A Mesmer Sanctuary Utility:
Okay, so while doing some runs on AC on my level 40 Mesmer, I was casting Time-warp from afar to help them kill one of the bosses and I saw that the zone where Time-warp is cast, has a massive bubble around it. Now I know this isn’t new to other, I just realised though. So I was thinking that Mesmers could have a Utility spell – similar to the Sanctuary spell that Guardians have – that creates a moderately sized dome that reflect enemy projectiles (or perhaps turns the projectiles into butterflies) , but /still/ allows enemies to enter the bubble and attack. I think this spell would be useful when surrounded by rangers in a story quest or even out in the open world ecetera. I have been dying for a skill like this in any game ever since I saw it in a trailer for the The Witcher 2.
We do. It’s called feedback.
troll . . . obviously lol.
Oh yeah, I you mean from Witcher 2:
The bubble spell that Triss casts at the beginning of Chapter to neutralize the Scoia’atel arrows.
It would be neat looking I guess if all the projectiles became butterflies :p
We do. It’s called feedback.
He’s proposing an ability to protect a very large area from projectiles, which is kinda different from a reflection bubble like Feedback.
On the other hand…. if you made Feedback targetable and larger in area it would be pretty much the same :p
(edited by scyld.1743)
We have enough skills to screw up enemy projectile users, we really don’t need more.
What we really need is fix of temporal curtain reflect.
What we really need is fix of temporal curtain reflect.
I can get behind that. As it is it’s extremely low and therefore fails to the most miniscule differences in elevation.
What we really need is fix of temporal curtain reflect.
I can get behind that. As it is it’s extremely low and therefore fails to the most miniscule differences in elevation.
Exactly. At least 2/3 of guardian’s wall of reflection, please!
I’m not even asking to fix certain projectiles that go through feedbacks and don’t go through projectile absorbs in pve. :<
Mesmer Sanctuary Utility?
The very first thought that comes to mind is ….
Group Transformation that turns everyone into a mass of invulnerable butterflies for 5 seconds with a Confusion Aura and no skills?
- (Death, Terry Pratchett, Hogfather)