Anyone use Sceptre?

Anyone use Sceptre?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ramiah.5648


So I rather like the sceptre on Mesmer, but have yet to find a way to use it effectively. Anyone actually use a sceptre in their build? I was thinking maybe in a Phantasms build since it’s on Inspiration line.

Thy faithful servant asketh for thy blessing. Honor us with the splendor of thy song.
Protect us… Holy Song!

Anyone use Sceptre?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Devilsmack.5736


PvE or PvP or WvW wise?

It all depends on 3 things:

1. What are you fighting against? Mobs or players? Running dungeons? Which ones?
2. You like offense or defense?
3. Are you a loner or a group player?

Alanna Grisel (M) / Devilsmack (N)
Kildemort (W) / Killer Claws (G)
Deadly God (En) – Fort Aspenwood

Anyone use Sceptre?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Electro.4173


Scepter works pretty well with a clone-on-death type of build (meaning spec’ing for all the different traits that apply debuffs to nearby enemies when a clone dies). Since clones “die” when you overwrite one of your clones by summoning a 4th and Scepter constantly spawns more clones.

Grab the “Clone on Roll” trait as well and between rolling and Scepter auto-attack (and the block too) you can spawn clones like crazy. Clones will be exploding everywhere.

Phantasm build actually works pretty well in combination with the above, since both maintain a similar strategy of not shattering very often (since shatter doesn’t proc the on-death effects). You’ll be limited to 2 Phantasms at any given time though, since you need at least 1 clone you can continually summon over to proc the on-death effects and I don’t believe Phantasms get the on-death effects, only clones.

Also, neat little trick with the Scepter, is that you can advance its chain without actually hitting anything. Which means you can start out of range of an enemy or just keep auto-targetting off and dumbfire, launch the first 2 shots (hitting nothing) and then start battle with the 3rd shot for a clone right off the bat.

(edited by Electro.4173)

Anyone use Sceptre?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Palu.3405


Everything I’m about to say comes from a WvW perspective, so keep that in mind.

The only real use for the scepter is for applying confusion in condition builds, and it will almost always be a supporting weapon, not a main weapon. It can fulfill this role in either group or solo play, but it is typically more effective in larger battles where people won’t notice the incredibly obvious animation and dodge. Often, pistol or focus is a good compliment so you can stun/knockdown people to more effectively apply confusion without the dodging. Confusing Images is the best skill on the weapon by far, but the blind from skill #2 is a useful defensive tool if timed well. The auto-attack leaves something to be desired. In my build (I run scepter/pistol and staff), I have the auto-attack function turned off completely because I don’t want the scepter clones overwriting my staff clones.

Honestly, I don’t recommend using Inspiration BECAUSE you’re using a scepter. Choose Inspiration if you are looking for the defensive options it has to offer, such as additional healing, condition removal, vitality, and projectile reflection. The Malicious Sorcery trait that reduces scepter cooldowns only works on confusing images, and in my opinion, investing 20 trait points for a second or two off of only one skill is a really bad decision.

Anyway, like I said, a scepter will be most effective in a condition build. The Master of Misdirection in Illusions is a great trait for this weapon (+33% confusion duration). Other than that, there aren’t really good traits that affect specifically the scepter, so search around the forums a little bit to find out about popular condition builds (FLIMP has excellent videos featuring the scepter in action). Hopefully you’ll find something that you like.

Anyone use Sceptre?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Embolism.8106


Despite my bad-mouthing of the Sceptre on multiple occasions, I still use it with my condition builds. The main reason however is because I stick almost exclusively to the Staff, so what I use in the secondary set is not very important.

If you compare it directly with our other weapons, I’d consider it sub-par.

Anyone use Sceptre?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Gaiawolf.8261


I use scepter. Actually, I think it works better in a power build b/c both #2 and #3 scale very well off power. It definitely has its issues, mostly on the auto chain and animation for #3, but if your playstyle and build align just right, you can find some great synergies that make the scepter work. Just don’t try to use the scepter on its own merit; it has to fit in with your other skills.

Personally, I started using it simply so I can have 2 offhands and found some good synergies in my build as I played around with it. Check out my build guide below. It also outlines some general strategies to get scepter into a groove and hide its flaws.

Lone Wolf Mesmer | Warrior | Engineer | Thief
Dissentient [DIS] ~Tarnished Coast

Anyone use Sceptre?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Phloww.1048


I’ve been lately using scepter/sword or torch with staff or dual swords weapon sets in both PvE and WvW. I see the scepter working well in condition, power, and even in hybrid builds. I agree with what Electro mentioned. I think one of the reasons I went with scepter is that it is not as easy as the staff, greatsword, or MH sword, but once you know some tricks with it, it becomes more fun and catches people off guard in WvW (since many expect mesmers to use the other weapons).

Another reason is that I, along with my friends agreeing, like the legendary Meteorlogicus. It may not be the most flashy currently, but Anet did said they were planning on polishing each one up and I’ve always been fascinated with the weather, haha.

I guess I also favor more of the “underdogs” and I hope the next patch would buff the scepter to match in par with the other weapons (or at least improve its #1 skill).

Anyone use Sceptre?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Fallen.2158


I personally love the scepter too. It has high use in a conditions survive build. For all things scepter I point you to FLIMP.

He updates quite often with youtube vids and streams. Great staff/ scepter,torch mesmer.

Anyone use Sceptre?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ross Biddle.2367

Ross Biddle.2367

I main Sceptre/Torch, offhand staff currently but also ran sword/pistol for a while, but who cares about offhands right now.

I run a mid to close range, confuse on blind, mass shatter, sceptre goodness mesmer. Sceptre is great. I can take down anything with it. However I put aside the Inspiration line a long time ago. I started out with the 20% reduction on sceptre skills, but later found it just wasn’t necessary, or worth it. You’re better off going 20 into chaos for toughness and buffing your condition damage with Runes of the Undead, or hell, put those points into anything else you feel like.

I did put together a tanky phantasm build once that utilised sceptre/torch. It was great, but I missed the sheer offensive power of my initial build. Simple answer to your question: It’s great. High level of skill required, but huge pay-off if you can master it.

Anyone use Sceptre?

in Mesmer

Posted by: eoloe.4379


Running condition tanky build using scepter/torch and staff. (I mostly do wvw)
Torch 4 and scepter 3 are my standard openers, and if i manage to pop out 3 clones fast enough (and shatter them) it’s a huge damage spike, since it stacks a LOT of confusion and people usually start panicking when i jump out of stealth in their face from nowhere, bashing all their skills and killing themselves.
Scepter 2 is very nice if timed right.
Auto-attack is meh, i can spawn clones much faster with dodges/staff and staff clones are more useful anyways.

To sum it up: scepter is neat in condition builds and made many players run away from me as soon as i attacked.

Anyone use Sceptre?

in Mesmer

Posted by: azizul.8469


i use scepter as my secondary weapon together with focus.

my main is staff though…

Cutie Phantasmer/Farinas [HAX] – CD Casual
Archeage = Farmville with PK

Anyone use Sceptre?

in Mesmer

Posted by: jportell.2197


If you are looking for a clone generating build scepter is great… pair it with sword you have two blocks that do high damage when they hit and they also both give crowd control… Couple that with confusing images and scepter is a boss in wvw.

Johnny The Gray
GASM’s Bunker Mesmer

Anyone use Sceptre?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Carighan.6758


Since switching to a Staff / Scepter+Torch setup from my 3xSword before, I started to like it a lot more.
(I’m just experimenting, I <3 the triple-sword setup on a conceptual level, but I also love Confusion on a conceptual level, so yeah…)

It’s not baaaad. Well, it’s #1 is actually really terrible, but the #2 and #3 mostly make up for it.

The strength of heart to face oneself has been made manifest. The persona Carighan has appeared.

Anyone use Sceptre?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Fozzik.1742


In WvW…

I just started using scepter last night, and I’m really liking it. I found after quite a bit of play that sword in my primary hand just didn’t work for my play style in WvW. It seems superior to scepter in just about every way, but I don’t feel comfortable dong melee with my mesmer (again, this is personal preference). I never seemed to be very effective with sword other than the #3+#2 combo, which almost never finished anyone off…and I felt the dmg was sub-par since I tend to stay too far away.

I focused my build much more on condition dmg, toughness, and stealth, with staff as my primary weapon. I’m using scepter / torch as the secondary set… to apply confusion, keep clones active for misdirection and shatters (to apply more confusion), and I use the torch for the extra invis and the phantasm that casts quicker (than focus) and applies confusion. It’s working really well.

If nothing else, scepter #3 is a great way to get enemies to burn their dodges or stealth. They all scatter when you start casting that. ;-)

Oh, also…I’ve found that the block can be quite effective when timed correctly. It’s a nice tool to have available. I agree with others that the #1 chain on scepter is pretty bad, and the clones it generates are much less desirable than other clones. Turning off the auto-attack hadn’t occurred to me. I’m going to do that.

(edited by Fozzik.1742)

Anyone use Sceptre?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Embolism.8106


Yes, if you use the Sceptre as a secondary weapon, i.e. you don’t plan to autoattack much with it, the Sceptre is perfectly acceptable. But it’s still a weapon that needs to decide whether it wants to be direct damage or condition damage… #1 and #2 say one thing and #3 and its trait say another.

Anyone use Sceptre?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Snoxx.7943



The only real use for the scepter is for applying confusion in condition builds, and it will almost always be a supporting weapon, not a main weapon.

And this:

Despite my bad-mouthing of the Sceptre on multiple occasions, I still use it with my condition builds. The main reason however is because I stick almost exclusively to the Staff, so what I use in the secondary set is not very important.

And unfortunately … this:

If you compare it directly with our other weapons, I’d consider it sub-par.

I mostly use staff when playing WvW with my condition mesmer. As secondary weapons I use scepter/focus. Focus for obvious reasons, and scepter because it’s the only ranged 1h weapon we have. It’s subpar to sword, but melee doesn’t fit my playstyle.

Anyone use Sceptre?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Iruwen.3164


The auto-attack leaves something to be desired. In my build (I run scepter/pistol and staff), I have the auto-attack function turned off completely because I don’t want the scepter clones overwriting my staff clones.

Me too, if it would actually apply confusion it would probably be fine, even if it’s just one stack. What has been previously said is also true, I also didn’t like the idea of melee combat and I like the increased clone generation rate.

Iruwen Evillan, Human Mesmer on Drakkar Lake

(edited by Iruwen.3164)

Anyone use Sceptre?

in Mesmer

Posted by: ComeAndSee.1356


The Scepter is good for confusion builds. You can get 8-12 stacks of confusion up on people in a very short amount of time.

Sha Nari – 80 Guardian (
Lorella Windrunner – 80 Thief
Shayera Nightfall – 80 Mesmer

Anyone use Sceptre?

in Mesmer

Posted by: DaisyRogers.6837



kamikazee clone build.

The effects on death are quite nice, for starters you can keep cripple up permanently in PvE if you aren’t forced to keep moving (dungeons particularly and other champs), makes fights much easier to bear when your team has breathing room.

The weapons I use are sceptor/sword primary; the sceptor obviously can pump out clones faster than all get out. The block also hits like a truck AND you get another clone. The sword off hand has another block that hits like a slightly smaller truck, and the iSwordsman who hits like a truck hauling serious kitten oh and that block also produces another clone. Insane clone spam for shatters and deathy explosions. Paired with dodge rolls and perma vigor and you have yourselves a good time.

Another bonus for PvP WvW is that the shatters have much larger visual shatter effects ON DEATH. It means if you are timing your shatters and know which one is about to explode you can blink in the middle of bright burst of color, go invisible etc. The visual can be applied to sow further confusion on the battlefield.

My secondary set is sword/torch for when i need to stall for time or melt groups of mobs. I swap between the two allot in any given fight. pending on what skills I need for the current situation.

Either way the weapon combos make for an extremely offensive defense.

Anyone use Sceptre?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nuka Cola.8520

Nuka Cola.8520

when i’m drunk, yes.

Fact: every Thief tells you to “l2p” when the subject is to nerf stealth.

Anyone use Sceptre?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Fozzik.1742


You know, I just noticed this (maybe everyone else already knew it), and it makes the scepter sound much better. Made me go, “OoooOooOOOOo” when I saw it. The little light bulb came on.

Trait five in the chaos line is Debilitating Dissipation. The tool tip just says it applies a random condition to nearby foes when your illusions are killed. The wiki explains further…

“The effect triggers when a clone is killed by a foe, when its target dies, or when it is replaced by a newly created clone or phantasm. The effect does not trigger when a clone is shattered. "

All of a sudden, you are applying conditions with the scepter auto attack (weakness, bleed, or vulnerability), just by keeping three illusions up and semi-close to the enemy. Each time you get to the end of the #1 chain, it replaces an illusion and drops a condition on your foes.

I guess that also means you could pretty much perma-cripple with the crippling dissipation trait in the domination line… or apply confusion with the 25-point trait in the dueling line. O.o

(edited by Fozzik.1742)

Anyone use Sceptre?

in Mesmer

Posted by: DaisyRogers.6837


You know, I just noticed this (maybe everyone else already knew it), and it makes the scepter sound much better. Made me go, “OoooOooOOOOo” when I saw it. The little light bulb came on.

Trait five in the chaos line is Debilitating Dissipation. The tool tip just says it applies a random condition to nearby foes when your illusions are killed. The wiki explains further…

“The effect triggers when a clone is killed by a foe, when its target dies, or when it is replaced by a newly created clone or phantasm. The effect does not trigger when a clone is shattered. "

All of a sudden, you are applying conditions with the scepter auto attack (weakness, bleed, or vulnerability), just by keeping three illusions up and semi-close to the enemy. Each time you get to the end of the #1 chain, it replaces an illusion and drops a condition on your foes.

I guess that also means you could pretty much perma-cripple with the crippling dissipation trait in the domination line… or apply confusion with the 25-point trait in the dueling line. O.o

this man is spot on and why scepter is pretty sweet.

Cripple can be permanently stacked against AoE tossing spazzs (bosses, dumb players, etc.) weakness can be kept up semi permanently and that in my opinion is the nectar of defensive debuffs and make tank builds become godly.

the scepter also comes with a block allowing you to kite around your clones with greater ease… which consequently can force a dissipation. Take OH sword, and you get a second. As you dodge amongst all the clones you are generating, even more.

The Mesmer makes a purple mine field of awesome butterflies of flipping dooom (exctra o for emphasis).

Can it pop out conditions at the same rate as a staff, no. But it does stack conditions that staff can’t, cripple and weakness being my two favorites.

Anyone use Sceptre?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Embolism.8106


Using the Sceptre with Clone death traits only works if your opponents are stupid and stand in one place. A good opponent would not target your Clones or would kill them from a distance, and they’d be constantly moving so unless you’re using Sword Clones the death effect is unlikely to hit them when you replace a Clone.

Anyone use Sceptre?

in Mesmer

Posted by: DaisyRogers.6837


Using the Sceptre with Clone death traits only works if your opponents are stupid and stand in one place. A good opponent would not target your Clones or would kill them from a distance, and they’d be constantly moving so unless you’re using Sword Clones the death effect is unlikely to hit them when you replace a Clone.

you are right. Many opponents are stupid though and fear the shatter and will try to nuke them 3 at a time.

It works best with fighting against melee as you can kite and keep people near your clones. once you start chaining cripple it becomes that much easier.

sword offset like you mentioned is awesome for those who are pesky and refuse to fight close. I carry both.

Anyone use Sceptre?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Iruwen.3164


Unfortunately, Debilitating Dissipation is in Chaos and Crippling Dissipation is in Domination. I wish they’d either remove confusion from the tooltip or add it back in so we finally know what’s the deal with the scepter’s auto attack.

Iruwen Evillan, Human Mesmer on Drakkar Lake

Anyone use Sceptre?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dokyo.3685


I’m using Sceptre+Sword / Sword + Focus right now. I mainly started doing it for two offhands, but I really like the sceptre 3 for the channel that stays on thieves when they stealth. I’m running a power build so it hits pretty hard, the 5 stack of confusion it can get up is pretty nice. It’s nice a have a ranged auto attack to go with my melee auto attack on the other weapon set, but I do wish the sceptre aa was a bit better.

Crystal Desert – Tonic [Lime]

Anyone use Sceptre?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Fozzik.1742


I tried out scepter with crippling dissipation and debilitating dissipation, and I just don’t feel like it’s worth the sacrifices you have to make. At least not with my play style. I was finding almost immediately that the enemy wasn’t close to the clones when they would be replaced… in fact it seemed like with my play style the clone getting replaced was always the farthest one away from the mob, which was kind of frustrating.

So I’m going to stick with my condition build as it was…scepter as a secondary weapon due to the block, quick clones, and confusion…it really would be a very sweet weapon if it applied a condition by default on the #1 skill.

Anyone use Sceptre?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Grounder.7381


no. one target weapon are a meh for me.

Anyone use Sceptre?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Iruwen.3164


I tried out scepter with crippling dissipation and debilitating dissipation, and I just don’t feel like it’s worth the sacrifices you have to make. At least not with my play style. I was finding almost immediately that the enemy wasn’t close to the clones when they would be replaced… in fact it seemed like with my play style the clone getting replaced was always the farthest one away from the mob, which was kind of frustrating.

Broken anyway.

Iruwen Evillan, Human Mesmer on Drakkar Lake

Anyone use Sceptre?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Zovo.7829


I run with a Scepter/Pistol combo almost exclusively. The combination of the Pistol #5 and Scepter #3 is just plain unfair.

In a one-on-one fight (against mobs or players) it’s almost unfair. Open with Pistol #4 to get some quick fast hits, stun ‘em with pistol #5, Scepter #3 to stack confusion before they recover, then shatter all the clones/phantoms to stack even more confusion, by the time they realize what’s happening their toast. If not, a couple dodges can net you another pair of clones (w/ the trait) which you can shatter fast. If that fails to bring ’em down, the confusion and Scepter #2 should keep you safe enough long enough for pistol #5 to cycle back around.

It really only falls flat in group fights, for which I swap over to Staff.

Anyone use Sceptre?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ramiah.5648


I run with a Scepter/Pistol combo almost exclusively. The combination of the Pistol #5 and Scepter #3 is just plain unfair.

In a one-on-one fight (against mobs or players) it’s almost unfair. Open with Pistol #4 to get some quick fast hits, stun ‘em with pistol #5, Scepter #3 to stack confusion before they recover, then shatter all the clones/phantoms to stack even more confusion, by the time they realize what’s happening their toast. If not, a couple dodges can net you another pair of clones (w/ the trait) which you can shatter fast. If that fails to bring ’em down, the confusion and Scepter #2 should keep you safe enough long enough for pistol #5 to cycle back around.

It really only falls flat in group fights, for which I swap over to Staff.

See, I wanna try something exactly like this, but with a Phantasm build, something like 0/20/0/30/20. Ideally, I’d have focus for group fights as well (temporal curtain cripple+iWarden), and it would hopefully perform decently well in dungeons due to all the Phantasm buffs.
Thanks for the everyone’s input on how it’s working for you. Gives me some new ideas.

Thy faithful servant asketh for thy blessing. Honor us with the splendor of thy song.
Protect us… Holy Song!

Anyone use Sceptre?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Zovo.7829


I run with a Scepter/Pistol combo almost exclusively. The combination of the Pistol #5 and Scepter #3 is just plain unfair.

In a one-on-one fight (against mobs or players) it’s almost unfair. Open with Pistol #4 to get some quick fast hits, stun ‘em with pistol #5, Scepter #3 to stack confusion before they recover, then shatter all the clones/phantoms to stack even more confusion, by the time they realize what’s happening their toast. If not, a couple dodges can net you another pair of clones (w/ the trait) which you can shatter fast. If that fails to bring ’em down, the confusion and Scepter #2 should keep you safe enough long enough for pistol #5 to cycle back around.

It really only falls flat in group fights, for which I swap over to Staff.

See, I wanna try something exactly like this, but with a Phantasm build, something like 0/20/0/30/20. Ideally, I’d have focus for group fights as well (temporal curtain cripple+iWarden), and it would hopefully perform decently well in dungeons due to all the Phantasm buffs.
Thanks for the everyone’s input on how it’s working for you. Gives me some new ideas.

Works pretty solid with boss and champs and such, or really anything that you can really focus fire on. As long as you can concentrate on a single target you can dish some pain.

Anyone use Sceptre?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Pyroatheist.9031


I use scepter in one build only: a pure phantasm based power build. This is because having 2 offhands is essential, and due to the phantasm focus of the build, the scepter autoattack doesn’t matter.

I use scepter/sword and sword/pistol going, taking illusion damage in domination, phantasm fury, sword, and pistol cooldowns, condition removal on heal and increased phantasm hp.

This build basically runs around in circles casting phantasms on a target, using the 2 blocks and blurred frenzy as defensive skills that happen to hit hard. It is a really really powerful 1v1/small fight build, but really starts to suck in any larger fight (wvw) due to phantasms dying really fast.

Anyone use Sceptre?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Darx.9842


I run with a Scepter/Pistol combo almost exclusively. The combination of the Pistol #5 and Scepter #3 is just plain unfair.

In a one-on-one fight (against mobs or players) it’s almost unfair. Open with Pistol #4 to get some quick fast hits, stun ‘em with pistol #5, Scepter #3 to stack confusion before they recover, then shatter all the clones/phantoms to stack even more confusion, by the time they realize what’s happening their toast. If not, a couple dodges can net you another pair of clones (w/ the trait) which you can shatter fast. If that fails to bring ’em down, the confusion and Scepter #2 should keep you safe enough long enough for pistol #5 to cycle back around.

It really only falls flat in group fights, for which I swap over to Staff.

See, I wanna try something exactly like this, but with a Phantasm build, something like 0/20/0/30/20. Ideally, I’d have focus for group fights as well (temporal curtain cripple+iWarden), and it would hopefully perform decently well in dungeons due to all the Phantasm buffs.
Thanks for the everyone’s input on how it’s working for you. Gives me some new ideas.

Works pretty solid with boss and champs and such, or really anything that you can really focus fire on. As long as you can concentrate on a single target you can dish some pain.

You might already do this, but to make this even more deadly: drop an ethereal field on them (chaos storm, null field, feedback, etc.) then the iDuelist will stack confusion on the target with projectile + ethereal = confusion combo field.

Anyone use Sceptre?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Zovo.7829


I run with a Scepter/Pistol combo almost exclusively. The combination of the Pistol #5 and Scepter #3 is just plain unfair.

In a one-on-one fight (against mobs or players) it’s almost unfair. Open with Pistol #4 to get some quick fast hits, stun ‘em with pistol #5, Scepter #3 to stack confusion before they recover, then shatter all the clones/phantoms to stack even more confusion, by the time they realize what’s happening their toast. If not, a couple dodges can net you another pair of clones (w/ the trait) which you can shatter fast. If that fails to bring ’em down, the confusion and Scepter #2 should keep you safe enough long enough for pistol #5 to cycle back around.

It really only falls flat in group fights, for which I swap over to Staff.

See, I wanna try something exactly like this, but with a Phantasm build, something like 0/20/0/30/20. Ideally, I’d have focus for group fights as well (temporal curtain cripple+iWarden), and it would hopefully perform decently well in dungeons due to all the Phantasm buffs.
Thanks for the everyone’s input on how it’s working for you. Gives me some new ideas.

Works pretty solid with boss and champs and such, or really anything that you can really focus fire on. As long as you can concentrate on a single target you can dish some pain.

You might already do this, but to make this even more deadly: drop an ethereal field on them (chaos storm, null field, feedback, etc.) then the iDuelist will stack confusion on the target with projectile + ethereal = confusion combo field.

Yeah, I spend a lot of time at range and use Feedback heavily as well as swapping over to staff for Chaos Storm so yeah, I definitely do this.

Anyone use Sceptre?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Kazhiel.8194


I use scepter in one build only: a pure phantasm based power build. This is because having 2 offhands is essential, and due to the phantasm focus of the build, the scepter autoattack doesn’t matter.

I use scepter/sword and sword/pistol going, taking illusion damage in domination, phantasm fury, sword, and pistol cooldowns, condition removal on heal and increased phantasm hp.

This build basically runs around in circles casting phantasms on a target, using the 2 blocks and blurred frenzy as defensive skills that happen to hit hard. It is a really really powerful 1v1/small fight build, but really starts to suck in any larger fight (wvw) due to phantasms dying really fast.

I run something similar for small fight roaming, and I agree it sadly sucks in big fights. What gear are you using in you setup? I generally run my knights set because it has rune of the centaur to make up for not using a focus lol

Jalliel [AI] – Yak’s Bend

Anyone use Sceptre?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Pyroatheist.9031


I use scepter in one build only: a pure phantasm based power build. This is because having 2 offhands is essential, and due to the phantasm focus of the build, the scepter autoattack doesn’t matter.

I use scepter/sword and sword/pistol going, taking illusion damage in domination, phantasm fury, sword, and pistol cooldowns, condition removal on heal and increased phantasm hp.

This build basically runs around in circles casting phantasms on a target, using the 2 blocks and blurred frenzy as defensive skills that happen to hit hard. It is a really really powerful 1v1/small fight build, but really starts to suck in any larger fight (wvw) due to phantasms dying really fast.

I run something similar for small fight roaming, and I agree it sadly sucks in big fights. What gear are you using in you setup? I generally run my knights set because it has rune of the centaur to make up for not using a focus lol

I haven’t actually used it in wvw at all, because its just so inferior to my tank build in the vast majority of fights you’ll find yourself in in wvw. I’ve only run it in sPvP just as a bit of a proof of concept build, using the zerker amulet, runes of air, a crit stacking sigil, and I can’t actually remember the other ones. Maybe sigil of air on a few of them.

Anyone use Sceptre?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Kazhiel.8194


I haven’t actually used it in wvw at all, because its just so inferior to my tank build in the vast majority of fights you’ll find yourself in in wvw. I’ve only run it in sPvP just as a bit of a proof of concept build, using the zerker amulet, runes of air, a crit stacking sigil, and I can’t actually remember the other ones. Maybe sigil of air on a few of them.

Yeah, a phantasm setup isn’t as versatile in a lot of ways. I like running phantasm a lot when I’m picking off yaks and roaming with a small guild group. It also works really well in most dungeons and fractals, pve in general.

Jalliel [AI] – Yak’s Bend

Anyone use Sceptre?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Pyroatheist.9031


I haven’t actually used it in wvw at all, because its just so inferior to my tank build in the vast majority of fights you’ll find yourself in in wvw. I’ve only run it in sPvP just as a bit of a proof of concept build, using the zerker amulet, runes of air, a crit stacking sigil, and I can’t actually remember the other ones. Maybe sigil of air on a few of them.

Yeah, a phantasm setup isn’t as versatile in a lot of ways. I like running phantasm a lot when I’m picking off yaks and roaming with a small guild group. It also works really well in most dungeons and fractals, pve in general.

Yeah, in pve I do use a phantasm build, but my build is less focused on the damage output and goes 30 points into inspiration for the massive choices of utility there, and less in duelin because I switch weapons so much depending on the situation.

Anyone use Sceptre?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Kazhiel.8194


I’ve generally been running 0/20/20/25/5, sword/torch, scepter/sword. Taking de and phant fury, 3% less damage, mirrored anguish, cure cond on heal, and then I vary between glamour recharge and compounding celerity. If I’m running with a guild group I will usually use portal and then either veil or null field, and then third utility blink which normally never leaves my bar. If I’m running solo in wvw I might use phant defender. I’ve not really found the 20% hp for phant trait to be very useful, it doesn’t really seem to add enough to make much difference in wvw, it might be better in pve.

Alternatively I’ll go 20/20/0/25/5 taking 15% damage and torch trait. Conditions can’t touch me lol.

Jalliel [AI] – Yak’s Bend

Anyone use Sceptre?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Pyroatheist.9031


I’ve generally been running 0/20/20/25/5, sword/torch, scepter/sword. Taking de and phant fury, 3% less damage, mirrored anguish, cure cond on heal, and then I vary between glamour recharge and compounding celerity. If I’m running with a guild group I will usually use portal and then either veil or null field, and then third utility blink which normally never leaves my bar. If I’m running solo in wvw I might use phant defender. I’ve not really found the 20% hp for phant trait to be very useful, it doesn’t really seem to add enough to make much difference in wvw, it might be better in pve.

Alternatively I’ll go 20/20/0/25/5 taking 15% damage and torch trait. Conditions can’t touch me lol.

Wait, you use torch in a phantasm focused build for pve?

Anyone use Sceptre?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Kazhiel.8194


I’ve generally been running 0/20/20/25/5, sword/torch, scepter/sword. Taking de and phant fury, 3% less damage, mirrored anguish, cure cond on heal, and then I vary between glamour recharge and compounding celerity. If I’m running with a guild group I will usually use portal and then either veil or null field, and then third utility blink which normally never leaves my bar. If I’m running solo in wvw I might use phant defender. I’ve not really found the 20% hp for phant trait to be very useful, it doesn’t really seem to add enough to make much difference in wvw, it might be better in pve.

Alternatively I’ll go 20/20/0/25/5 taking 15% damage and torch trait. Conditions can’t touch me lol.

Wait, you use torch in a phantasm focused build for pve?

Traited torch cures conditions, if I miss a dodge I can cure agony instantly between torch and cure condition on heal, and do high lvl fractals with no agony resistance. Those traits seem to cure ouchiest condition first which is definately agony lol

Jalliel [AI] – Yak’s Bend

Anyone use Sceptre?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Gaiawolf.8261


That’s a really cool setup. It really allows you to defend yourself while your illusions keep the pressure on, and then when you go on the offenive, they better watch out!

I run the same trait lines and weapons, but I pair the 2 swords together and the scepter with the torch. Having 2 blocks on the same set is cool, and can pay off big in an AOE with a duration, but my playstyle uses a lot of stealth, dodging, and jumping around. So I’ve found that having 2 different kinds of defense always available work best for me (1 block + invuln/stealth). That way, I always have the right defense for the situation no matter which weapon set is up.

Lone Wolf Mesmer | Warrior | Engineer | Thief
Dissentient [DIS] ~Tarnished Coast

Anyone use Sceptre?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Kazhiel.8194


Part of the reason for combining the weapons that way is to have a leap finisher on both sets. If you run swords both on the same set that puts both your leaps on the same set and your other set with the awkward blast finisher that doesn’t happen till you come out of stealth. This setup also needs no weapon cd traits to work well, the weapon cd work really well the way they are and you will be swapping sets pretty often. This is actually dank’s build with some modifications.

Jalliel [AI] – Yak’s Bend

Anyone use Sceptre?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Kazhiel.8194


Gaia, I also use a lot of stealth or avoiding the enemy while my phantasmagoric whittle away at them, scepter 3 and the double block will hurt them if they try to push me, then As their hp is dropping I switch to sword/torch, drop image, hit 4, then 3, swap and blurred frenzy in their face. As its finishing the blast goes off and they get burned and image just hit them with confusion. Anything they do to either hit me or heal is gonna hit them with confusion, most will panic and do one or the other and finish themselves off if they aren’t already downed.

Jalliel [AI] – Yak’s Bend

Anyone use Sceptre?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Gaiawolf.8261


Good point on the finishers. I guess the sw/sw combo pays off so much for me b/c I try to spend as much time in it as possible and only switch to sc/t when I get in trouble or want to BF/CI burst. I also take Blade Training instead of Phant Fury so staying in sw/sw longer becomes much more viable.

Dank’s build is a little more balanced than mine, but I find I can keep up a little more pressure since I have ranged DPS on either set and dodge a lot.

Lone Wolf Mesmer | Warrior | Engineer | Thief
Dissentient [DIS] ~Tarnished Coast

Anyone use Sceptre?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Kazhiel.8194


Technically you only have ranged on one set since although swordsman can be cast from range he is a melee attack

Jalliel [AI] – Yak’s Bend

Anyone use Sceptre?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Gaiawolf.8261


Used properly, both the blocks can be pretty good ranged DPS, too.

But, where I am when activating the skill is all that matters to me, so I count the swordsman as a ranged DPS skill (except in zergs ofc). Think of him as a slow, homing attack with leap finisher instead of projectile finisher. :p

Also I don’t consider the mage as straight DPS, but he can provide damage against bads and pressure/control if used right, so there is that on the sw/t set. Too bad his range algorithm is borked.

Lone Wolf Mesmer | Warrior | Engineer | Thief
Dissentient [DIS] ~Tarnished Coast

Anyone use Sceptre?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Kazhiel.8194


Don’t think the blocks do damage unless they block, if you use the blind or daze that’s the effect you get with no damage.

Jalliel [AI] – Yak’s Bend

Anyone use Sceptre?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Gaiawolf.8261


Yeah, you have to block an attack with them to get the damage. It’s all about timing, but with the last update, both can be used to damage a target at range.

Works great against ranged attackers, and it can really frustrate melee attackers to see their charge/stun get blocked, then they take a chuck of damage as you dodge/stealth away to stay out of reach.

Lone Wolf Mesmer | Warrior | Engineer | Thief
Dissentient [DIS] ~Tarnished Coast