15 stacks of might...
my geuss would be 2 times full shatter (ie 2*4 (you got Ipersona so 4 stacks per shatter with all clones out and you being close to it) = 8 stacks) as well as you should be able to keep 2 times of the 3 might stacks from mirrorblade up too that another 2*3 = 6
6+8 = 14 stacks of might, and with the staff’s nr. 1 skill you get either might or fury when it bounce on you so that should give you that 1 extra stacks to hit 15 (and potentially more, and remember any staff clones attacking also give that might or fury when bouncing to you). and with that rune for the chance to get might when hit you can go even higher
(edited by GummiBear.2756)
Chances are what you saw was a Might ‘spike’.
How it could have happened:
- 2 clones up from before
- GS2: 3 might stacks + 1 more clone
- 3 clones up + IP = 4 clone effects
- F1 shatter: 7 might stacks
- F2: 8 might
- insert 2 dodges around here adding 2 extra clones
- F3: 11 might
- F4: 12 might
- GS2 again: 15 might
The 2 GS2 will stack their mights due to the might durations > GS2 cooldown with the chosen runes/traits.
Also you get might per shatterred clone, and you count as a shatter due to Shattered Strength minor.
Pure, unadulterated, Mesmer magic.
gs2 has a potential of stacking 6 might on u, a full shatter is 3 might, u probably did 3 full shatters, or 1 full shatter and 2x gs 2 (more likely)
You have Runes of Strength and a Greatsword and a Shatter Build – you’ll have high Might stacks a lot (just must not have noticed).
You also get might on interrupt and daze via domination minor traits.
You also get might on interrupt and daze via domination minor traits.
Nope, thats Vuln on them.