A few questions

A few questions

in Mesmer

Posted by: minshaaa.7940


1. I want to try a good instance build. Right now I’m 0/20/15/15/20 with GS and sword/pistol. The damage seems to be very inconsistent, and I’m not really bringing anything to the fight. (I use time warp every cooldown, I use null field to remove debuffs and I’m prolly the best class at reviving my teamates) but beyond that, I feel like warriors and guardians buff better, my null field is on a really long cooldown and I do very little damage when I don’t have phantasms out. I’m good with my phantasms (put them in the corners and do what I can to give them health), but they get killed by most bosses and the trash typically dies before I can get 3 out.

So I’m thinking I’d like to try a staff build, I’m just so unfamiliar with that concept that I’d like some guidance—I also already invested in an exotic GS and Sword (I have enough tokens to pick up a staff, scepter and focus though) I just haven’t had the motivation.

2. I need a source on how my attributes are transferred to my phantasms (how much of my vitality, power, prec, toughness and cnd dmg is transferred) and what abilities have misleading tooltips. Eg. the on runes that increase bleed duration, don’t increase your phantasms bleed duration right?

3. What sigils and runes do we benefit the most from in your opinion? I’m looking through all the vendors and there’s not a lot for us.

A few questions

in Mesmer

Posted by: minshaaa.7940


I’m going to try out 10/20/10/0/30, see if I have better luck with shatter.