Hi everyone, I wanted to share a build that I’ve found for PvP that I haven’t really seen that is probably one of the more survival-based than I’ve seen before. PU is pretty survivable on it’s own, however this one gives even more options on living and taking advantage of PU and Blurred Inscriptions as well.
The build itself is 2/6/6/0/0, using Sword/Pistol & Staff.
Link to the build: Link
Video of the build and gameplay: Video
For Domination – I picked VI for Signet Mastery, to reduce the cooldown time on signets by 20%. I have 3 signets used in this build, so it really adds up.
For Dueling – I chose: V for Desperate Decoy. There are other options, phantasmal fury probably being the best other option with the phantasmal duelist in particular. However since I am going for survivability, I sacrificed that for the addition stealth, which gives Aegis/regen/protection.
Next, I chose VIII for Blurred Inscriptions, which gives 1 second of evade every time you use a signet. It’s great if you heal with the signet heal, than get an extra 1 second of invulnerability as well.
Last, I chose X for Deceptive Evasion, which creates a clone every time you dodge. This works great with trait V in Chaos (which is picked) in addition to the 5 point trait which stacks confusion on clone death as well.
Now in Chaos, as I said, I picked trait V for Debilitating Dissipation, which stacks either bleeding, weakness, or vulnerability on a player when they kill a clone.
Next, X for Chaotic Dampening, which reduces staff recharge time and a little extra toughness when using a staff, and finally, XII for Prismatic Understanding.
For my utility choices, I went with Decoy, Signet of Domination, and Signet of Midnight. Now I doubt most of you even know what Signet of Midnight really is, or have ever used it, but with this build it can be one of the best traits around. It has a 24 second recharge with mastery, is a stunbreak, a long AE blind, and gives you 1 second of invulnerability as well.
This is fantastic when a thief stuns you out of stealth, and you can pop this and become invulnerable and break the stun as well. Its short cooldown means it’s up quite a bit, and the blind can be underrated as well as it is instant cast. With this build, you will more than likely have perma regeneration, protection a lot of the time along with Aegis. I chose Mass Invis as my elite, for obviously the stealth, in addition I chose Rune of Lyssa for the condi removal into boons.
The signet heal makes perfect sense for this build, so on top of the regeneration, you are normally getting 1k health back every 3 seconds. It only has a 28 second cooldown if cast as well, so even that comes back up fairly quickly. For Sigils, I went with Energy and Doom on both weapons, and using a rabid amulet.
Now for damage, obviously it’s not going to be the absolute best, however it does hold its own and can whittle people down. The duelist will usually stack 4-5 bleeds on every time he shoots, and there will be plenty of conditions on the target for the warlock to hit for a decent amount as well, along with a high amount of crit. For surviving, Phase Retreat, chaos storm and armor, pistol stun, and blurred frenzy can make you very hard to catch.
If you like the build please let me know, also I have a lot of other interesting builds I have made for PvP that I haven’t really seen that can be fun, so feel free to take a look here: Mesmer Builds Playlist