Are Mesmers OP??

Are Mesmers OP??

in Mesmer

Posted by: MystGun.8249


I have played my Mesmer for about 300 hours and i feel i have acquired a decent level of skill. Recently i have been jumping into dueling servers and testing my skills. Most people who lose to me automatically say that Mesmer is OP and that it needs to be nerfed. I agree with them somewhat because I do feel like i have too many tools at my disposal in a fight, but at the same time it takes good timing to pull combos off. I just want to know what the Mesmer community thinks about the Mesmer being OP. Haha i just beat like 5 people in a row without dying. They all said that clones are too confusing and that i was cheap for using Mesmer, but whatever i will just keep winning.

(edited by MystGun.8249)

Are Mesmers OP??

in Mesmer

Posted by: Zoser.7245


Again, and again, and again the same question. Have you read the tons of posts with the same question before post one more?

When I play other professions i don’t have problems to dealing with mesmers. The question is… Are they stopping to think even half a second or one what they should do? What strategy? Or what skill use to disable the mesmer? I’m not sure. Usually when I play my mesmer against others i can see chains of skills without any sense.

If someone is hitting twenty keys waiting to do something against a good mesmer, the best thing that he can do is leave the combat and do something more profitable.

Some times is better take a minute and think what are you doing. I can’t understand why “mermers” come here to ask about how OP we are, claiming that be need be nerfed. I’m starting to think they are frustrated players unable to beat a mesmer with half a brain.

Some months before were a lot of balancing issues, but today i see the game rather polished, although, of course, there are still things to fix.

But no, I don’t think that mesmers are OP. The only thing that is usually “OP” is the EGO of some people ; )

Are Mesmers OP??

in Mesmer

Posted by: Crossplay.2067


From my experience, people whom say mesmers are op usually don’t understand how mesmers work. We are duelists that excel at creating chaos and confusion so of course we’re going to be hard to beat in a duel. It’s one of the professions where you have to sit down and play it to understand how it works and then find its weaknesses. Anyone whom won’t do that isn’t serious about dueling.

Are Mesmers OP??

in Mesmer

Posted by: BossFi.6917


Haha i just beat like 5 people in a row without dying. They all said that clones are too confusing .

Congrats on beating 5 noobs! Not being able to tell which is the real mesmer says it all!

Are Mesmers OP??

in Mesmer

Posted by: painHV.2516


Most competitive players consider mesmer average to above average. They’re only OP to new players who mostly hotjoin and don’t completely understand mechanics yet.

Are Mesmers OP??

in Mesmer

Posted by: wookie.8934


Again, and again, and again the same question. Have you read the tons of posts with the same question before post one more?

When I play other professions i don’t have problems to dealing with mesmers. The question is… Are they stopping to think even half a second or one what they should do? What strategy? Or what skill use to disable the mesmer? I’m not sure. Usually when I play my mesmer against others i can see chains of skills without any sense.

If someone is hitting twenty keys waiting to do something against a good mesmer, the best thing that he can do is leave the combat and do something more profitable.

Some times is better take a minute and think what are you doing. I can’t understand why “mermers” come here to ask about how OP we are, claiming that be need be nerfed. I’m starting to think they are frustrated players unable to beat a mesmer with half a brain.

Some months before were a lot of balancing issues, but today i see the game rather polished, although, of course, there are still things to fix.

But no, I don’t think that mesmers are OP. The only thing that is usually “OP” is the EGO of some people ; )

Pretty much everything I agree with. I’m getting really tired of seeing threads like this.

Havok Legion [HL]
Fort Aspenwood

Are Mesmers OP??

in Mesmer

Posted by: MystGun.8249


Haha i didnt want to make it seem like i was gloating or what not. It is just that when i play my ele, which most people think it the most OP, i dont get near the complaints that i get when i play my mesmer. I really do play mesmer so i am not just lying to try to make a point.

Are Mesmers OP??

in Mesmer

Posted by: MystGun.8249


And just as a follow up question, if Mesmers have weaknesses what are they?? Outside of conditions is there another way to kill the Mesmer?

Are Mesmers OP??

in Mesmer

Posted by: Fuschia.6573


There are a couple of things that are very good at dealing with Mesmers…

1) Awareness. Always know which is the real Mesmer.

2) Conditions. Most Mesmer builds don’t run a ton of condition removal, and Shatter builds often have none whatsoever.

3) Count CDs. Mesmers have two powerful active defenses in Blurred Frenzy and Distortion. Don’t blow your 100B when they have them up or you will probably end up quite unhappy.

4) Run away. When all else fails, remember that Mesmer builds often have low mobility over long periods of time. Blink, tons of dodges, and Phase Retreat often make it look like we’re highly mobile, but we’re actually pretty bad at covering wide swaths of terrain quickly.

To be fair, 2 and 4 aren’t true of all builds, but they are of most. If you wander around the forums you’ll find lots of suggestions for 1, and 3 is dead simple if you just take a little time.

Also, remember not to do something stupid like start channeling a bunch of projectiles into Feedback. It’s really all just learning how things work and not tossing all your skills at them right away, kind of like dealing with perma-stealth Thieves.

Are Mesmers OP??

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ghanto.9784


Along with others here, I have a nasty suspicion that this is a ruse post to get people to think it’s coming from an “objective” source, whereas in reality it’s just someone who’s lost a lot to mesmers and wants to get them nerfed. If not, my apologies! But if in fact you’re routinely kicking butt in duels with your mesmer, the most likely explanation is that you’re simply the better player. An experienced opponent shouldn’t have much difficulty keeping the “real” you targeted in a duel, and there’s no reason a talented thief or guardian, etc., couldn’t win against you at least some of the time.

Are Mesmers OP??

in Mesmer

Posted by: MystGun.8249


Thanks for all the replys, and i can see where you are coming from when you think this is a ruse post. I just wanted to see whether or not most people are feeling the same thing about Mesmers as i am.

Are Mesmers OP??

in Mesmer

Posted by: Daishi.6027


Lol. Phant build in a 1v1 scinerio yeah a little OP but balanced by the fact phant is crappy team fight.

Shatter/condi/glam/mantra/hybrid ect.

No. Not really. First of all we can’t do everything, no more than any other classes options for speccing anyways. Although having decent combat mobility which can be outshined my other classes we lack the over all roam unless you count portal which has an ok range but pretty much takes you back to where you’ve already been.

As condi we are out shined by well necro condi bombs as well as consistent condi from an Engie, not to mention both are tankier in both standard specs.

As full damage we do less than warrior and thief, and although. Warrior (alteast in terms of sPvP) are kind of under powered, they still can handel being focused better than us. Not to mention comparing us to thief, as glass cannon are just as squishy as a thief with significantly less invis on longer C/Ds.

And we don’t exactly have it easy mode like ranger press “1” to win. (Unless your phant, which is 3 button win)

So why are we perceived as OP?

Team fight support and decent AoE damage aside.

At low end sPvP you will get lost in the clones and takes a bit to learn to counter that. Also a lot of people don’t know how to midigate our damage properly which is just another skill that comes with time.

Other reasons is our damage sources even if midigated, with our consistent spikes be it condi, phant, or shatter damage, it can put early preassure onto even mid range experienced players, while also not even needing to be present to do it.

(I do have to admit you don’t suffer as badly as some other classes do when you tunnel vision, but some classes have even less risk. Aka. where we can tunnel and do damage others can tunnel and survive.)

We are given a lot of tools to be able to “out play” other classes but that’s how we have to fight. We can’t just charge in and insta gib someone or pew pew pew another against any decent player. We’re always knocking players many different ways until we can seal the kill and this can be frustrating if they can’t out play and/or easy win against us.
And sorry to say WvW is like low rank sPvP with better stats, unless your part of the logistics side with big guilds trying to take keeps.

TL;DR: We are not OP, we just have a class where we have to out play other classes. But it also forces others to out play us. Thus = QQ

Sorry for grammar.

Same question. And my same answer.

“I control time and space; you can’t break free.~”
“Maybe I was the illusion all along!”

Are Mesmers OP??

in Mesmer

Posted by: MystGun.8249


Thanks for sharing your very in depth answer again. I didn’t mean to ask a question that was already asked before, i have never looked at the forums before. But now i have some evidence for my thief friend to show him that Mesmes are in fact not OP.

Are Mesmers OP??

in Mesmer

Posted by: Thor Rising.7850

Thor Rising.7850

Mesmers and thieves are the two most frustrating classes to play against, so players rage when they lose against them. Stealth and clones are very difficult for some people, myself included. I started playing mesmer in pvp only to learn about how to counter them, and I found that they are much harder to play than I ever imagined. Maintaining clones and phantasms is fairly difficult, and timing your shatter is too.

I feel like a lot of people pick up mesmer cause they think they are an overpowered easy class, and then become frustrated when they suck.

Are Mesmers OP??

in Mesmer

Posted by: MystGun.8249


Lol, i just dueled this amazing ranger and lost like 3 times in a row. He then decides to call Mesmers OP after he beat me haha. Some people…

Are Mesmers OP??

in Mesmer

Posted by: zaxon.6819


call target on the real mesmer.. the bullseye will stay on the real guy so you dont even ahve to think who the real one is.

turn off auto target closest enemy. its a noob tool that will get you killed.
if you have on auto target while fighting the mesmer and he stealths you will target a clone and lose the real target.. if you turn that off and he stealths you will not target anything until the real mesmer reappears and you will return to him as your target.

learn what ileap looks like. if you dodge it shatter mesmers are kinda useless.,

learn to notice what spec your enemy is playing. there is no “mesmer” spec. there are differnt kinds. if you dont learn to recognise what kind you are playing you dont know what to do.
do you fight a hammer glass cannon guardian the same as you fight a bunker?

learn what weapons do in your enemies hands. is he using a staff, a greatsword, a focus, a pistol? when he is using those weapons what does he have access to?

turn off npc names. pretty sure only the real mesmer has guild tags.

Are Mesmers OP??

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ghanto.9784


call target on the real mesmer.. the bullseye will stay on the real guy so you dont even ahve to think who the real one is.

turn off auto target closest enemy. its a noob tool that will get you killed.
if you have on auto target while fighting the mesmer and he stealths you will target a clone and lose the real target.. if you turn that off and he stealths you will not target anything until the real mesmer reappears and you will return to him as your target.

learn what ileap looks like. if you dodge it shatter mesmers are kinda useless.,

learn to notice what spec your enemy is playing. there is no “mesmer” spec. there are differnt kinds. if you dont learn to recognise what kind you are playing you dont know what to do.
do you fight a hammer glass cannon guardian the same as you fight a bunker?

learn what weapons do in your enemies hands. is he using a staff, a greatsword, a focus, a pistol? when he is using those weapons what does he have access to?

turn off npc names. pretty sure only the real mesmer has guild tags.

Ssshh. Don’t give away our secrets, lol.

Are Mesmers OP??

in Mesmer

Posted by: MystGun.8249


call target on the real mesmer.. the bullseye will stay on the real guy so you dont even ahve to think who the real one is.

turn off auto target closest enemy. its a noob tool that will get you killed.
if you have on auto target while fighting the mesmer and he stealths you will target a clone and lose the real target.. if you turn that off and he stealths you will not target anything until the real mesmer reappears and you will return to him as your target.

learn what ileap looks like. if you dodge it shatter mesmers are kinda useless.,

learn to notice what spec your enemy is playing. there is no “mesmer” spec. there are differnt kinds. if you dont learn to recognise what kind you are playing you dont know what to do.
do you fight a hammer glass cannon guardian the same as you fight a bunker?

learn what weapons do in your enemies hands. is he using a staff, a greatsword, a focus, a pistol? when he is using those weapons what does he have access to?

turn off npc names. pretty sure only the real mesmer has guild tags.

Ssshh. Don’t give away our secrets, lol.

Lol, wow Zaxon that was a great list. I knew some of those, but others were beyond me. FIghting fellow Mesmers may have become easier.

Are Mesmers OP??

in Mesmer

Posted by: Aberrant.6749


Mesmers punish new players the most (alongside with thieves). That’s because they fall for the deception aspect of the class. A good player won’t. To a new player they don’t understand what’s going on and just see clones and then the mesmer dissapears. They don’t see the tells for what’s going on. They get confused and start swatting at clones etc.

Same thing happens with a thief… they see the thief disappears and just start acting like grazing cattle. Then boom… backstab/heartseeker (or daze or whatever) and they die.

A good player will know what to expect from that mesmer/thief every single time and counter it.

Tarnished Coast
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide –

Are Mesmers OP??

in Mesmer

Posted by: Alchemist.3692


And just as a follow up question, if Mesmers have weaknesses what are they?? Outside of conditions is there another way to kill the Mesmer?

lol most people can’t spot the obvious ileap. a mesmer stands there and points right at you, and suddenly something comes dashing toward you… you should be dodging it not trying to tank it. The way to kill a mesmer is to pay attention. The tricks are cheap imo, if you run around in circles the clones will follow you and the real one most likely will not lol. It’s so easy to tell apart that the only reason i’ve been beaten by another mesmer is because he/she was just that much better than me, and not because of the clones. They time the shatters, and distortions properly. They know when to use which skills to maximize benefits, and how to get out of tough situations. A mesmer’s real strength instead in their clones itself (because they’re meant to be shattered), it’s more in utilizing the various ways to attack to keep opponents guessing. This is a highly technical profession (unlike thieves that just stealth, burst, repeat), and it requires you to manage your cds very, very well because no matter what anyone says our utils in particular have very long cds.

The only way, in short to win against a mesmer is to pay attention. And that’s all. It’s an L2P problem not a ZOMG NERF THIS CLASS.

Are Mesmers OP??

in Mesmer

Posted by: Master of Timespace.2548

Master of Timespace.2548

Well glass shatter has really hard time against a decent glass thief. Mainly because thief will win the stealthing game and so mesmer has to be the one reacting. P/D thief will also defeat most mesmers trivially. Some glassy phantasam mesmers with right traits will still win against those too, though.

Lol, i just dueled this amazing ranger and lost like 3 times in a row. He then decides to call Mesmers OP after he beat me haha. Some people…

Ranger is almost kittened in spvp… In wvw its differend though, they can’t just face tank everything there.

My main is a mesmer but I also have a thief. And I have to say that thief >>>>>>>>>>> mesmer…

? <(^-^><)>^-^)> <(^-^)> ?

(edited by Master of Timespace.2548)

Are Mesmers OP??

in Mesmer

Posted by: Daishi.6027


Lol, i just dueled this amazing ranger and lost like 3 times in a row. He then decides to call Mesmers OP after he beat me haha. Some people…

Oh yeah BM ranger is like phantasm level. Hearp and Dearp no skill 1v1 builds. Super easy to play super high reward 1v1, but useless in team fights. So don’t feel bad. A premade will run maybe one of these types but suffers for it. So no real place in the meta beyond niche teams. Meaning other than hot joins they are kind of a non factor.

(No offence to anyone who rolls phant, but you can’t 1v1 with it and pretend your the uber pro-duelist king-saviour of the world. Your just doing your job xD)

“I control time and space; you can’t break free.~”
“Maybe I was the illusion all along!”

(edited by Daishi.6027)

Are Mesmers OP??

in Mesmer

Posted by: jportell.2197


Lol, i just dueled this amazing ranger and lost like 3 times in a row. He then decides to call Mesmers OP after he beat me haha. Some people…

When fighting a ranger run a confusion build short bow spammers pew pew themselves to death.. and its hilarious.

Johnny The Gray
GASM’s Bunker Mesmer

Are Mesmers OP??

in Mesmer

Posted by: shimmerless.4560


Well glass shatter has really hard time against a decent glass thief. Mainly because thief will win the stealthing game and so mesmer has to be the one reacting. P/D thief will also defeat most mesmers trivially. Some glassy phantasam mesmers with right traits will still win against those too, though.

Lol, i just dueled this amazing ranger and lost like 3 times in a row. He then decides to call Mesmers OP after he beat me haha. Some people…

Ranger is almost kittened in spvp… In wvw its differend though, they can’t just face tank everything there.

My main is a mesmer but I also have a thief. And I have to say that thief >>>>>>>>>>> mesmer…

What’s so strong about P/D?

Are Mesmers OP??

in Mesmer

Posted by: jportell.2197


Well glass shatter has really hard time against a decent glass thief. Mainly because thief will win the stealthing game and so mesmer has to be the one reacting. P/D thief will also defeat most mesmers trivially. Some glassy phantasam mesmers with right traits will still win against those too, though.

Lol, i just dueled this amazing ranger and lost like 3 times in a row. He then decides to call Mesmers OP after he beat me haha. Some people…

Ranger is almost kittened in spvp… In wvw its differend though, they can’t just face tank everything there.

My main is a mesmer but I also have a thief. And I have to say that thief >>>>>>>>>>> mesmer…

What’s so strong about P/D?

Bleed stacks mainly….. But its hard to pull off because of the off hand dagger you are still kiteable.

Johnny The Gray
GASM’s Bunker Mesmer

Are Mesmers OP??

in Mesmer

Posted by: Aberrant.6749


Well glass shatter has really hard time against a decent glass thief. Mainly because thief will win the stealthing game and so mesmer has to be the one reacting. P/D thief will also defeat most mesmers trivially. Some glassy phantasam mesmers with right traits will still win against those too, though.

Lol, i just dueled this amazing ranger and lost like 3 times in a row. He then decides to call Mesmers OP after he beat me haha. Some people…

Ranger is almost kittened in spvp… In wvw its differend though, they can’t just face tank everything there.

My main is a mesmer but I also have a thief. And I have to say that thief >>>>>>>>>>> mesmer…

What’s so strong about P/D?

Bleed stacks mainly….. But its hard to pull off because of the off hand dagger you are still kiteable.

Having plaid a P/D thief it’s a pretty easy fight vs most mesmers. Mes generally lacks condition removal… plus tons of clones to c&d off of. P/D doesn’t care much what it hits with c&d, the damage is from the bleeds (sneak attack). So just c&d off of anything, pew pew at the main target and watch them bleed out.

P/D has a lot more counters (non-mes) than other thief builds do though…

Tarnished Coast
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide –

Are Mesmers OP??

in Mesmer

Posted by: Niko.8901


Since the nerfs I have seen a lot less mesmers around and a ton more guardians and warriors. I don’t think mesmer is OP anymore at all really.

Otto Maggic ~Toasty
(sorry, I don’t give much wxp)

Are Mesmers OP??

in Mesmer

Posted by: Justine.6351


I think mesmers are awesome, not op.
We have access to a lot of utility through traits, skills, profession mechanics.
Where we are lacking is builds, and one of the two prominate ones got taken to the chopping block.

Are Mesmers OP??

in Mesmer

Posted by: MystGun.8249


Lol, i just dueled this amazing ranger and lost like 3 times in a row. He then decides to call Mesmers OP after he beat me haha. Some people…

When fighting a ranger run a confusion build short bow spammers pew pew themselves to death.. and its hilarious.

Perhaps against a bad Ranger, but confusion won’t do much versus a good one. I have a Ranger, and a BM SB build has a lot of condition removal. To be honest, in a 1v1, the only other specs I can think of that can compete with a BM Ranger are Phantasm Mesmers and D/D Eles. They’re extremely tanky, with high condi removal and loads of regen, as well as constant vigor. I run all cleric’s gear with Dwayna runes and Healing Spring, and I’ve never lost a 1v1. This is less directed at you and more at the topic creator, though.

@MystGun: Don’t feel bad if you lose to a BM Ranger in a 1v1. Really, that’s just how it’s meant to be. It’s one of the best dueling builds in the game, and just like the Phantasm Mesmer, it becomes less and less effective the larger the enemy group.

Thanks I always thought that rangers sucked when i first started playing, but as i have ranked up i have realized they can be really really good.

Are Mesmers OP??

in Mesmer

Posted by: Lantz.7240


Even if you can tell which is the real one its still 1vs4. This is only fun for the mesmer who can easily hide/escape while they continually spawn clones to do their work.

Are Mesmers OP??

in Mesmer

Posted by: Zoser.7245


If you are not able to manage that situation and follow the real one, predict and null clones , devote yourself to chase chickens in Orr, you will be more productive. Perhaps Anet must make the professions as you wish, or delete it if you can’t manage them or beat. Of course you can leave and play something more easy…. as an alphabet soup

Are Mesmers OP??

in Mesmer

Posted by: Carighan.6758


Even if you can tell which is the real one its still 1vs4. This is only fun for the mesmer who can easily hide/escape while they continually spawn clones to do their work.

True, I forgot about that. The clones are so real, even I get confused sometimes which is the real me! :O

The strength of heart to face oneself has been made manifest. The persona Carighan has appeared.

Are Mesmers OP??

in Mesmer

Posted by: Zoser.7245


What is boring is to be a clicker of buttons on top of the other and see if it dies or not before doing the same with the next one, and again for months , years….

Oh yes , clones are as real as you believe in them. Don’t forget that cows fly dressed as brides with pink dresses.

Are Mesmers OP??

in Mesmer

Posted by: yiksing.9432


1) Is it OP?
No, I don’t think so

2) Is it one of the better profession?
Hell yes

3) Why?
Coz I’m only worried when I’m fighting a thief, mesmer or necro

4) Mesmer are like thief, very annoying to fight for the average player to fight because they are the only 2 classes that can drop target on demand. So if you are a “clicker”, it actually pays off because you are very good at spotting and clicking on the real mesmer flying all over the screen.

Are Mesmers OP??

in Mesmer

Posted by: natsos.3692


There are a couple of things that are very good at dealing with Mesmers…

1) Awareness. Always know which is the real Mesmer.

2) Conditions. Most Mesmer builds don’t run a ton of condition removal, and Shatter builds often have none whatsoever.

3) Count CDs. Mesmers have two powerful active defenses in Blurred Frenzy and Distortion. Don’t blow your 100B when they have them up or you will probably end up quite unhappy.

4) Run away. When all else fails, remember that Mesmer builds often have low mobility over long periods of time. Blink, tons of dodges, and Phase Retreat often make it look like we’re highly mobile, but we’re actually pretty bad at covering wide swaths of terrain quickly.

To be fair, 2 and 4 aren’t true of all builds, but they are of most. If you wander around the forums you’ll find lots of suggestions for 1, and 3 is dead simple if you just take a little time.

Also, remember not to do something stupid like start channeling a bunch of projectiles into Feedback. It’s really all just learning how things work and not tossing all your skills at them right away, kind of like dealing with perma-stealth Thieves.

I am not playing a mesmer and I am going to QQ a lot in this thread.
I am not a new player, I play mostly PvP from the BWE and I have to say that the last 3 days I have not killed a single mesmer.

1)If the opponent mesmer is pro, he can vanish within his illusions and use invisibilities, it is almost impossible to keep tracking a mesmer , specially with “Target” reset when he vanishes.Also it is pretty hard to kill the illusions with the recent signet boosts, since the illusions are harder to kill ,most of the time, than the mesmer itself.

2)The best way I could counter a mesmer in the past was conditions indeed.Lately everybody uses Null Field.It does exactly what 2 skills of my necro do, combined in one.Rips all boons instantly from enemy and cures ALL conditions within a blink of an eye.

3)Count CDs?It is hard to keep track of the mesmer himself, you want me to start counting his cooldowns too?He has 3 clones casting skills around me, when I finally manage to target him all I want to do is nuke him down as fast as possible, I wont try counting his CDs also…

4)Run away?!A mesmer can rip my health pool from 1200 range with a single skill(berserker) that will KEEP FOLLOWING ME! He can also cripple me and he can even have swiftness.HOW am I supposed to run away from this?“Go back to the heart of the mists”?Sounds fair!

Also, kitten is wrong with Moa? ONE elite skills that cancels EVERYTHING.
10 seconds of doing NOTHING, you can’t break out with any skill, it cancels any transformation like Plague form or Rampage , KILLS YOUR MINIONS , you can’t heal , the “5” skill was nerfed to the floor, it only runs like 2 meters away, and all you can do is DODGE! 2 dodges for 10 seconds! Sooo fair!

Congrats mesmer, you are not OP!
Sincerely, a very kitten necro.

Natsos, Necromancer
Officer of Spartians GR[SPGR]
Gandara EU

Are Mesmers OP??

in Mesmer

Posted by: eleozz.9056


If you want to take down a mesmer just take Pain Inverter from gw (, its the only way.

Spartians Gr [SPGR] Officer
Diamon Devona/Human Elementalist

Are Mesmers OP??

in Mesmer

Posted by: zaxon.6819


i ran spvp all night last night. i can say or a fact its a l2 kitten ue. its not really the clones that are an issue for most people its the blink/retreat/decoy/ stun breakers since they cant every hold you in place. the clones are really just a gimic and should not fool anyone who knows what they are doing. i was fighting mesmers all last night and there is no issue telling who is real and who is not.

the real mesmer sticks out like a sore thumb. if you need any more hints just ask.

Are Mesmers OP??

in Mesmer

Posted by: natsos.3692


zaxon 2 days ago my guild did a 1vs1 dueling tournament.
19 participants out of which 7 was mesmers.
Only one mesmer lost before the semi-finals.He lost to a mesmer.
At the finals we had 3 mesmers fighting each other.
Moa is probably the hardest thing to counter on 1vs1(we found a way to counter it with runes like the one that makes you mist or ice block, but still conditions could kill you).
A skilled mesmer,that knows how to hide himself within his illusions and can have 10 seconds of invisibility every 40 seconds of fight, will make you have a really hard time noticing him.
I never said that you can’t see the real, the problem is that he can blink to camouflage, he can vanish, and more stuff, while there are 3 clones of himself casting spells.If you don’t play a mesmer , you wont be able to target a pro mesmer enough so you can kill him..

As one guy above said, mesmers are tricksters.
Tricksters means heavy damage dealers,boon reapers/condition cleaners,thieves,build cancelers(in case of MM necro) and much much more.
It is not the mesmer that is the problem, it is the nature of mesmer.
You can’t have a multitasking proffesions that does everything better than all the other proffesions..
Man I’m bathurt.

Natsos, Necromancer
Officer of Spartians GR[SPGR]
Gandara EU

Are Mesmers OP??

in Mesmer

Posted by: bobross.5034


In response to Natsos,
1)the cooldowns on stealths is high…like 30-50 for the 4 possible stealth skills and much higher for the elite. It is possible to make a stealth build, but you lose a lot of utility/damage.
2)null field also has a 32 second cooldown-after buffing with a trait, and only lasts like 6 seconds. thats 24 seconds to get your condition damage in
3)your unwillingness to counter the class does not make it op’d.
4)you keep pointing out ll the possible things mesmers can do, but we cant do them all..sure a mesmer can be mobile, by taking blink-also on a long cooldown, and using centaur runes-available for everyone, or using focus. or maybe a gs power build can snipe from far away…but those are different builds. they cant do all that and be invisible all the time. what you’re complaining about is being killed in various ways by various builds, and you’re treating them all as the same thing.

i could go on the warrior forums and complain about how they can do so much damage and cite a glass cannon build, then i can complain about how tough they are to kill and cite a bunker build…but it ignores the fact that no one toon can do it all.

Are Mesmers OP??

in Mesmer

Posted by: jportell.2197



Johnny The Gray
GASM’s Bunker Mesmer

Are Mesmers OP??

in Mesmer

Posted by: zaxon.6819


if you do not know who the main mesmer is in every single second of a fight you are a noob and should ask someone how to tell who is the real one.

it is not op it is so easy in so many ways to spot the real mesmer.

do you need help? there is no way to hide inside your clones.

there are graphical differences between a mesmer and his clones. do you know them>?

are you here for help.. we can give it to you. or do you just want to state the problem without asking for the answer. (my wife likes to do that.. “i didnt want help, i just wanted to vent”

hows this. get the help. tell us what you are having a prlbem with and we will fix it. instaed of just saying its not fair that i cant win a fight when you are unwilling to learn how to win the fight.

in a good fight… you know all your skills and when to use them.. you know all your opponents skills and when they should use them to counter you.. you get them to use thier skills when they shouldnt. .. you can not do that if you are unwilling to know your opponents skill set.

(edited by zaxon.6819)

Are Mesmers OP??

in Mesmer

Posted by: natsos.3692


In response to Natsos,
1)the cooldowns on stealths is high…like 30-50 for the 4 possible stealth skills and much higher for the elite. It is possible to make a stealth build, but you lose a lot of utility/damage.
2)null field also has a 32 second cooldown-after buffing with a trait, and only lasts like 6 seconds. thats 24 seconds to get your condition damage in
3)your unwillingness to counter the class does not make it op’d.
4)you keep pointing out ll the possible things mesmers can do, but we cant do them all..sure a mesmer can be mobile, by taking blink-also on a long cooldown, and using centaur runes-available for everyone, or using focus. or maybe a gs power build can snipe from far away…but those are different builds. they cant do all that and be invisible all the time. what you’re complaining about is being killed in various ways by various builds, and you’re treating them all as the same thing.

i could go on the warrior forums and complain about how they can do so much damage and cite a glass cannon build, then i can complain about how tough they are to kill and cite a bunker build…but it ignores the fact that no one toon can do it all.

If you cant do all the things I stated in ONE build, you’re doing it wrong.

Yes Zaxon, there are diffrences, but when you are getting wiped by a mesmer that keeps hiding, you wont start looking for details on the graphic of the illusions, you will keep spamming tab to look for a title.And then he will hide again while the illusions keep killing you.

I wont keep arguing, you are all classic mesmers,try playing any other class VS a pro mesmer, if you don’t try it you will never know what I mean.
Have a nice day.

Natsos, Necromancer
Officer of Spartians GR[SPGR]
Gandara EU

Are Mesmers OP??

in Mesmer

Posted by: zaxon.6819


you should never tab target anyone in any game.. l2p

tab targeting is what you do in lazy pve such as leveling.. and even then you should never do it. you should click target.

heres a hint.. take off auto target also. it is most likely getting you killed when fighting mesmer.

Are Mesmers OP??

in Mesmer

Posted by: zaxon.6819


tab targeting is like keyboard turning

Are Mesmers OP??

in Mesmer

Posted by: eleozz.9056


how d you take target? click?!?!?!?

Spartians Gr [SPGR] Officer
Diamon Devona/Human Elementalist

Are Mesmers OP??

in Mesmer

Posted by: natsos.3692


Go ahead and target a teleporting/charging ele or a thief with click.
GL man.

Natsos, Necromancer
Officer of Spartians GR[SPGR]
Gandara EU

Are Mesmers OP??

in Mesmer

Posted by: zaxon.6819


click your target. dont roll dice to see what target you get. thats the issue i guess…
you think it is hard to do .. i just do it because its more effective.

you arent even willing to learn the basics of the game. that is something you should do with any profession vs any profession. some people have trouble learning not to click thier skills. but guess what keybindnigs are faster. so suck it up and learn them. same with targeting. if you arent willing to learn dont kitten at mesmers for having more then 1 thing on the field for your tab target to choose.

(edited by zaxon.6819)

Are Mesmers OP??

in Mesmer

Posted by: selan.8354


ugh seriously…this thread belongs into spvp section aaaaand we all know that this is a L2p spvp u gotta be very careful with the mesmers as most of them run power based build with gs.the berserker will hit u very hard….try to stun him, interrupthim, lock him down, dodge more often, dont just rush in and end up wasting you best attack on a clone..

and important aswell:

-go make a mesmer
-find a build with a lot of power
-go spvp
-check out the mesmer mecanics

realize, that it is not easy to play and realize that a mesmer doesen’t get 10 utility slots.also find out that the moa is an elite skill and has an enormous cooldown. so would u stop whining here!

sry but what i read here proofs that the QQ’er don’t know kitten about mesmers!

Lv 80 glamour Mesmer Triforce Mesmerpower PU mes,Lv 80 power necro
Isle of Kickaspenwood

Are Mesmers OP??

in Mesmer

Posted by: Iruwen.3164


Also it is pretty hard to kill the illusions with the recent signet boosts, since the illusions are harder to kill ,most of the time, than the mesmer itself.

You realize they only fixed the tooltip for the signet you’re probably refering to? It worked that way before.

4)Run away?!A mesmer can rip my health pool from 1200 range with a single skill(berserker) that will KEEP FOLLOWING ME! He can also cripple me and he can even have swiftness.HOW am I supposed to run away from this?“Go back to the heart of the mists”?Sounds fair!

Avoid its creation, destroy it or dodge its damage. Hell you don’t even have to dodge, one step to the side and most attacks won’t connect at all.

Iruwen Evillan, Human Mesmer on Drakkar Lake

Are Mesmers OP??

in Mesmer

Posted by: zaxon.6819


do you go into wvw and just see what tab target chooses? or do you scan peoples health bars to focus people down? and click them to target them? if you tab target in a wvw zerg i dont really know how to help you.