alacrity- Check
Amazing shield skills- Check
Condi buffs- Check-All the overdramatisation.
Gravity Well – Chrono traitline is trashed, actually. I seriously think Dom/Duel/Insp or the like, is our best bet.
Oh wow, I just knocked off like, 4 points there, didn’t I? Holy kitten. Talk about a money shot.
Condi buffs?
Oh, how kittening cute.
Some more bleed on the ridiculously clunky to land interruptions?
5% more attack speed on a trait no one used because attack speed doesn’t actually help scepter, because scepter’s projectile speed is so low it kittens up the chain.
Get off the mesmer forums, you OP kitten engineer.
about your feedback, that we don’t even read it.” ~ Crystal Suzuki
(edited by TheOneWhoSighs.7513)
All the overdramatisation.
We all seem to be prone to it if we are passionate about something.
You forgot to drop the mic.
All the overdramatisation.
We all seem to be prone to it if we are passionate about something.
Ouch. The burn. :o
Im still right tho.
All the overdramatisation.
We all seem to be prone to it if we are passionate about something.
carefully applies ointment to Pride’s wounds
“The jealous are troublesome to others, but certainly a torment to themselves.”
All good i got over it . So will you
He’s right, yeah. We tend to always yell at the loudest no matter what. The changes are bad, but they’re far from really bad, comparing previous MMOs I’ve played. Seen worse. :P
Well really, when it comes to raid formation, the balance they should really be working for is this, that there are eight classes in the game, and ten slots. There should be a class-specific role that each class can play, and a balanced raid team should want one of each of these roles. There should also be a raw DPs role that each class can play equally well, and the other two slots would go to them. Every raid group should “need” one Chrono, and if two Chronos want to join, there should be room for that too, but the other one in the DPS role.
I’m aware that this is not where they are currently at, but it should be the goal.
you spend complaining about it on the forums, you’d be
done by now.”
He’s right, yeah. We tend to always yell at the loudest no matter what. The changes are bad, but they’re far from really bad, comparing previous MMOs I’ve played. Seen worse. :P
So because others have it worse, it should make what we got alright and we should lower our expectations of the game?
What a kitten logic
So because others have it worse, it should make what we got alright and we should lower our expectations of the game?
What a kitten logic
No, that’s not what I said at all.
But you demonstrate the problem really well, if unwittingly. People have issues distinguishing more than a binary state of content. Either you’re happy, or WTFANET"§$“§$XC”!X. There’s no in-between.
Yet actually, there’s a lot of granularity to issues in games, or even a lack of issues. If all we do is always yell at the top of our lungs – which we (as in, “we” the players) do – then ANet won’t actually know when something they did is worse than something else, as there’s no way to tell this apart.
Plus, as with most things, they get used to the effect. “Ignore the forums, people will cry anyhow” is a common thing said about games and especially about MMOs, after all.
So yes, changes are bad. But they’re not bad enough to warrant the overdramatization of “gg, delete mesmer” or “mesmer RIP 2016” and so on. That’s pretty pointless, and only serves to … actually, doesn’t really do anything.
So because others have it worse, it should make what we got alright and we should lower our expectations of the game?
What a kitten logicNo, that’s not what I said at all.
But you demonstrate the problem really well, if unwittingly. People have issues distinguishing more than a binary state of content. Either you’re happy, or WTFANET"§$“§$XC”!X. There’s no in-between.
Yet actually, there’s a lot of granularity to issues in games, or even a lack of issues. If all we do is always yell at the top of our lungs – which we (as in, “we” the players) do – then ANet won’t actually know when something they did is worse than something else, as there’s no way to tell this apart.
Plus, as with most things, they get used to the effect. “Ignore the forums, people will cry anyhow” is a common thing said about games and especially about MMOs, after all.So yes, changes are bad. But they’re not bad enough to warrant the overdramatization of “gg, delete mesmer” or “mesmer RIP 2016” and so on. That’s pretty pointless, and only serves to … actually, doesn’t really do anything.
or players here could simply check mes history and see if it was out of meta for years .answer is yes .but as long as anet is doing all those stupid knee jerk “balance” .shouting loud or leaving game are actually helping little than thinking positive for no reasons .
Do you consider your idea of "overdramatization " is something else like the past facts?
also what’s bad enough for you ? since that mes is gutted entirely in pvp and also doing pathetic damage in pve ,having little for wvw group rather than veil bot ,all those are not bad enough for u ? how about thieves are hard counter entire mes class for 3.5 years and anet just made it even worse ? how about our illusions always die in aoe spam in pvp and its worse now since power creep and anet refused to fix it ,they were trying to help this with chrono line but heavy nerfed it to ground .
it has been more than 3 years whle mes takes more effort in pvp if not most but get least reward .the only really op specs we had were mantra build after trait patch for like 2 weeks ,bunker mes after hot for 3 months . any other classes have their op time longer than mes.
it’s not bad enough for u get ganked by a thief hopelessly in like 2 secs ? should it be in 1 sec so you can feel the truly ugly reality and how it is different from the "not so bad "patch
So because others have it worse, it should make what we got alright and we should lower our expectations of the game?
What a kitten logicNo, that’s not what I said at all.
But you demonstrate the problem really well, if unwittingly. People have issues distinguishing more than a binary state of content. Either you’re happy, or WTFANET"§$“§$XC”!X. There’s no in-between.
Yet actually, there’s a lot of granularity to issues in games, or even a lack of issues. If all we do is always yell at the top of our lungs – which we (as in, “we” the players) do – then ANet won’t actually know when something they did is worse than something else, as there’s no way to tell this apart.
Plus, as with most things, they get used to the effect. “Ignore the forums, people will cry anyhow” is a common thing said about games and especially about MMOs, after all.So yes, changes are bad. But they’re not bad enough to warrant the overdramatization of “gg, delete mesmer” or “mesmer RIP 2016” and so on. That’s pretty pointless, and only serves to … actually, doesn’t really do anything.
or players here could simply check mes history and see if it was out of meta for years .answer is yes .but as long as anet is doing all those stupid knee jerk “balance” .shouting loud or leaving game are actually helping little than thinking positive for no reasons .
Do you consider your idea of "overdramatization " is something else like the past facts?
also what’s bad enough for you ? since that mes is gutted entirely in pvp and also doing pathetic damage in pve ,having little for wvw group rather than veil bot ,all those are not bad enough for u ? how about thieves are hard counter entire mes class for 3.5 years and anet just made it even worse ? how about our illusions always die in aoe spam in pvp and its worse now since power creep and anet refused to fix it ,they were trying to help this with chrono line but heavy nerfed it to ground .
it has been more than 3 years whle mes takes more effort in pvp if not most but get least reward .the only really op specs we had were mantra build after trait patch for like 2 weeks ,bunker mes after hot for 3 months . any other classes have their op time longer than mes.
it’s not bad enough for u get ganked by a thief hopelessly in like 2 secs ? should it be in 1 sec so you can feel the truly ugly reality and how it is different from the "not so bad "patch
also what’s bad enough for you ? since that mes is gutted entirely in pvp and also doing pathetic damage in pve ,having little for wvw group rather than veil bot ,all those are not bad enough for u ?
This exactly.
since that mes is gutted entirely in pvp
No they’re not. They’re slightly~moderately undertuned.
and also doing pathetic damage in pve
Overall? No, not really. Slightly undertuned again, used to very good, not below par but not by much. If you wipe with a mesmer, fat chance you’d wipe without the mesmer too, unless it was the specific player, not the class.
having little for wvw group rather than veil bot
We have a fair few things which are good, just not top. Again, undertuned but far from worse than having no one there, or an inferior player on another class.
You again exemplify the problem. Any imbalance is “gutted” or “pathetic” to you. Choice of words does a funny thing to perceived meaning and tone. It’s like people calling specs “cancer”: All it does is make people ignore you because you don’t sound mentally qualified to discuss balance or class setup.
That was the whole point: If things are actually genuinely bad, like when CS was bugged and would not take clones into account, that’s reason for harsh language. This stuff really isn’t, even though it is (very much so) reason for feedback.
also what’s bad enough for you ? since that mes is gutted entirely in pvp and also doing pathetic damage in pve ,having little for wvw group rather than veil bot ,all those are not bad enough for u ?
This exactly.
since that mes is gutted entirely in pvp
No they’re not. They’re slightly~moderately undertuned.
and also doing pathetic damage in pve
Overall? No, not really. Slightly undertuned again, used to very good, not below par but not by much. If you wipe with a mesmer, fat chance you’d wipe without the mesmer too, unless it was the specific player, not the class.
having little for wvw group rather than veil bot
We have a fair few things which are good, just not top. Again, undertuned but far from worse than having no one there, or an inferior player on another class.
You again exemplify the problem. Any imbalance is “gutted” or “pathetic” to you. Choice of words does a funny thing to perceived meaning and tone. It’s like people calling specs “cancer”: All it does is make people ignore you because you don’t sound mentally qualified to discuss balance or class setup.
That was the whole point: If things are actually genuinely bad, like when CS was bugged and would not take clones into account, that’s reason for harsh language. This stuff really isn’t, even though it is (very much so) reason for feedback.
Are the absolute silence on feedback, the silence leading up to the patch and the feedback prepatch, the dashing of hopes, the nerfing of things no one even mentioned, the failure to meet an actual rework on scepter, and the laughable quality of life tweaks enough to use harsh language?
“slightly under tuned”
Have you played Scrapper/Reaper? “slightly under tuned”.
More like under a scrap heap at the bottom of a sea, at the bottom of the universe, at the bottom of a black hole.
Fitting for a time lord I guess?
about your feedback, that we don’t even read it.” ~ Crystal Suzuki
(edited by TheOneWhoSighs.7513)
So because others have it worse, it should make what we got alright and we should lower our expectations of the game?
What a kitten logicNo, that’s not what I said at all.
But you demonstrate the problem really well, if unwittingly. People have issues distinguishing more than a binary state of content. Either you’re happy, or WTFANET"§$“§$XC”!X. There’s no in-between.
Yet actually, there’s a lot of granularity to issues in games, or even a lack of issues. If all we do is always yell at the top of our lungs – which we (as in, “we” the players) do – then ANet won’t actually know when something they did is worse than something else, as there’s no way to tell this apart.
Plus, as with most things, they get used to the effect. “Ignore the forums, people will cry anyhow” is a common thing said about games and especially about MMOs, after all.So yes, changes are bad. But they’re not bad enough to warrant the overdramatization of “gg, delete mesmer” or “mesmer RIP 2016” and so on. That’s pretty pointless, and only serves to … actually, doesn’t really do anything.
Or maybe people are just tired of seeing Anet being clueless about everything related to this profession? Or just being clueless in general.
Btw overdramatization: Anet should start making baby bottles instead, maybe they could balance that.