Ascended Skin Help

Ascended Skin Help

in Mesmer

Posted by: Noah.9654


Hello all! I am close to making my first Ascended Weapon, Zoija’s Claymore. As I get closer and closer to my goal, I am starting to second guess if the skin is right for me. As much as I love the color, I’m not 100% sure if the crimson will match my Mesmer or my skills. My look is pretty much going off the “genderbent Kasmeer” theme with light shades of gold. Purple seems to complement the look nicely.

If anyone could suggest any other Ascended colors that would better fit my character, it would be really appreciated! I think Wupwup’s color might better compliment me.


“Exceed your limits, and dance.”

Ascended Skin Help

in Mesmer

Posted by: denis.9487


IMO stick with your plan make zojjas better stats. The color might be better for celestial but the material/time/cost for those stats isn’t good. Save up transfer gold to gems or outright buy transmutation crystal and use a skin you like better on beserker stat.

Ascended Skin Help

in Mesmer

Posted by: Noah.9654


IMO stick with your plan make zojjas better stats. The color might be better for celestial but the material/time/cost for those stats isn’t good. Save up transfer gold to gems or outright buy transmutation crystal and use a skin you like better on beserker stat.

I was still going to make Zoijja’s Claymore no matter what. I need the Berserker stats. But I figured I could make a second one afterwars for the skin :P

“Exceed your limits, and dance.”

Ascended Skin Help

in Mesmer

Posted by: denis.9487


Again sorry if I mis read. But celestial stats for a mesmer is sub optimal. If you have other toons that can use then have at it. Hope it helped.

Ascended Skin Help

in Mesmer

Posted by: Noah.9654


Again sorry if I mis read. But celestial stats for a mesmer is sub optimal. If you have other toons that can use then have at it. Hope it helped.

Yeah I’m just talking about the skin lol. I’m going to make the Beserker GS first. Whatever I make after that will just be for looks haha.

“Exceed your limits, and dance.”

Ascended Skin Help

in Mesmer

Posted by: Calliope.8675


Well, if you like the shades of gold with white, there ARE white weapons. The WupWup claymore is pretty nice (the purple one). I made it specifically for fractaling, but, well, skinned my legendary over it. I am not certain of the names of the white ones, but the wiki does have them listed.