A change for confusion

A change for confusion

in Mesmer

Posted by: Crossplay.2067


Would you prefer confusion if, instead of causing damage, it interrupted your opponent’s next action? Naturally it would need to last longer, not work on anything that clears conditions and have a lower stack maximum. Still, imagine what you could do with a condition that guarantees an interrupt. That would even be useful in pve against bosses and it would really make Halting Strike shine.

A change for confusion

in Mesmer

Posted by: blutstein.2468


Would you prefer confusion if, instead of causing damage, it interrupted your opponent’s next action? Naturally it would need to last longer, not work on anything that clears conditions and have a lower stack maximum. Still, imagine what you could do with a condition that guarantees an interrupt. That would even be useful in pve against bosses and it would really make Halting Strike shine.

…. and it would be extremly OP.

kitten kitten kitten kitten kitten

A change for confusion

in Mesmer

Posted by: LCV.7245


From my experience with Mesmers, there are builds that spread confusion as a side effect of their other actions (combo fields, illusions, etc), while there are a few builds that focus on confusion itself (especially in pvp).

I see what you’re getting at with this idea, but I feel that implementing this new confusion function would completely change the way some builds function. Yes, the halting of actions is useful, but it utterly eliminates the potential for confusion based damage. This means a confusion mesmer would be dependent upon others to deal that needed damage.

What if confusion caused something in between? For example, what if confusion dramatically increased cool down times (similar to chill) while doing a reduced damage simultaneously. That is, casting an ability while confused would damage the user and put that specific ability on a longer cool down (how would that work with thief?). Or, committing the the chaos theme of a Mesmer kit, what if there was a random chance, while confused, to damage yourself, or cancel the ability, or something else.

Just some food for thought. I think this is a very interested question. I’m looking forward to see where this discussion goes.

The Pleb Army | 80 Sylvari Mesmer | 80 Norn Warrior | 80 Asura Ranger | 80 Asura Necromancer |
80 Sylvari Thief | 80 Human Elementalist | 80 Asura Guardian | 80 Asura Engineer |
80 Sylvari Revenant

A change for confusion

in Mesmer

Posted by: keenlam.4753


That’s a brilliant idea. If so, then make confusion stacks in duration and not intensity since its not a dps-condition anymore. But i think that would require pretty much an overhaul of all confusion skills.

A change for confusion

in Mesmer

Posted by: Darnis.4056


This is a bad idea. sorry :/ If you want a condition that interrupts then that’s fear.. and no we don’t have access to it for a reason.

Will the Real Pink Puma Please stand up?

A change for confusion

in Mesmer

Posted by: vinceftw.5086


Nope, I like confusion as it is now. I do like the idea for a new condition though. It suits the mesmer and it’d be great for a CC build.

Elxyria – Engineer / Deluzio – Mesmer
Quickblade Vince – Thief
The Asurnator – Elementalist

A change for confusion

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nuka Cola.8520

Nuka Cola.8520

No, confusion should be as is, deal damage. Its the damage that is broken everywhere. In spvp its laughably low, in wvw we now have the same problem which is a little bit less noticeable because of food buffs and in pve mobs don’t attack often enough to consider pure confusion builds. If all pve mobs proced confusion as often as Karka Queen it would’ve been better than power based builds.

Fact: every Thief tells you to “l2p” when the subject is to nerf stealth.

A change for confusion

in Mesmer

Posted by: Crossplay.2067


Personally I feel that confusion should be changed because it pretty much does the exact same thing retaliation does but from a different perspective. I really don’t see the idea of having both, especially now since they have both been nerfed. However, changing confusion into an interrupt condition would make full interrupt builds viable. Keenlam’s addition of duration instead of intensity would make it more fair. I say no damage because that can be acquired by traits. This would encourage a different kind of support build, one that focused on locking down an opponent.

A change for confusion

in Mesmer

Posted by: Suzut.4905


Confusion is very different than Retaliation. Confusion is an offensive condition based on Condition Damage that punishes its target for every action he takes, whether it does damage or not. Retaliation is a defensive boon based on Power that damages an attacker for dealing damage to the target.