All around mesmer

All around mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: tim.1280


just wondering if thee is an all around mesmer build that is decent at support/dps and is tanky enough to hold its own in a 1v1…. (I know I just described a war but mesmer looks challenging and fun to play!)

All around mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: Alissah.9281


Are you talking about wvw?

Try a 10/10/0/25/0 phantasm build, use phantasm traits and a glamour trait. Sword/X +greatsword for group play, or scepter/X for solo. Get around 2500 armor and you should be ‘tanky’.

It’s easier to give advice when you’re more specific, but I hope this helped anyway :P

Edit: you, by the way, described a Mesmer, not a warrior. You can do literally anything with a Mesmer, you just have to specialise in not too many things at once.

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All around mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: Bunda.2691


For PvE you should go all zerker. You’ll die sometimes, but being made of glass teaches great movement and dodging mechanics, which you’ll need in PvP. I also reccomend playing some shatter as well because you’ll learn when best to use each one of them.

Not to be elitist or anything, but in PvE phantasm builds are easy mode, and don’t really teach you anything. I highly reccomend playing a 20/20/0/0/30 or 0/20/20/0/30 in PvE with sword/x and then either GS or staff. Learn the shatter combos and when to dodge. You’ll then have a huge head start in PvP and WvW.

Edit: sorry, if you’re looking for 1v1 builds only go pure phantasm. There are a number in the above build thread.

(edited by Bunda.2691)

All around mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: keenlam.4753


All around mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: Alissah.9281


For PvE you should go all zerker. You’ll die sometimes, but being made of glass teaches great movement and dodging mechanics, which you’ll need in PvP. I also reccomend playing some shatter as well because you’ll learn when best to use each one of them.

Not to be elitist or anything, but in PvE phantasm builds are easy mode, and don’t really teach you anything. I highly reccomend playing a 20/20/0/0/30 or 0/20/20/0/30 in PvE with sword/x and then either GS or staff. Learn the shatter combos and when to dodge. You’ll then have a huge head start in PvP and WvW.

Edit: sorry, if you’re looking for 1v1 builds only go pure phantasm. There are a number in the above build thread.

I believe the OP was looking for some support, and your trait templates have close to no support in them :P

But yea, for roaning from easy to hard: phantasm>condition>shatter=lockdown.

Phantasm: youll win pretty much every 1v1, and have built in support traits. You only have to use phantasms for damage, the rest are for surviving.
Condition: you have to use all your skills to be as effective as possible. You have alot of defense, so running out is hard. It teaches you how to act impulsive, and use skills in a certain order, instead of thinking about what to do very well. It just doesnt have support.
Shatter: has the best burst damage, when full berserker you can down most players in about 2 seconds. In 1VSmany, ou have to make decisions on how many skills you want to use to burst, and how many you want to preserve and use to survive. Mobility and acting impulsive is very important, but there are tactical decisions involved (that with experience, alao become impulsive).
Lockdown: you do somewhat low damage, but you can completely control a single target by interupting key skills. Warrior using GS5 to get away? Interrupt.
Warrior using kill shot? Interrupt.
Thief using the stealth heal? interrupt.
Your power lock is instant, so you can pretty muh always use it. Depending on who you’re fighting, you want to save i to interrupt important skills, or if you really need to, for defense.
The build loses alot of strength when fighting multiple enemies.

Phantasm is the only one that really has support!

This is all assuming were talking wvw, btw.

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