10 Chrono raid, possible according to Karl?

10 Chrono raid, possible according to Karl?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ananeos.4587


Karl thinks a Chronomancer brings a 66% dps increase to the team. Alacrity was nerfed because of incompetent developers plain and simple.

So if I take 9 other Chronomancers with me on a raid, apparently we will all be getting a 660% increase in “dee pee ess” pre-nerf to alacrity. According to Karl.

I mean, 10 Revenant raids have been done and 10 Guardian raids have been done, Anet wants to make Mesmers more like Guardians with all the downside and none of the upside, so there is no reason why a 10 Chrono team shouldn’t work.

I mean, it’s not like there was a reason that only one Chronomancer could fit in a team, gotta cash in that “330 perrrr cennnnt dee pee ess”.

In all seriousness though, has a 10 Chrono team ever been tried before? At least test this out before half of you leave for Blade n’ Soul.

Hailsec – Asuran Mesmer | EVOS
Zraiyya – Asuran Elementalist | EVOS
Akkodi – Asuran Engineer | EVOS

10 Chrono raid, possible according to Karl?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Seyiwaji.4082


you are the one who doesn’t understand anything……
if you have 1 crono yes, it may be something like 66% more dps.
But to have 2-3-4 would still be 66%.
i don’t know why someone would add the alacrity together. I guess are you the incompetent plain and simple one.

10 Chrono raid, possible according to Karl?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ananeos.4587


you are the one who doesn’t understand anything……
if you have 1 crono yes, it may be something like 66% more dps.
But to have 2-3-4 would still be 66%.
i don’t know why someone would add the alacrity together. I guess are you the incompetent plain and simple one.

Read my post again. The enire post was in satire of what Karl thinks of Chronomancer, who specifically stated in the livestream that “raid groups might have to start using two Chronomancers instead of one for 66% alacrity”.

Of course alacrity doesn’t work like that, but the joke flew over your head.

Hailsec – Asuran Mesmer | EVOS
Zraiyya – Asuran Elementalist | EVOS
Akkodi – Asuran Engineer | EVOS

(edited by Ananeos.4587)

10 Chrono raid, possible according to Karl?

in Mesmer

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


dont matter how many chronos you take, as long they got those epic 10 sec cd utilities they still be too op for casual gameplay!

10 Chrono raid, possible according to Karl?

in Mesmer

Posted by: FJSAMA.2867


dont matter how many chronos you take, as long they got those epic 10 sec cd utilities they still be too op for casual gameplay!

Sure it matter how many more chronos you bring because (i understood your satire)

1- chrono dps increase buffs dont “stack” with more chronos
2- more chronos past 1 means less dps cause mesmer personal dps sucks.

Also, is funny when we see the whole picture of balance and biased changes:

10 Chrono raid, possible according to Karl?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Carighan.6758


Honestly, I reckon any 10-of team should be possible. Maybe not right now, but the raid is still pretty fresh.

Give it another year and people will be doing it with 10 Daredevils with no problems. For the lulz and all.

The strength of heart to face oneself has been made manifest. The persona Carighan has appeared.

10 Chrono raid, possible according to Karl?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Myrias.8732


I’d like to see how target swaps in a 10-man Mesmer team goes. Mesmer has horrible ramp up time, so any target changes especially hurts them.

Myrias Faust – Mesmer
Victory or Death [VoD] – Yak’s Bend

10 Chrono raid, possible according to Karl?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Xyonon.3987


These are the threads, wich make us all feel like this:

Ziggs Ironeye – Engineer | Madame Le Blanc – Mesmer | Mentor (PvE) | EU
“Mentoring engineers / mesmers and showing you what you can do with your fantastic class!
Just pm me for my advice! Always eager to help!”

10 Chrono raid, possible according to Karl?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ananeos.4587


These are the threads, wich make us all feel like this:


Hailsec – Asuran Mesmer | EVOS
Zraiyya – Asuran Elementalist | EVOS
Akkodi – Asuran Engineer | EVOS

10 Chrono raid, possible according to Karl?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Fay.2357


Honestly, I reckon any 10-of team should be possible. Maybe not right now, but the raid is still pretty fresh.

Give it another year and people will be doing it with 10 Daredevils with no problems. For the lulz and all.

I don’t think it would have a chance in hell at completing gorse.