Are Clones & Phantasma stats based on player's stats?

Are Clones & Phantasma stats based on player's stats?

in Mesmer

Posted by: HakkaiRequiem.5130


As the title states, my question is:
Clones & Phantasma stats are based on player’s stats?
Or do they have independent stats that are based only on themselves and traits we choose?

[Sorry if a similiar post already exists. I used the search box, but I didn’t find the answer]

Are Clones & Phantasma stats based on player's stats?

in Mesmer

Posted by: EasymodeX.4062


They’re based on the player’s stats. IIRC HP is a scaled as a percentage, they get power/precision/cdmg directly. Not sure about toughness.

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Are Clones & Phantasma stats based on player's stats?

in Mesmer

Posted by: HakkaiRequiem.5130


Well, I’ve understood that player stats are linked with his/her illusion stats.
But are there some formulas?

Are Clones & Phantasma stats based on player's stats?

in Mesmer

Posted by: EasymodeX.4062


Precision = precision.
Power = power.
Condition damage = condition damage.
Toughness = toughness?

Vit = vit*x.

IIRC, x was 0.3 for clones, not sure.

If you can’t read English, please do not reply to my post.

Are Clones & Phantasma stats based on player's stats?

in Mesmer

Posted by: HakkaiRequiem.5130


Oh, simple and cool xD

So, my clones deal the same damage as me? (I watched a video in wich they were dealing much less than the player. Never checked on my character because I assumed the video-guide was right).

And what’s the “x” value for Phantasma?
And what does the “?” mean for toughness?

Thanks for the help >^<

Are Clones & Phantasma stats based on player's stats?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Salacious.7358


if this is true doesn’t this make messies the most powerful?

Are Clones & Phantasma stats based on player's stats?

in Mesmer

Posted by: EasymodeX.4062


Oh, the clones have some sort of multiplier on power that takes them close to 0 damage. Probably (power+weapon) * 0.001 (1 attack per thousand of yours).

Don’t know what the Vit scaling is for phantasms, but it’s different than clones. I think it’s less since the clone change (clone used to be 0.2, IIRC). Also, iDefender may have a different scale.

The ? means I don’t know.


Also, phantasms carry the Mesmer’s power. This doesn’t mean they necessarily do as much damage as the Mesmer. Remember that power scales different attacks differently. Duh, your autoattacks do less than your other attacks. Phantasm attacks have their own scaling. Also, there’s evidence that phantasms actually use their own, separate, weapon damage (not your weapon damage).

So, they will do more damage the more power you have. That doesn’t mean they do the same damage lulz. But, most of them do pretty good damage, so.

If you can’t read English, please do not reply to my post.

(edited by EasymodeX.4062)

Are Clones & Phantasma stats based on player's stats?

in Mesmer

Posted by: HakkaiRequiem.5130


All right. These is not exact information, but the point of your info is the point of my question.
If the power of illusions was set to a standard value, no matter the player’s stats, to run a Phantasma-based build it would have been useful to go full-HP/toughness for the character.
But if my power and my precision care, I don’t want my illusions to be only nice-looking tanks with no damage output ^^

Are Clones & Phantasma stats based on player's stats?

in Mesmer

Posted by: capric.1896


Illusions have the mesmer’s armor (toughness + defense), power, precision, condition damage, critical damage bonus and healing. They get no benefit from the mesmer’s vitality, condition duration, boon duration or weapon damage.

(edited by capric.1896)

Are Clones & Phantasma stats based on player's stats?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Chumsy.5714


So lets say I swap weapons that has 100 more power than the other. Does my phantasm gain 100 more power when I swap or is the power calculated when it is summoned?

Are Clones & Phantasma stats based on player's stats?

in Mesmer

Posted by: capric.1896


You should test it and let us know

Are Clones & Phantasma stats based on player's stats?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Nretep.2564


I think all illusions have your stats, including Atk (Power + Weapon), Vit and Critical chance. The basic stats, too. So everything you see in you in your Hero-Window.

But then they have different damage (skill * Atk), different CD (skill) and different maxHP (Vit * x * special).
The damage depends on the skill. Since they have their own skills, they have their own damage values, but it should be scaled with your Atk. The CD is also based on their skill usage (and [Phantasmal Haste]). Clones have the same CD as your basic skills.
The only difference are the attacks of clones. Instead of your default attack, they deal your default attack * ~2%.
The MaxHP is yet unknown. I think clones have your maxHP * ~25%. Phantasms probably more.