Are we overpowered?

Are we overpowered?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Sil.4560


I don’t even have that problem, it should only occur if your computer is too slow after the network related culling has been fixed. Same with thieves, not a problem since.

I get it with thieves at times too. Anytime something is “popping” or supposed to be rendering in somehow, it gives them like an extra second.

Are we overpowered?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Leuca.5732


Mesmer has a steep learning curve; it requires a lot of finesse to be devastating with this class. As such, learning to fight a Mesmer also has a steep learning curve.

+1 my friend

And that’s what people don’t really see with the class. Not sure how many people can say the class is easy to master or easy to be great. Sure the basic things may make the class appear easy to grasp, but there are many above average players who knows how to fight against a mesmer at this point.

Wait, what? Mesmer has a devastatingly low learning curve for its potential output for most beginners who have some amount of gaming experience; it’s what caused the mesmer epidemic to make people think the mesmer is OP in the first place. There are some techniques that require a tad more coordination, but the mesmer as a whole is not even close to being a challenging class to play. Its core mechanic messes with a terrible targeting system and that alone gives any player using it an inherent advantage when entering combat, never mind the fact that mesmers have a lot more viable traits/trait combinations/overall build variety than most of the other professions. A good mesmer is a lot better than a bad mesmer, but a bad mesmer with a good build who at least knows the rotation is still more of a threat than they should be, by a long shot.

Are we overpowered?

in Mesmer

Posted by: wookie.8934


Its core mechanic messes with a terrible targeting system and that alone gives any player using it an inherent advantage when entering combat, never mind the fact that mesmers have a lot more viable traits/trait combinations/overall build variety than most of the other professions. A good mesmer is a lot better than a bad mesmer, but a bad mesmer with a good build who at least knows the rotation is still more of a threat than they should be, by a long shot.

In reference to the first part about build viability, that does not make a mesmer OP. It simplify exemplifies how well built the traits are for the mesmer. Other professions may be lacking, but to say the mesmer is OP on the basis of it having some of the best builds is just silly. Just to be clear, I’m not implying you said that but rather trying to deter others from thinking that way.

For the second part about rotation, most of GW2 PVP is rotation of skills — nothing more. The bit about them being a threat is purely subjective in the sense that plenty of people can counter mesmers. If you don’t know how to counter a mesmer’s build (or just mesmers in general) then I would suggest learning the tell-tale signs of the real mesmer and the typical rotations they go through. While a simple rotation can help a noob play mesmer, it can just as easily open a door for the opponent with respect to predicting the mesmer’s next move(s). I’d say the only place where mesmers truly feel OP is when the enemy has no idea how to fight them (and this has come up a few times in this thread).

Long story short: Mesmers are not OP, but appear OP to those who don’t know how to fight them, can’t fight them well, or jump in without a competitive build for their profession. Simple as that.

Havok Legion [HL]
Fort Aspenwood

(edited by wookie.8934)

Are we overpowered?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Sil.4560


Or the game isn’t quite balanced yet. Being realistic here.

Are we overpowered?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Expansive.3716


Mesmer has a steep learning curve; it requires a lot of finesse to be devastating with this class. As such, learning to fight a Mesmer also has a steep learning curve.

+1 my friend

And that’s what people don’t really see with the class. Not sure how many people can say the class is easy to master or easy to be great. Sure the basic things may make the class appear easy to grasp, but there are many above average players who knows how to fight against a mesmer at this point.

Wait, what? Mesmer has a devastatingly low learning curve for its potential output for most beginners who have some amount of gaming experience; it’s what caused the mesmer epidemic to make people think the mesmer is OP in the first place. There are some techniques that require a tad more coordination, but the mesmer as a whole is not even close to being a challenging class to play. Its core mechanic messes with a terrible targeting system and that alone gives any player using it an inherent advantage when entering combat, never mind the fact that mesmers have a lot more viable traits/trait combinations/overall build variety than most of the other professions. A good mesmer is a lot better than a bad mesmer, but a bad mesmer with a good build who at least knows the rotation is still more of a threat than they should be, by a long shot.

I see what you’re saying but let’s keep some things in perspective. For several of the professions you can use the argument of a bad player using [insert profession] with a good build (sans the engineer) can be lethal.

Ranger, Elementalist, Theif, and Guardian all have a strong build that can still be potent in the hands of an average player. Let’s not act as if the Mesmer is the only class in which that theory applies to.

The mesmer doesn’t have good sustained damage and it’s only right that the mesmer has techniques that allows them to divert incoming damage in order to last in a fight. That’s just how the mesmer works.

In regards to the learning curve, you’re right that it may not take much to get a handle on the class, but like I mentioned before, most players know how to fight a Mesmer. It takes more than a simple rotation to be “devastating” with the profession against a competent player.

Are we overpowered?

in Mesmer

Posted by: ScottBroChill.3254


I honestly had no trouble getting the hang of the mesmer, must be my playstyle or something. I’m starting to really love shatter builds too, they really p/o people especially those who know the real mesmer. I don’t think we’re overpowered, I think we do what we’re supposed to really well, which is avoid damage and apply random pressure and annoy people. Just like how people say thief is overpowered, but his only job is to clean up kills so of course people aren’t going to like that. They’re power diminishes when fighting a lot of enemies though.

Improvising is key with mesmer, there’s so much you can work with in a single build and the skills all have multiple uses which makes them hella fun.

Are we overpowered?

in Mesmer

Posted by: fishergrip.4082


Yes you are, mainly because confusion is op.

Maid Of The Coast

Are we overpowered?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Crossplay.2067


Yes you are, mainly because confusion is op.

Confusion can easily be mitigated by not attacking. While it is on you, you can still use powers that don’t do damage. Name one other condition that is just as easily avoided.

Are we overpowered?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Carighan.6758


Well technically you can avoid Cripple by not moving…

The strength of heart to face oneself has been made manifest. The persona Carighan has appeared.

Are we overpowered?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Mogar.9216


We are overpowered so are thieves.

Are we overpowered?

in Mesmer

Posted by: nuunuu.1069


We are so overpowered that Anet needs to nerf us to ensure half our population rage-quit so that we are in line with the other classes. Anything more than one viable build means Anet was too soft.

Are we overpowered?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Galrond.5972


Yes you are, mainly because confusion is op.

This. Teamfights vs a team with condition mesmer? Already lost if you don’t have like 5 elementalists who constantly spam condition removal.

The rest is fine, but confusion needs to be hit by the nerftruck.

Are we overpowered?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Advent.6193


Yes you are, mainly because confusion is op.

This. Teamfights vs a team with condition mesmer? Already lost if you don’t have like 5 elementalists who constantly spam condition removal.

The rest is fine, but confusion needs to be hit by the nerftruck.

Please. I think there’ve been enough nerfs, based out of PvP-logic. Goodness, the smallest % population in-game truly wields an inordinate amount of nerf-ology. All confusion needs – as I’ve stated before – is to no longer trigger on crap like:
-Non-attack Ele Swaps
-Non-attack Dodge-traits.

The rest’s a simple matter of watching your tail..

Malegryne (Sylvari Mesmer), Lannka (Asura Thief) – Ferguson’s Crossing: [PRD/BRB/OMFG]
Other 80s: Any but Warrior

Are we overpowered?

in Mesmer

Posted by: KrisHQ.4719


I will try to keep this very simple, since it seems some people have difficulties understanding basic balance.
There will always be instances where a class can outshine another. Hell, if you run with a huge zerg even a LB Ranger with piercing arrows and full berserker will do HUGE amounts of dmg, this does not mean the build/class is OP.

In PvP every build that mindlessly spams AoE dmg will be viable. HGH Nade Engi, Mark Necro, Trap-Ranger etc.
This does not mean the class is OP, because as you can see a lot of builds can do this. This is not a class-blance issue, but rather an issue with the gamemode and AoE dmg that has to be toned down on all classes.
Keep this in mind when discussing balance.

Yes Mesmers are OP. They can be countered and not game-changingly OP but some attacks need to be toned down. It should be obvious to everyone why mesmers are OP.
Insane ranged burst (you can shatter while at distance), incredibly kiting abilites and cripple, invisbility, confusion and invulnerability on a very low CD (probably the most broken stand-alone skill IG, yes Blurred Frenzy i’m looking at you) it’s like the Guardians elite + dmg and 1/9 CD. For tPvP they can grant the whole team instant mobility. I didnt even mention the illusions that can do 7k dmg on a 15 sec CD.

And please don’t put guardian in the same tier as Mesmers. Every good mesmer will tell you that Guardians are the easiest targets.

Lysis Kawahara – D/D Elementalist
Zaphiel Faires – DPS Guardian

(edited by KrisHQ.4719)

Are we overpowered?

in Mesmer

Posted by: CrazyAce.3842


And please don’t put guardian in the same tier as Mesmers. Every good mesmer will tell you that Guardians are the easiest targets.

Wrong. Warriors are the easiest targets. I love fighting warriors. It’s like a free kill in 90% of the fights I’ve been in.

Then again it’s probably because those players were bad. Good players know not to go into sPVP with a Warrior, lol.

Are we overpowered?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Master of Timespace.2548

Master of Timespace.2548

And please don’t put guardian in the same tier as Mesmers. Every good mesmer will tell you that Guardians are the easiest targets.

On average, it goes like this:
shatter mes > guardian
sword thief > shatter mes
guardian > sword thief.
I can eat most guards with my shatter mes, but I know a thief or two against who I don’t stand a smallest chance on my shatter build. Yet, I don’t think they find good guards as easy opponents.
At least when I go thief, I find fighting against mesmers a lot easier than fighting against engineers or guards.

Duels are all about build wars.

? <(^-^><)>^-^)> <(^-^)> ?

(edited by Master of Timespace.2548)

Are we overpowered?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Iruwen.3164


It should be obvious to everyone why mesmers are OP.
Insane ranged burst (you can shatter while at distance), incredibly kiting abilites and cripple, invisbility, confusion and invulnerability on a very low CD (probably the most broken stand-alone skill IG, yes Blurred Frenzy i’m looking at you) it’s like the Guardians elite + dmg and 1/9 CD. For tPvP they can grant the whole team instant mobility. I didnt even mention the illusions that can do 7k dmg on a 15 sec CD.

Sigh. Thanks for demonstrating what we’ve been talking about above. You’re again mixing up build versatility with imbalance. Learn to adapt. We can do all of these things, but others can do them better. We’re just the best balanced allround class.

/e: I’m really amazed by the amount of eles complaining about other classes. Everytime I check people’s post histories, they either main an ele or a thief, with some guardians between. Never played a guardian, are they faceroll button smashers too?

Iruwen Evillan, Human Mesmer on Drakkar Lake

(edited by Iruwen.3164)

Are we overpowered?

in Mesmer

Posted by: RyuDragnier.9476


Iruwen, Guardians are not. They have to push hard just to kill something, even when they’re a glass cannon build…unless they’re running that spirit build in PvP.

PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald

Are we overpowered?

in Mesmer

Posted by: zaxon.6819


here is a test.. after playing your mesmer and knowing how it works… roll a lvl 2 of a class you dont play very much go on thier forum… pick the popular build and see if you can kill mesmers with it.

after playing a main mesmer and knowing thier tricks.. even without knowing the new classes tricks …. i can kill mesmers. its more of a lt kitten ue

Are we overpowered?

in Mesmer

Posted by: ARM.3912


here is a test.. after playing your mesmer and knowing how it works… roll a lvl 2 of a class you dont play very much go on thier forum… pick the popular build and see if you can kill mesmers with it.

after playing a main mesmer and knowing thier tricks.. even without knowing the new classes tricks …. i can kill mesmers. its more of a lt kitten ue

Lets see some fraps of this fantasy.

Are we overpowered?

in Mesmer

Posted by: zaxon.6819


im still waiting for the fraps of you getting blown up by mesmers. you started your post a while ago saying how op they are. maybe if you post yourself fighitng mesmers we can teach you what to do.

please dont ask for fraps if you are not willing to provide the same.

Are we overpowered?

in Mesmer

Posted by: KrisHQ.4719


It should be obvious to everyone why mesmers are OP.
Insane ranged burst (you can shatter while at distance), incredibly kiting abilites and cripple, invisbility, confusion and invulnerability on a very low CD (probably the most broken stand-alone skill IG, yes Blurred Frenzy i’m looking at you) it’s like the Guardians elite + dmg and 1/9 CD. For tPvP they can grant the whole team instant mobility. I didnt even mention the illusions that can do 7k dmg on a 15 sec CD.

Sigh. Thanks for demonstrating what we’ve been talking about above. You’re again mixing up build versatility with imbalance. Learn to adapt. We can do all of these things, but others can do them better. We’re just the best balanced allround class.

/e: I’m really amazed by the amount of eles complaining about other classes. Everytime I check people’s post histories, they either main an ele or a thief, with some guardians between. Never played a guardian, are they faceroll button smashers too?

Others can do them better? Hmm.
Sure, thieves might give more DMG but you have to remember that in order to do that they will need to get close. This means that you can stunbreak and lock him.
Furthermore, the mesmer will also give various conditions depending on their traits, where the thief is mainly pure damage.

Regarding the second half of your post, i assume you’re talking about my signature. My elementalist is rarely used since i mostly use my ranger and guardian.
I sense some irony in the fact that the class YOU play is just “all-round balanced”.

I have no idea why people would lie to themselves about the strength of their class. If Guardian was OP i’d be the first to admit it, since it would simply make the game boring. Pretty much everyone i know would rather duel an elementalist than a mesmer.

Lysis Kawahara – D/D Elementalist
Zaphiel Faires – DPS Guardian

Are we overpowered?

in Mesmer

Posted by: jportell.2197


Guardian is survivability in PvP is amazing… They can usually facetank a few condition spammers if they are healing shout… It’s not really face roll button smash its more boon management because eles have better access to all their boons over guardians.

Johnny The Gray
GASM’s Bunker Mesmer

Are we overpowered?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Iruwen.3164


We’re not the best at bursting, we’re not the best at stacking conditions, not to mention boons, we’re don’t have a lot of cleanse available, we’re not really good at healing, hell it seems like we’re not even the best class at applying confusion. But we can do some of everything, which makes the class versatile and fun. Plus we have some great utility/elite skills, namely portal and time warp.

Iruwen Evillan, Human Mesmer on Drakkar Lake

Are we overpowered?

in Mesmer

Posted by: jportell.2197


A might stacking Mesmer is doable not to the same extent as we had when we had shattered strength…. But I have gotten my mes to have about 3.8k power through power based runes and sigils of bloodlust…. it’s quite amazing.

Johnny The Gray
GASM’s Bunker Mesmer

Are we overpowered?

in Mesmer

Posted by: zaxon.6819


“theives can do the same but they need to get close”? mesmers burst for shatter/blurred needs to be just as close as a thief and we have only 1 tool to get close….(and it dosent work on hills)

Are we overpowered?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Carighan.6758


Iruwen, Guardians are not. They have to push hard just to kill something, even when they’re a glass cannon build…unless they’re running that spirit build in PvP.

Well, considering that a lion share of the Guardian class identity is the ability to out-last and help out-last, that’s about as surprising as… wait, actually not at all.

The strength of heart to face oneself has been made manifest. The persona Carighan has appeared.

Are we overpowered?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Henrik.7560


Mesmers can do a lot of damage, and can be resistent but are incredibly slow and conditions hurt unless you have lemmon grass soup or melandru/hoelbreak runes.

Arcane Bastion [AB]
Elementalist Mesmer Ranger
Sea of Sorrows

Are we overpowered?

in Mesmer

Posted by: style.6173


Every class has a thread like this. With only a few tweaks, all of the classes are pretty good at this point.

As for mesmers, I don’t have one, but they do not seem OP to me when playing them.

Are we overpowered?

in Mesmer

Posted by: killahmayne.9518


Mesmer’s aren’t hard to learn or play at all, not any more than any other class in my opinion. They have a lot of mechanisms to mitigate and avoid damage more so than any other class. They are definitely a harder class to learn to fight against more so than others, and even then they are just a hard class to fight regardless if you know their tricks or not.

I main a warrior so my perspective is mainly going to be from this class, although I have a level 80 fully geared mesmer I mess around with from time to time.

Even though Warriors in PvE are fairly straightforward, I think many people get the misconception that they are simple and don’t take any brains to play in PvP/WvW.

I feel like, more so than my mesmer that timing is extremely important on my Warrior, since I go full melee primarily. We lack consistent DPS in the sense that we can be kited and we need to land stuns to do most of our damage and rely heavily on comboing. Timing on the greatsword evade and landing it is pretty key as well as knowing when to use blocks, dodge, etc, more so because we are not a faceroll boon class with godly sustain that stands in the back shooting stuff (at least not many warriors). And I feel like it has made me a lot better with other classes such as the mesmer (although Mesmers do have many teleports, stun breaks, invulnerabilities, etc, on mid cooldown I tend to use it conservatively instead of panicking).

As a warrior I do not really find strictly burst damage power mesmers to be a huge problem (I’ll kill some, some will kill me, that is the way it goes). Confusion Mesmers are probably one of a warrior’s worst nightmares.

People who argue against the nerf of confusion like to formulate the argument of (well, cleanse it if you have it on you, or, just stop attacking and using skills and it will do more damage). Now I am not asking for a nerf to confusion, but to say that overlooks a lot of things that must be considered.

#1: Cleansing confusion forces one to blow cooldowns, and for some classes, condition removal isn’t very plentiful or is hard to come buy. Confusion can be stacked very easily and with the trait Master of Misdirection and the duration food + traitline it can last for a very long time.

#2: If you can’t cleanse it, you are faced with two options, either attack through confusion or just simply try to run. High stacks of confusion forces you into a one-sided stalemate which allows the mesmer to hit you with other skills while you cannot do anything because confusion bursts will really hurt. It is almost like a daze and a form of CC. Confusion is not a weak condition by any estimation (at least in WvW), whether it does damage or not to a person, it is still amazing.

I wonder how many Necros would gladly tradeoff some of their bleeds/bleed duration for some skills that cause confusion. I would say almost all of them.

Mace/Greatsword Video (Sept Patch)

Are we overpowered?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Xom.9264


I wonder how many Necros would gladly tradeoff some of their bleeds/bleed duration for some skills that cause confusion. I would say almost all of them.

Count me as a Necro that would in a second.

Mes has been among the top 1-3 classes since the game released, while other classes get nerfed and buffed in and out of the tops spots Mes even with minor fixes and nerfs still is an outstanding top tier class.

Mesmer as a class is a little overpowered its takes a heck of alot more skill to kill a decent mes then it does to play a mes decently.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

Are we overpowered?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Simonoly.4352


Like most classes, I’m sure there are a few builds available to the Mesmer or certain skills that could do with some tweaking to bring them in line with everything else. But, as a whole, the class is pretty well balanced now. The only time I considered Mesmers to be too strong was when phantasms didn’t have LOS restrictions as this simply didn’t follow in-game logic and was unfair (a bit like Dragon Tooth is right now).


Are we overpowered?

in Mesmer

Posted by: oZii.2864


I wonder how many Necros would gladly tradeoff some of their bleeds/bleed duration for some skills that cause confusion. I would say almost all of them.

Count me as a Necro that would in a second.

Mes has been among the top 1-3 classes since the game released, while other classes get nerfed and buffed in and out of the tops spots Mes even with minor fixes and nerfs still is an outstanding top tier class.

Mesmer as a class is a little overpowered its takes a heck of alot more skill to kill a decent mes then it does to play a mes decently.

No thats now how it worked. When the game came out Thieves and Mesmers where argued and mostly viewed as the top classes/op. They both rely on confusion people and aren’t your conventional in your face smash buttons faster who wins class. As the community has learned to adapt(alot but not all) thieves are considered weak but strong still against those that don’t know how to fight them. Mesmers are still considered a strong class. Look at the elementalist? Before everyone thought it was weak now it is probably the strongest class in the game it didn’t receive buffs to reach that point.

Now many classes have 1-2 viable builds that you kind of have to be running if your going optimal. Some have more what is better is to bring those other classes up instead of nerfing the supposed op class. See elementalist in the first 2 months the game came out. You can’t knee jerk it which is what anet doesn’t do. Despite what the community thinks and cries about after they receive a change to their class.

Ele’s got a healing nerf(spvp) and RTL nerf but then got buffs in that same patch. Everyone was like omgzorz they are going to nerf eles. It wasn’t even that big a hit.

Thieves revealed buff nerf. OMGZORZ we got nerfed I can’t play. Then you have the I told you so people. Guess what next patch in WvW reveal buff goes back to 3’s.

[Good Fights]Sinndicate{Ele}Sinactic{Engineer}

Are we overpowered?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Xom.9264


I wonder how many Necros would gladly tradeoff some of their bleeds/bleed duration for some skills that cause confusion. I would say almost all of them.

Count me as a Necro that would in a second.

Mes has been among the top 1-3 classes since the game released, while other classes get nerfed and buffed in and out of the tops spots Mes even with minor fixes and nerfs still is an outstanding top tier class.

Mesmer as a class is a little overpowered its takes a heck of alot more skill to kill a decent mes then it does to play a mes decently.

No thats now how it worked. When the game came out Thieves and Mesmers where argued and mostly viewed as the top classes/op. They both rely on confusion people and aren’t your conventional in your face smash buttons faster who wins class. As the community has learned to adapt(alot but not all) thieves are considered weak but strong still against those that don’t know how to fight them. Mesmers are still considered a strong class. Look at the elementalist? Before everyone thought it was weak now it is probably the strongest class in the game it didn’t receive buffs to reach that point.

Now many classes have 1-2 viable builds that you kind of have to be running if your going optimal. Some have more what is better is to bring those other classes up instead of nerfing the supposed op class. See elementalist in the first 2 months the game came out. You can’t knee jerk it which is what anet doesn’t do. Despite what the community thinks and cries about after they receive a change to their class.

Ele’s got a healing nerf(spvp) and RTL nerf but then got buffs in that same patch. Everyone was like omgzorz they are going to nerf eles. It wasn’t even that big a hit.

Thieves revealed buff nerf. OMGZORZ we got nerfed I can’t play. Then you have the I told you so people. Guess what next patch in WvW reveal buff goes back to 3’s.

You are getting meta confused with class power, thiefs did get a minor nerf however the reason you see fewer of them is because there are more tanky AoE eles around along with rangers with good aoe in Tpvp.

Mesmer is a powerful class not really impacted by the meta the numbers of mesmers in Tpv kitten teady and its high.

Again its much harder to kill a good mesmer then it is to play a mesmer well. Necro has to work alot harder, you can argue if you like but I play both classes alot.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

Are we overpowered?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Raptured.9307


Being one of my favorite classes to roll in tpvp, i would say it is overpowered in wvw and spvp, less so for pve (where they’re simply useful).

Rank 37 spvp, dungeon master
[HL] Deadly Protection @ Sanctum of Culling

Are we overpowered?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Entropy.4732


Being one of my favorite classes to roll in tpvp, i would say it is overpowered in wvw and spvp, less so for pve (where they’re simply useful).

Hogwash. Pure, unfiltered hogwash. Play a mesmer as your main (not just rolling one on sPvP) and you’ll eat those words like a word pasta salad. Mesmers are more jack of all trades, masters of none. Some people think we’re O.P. because mesmers have a more versatile, alterable trait line than any other class. What I mean by that is, with other classes your trait line is mostly an augmentation to a similar play style. With mesmers, if you alter your traits, your whole play style and approach changes. The effect of this is that players are often surprised or unprepared for what type of mesmer we are. Most players don’t really know how we work or what we do, get befuddled by our odd abilities, and die because of it. Much of our power comes from our unpredictability. Players that get the mesmer and identify which trait build we are running are very hard to beat. We’re actually easy to counter once you identify what we’re throwing at you. Mesmers have a lot of weaknesses. Mesmers are like the “intelligence test” class of the game. If you’re smart, we pose no problem.

Styx Hemlock – Sylvari Mesmer – TFG – NSP

Are we overpowered?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Sil.4560


Or the game isn’t quite balanced yet. Being realistic here.

Are we overpowered?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ramiah.5648


Well, here’s the deal. Mesmers take time and effort. Level 40 is where most people say they take off, I have a guild mate who says it’s 79, LOL.
Honestly, they need a lot more TLC to get to where they need to be. For example, they are super slow, and that’s fixable because of runes and traits, but it has to be lots of runes or very specific traits. Builds normally require very specific trait, skill, armor, and weapon choices, there is literally NO room for personal style in their builds.

But if you can pull all this off, you are amazing.
You have tools no one else has- quickness for the team? Yes please. Reflection on a fairly short cooldown for EVERYTHING in that bubble? Yes, I believe I shall. Confusion so other players have to choose whether to attack and take sometimes large amounts damage or sit there and do nothing? I’ll take two, thanks.

Mesmer takes a lot of work to get just right but once you do, it is somewhat OP. And not even for the reasons that you would expect. They don’t do more damage or tank better than other classes. Instead, they kitten with the rules everyone else has to live by. Frankly, they cheat. Wheras most professions do similar things in different ways, Mesmers have abilities that are nothing like what the rest of the professions can do.
We wouldn’t have it any other way.

Thy faithful servant asketh for thy blessing. Honor us with the splendor of thy song.
Protect us… Holy Song!

Are we overpowered?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Xom.9264


I leveled my necro first and can say 100% mesmer is easier even before level 40.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

Are we overpowered?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Expansive.3716


I will try to keep this very simple, since it seems some
Yes Mesmers are OP. They can be countered and not game-changingly OP but some attacks need to be toned down. It should be obvious to everyone why mesmers are OP.
Insane ranged burst (you can shatter while at distance), incredibly kiting abilites and cripple, invisbility, confusion and invulnerability on a very low CD (probably the most broken stand-alone skill IG, yes Blurred Frenzy i’m looking at you) it’s like the Guardians elite + dmg and 1/9 CD. For tPvP they can grant the whole team instant mobility. I didnt even mention the illusions that can do 7k dmg on a 15 sec CD.

And please don’t put guardian in the same tier as Mesmers. Every good mesmer will tell you that Guardians are the easiest targets.

No offense to you Kris, as you seem to be a nice person. But your post simply sounds like a learn to play issue. And I really hate using that phrase and rarely do I, but your post is exactly that.

For starters, people truly don’t understand blurred frenzy. Yes it momentarily makes the mesmer invulnerable, but at the same token, that attack roots the mesmer AND it has a poor percentage of connecting with the target. You can see a blurred frenzy a mile away and people should not use their burst when a mesmer uses it and nor should they stand there and take the damage because the immobilize doesn’t always work.

For shatters, it’s the only real high damage output for the mesmer. And if you see the clones coming towards you from range, then dodge roll into them. I can see if you’re in a confined space and the mesmer can excel there, but in open space you have visibility.

Anet themselves said that the mesmer is in a good place, and the majority of the players knows how to play against a mesmer. Not to mention there’s even a feature in the options menu that can help you know who the real mesmer is.

So the only postings there should be is how to play against a good mesmer, rather than saying the mesmer is OP and nerf it.

Are we overpowered?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Turbo Whale.1738

Turbo Whale.1738

Shatter burst is too easy. It isn’t hard at all to instantly summon 2 clones and shatter them giving an opponent 0 reaction time but minus 4-8k health.

Staff is too easy. Just have 3 clones out spamming conditions and teleport back every 5 seconds.

There are super tanky condition damage mesmers popping up in wvw that just sit there with chaos armor up most of the time and max clones up meaning you either die from poison/burn/bleed or you kill yourself on confusion. This build can be countered, but it is just too easy to play and requires a very skilled player to beat a much lower skilled player that is playing this build.

All in all mesmer is too easy to play. Clones being super easy/quick to manufacture, lots of teleports,invul, perma vigor, 0 reaction time burst make it too easy.

Are we overpowered?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Iruwen.3164


I literally started laughing when I read the second sentence and couldn’t stop until the end of your post.

Iruwen Evillan, Human Mesmer on Drakkar Lake

Are we overpowered?

in Mesmer

Posted by: selan.8354


Shatter burst is too easy. It isn’t hard at all to instantly summon 2 clones and shatter them giving an opponent 0 reaction time but minus 4-8k health.

Staff is too easy. Just have 3 clones out spamming conditions and teleport back every 5 seconds.

There are super tanky condition damage mesmers popping up in wvw that just sit there with chaos armor up most of the time and max clones up meaning you either die from poison/burn/bleed or you kill yourself on confusion. This build can be countered, but it is just too easy to play and requires a very skilled player to beat a much lower skilled player that is playing this build.

All in all mesmer is too easy to play. Clones being super easy/quick to manufacture, lots of teleports,invul, perma vigor, 0 reaction time burst make it too easy.

you…have absolutely no clue all…/facepalm….speechless a mesmer and come back yeah? you might actually gonna realize that apart from your grammar, everything u just said is absolute bullkitten sry but …wow.

Lv 80 glamour Mesmer Triforce Mesmerpower PU mes,Lv 80 power necro
Isle of Kickaspenwood

(edited by selan.8354)

Are we overpowered?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Sugyn.2491


I think the Mesmer is unique in having many choices for effective builds. That leads people who bump into the many varieties of Mesmer thinking every Mesmer can do what every other Mesmer can. Which we can’t we each make choices in our builds which may make us seem over powered against one opponent and failing against another.

Are we overpowered?

in Mesmer

Posted by: MaXi.3642


well… if elementalists are overpowered, guardians are very strong, thiefs are overpowered too for some people, rangers will become overpowered soon imo (beastmasters ftw)… so are we still able to call mesmer overpowered? or even very strong? i think mesmer is quite balanced compared to others, he used to be much stronger

Are we overpowered?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Benji.9203


As someone who alts mesmer I honestly think deceptive evasion needs an internal cooldown of 2-3 sec. As it stands now re-cloning after a shatter burst is too easy. Shatters need to come with higher risk. Just my opinion nothing serious.

Are we overpowered?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Advent.6193


As someone who alts mesmer I honestly think deceptive evasion needs an internal cooldown of 2-3 sec. As it stands now re-cloning after a shatter burst is too easy. Shatters need to come with higher risk. Just my opinion nothing serious.

Depending on how much Health “pets” are being given, something like that could be possible. Not, however, if clones/phants still take hits like wet toilet paper. After all, a lot of Condition specs use that Trait too.

Malegryne (Sylvari Mesmer), Lannka (Asura Thief) – Ferguson’s Crossing: [PRD/BRB/OMFG]
Other 80s: Any but Warrior

(edited by Advent.6193)

Are we overpowered?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Aneirin Cadwall.9126

Aneirin Cadwall.9126

We aren’t now, we weren’t 5 months ago (check OP date, Darksteel), and we won’t be for a long time to come.

Men who achieve some power desire more until they destroy themselves trying to get it.—Turai Ossa
Sanctum of Rall since beta 3. Mesmer since 1070 AE

Are we overpowered?

in Mesmer

Posted by: BlackDevil.9268


Massive necro-ed

Are we overpowered?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Velimere.7685



Way to revive a dead thread…

Anyone who says Zerk is the average Joe build is an average Joe.