A trip down memory lane.

A trip down memory lane.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Loop.8106


So, it’s about that time again. I had one of these floating around 1.5 years ago.

What is your favorite Mesmer build of all times? Be it PvE, WvW or PvP.
It can range from complete troll builds to the most broken nonsense Anet has ever produced.

Personally the most fun I’ve ever had is with the super old PU build with Pistol offhand aswell as the kind of recent Mantra build (Also incredibly overpowered.)

Mesmers rejoice!

Optimise [OP]

A trip down memory lane.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Embolism.8106


I loved the Mantra build. Yes it was OP but it had a lot of potential if Anet was willing to go with it.

But no they neutered it good without realising that they accidentally did something right.

A trip down memory lane.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Loop.8106


I completly agree, it put another angle on Mesmer that had previously not existed. Made them more than a one trick pony.

Optimise [OP]

A trip down memory lane.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Silverkey.2078


I actually like the possibilities that chronomancer brings to be more of a support build. It makes PvE more interesting and PvP more varied. With a good tone down of everyone, I think I would enjoy HoT PvP quite a lot.