Hello all,
I am Luke. I’ve been playing Mesmer for as long as I can remember, making it my main profession. I wanted to quickly propose a couple of changes, based on close situational and theoretical analysis, post-balance patch.
Before I dive right in, a quick insight, as stated, I’ve been playing Mesmer for a very long time. I play a variation of the Meta Power Shatter build, running Illusions instead of Dominations for extra sustain and support. Although there is a general consensus amongst the Mesmer community that Power Shatter needed to be buffed due to insufficient DPS, I found that that was not necessarily the case, as the point of a Mesmer (and by Mesmer, I also mean Chronomancer, depending on the build set by the user) was to rely more heavily on burst damage, rather than sustainable damage over time.
Now, to get right to it. The changes which, in my opinion, and that of many others (upon reading Reddit and the forums, as well as communicating with players in-game) is that Mesmer was essentially brought out of line and is now not really worth playing in comparison to other professions which have a much lower learning curve, require less effort to play, yet are more sustainable and deal more damage, with less effort.
My biggest concern, as of now is Alacrity. Alacrity itself was never the problem and did not need to be nerfed. Alacrity however, was overpowered in it’s implementation, allow me to explain.
A perfect example of what I am referring to is the Bunker Mesmer build. As a Mesmer, I very much disliked this build. It did not require crazy amount of skill, and made games feel very boring, dragged out, and just not fun. The problem with the Bunker Mesmer guild was not however, solely Alacrity, only part of it. If we choose to analyze the Bunker Mesmer build, it’s strengths lied in: Almost instant revival time, AoE Quickness via Well of Action, Immunity via Well of Precognition, Blindness via Chaos Armor, and lastly, the ability to reduce cooldowns significantly over time and increase DPS over time on nearby allies. Now you may think, well Luke that IS Alacrity. Yes, Alacrity was responsible for this, but Alacrity, the mechanic was not the problem, the implementation was.
So obviously, with today’s patch, Quickness no longer affects revivals and stomps. That addresses that issue, as the Bunker Mesmer by him/herself was useless, it is through team support that is was essentially invincible and offered the same treatment for it’s nearby allies. Second issue, Well of Precognition. The well itself was overpowered, we can all agree on that. Sure, it caused for decaps if placed on a point, but who would seriously place the well right on a point? In points like mid on Legacy of Foefire, not a big issue, as if there were multiple teammates, and at least one was standing outside the well, the cap would still resume or remain contested if challenged by the opposing team. As decaps could easily be avoidable if placed strategically, the well basically granted immunity from all direct damage, again OP. Now, changing the well to grant Aegis is not a viable fix. Let me explain why. Firstly, Aegis was specifically a Guardian mechanic, it’s sort of like if we were to give the Necromancer Alacrity, it does not thematically make much sense. Apart from thematics, the well itself now becomes useless as sure, it no longer decaps points, but it now is not worth taking over other active defense utility skills. I will explain how to fix this on the next paragraph, along with all my other combined proposals. I do agree that the Chaos Armor nerf was necessary, constant blinding also made the game kind of bland.
Note I am not only speaking about Bunker Mesmer, just using it as an example to highlight why these nerfs were largely put in place and why the approach taken was not the best one. I am not discussing the other changes such as the uneventful scepter buff, and Feedback now being a ground-targeted skill, a double-edged sword.
Now, for the fixes I propose to bring the Mesmer in line. (READ BELOW IF THE ABOVE BACKGROUND IS TOO LONG TO READ)
-Split Alacrity into: Self-Alacrity and Shared-Alacrity.
— Shared Alacrity should offer a 33% Cooldown Reduction as now, after the patch.
— Self Alacrity should offer a 66% Cooldown Reduction, as prior to the patch.
Now Luke, that’s dumb, as discussed on the balance stream, this will just mean players can bring more Mesmer and the Bunker nightmare returns. NOPE. Let me explain: By making Shared Alacrity only come from one source, and not stackable on duration, Chronomancers are still giving a nice buff to their teammates without causing a significant, game-changing DPS increase or even Defensive increase.
Self Alacrity, which can only be applied to the Mesmer themselves is stackable in duration and behaves like it did prior to the patch.
As this patch included changes like the end of Stomp and Quickness Revive, and this change proposes a weakened Alacrity (current version) to be shared to teammates without stackable duration, the Bunker Mesmer can NOT make it’s way back. That and with DPS changes to classes such as the Thief, who is now on-par with other professions, damage wise, this broken build will no longer have a chance to be a thing.
Now that the most crucial change is taken care of, what about Well of Precognition? Well, sure, don’t give it Evasion, that is overpowered, but also do not give it Aegis, that is underpowered and just not in line thematically with the Chronomancer. Instead, change Well of Precognition’s mechanic to AoE Condition Immunity (nice counter to Necro and Cond-Rev) and make it a combo field which grants Evasion for those who leap through it. This will add a nice set of utility to the Mesmer and allow for stategic gameplay of allies in high-pressure situations.
These two small changes will not only restore Chronomancer to have it be in line with the current Meta, which of course is still in development, which I acknowledge, but allow the Mesmer to be a viable and fun profession to play once again.
Thank you for reading!
(edited by Toaly.7243)