12/3 Patch Notes and You
BOONS,man boons-it means that phantasms will get retaliation and fury from their respective traits properly.
Greetings All!
So, mesmers got 3 bullet points in today’s patch, and while 2 of them seem very straightforward, one of them is leaving me guessing.
Phantasms will now properly have all boons applied to them via player traits.Does this mean that clones/phantasms will have previously unpassed player buffs (like condition duration) carried over from the increase players get via traits? This would make it similar to how it works now (as I understand it) with abilities such as condition damage/power/precision/etc.
If I have that right, second question: How about condition duration from runes (such as the 10% given via the Nightmare set)? Would these be passed on now, or is it only abilities from traits.
Third (related) question: Do gear based ability increases (say +power) get passed on to illusions? I guess I always assumed they did, but not sure if I have ever seen it confirmed, and I certainly never tested it myself.
Dev response would be great on this, as would any player based tests to check.
Condition duration and all these aren’t boons. I think they are referring to Phantasmal fury, Vengeful images and Phantasmal healing that were previously not working well together.
For your second question, I think it’s no. And for your third, I think they benefit from all our stats (pow, prec, tough etc) except vitality.
To answer your first question: it’s the traits that grants phantasms boons (i.e. – Phantasmal Fury, Vengeful Images, Phantasmal Healing). I’ve tested and saw that now my phantasms can have all 3 boons with fury and retaliation instantly on them when they spawn. I
To answer your second question: Various non-stat effects (any that doesn’t boost the attributes like power and precision) from runes and sigils don’t pass onto illusions, but most attributes from gear and accessories do, which leads to the 3rd question.
To answer your third question: Power, precision, toughness, condition damage, critical damage, armor, and healing get passed onto your illusions. Illusions don’t benefit from player’s condition duration, vitality, and boon duration.
I’ve tested ALL phantasms, and ALL of them (even iDefender lol) suffer from this delay. There were no exceptions to the delay, and phantasms, such as iWarden, are vulnerable for the first few seconds of their spawn.
I’ve been trying very hard to be optimistic to Mesmer changes, but now, I don’t know if I even want to play my Mesmer (shame, I loved him all through out Guild Wars 2, and he’s my only 80 )
I’m usually typing on my phone
I am upset, but not giving up. First, I was sad about iZerker then I changed to scepter/sword and sword/sword, loosing AoE damage in the process but higher DPS on single target. Now, the delay is killing the iSword and all phantasm as well…
So I went balanced build 20(3 and 9)-20(2 and 4)-0-10(5)-20(3 and 5). Yes you can laugh at the Torch trait. I just took it for the condition remover. I didn’t want to loose too much power on my Berserker set.
Utility : Phantasmal Defender, Signet of Illusion.
Yep, no more shatter for me, since they die before hitting now anyways.
Still upset that I have to overcome that bug or nerf (whatever) with so many traits and utility that will only make my phantasm ’’harder’’ to kill.
(edited by Krispera.5087)
Now that phantasms are balanced, let’s suggest equal changes to balance other mesmer abilities:
1. Damaging the clones (including shattering) hurts the mesmer.
2. Portal has the same range as blink and also can’t cross walls or gaps like blink.
3. Time warp requires the mesmer to enter an inactive meditation state for the duration. Recharge increased by 30 seconds and duration reduced by 5 seconds.
4. Moa morph affects both the target and the mesmer.
5. Blurred frenzy applies 20 seconds of bleeding on the mesmer. Damage reduced 30%. Recharging increased by 20 seconds.
6. Temporal Curtain pull range is reduced to 300. Pull cannot pull people off ledges.
7. Since iWarden could still be OP, if a target stands in iWarden for more than 1 second, that target is now healed instead of damaged.
8. Magic bullet can now hit allies.
9. Confusion now only works for a targets #5 skill.
10. Mesmer armor is now capped at 1000; health at 15000.
(edited by DaShi.1368)
11. If a mesmer does anything, he receives instant death.
12. Portal.
Good additions, there was still a chance a player could lose to a mesmer.
13. Instead of illusionary persona causing the “shatter” effect on the mesmer, it now causes the “clone” effect. the mesmer must now wait for 2 seconds before attacking, you may only auto attack, and your hp is reduced to 1.
Good additions, there was still a chance a player could lose to a mesmer.
Especially if he got disconnected!
Garnished Toast
Bugs are bugs, but this issue is indeed game breaking.
I just got through Arah with my mesmer and it was torture, my iZerk stands there for seconds before doing anything, 25% of the time its killed before getting to initiate its attack.
The other 25% of the time, if the monster is running around chasing an ally, the iZerk spawns (waiting period begins….) … 2 seconds later the monster has ran out of range and the iZerk initiates its attack into thin air and hits nothing. Then it proceeds to follow the monster that ran away, stands there…wash rinse repeat.
iDuelist has the same problem, but luckily its ranged so it doesn’t need to chase enemies.
This issue is needs to be acknowledged…this is truly game breaking
Now that phantasms are balanced, let’s suggest equal changes to balance other mesmer abilities:
1. Damaging the clones (including shattering) hurts the mesmer.
2. Portal has the same range as blink and also can’t cross walls or gaps like blink.
3. Time warp requires the mesmer to enter an inactive meditation state for the duration. Recharge increased by 30 seconds and duration reduced by 5 seconds.
4. Moa morph affects both the target and the mesmer.
5. Blurred frenzy applies 20 seconds of bleeding on the mesmer. Damage reduced 30%. Recharging increased by 20 seconds.
6. Temporal Curtain pull range is reduced to 300. Pull cannot pull people off ledges.
7. Since iWarden could still be OP, if a target stands in iWarden for more than 1 second, that target is now healed instead of damaged.
8. Magic bullet can now hit allies.
9. Confusion now only works for a targets #5 skill.
10. Mesmer armor is now capped at 1000; health at 15000.
11. Chaos storm should have an hour long cooldown.
12. Chaos armor should now inflict boons on the enemy and conditions on the mesmer.
13.Winds of Chaos should no longer bounce.
14.Also mesmers should no longer be able to use sword or greatsword, we can’t be allowed to do damage ya know that’d be OP.
15. Scepter and torch working as intended :P
16. Mesmer cannot be chosen as a profession at character creation anymore. (If you continue to try that, your pc explodes.)
17. Mesmers now have a constant Agony that can spread to allies if they get too close.
remove all mesmer weapons and leave them the two most balanced ones, torch/scepter.
What true mesmer needs a weapon? We fight with bare hands.. :-D (and without skills)