100% duration Condition math test.

100% duration Condition math test.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Kanto.1659


I wanted to see the difference between my usual 10% duration condition build and a 100% one.

Ignoring the build and etc and just down to the gritty numbers:

My usual build with 10% duration does 123 bleed ticks per second with a 720 burn damage for one second.

Changing the runes to 2 Mad King + 2 Lyssa + 2 Coral (simply for testing, something better is findable I’m sure), changing to a Giver staff, eating 40% duration food, and 30 points in Domination = 100% duration.

100% duration does 90 bleed ticks per second and 564 Burn damage per second that does 1128 since it lasts two seconds.

Calculating accurately would be difficult since we do 7 second bleeds and our clones do 5 second bleeds, but overall I know I I can keep around 10 bleeds with 10%, which means 1230 per second on bleeds and 720 burns. With 100% we’d keep 20 stacks for 1800 per second and 1128 Burns.

No gimmicks, just ourselves and three clones autoattacking. Chaos Storm would have a field day with 100% durations and the Vulnerability stacking from ourselves and clones would increase the overall party damage.

1800 per second is… not bad actually. Not counting Burns or Vulnerability.

Of course with the 25 bleed cap this is all moot.

100% duration Condition math test.

in Mesmer

Posted by: greyblue.4962


You can get condition duration up to 247% for confusion and 214% for everything else.

Base = 100%
2 Giver’s Weapons = +20%
Rare Veggie Pizza = +40%
30 Domination = +30%
2 Lyssa Runes + 2 Runes of the Mad King + 2 Runes of the Nightmare = +24%
Master of misdirection = +33% for confusion

This lets you do things like hit someone with confusing images before it’s worn off (if you trait for scepter cooldown reduction). It’s not really a viable build though.

100% duration Condition math test.

in Mesmer

Posted by: thetarot.8246


Last time I tested it 200% was the cap on all conditions across the board with exception to Necromancer scepter conditions with their trait that adds +33% after the fact.

If that’s changed, or my testing was flawed. Giver’s weapons are also bugged in the fact that if you get downed or defeated, you would have to unequip and re-equip them to get their effects again. (Some magic find is bugged this way as well.)

Yeah, not really a viable build, but it’s a cool thought on experimenting with what Condi duration on clones can now provide. – I still think they need to add the bouncing trait to staff clones before we see anything other than gimmicks for conditions.

100% duration Condition math test.

in Mesmer

Posted by: oZii.2864


Yea condition duration>condition damage for bleeds or confusion.

I am not one for making a build with a fancy name and writing out a big post on it but this is what I came up with after messing around all day yesterday trying to make something work for condi.


I like this alot better than running a staff clone bleed type build. This is 9 sec bleeds from duelist usually around 6-7 stacks. Staff is 9 secs. The bleeds tick for 100 per. Have to have the rampager jewels I find anything less than 50% chance to crit and duelist will only do about 4-5 bleed stacks.

1 duelist can put up 11-12 stacks since the first stack doesnt wear off by the time he fires again. The confusion from scepter is just extra on the top since it doesnt do much damage now when stacked with 7 bleed stacks it works pretty good.


I can’t really think of anything else to really focus on for condition duration outside of bleeds and you need crits for bleeds.

[Good Fights]Sinndicate{Ele}Sinactic{Engineer}

100% duration Condition math test.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Embolism.8106


An important thing to keep in mind is that if your condition gets cleansed, +Duration would basically have no benefit, while with +Damage you would at least get some extra damage in before it was cleansed. Of course, this only applies to longer conditions, and things like 1s > 2s Burning are unlikely to suffer from this.

100% duration Condition math test.

in Mesmer

Posted by: oZii.2864


An important thing to keep in mind is that if your condition gets cleansed, +Duration would basically have no benefit, while with +Damage you would at least get some extra damage in before it was cleansed. Of course, this only applies to longer conditions, and things like 1s > 2s Burning are unlikely to suffer from this.

That is true but I feel like investment for return isn’t that good if your going for bleed damage and duration is 9 out of 10 times better.

level 80 at 1150 condition damage its 100 damage per bleed tick

for 400 condition damage jumping up to 1550 your bleeds are 120 per tick.

You could put those 400 stat points somewhere else and come out way better.

If we both stack 7 stacks of bleeds and they both get wiped at the same time at 7 secs @ 100 damage per tick 4900 damage vs 5800 @ 120 damage per tick. 980 damage for 400 stat points I dont think its really worth it.

[Good Fights]Sinndicate{Ele}Sinactic{Engineer}