Absurd burst

Absurd burst

in Mesmer

Posted by: Zephoid.4263


Can someone please explain how a mesmer hits like this in WVW? I’m running a zerker/knight hybrid with total 2400 armor and i don’t think i’ve ever seen anyone hit this hard in this short of a time. 4-4.4k damage average mind wrack*4?? Even with max power and ferocity, idk how you can hit that hard. This put me from full to dead in less than .5s.


Absurd burst

in Mesmer

Posted by: OriOri.8724


Assuming he was full ascended, berserkers armor and assassins trinkets, with full +5 infusions, and scholar runes (since this build would rely on bursting you down quick), that would bring him up to 2627 power and 220% crit damage. Then, they would have taken domination, which has mental anguish, so another 30% damage increase (combat log shows you doing nothing) on top of the 10% damage increase from scholar runes. Then he probably had illusions line, taking compounding power, which would be another 9% damage increase (1 illusion from mirror blade, 2 more from mirror images). So, 30% damage increase, 10% damage increase, 9% damage increase.

After accounting for those damage increases, the base damage per illusion is pretty low. 4,000 / 1.3 = ~3,000 damage. 3,000 / 1.1 = ~2730 damage. 2730 / 1.09 = ~2,500 damage per illusion. Now accounting for the critical damage (220%), the damage per illusion would have been around 1,136. That’s actually doable. The coefficient per illusion for a 3 illusion shatter is about 0.78, ascended GS has an average weapon strength of 1,100, and we know that he had at least 2627 power (haven’t accounted for utility yet).

He was almost certainly taking Rending Shatter in the domination line, which coupled with fragility explains the rising damage you see in the combat log. He was also probably taking shattered strength, that would give him 4 might, he could get another 3 might from Bountiful Disillusionment in the Chaos line for 7 might total. I can definitely see how he could reach such damage numbers, but everything would have to have lined up to do so. He might have had an extra stack of might from SoI, he could have had up to 200 extra power from a writ of masterful strength, I have no idea what consumable he used, but it probably gave him extra power as well. This damage is doable, but not easy to achieve. Plus, he could have just as easily been running full berserkers for the extra power and just got a lucky crit hit on mind wrack, which would definitely put this in the realm of possibilities.

Absurd burst

in Mesmer

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


Full glass canon build meeting someone who is asleep on his dodge skill.

For more details, read OriOri’s analysis.

Absurd burst

in Mesmer

Posted by: expandas.7051


Was there any stealth?

This is probably the build that killed you: http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vhAQNAR8flknhy0YnawRNwtGKqGUZHO+2IDQBKOA-TFCEABJq+DT7PK/M4CAslSQCeAAPcQAaT3AAHBACBYeMA-w

The biggest thing that hasn’t been mentioned is that you were hit by every single Mirror Blade bounce (unblockable, dodge it) which gave the Mesmer 6 stacks of might and applied 9 stacks of vulnerability on yourself.

Absurd burst

in Mesmer

Posted by: OriOri.8724


I did forget about the might from mirror blade, so that would make it even easier to hit these numbers.

He could also have been running dom/illusions/dueling along with mantra of recovery. By pre charging mantra of recovery and blowing through all 3 charges of it (with HM), he would gain yet another 9% bonus damage. And with such a ridiculous burst, its a fairly safe bet to blow your heal skill if it will ensure a clean kill.

Absurd burst

in Mesmer

Posted by: OverlordRush.5879


Assuming he was full ascended, berserkers armor and assassins trinkets, with full +5 infusions, and scholar runes (since this build would rely on bursting you down quick), that would bring him up to 2627 power and 220% crit damage. Then, they would have taken domination, which has mental anguish, so another 30% damage increase (combat log shows you doing nothing) on top of the 10% damage increase from scholar runes. Then he probably had illusions line, taking compounding power, which would be another 9% damage increase (1 illusion from mirror blade, 2 more from mirror images). So, 30% damage increase, 10% damage increase, 9% damage increase.

After accounting for those damage increases, the base damage per illusion is pretty low. 4,000 / 1.3 = ~3,000 damage. 3,000 / 1.1 = ~2730 damage. 2730 / 1.09 = ~2,500 damage per illusion. Now accounting for the critical damage (220%), the damage per illusion would have been around 1,136. That’s actually doable. The coefficient per illusion for a 3 illusion shatter is about 0.78, ascended GS has an average weapon strength of 1,100, and we know that he had at least 2627 power (haven’t accounted for utility yet).

He was almost certainly taking Rending Shatter in the domination line, which coupled with fragility explains the rising damage you see in the combat log. He was also probably taking shattered strength, that would give him 4 might, he could get another 3 might from Bountiful Disillusionment in the Chaos line for 7 might total. I can definitely see how he could reach such damage numbers, but everything would have to have lined up to do so. He might have had an extra stack of might from SoI, he could have had up to 200 extra power from a writ of masterful strength, I have no idea what consumable he used, but it probably gave him extra power as well. This damage is doable, but not easy to achieve. Plus, he could have just as easily been running full berserkers for the extra power and just got a lucky crit hit on mind wrack, which would definitely put this in the realm of possibilities.

Good guess, but I am not taking illusion, and I take confounding on the domination line. I run full zerk + scholar dom/duel/chrono.

I’m glad someone made another post about my brust damage tho.

edit: shameless plug… i also stream https://www.twitch.tv/irnubatdiz lel

(edited by OverlordRush.5879)

Absurd burst

in Mesmer

Posted by: GWMO.4785


Here is where the magic happens and work synergistic:

- Illusion of vulnerability: inflict vulnerability (3 stacks) when you interrupt your foe
- Confounding Suggestion: dazing a target applies a stun
- Dazzling: dazing a foe adds vulnerability (5 stacks)
- Fragility: Deal more damage for each stack of vulnerability on your target by 0,5%
- Mental Anguish: 15% more damage from shatter. 30% when target is not using skills.

-Shattered Strenght: might per shattered illusion
- Master of Fragmentation: Mind wreck has increased 10% critical strike chance

Now there are obviously more traits, but these are the key parts. To brake it down. This is what happens when you play it properly: you apply kitten ton of vulnerability. you get additional 0,5% damage PER stack. you gain multiple might stacks. more damage increase. and a final additional 10% critical chance on the final blow with mind wrack.

Now this is a super bursty power lock build. So you would go full berserker with air/fire sigil and scholar runes. which is also additional damage on top of 10% more from 6th bonus of rune: increased damage while health is above 90%. And all of that happens within a few seconds. So yeah. literately a glass cannon.

(edited by GWMO.4785)

Absurd burst

in Mesmer

Posted by: apharma.3741


Basically he hit you with a mirror blade mind wrack combo and you did nothing to prevent it. Mind you it could have come from stealth and there’s little you can do if he literally ran out of the portal at SM in stealth as you ran past. Possibly using mirror images to give full clone number and I would say dueling for fury as every single clone crit so almost certainly used dueling for fury.

You know it’s not the shameless streamer above because like all Americans he has to announce to the world he’s going to burst you by summoning iZerker from stealth before immediately mirror blading. This isn’t 2014 , this shouldn’t work on anything that isn’t a potato, especially at the ranges he does it at.