Azo `s scratch pad

Azo `s scratch pad

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azo.5860


There are 2 main types of damage:
*Direct damage
*Condition damage

Direct damage is calculated according to the formula
Base Direct Damage=(Power×Weapon Strength×Skill Coefficient) / Target’s Armor

Skill Coefficient:

Skill coefficient is the scaling factor converting power to direct damage. The higher the skill coefficient of a skill, the higher the direct damage.
Skill coefficient information of all skills are currently scattered all over the place and this page serves to compile them all into one place.
Use N/A if the skill doesn’t have a skill coefficient and ?? if the tooltip data is unreliable and testing using steady weapons on the golem does not yield a consistent result. Multi-hit skills should be formatted as 0.33 × 5 = 1.65

Determining Skill Coefficient:
There are two ways to figure out skill coefficients.
The first way computes from the tooltip data. The tooltip data is computed assuming target’s armor = 2600 and average weapons strength. Just look at the damage values for various power values and you should be able to work out the skill coefficient from the tooltip data. The tooltip data is always rounded, so once you have a few values, just take the nearest round decimal or fraction as the the skill coefficient.
The skill tooltip is unreliable sometimes. In this case, we have to figure out the skill coefficient by using PvP steady weapons. Hit the Heavy Target Golem in the heart of the mists, jot down the damage, and go through the same step as tooltip data to figure out the skill coefficient.
The most accurate method is to first compute the skill coefficient from either method then use the computed value to verify that the other method is correct.

ok with steady weapon on Heavy golem(2600)armor with no traits and no attribute

Sword-Main: with weapon strength avg.907.5 with 916Power [319.71 = 1 coefficent]

  1. *Mind Slash 0.60, 191.83direct damage
    *Mind Gash 0.60, 191.83direct damage
    *Mind Spike 1.07 342direct damage(if target has no boon)
    -287.75direct damage if target has boon, +boon rip
    DPS:sword chain: 1 attack every ~2.5sec
    2.1 or 2.27
    *425.86 or 483.83(if target has no boon)
  2. Blurred Frenzy 2.37 (8×0.2970=2.3763)
    *734 direct damage
    *244.66 0.80 (1/2 activation 2 1/2 casting time) 12sec cd

Torch: avg. WS 857.5 [302.10]

  1. Prestige 0.99 DPS:[300psy] + 328 fire
  2. Phantasmal Image 2.81 dps 848.9 + 195(3sec)conf
    DPS: 848.9 ……. 2546.7 + 195…..585(3sec)conf
    2.81 to……8.43 + 195…..585(3sec)conf

Scepter: 952.5 [335.57] 3.3sec

  1. *Ether Bolt 0.48, 161.07
    *Ether Blast 0.48, 161.07
    *Ether Clone 1.33 446.3
  2. Chain: 2.29 769.7
    DPS 1.145 384.85
  3. Illusionary Counter 0.77 258.38
  4. Confusing Images 2.47 828.85 (0.48×5=2.47)
    *DPS 0.825 276.85 + 325(5sec)conf.

Pistol: 952.5 [335.57]

  1. iDuelist 8.09 2716.77 1.012(339.59×8)
    DPS: 339.59to…….2716.77 1.0112to ………8.09
  2. Magic Bullet 0.19

Focus: 857.5 [302.10]

  1. iWarden 12.91 3900 (1.0758(325)x12=12.91(3900))
    DPS: 325to……..3900 1.07 to……12.91

Sword 2nd Hand : 952.5 [335.57]

  1. iRiposte 1.55 520.12
  2. iSwordsman: 7.10 2382.54
    DPS: 2382.54

Staff: 1048 [369.21] 1.5sec

  1. Wind of Chaos 0.30 110.76 [+1 bounce]
    DPS 147.68 to……295.36 0.375 to… 0.75
    Cond: 123.52 to…..247.04……. +how many bleed stacks going +vulnerability
    #phase retreat
    Dps 123.52 to…..247.04……. +how many bleed stacks going +vulnerability
    #iWarlock 5.57 2056.50 to………….. 3290(if target has 6 conditions)……..
    5.75 to…..12.65
  2. Chaos Storm 0.33×5 121.83to……….609.19 if pulse x5 to………3046 (if aeo triggered to 5 target)
    0.33 to…….8.25
    condi dps 21 to …………525

GS: 1047.5 369 1.5

  1. Spatial Surge
    *0.31×3=0.93 color=#d113ee]0.62dps[/color 343
    *0.27×3=0.81 [0.54dps] 298.9
    *0.22×3=0.66 [0.44dps] 243.54
    *0.18×3=0.54 [0.36dps] 199.26
    DPS: 132.8 to ……….343.17to……………. 1029.5 (if pierced to multiple targetted 3)
    0.36to………….0.62 to…………….1.86(if targetted multiple to 3)
  2. Mirror Blade 0.70 258.3…………1033(+3Bounce) color=#d113ee]0.93[/color] if bounces enemy [color=#d113ee]3.73[/color
  3. Mind Stab 0.85 313.65to………….1568.25 color=#d113ee]1.13[/color] if +4 targets [color=#d113ee]5.66[/color
  4. iZerker 1.75×4=7 645.75…………2583(x4)………color=#d113ee]9.33[/color] if aeo +30 targets [color=#d113ee]37.33[/color
  5. iWave 0.30 147 to……738color=#d113ee]0.45[/color] if +4 targets [color=#d113ee]2.25[/color

Cry of Frustration 952.5 [335.57]
*With iPersona: 0.33 0.34 0.34 0.35 110.73 to…..117.45

Mind Wrack 952.5 [335.57]
*x1 1.15 385.90
*x2 0.89 0.92 298.65 to……..607.37
*x3 0.83 0.80 0.77 258.39+268.45+278.52 to…. 805.36
*x4 0.83 0.80 0.80 0.77 ……….1073.81 to……….5369 (if all to 5 targets)
DPS: 0.80 to……..3.2………16

Halting Strike 952.5 [335.57]
*1.00 335.57

Azolina – Mesmer
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”

Azo `s scratch pad

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azo.5860


Auto attacks Countdown: with lvl80exotic weapon strength no other stats 916 power to 2600 armor

Sword Chain: 907.5 Weapon strength
(if target has boon) [447.6Dps] boon rip +1.33vulnerability
(if target no Boon)725.7 [Dps 482.77]

Total DPS 447.6……….482.77
(vulnerabilities doesnt counted)

DPS: 403.4+clone

Staff 1075ws
Average Psychical DPS [151.5…. 303(if hit 2 targets)]
Average Condition DPS 164.65condi+%0.44vulnerability…………..329.3condi+%0.88vul (if hit 2 targets)
Total:DPS 316.15………….632.3+%0.88vulnerability

GS 1075 WS
Total: DPS: 136.34(less than 300)…………234.81(greater than 900)
if hits maximumum(+2 on line) 406…………..704.4

Azolina – Mesmer
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”

Azo `s scratch pad

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azo.5860


Compare effectiveness of Condtion and power on Staff #1,

Staff 1075 Ws to 2600armor (1524 Condi damage %0 Cond duration 916Power) (all Dire set(all exotic), cond secondary food, no jewels, no traits,sigils,runes)

Average Psychical DPS [151.5…. 303(if hit 2 targets)]
Average Condition DPS 298.53 to …………..597(if hit 2 targets)
Total Dps: 449.5 to…………900(if hit 2 targets)+vulnerability %0.44 or %0.88

1524 cond damage dps increased %42.3

if instead of Cond damage we go power(1920) (full soldier)

Average Psychical DPS 317.53……635(if hits 2 enemy)
Average Condition DPS 164.65condi+%0.44vulnerability…………..329.3condi+%0.88vul (if hit 2 targets)
Total Dps: 482.18 or 964.3

1920 power staff#1 direct damage dps increased %109.5
Total: %52 increased

Azolina – Mesmer
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”

Azo `s scratch pad

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azo.5860


maybe its better craft with torch#4 th prestige that we can compare better condi damge and direct damage cuz staff has lower cond damage bleed compare to burn and no cond damage is vulnerability

fast calculation..
Torch: if goes 1825p
direct dps: (601.89 with 1825p) (no power 302)
condi Dps: (555.3 with 909Cdamage) (328 no cond damage)
Condi damge increased %69.3
Direc damage increased %99.3

Total: dps increased %47.6 if used all pvt from naked
%36 if used all dire set instead of naked

pvt wins with %11.6

Azolina – Mesmer
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”

Azo `s scratch pad

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azo.5860


Scepter #3 Confusiong Images (compare full pvt and cvt(condi though vita) P or C?

Dire: 161×5=805 direct damage, 666 confusion damage (lol some devil number :p)
Soldier: 320.9×5=1604.6 direct damage, 325 Confusion

Dire has %104 increased cond damage
Soldier %99.3 increased direct damage

Azolina – Mesmer
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”

Azo `s scratch pad

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azo.5860


no, as its good vs 1v1 its good vs many with its aeo, shatters are the best burst in game, i ve already made its calculations but ll do again :d,

Full skills avarage damage calculation of full shatters mesmer`s full combo , in clear condition..
(i already add 6 might stack from weapons stacks which is always with u)
Combo process:
*Phantasmal mage: (710dmg + 312confusion 3stack 3½sec)
*The prestige
*ileap: Clone, Cripple combo: leap
*Dodge: Clone
*Swap: Immobilize combo: leap
*Shatter Mind Wrack: total 11678.64dmg (5898
2910.64+2870) + (422confusion 4stack) 3 might
*Blurred Frenzy: 3838dmg
*The Prestige: 1687fire 1444dmg combo:blast finisher
*Shatter Diversion: 5stack vulnerability (111confusion) daze
*Mirror Images, Shatter (Cry of Frustration): 1266dmg(848
418) + (575confusion, 5stack) +2 might
*Sigil of Fire: 1673
Total = 20610 aeo damage + 1420confusion 3½sec[which can be trigerred 2,3 times] + 1687fire + 8boons rip
if it ll have fury = 23854,014 =%15.74 more damage
Who has 3000 armor(%38,30 damage reduction) it gives 12618damage without have fury
Who has 3000 armour + Protection It gives 6430 without fury

this combo has 2sec preparetion and 2-3 sec burst
after this combo,distortation, dodge blink or if have staff phase..
before patch blurred frenzy was protecting me with invulneralibity while i was bursting now its evading then i can get retal damage and from chaos armor thats why i said shatter nerfed.

but i didint had, %20 mindwrack and shatters rips boons, %9 damage, Mirror images, and torch somehow i was picking :d
i had %20 charge glamour, longer glmaour, glmours blind.

so Torch as well blinding, and giving 3and half sec fire and Blast and let me escape, or could me sneak in to burst, i am squisy it let me out of target if gobby had torch last gvg he could escape from thief :p
instead of pulls with 1 sec delay on most of stabilty and it distruptiong me to burst while i was busy all of my skills trying to catch target when said pulls it inturpt my preparations. and mostly fails thats why i preffered torch, in wvw i choose focus

Azolina – Mesmer
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”

Azo `s scratch pad

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azo.5860



i open another topic in topic.. :d
What i mean.. in gvg..
-As a mesmer what i see that mesmers are pros with or think that mesmer is better from other classes in usage.. ?
-As being an another class what things that mesmers give u hard time.. ?

-If i am squishy, and if thief ambush me(exp, dagger dagger thiefs i hate)
-if concentrated focus dps on me,
-while in channeling burst with BL 1 sec lags delays.. or asking for tw it let me delay to put tw.. or if i am cc it let me delay to put tw on times
-Pull on me in the bomb
-conditions on me
-if drink coffe or alcohol much or very tired, unconctrated 1 sec timing mistake or wrong skill usage make hard times,
-if our melee pushed in deep and if stayed on ranged.
-if late veil called make me invulnerabil on close to enemy or delayed my dodge
-charging for shatter BL Burst take 3 sec to do,

+imo best effective, better from other classes mesmer if professional on, is 20/20/0/0/30 shatter burst mesmer..
+high damage in sec aeo psychical, cond, daze
+can escape from bomb burst spike on u, time to time if not often..
-Chance factor, cuz of lack of gw2 mechanic, vulnuralability on retal, chaos armor,
-after combo hard escapes or usage of blink u close to target
-can miss target by sword leap immobilize,
-illusions can be destroyed
-lack of self buffes
-needs much concentration on skills cd, target selections, commander… hard to track all the same time

+Ilusions make some protection, i can sometimes target illusions,make burst on illusions, or skills what after i cry,
+Chaos armors i think they are the best blast excatly on fist push
+have some good range damage and with shatters, dunno maybe staff eles could do better?
+always in pvp its best with thiefs

*havent try with boon rips on shatters, on gvgs
*if there is a chance to stability most of the time on mesmer i would like to see support heal mesmer :d
can cleanse, can spam heal doubled than ele if not interupted, can boon mights, retal, vigor, fury(if altursim *6 pieces)swiftness random boons can tank(can share damage 5aeo cap) as warior 28k hp and 2700400 armor -has no damage anyway no time to attack, being focus if have time on heal is better -NEED STABILITY all time or need chance to not get interupt good for bunker melee train..
*Has some good ranged dps example random build..
*or can be any of thief best friend lockdowner..random build

Azolina – Mesmer
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”

Azo `s scratch pad

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azo.5860


If I understand you right, then you are asking for what gives me (as a thief) hard time killing the mesmer. Most annoying things he can do are:
pull/push into bomb or from the edge of the cliff
blurred frenzy when I finally reach him and then porting into his group
moving into his group

things that make it easy for me to kill them:
ignoring me and focusing on team fight
running away from group trying to 1v1
wasting major cooldowns on me (well that doesn’t make them easy prey, but it makes them useless for the group)

I hope I helped you in some way.
I have an idea. It begins with ‘S’ and ends with, ‘litting their throats’.
Posted Aug 21, 13 0 votes

Azo o

67 posts
+1 votes
nice comment m8.. yeap it helped me..

yess when thief stick on me..
i try to away from him, use distortation, blinks, or push-cc, or dead if on cd with skills, or he let me to make mistake.. or i can change my build more survival so effectiveness of mine ll really decrease..
however sometimes happen focus on thiefs are better from me,anyway often hardly to catch with sword skill 3 leap to immobilize him or if i can.. i do some nice damage him to let him retreat.. anyway it sux loss of skills,time if nobody near by me to sync to kill him.. probably he retreat.. and scout us on our weakness..
anyway because of i know it ll happen.. some times i ll do random things to not risk exp with low health can use push on clear land..

i didint play thiefs much, some i know played most early beginer of game dagger dagger steal backstab thiefs they were op with burst damage, and kill the low hp guys and easly retreat.. if somebody assist sync with thief to stop,stun,immobilize foe or aggro-dps-push on enemy, or if 2 thief same time burst on enemy probably he is dead.. why not work something on these..

i am always saying thesee things all know who play gw1.. man with 5 guys sync senkronize can get kill 1 man with burst/spike.. in gw2 2,3 can more instanly easly do that.. we can stop to be always balanced in mos(mouth of saying) things.. we can do our way.. there is much of cream of this.. everything is on baby.. unidentified..

before offical gvg be the best experienced at least.. i hope it will come

Azolina – Mesmer
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”

Azo `s scratch pad

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azo.5860


i used ranged mantra glass canon, instead of my regular heavy shatter build today on raid why.. i wanna share some points.. cuz on theory craft it sounds some cool on situational,

mantra glass canon:|1.1g.h2|c.1c.h1h.d.1c.h1j|1n.7e.1g.7e.1n.7e.1g.7e.1n.7e.1g.7e|2t.0.2v.0.21k.0.3s.0.2s.0.1c.67|u3ab.u2ab.0.0.a3|69.7|32.3j.3d.3g.0|e

and the regular heavy shatter build i play:|1.1g.h1h|c.1c.h17.d.1c.h1j|1c.7d.1g.7d.1c.7d.1g.7d.1c.7d.1g.7d|2t.0.21k.0.2v.0.3s.0.2s.0.1c.67|k1a.k4a.0.0.u68b|15.1|31.3b.39.3d.0|e

so whats the difference:

mantra ranged build compare to my regular build,


  • -%11.27 healtpool
  • -ipersona (for anti bursts mostly) -%17.40 less recharche of distortation
  • -iinvigoration skill (recharge all shatter skills trait)
  • +self heal per second ( %117.5 to ….. %61) [every 13 sec can self heal with 7860 – every 21sec self heal 5560 to … 7480) -1.45sec more channel time than Ether
  • +Stability 3*1 2sec (MoR cd 25 sec) -1.45 sec more channel time rather than other skills
  • self clean 3*2 total6 cleanse (MoR cd 20sec) -1.45sec more channel rather than other skills

no buff (weapon stacks, damage multipliers, fury, might), (just food and secondary and 3mights(cuz of sigil))

  • +%51 more avarage damage with 5845.71 effective power(no mantra damage multier or clone damage multiplier added)
  • +phantasms do %102 more avarage damage than shatter mesmer
  • -phantasms have %20 less recharge
  • +mindwrack still has %21 more avarage damage
  • -mindwrack has %17.4 less recharge time and -iinvigoration trait miss
  • -cant burst kittenter mesmer -ipersona
  • +confusions stack if clones destroyed
  • -no might stack on shatters
    if we add mantras damage multiplier, and clones damage multiplier: total +%21 damage multiplier
  • +%82.89 more avarage damage with 7067 effective power than heavy shatter mesmer
    if we add more.. as stacks, fury, some +12 mights
  • effective power goes 10284 (it means %166 more) than regular shatter mesmer
    it means if used izerker with fully buffed mantra mesmer it ll be the same as who 3 shatter mesmers used same time izerker with no(fury,stack,
    12mights) buffed
    (+%206 more phantasm damage)
    or it means both mesmers are fully buffed same while mantra mesmer use 1 izerker needed 2 mesmers who use izerker to do same damage as mantra mesmer

today it happened there was a upskilled guy i hit 17k damage izerker :p


  • -no glamours, no blinds on glamours


  • food with steal health on crits is some nice
    (it means with fury it gives avaragely 160hp with every attack with 1sec cd)

*instead of sigil of force, fire is better damage
*instead of sholar runes i use now stregth, i ll check does it ll be fair to take sholar(mantra of recovery some help to put your healh above %90 health)
*staff can be used with gs and haltig strike trait has some really nice damage on inturpt, i could see ~2k to 4k on my shatter build if it is 3 to 5k is sounds nice
*skill lag does not effect to prepared mantras :d
*torch can be used on if focused..
*reflection does not effected from mesmers
*readying mantras before fights on regroups, if its not urgent,
*better mobility, cleanse crippling, stability
*doesnt risky kittenter, cuz of not go in for burst to bomb, and dont delayed to regroup but it needs more back protection than shatter mesmer..

anything i miss?
ofc it needs practice, experience.. iknow i already posted it on here before.. but i know that when mantra says its happening ighh..

Azolina – Mesmer
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”

Azo `s scratch pad

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azo.5860


anaother build theory Ranged DPS :|1.1g.h1h|6.1g.h1h|1n.7d.1g.7d.1n.7d.1g.7d.1n.7d.1g.7d|2t.0.21k.0.2v.0.2s.0.1n.67.1c.67|u2ab.u2ab.0.0.a3|69.1|32.3g.3j.3d.0|e
*8300 effective power 19250 EHP with + fury +25stack sigil

*exomona has 25k hp 1566condition damage traits on link something as it is it needs more correct calculation.. if..|1.1h.hy|c.1c.h1h.d.1c.hb|1d.716.1d.716.1d.716.1d.716.1d.716.1d.716|2x.0.1h.62.1h.62.1d.62.1d.62.1d.62|k5a.k4a.0.0.u589|30.d|32.3g.39.3d.0|e

whats the differens simply..
+ 4 times(%400) bigger psychical damage
- 4.5 times less condition power(2 times less cofusion damage)
- %26 less EHP staff balance it better armor%33 extra blink(which is gorgeous) and +stability +clear condition with cons of healing points

  • can get instead of mantra to veil doesnt so effective power will decrease -281.88(%4 damage)
Azolina – Mesmer
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”

Azo `s scratch pad

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azo.5860


Support Mantra Heal Boon Mesmer

dunno it looks nice to me.. we know that mantras heal very well..
we can practise it to get stability all time on him and has big health pool..
%80 boon duration, inv get him more boons every sec in invisibility, Torch get him inv and Give Blind cond damage(Fire) and blast finisher..
has veil if its use mid fight or retreats can be it means 4 more boons..
all phantasms have regen
chaos armor can spam more and can be blasted my self with torch..

it can be varios, with focus(can get more light fields combos) can get swap traits to int on boons and prismatic can swap with another
arcane thievery can be for used for stability buffs.. dunno just an idea.. for me it seems work with experience, practice?
if u have 12 stacks might and either me is easy to get as this build with inp. signet u ll have 25might stack
idea on survivalibity heals boons
little video on mantra

drq is more experienced with supports what u think it can be effective how or what should change..

Azolina – Mesmer
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”

Azo `s scratch pad

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azo.5860


i play this build for 2 days and i was more comfortable with survival|1.1g.h2|c.1g.h1h.d.1g.hy|1n.7d.1g.7d.1n.7d.1g.7d.1n.7d.1g.7d|2t.0.21k.0.2v.0.2s.0.1n.67.1c.67|u3ab.k2a.0.k4a.0|69.1|32.3g.39.3d.0|e

+insane damage with which can always stack 5 mights minimum and if have fury and if stacked sigils effective power goes 6448.19
-low health pool (low hp more toughness i chosse because of more cleanse 3* and more self healcan heal self 10k every 16sec and always leave 1 stability to MoR)
+stability let u not killed cuz of cc gives really effective survival and positioning and can go more in combat
- sacrifece 1 glamour, blind, recharge all shatter%50 , %20 recharge glamours, shatter effect on u instead of my previous build
+ u heal with of mantra of concentration 2700 aeo close burst
+ more spam berserker illius with more damage
*if i can go instead of gs with staff as well it really give more survival( change traits to" Blade Training, halting strike, cripling or mental power`

as it seems it works for me..
if i go on gvg with close to this build i would go: (with 8 mights which can stack always on u 5126.88 effective power(+fury 5987.96) and 23017 EHP)|c.1g.h1h.d.1g.h2|1.1g.h1h|1c.7d.1g.7d.1c.7d.1g.7d.1c.7d.1g.7d|2t.0.21k.0.2v.0.2s.0.1n.67.1c.67|u1ab.k4a.0.k4a.0|69.1|32.3g.39.3d.0|e

  • if i want more survival, hp.. in order of.. food to dodge on might, sigil force to energy, weapons to soldier, sword or gs to staff(traits to cripples and glamours cause confuse on pass)..
Azolina – Mesmer
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”

Azo `s scratch pad

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azo.5860


+ she edites nice videos,
+ has nice positioning, tracking
*easy game play style
*her guild give advantage to her poisitioning, tracking

- she doesnt do damage, her glamours done the all job, and not perfect use, exp: doesnt make Confounding Bolts with berserker phantasm and warden phan.
- Confusion damage sux now nerfed.
- Blurred Frenzy nerfed getting much retalation
- doesnt use shatters often
- couldnt see any battle they lost that can be compared or critized better..
- no Risk(Pain) no Gain

- little small items ballance (as use of exotic berserker accessory)

however Blurred frenzy nerfed with cooldown and instead of invul it is evading thats why u get too much retalation i saw in my videos that get 4 6 8k retal
and blurred frenzy and has a risk on use of timewarps, i saw in my videos why i get retal + too much damage ( blurred frenzy has 2.5sec use however on time wraps its half(bugged).thats why i lost my timing and standing there without blurred frenzying and getting bomb with 1 sec and if get cc cant dodge blink before killed or use distortation, then u skirmish cant get enough stability if pulled dead. and shattering bugged as before elemantalists had same script bug. after last patch it corrected so confusion again nerfed. same u get confusion damage on use of shatters) wtf why anet doesnt kitten on mesmers..

Azolina – Mesmer
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”

Azo `s scratch pad

in Mesmer

Posted by: Pyroatheist.9031


Not all of your damage coefficients are correct, and you can go ahead and assume that all coefficients for phantasms are incorrect, as they don’t follow the same calculation as normal skills. Most of your coefficients are close though.

Azo `s scratch pad

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azo.5860


what i am runnig this mostly as a core build
at wvw i make some changes..
and i am open to ideas that should be changed on this build..

what can i change i swap Rune of Strength to Alturism maybe..
instead of Ether Feast to MoR
and Warden`s Feedback trait to Restorative Mantras..
and maybe any of Dueling adept to Protected Mantras (optional)

what ll change
- damage (~342 Effective Power)
- Warden`s Feedback trait
- if change Dueling adept
+ 400 armor when channeling mantra
- every 12 sec ll lose 1.45 sec for sacrifece channeling mantra (if we see that Ether Feast has 1 sec casting time)

+ anytime i use heal it heals others as well 2766 hp
+ i can give 3 stacks might to me and others + fury
+ will heal more
+between (444.22 – 329.93) self HPS (total heal poins / total cd seconds)
+230.5 aeo HPS
[Ether Feast heals self (5760 – 7740 hp with 21sec cooldown)] HPS=(247.28.. – 361.578) self
[MoR Heals (8298hp + 2766 to others with MoR 12 sec cooldown] (691.5) self and 230.5 to others)
+ more activation with short cd of MoR with Rune of Alturism +3might +fury to others
+ if mantra readied u can use while stunned.. use heal after channelled dont need activation time..

its all changes on my build if i change some stuffs.. as above

ok base on MoR and MoP if spammed all these sheet ll be like this
what it needs: Inspiration master trait Restorative Mantras Heal (allies when you cast a mantra)

With no Healing power anyway added (Just 200healing power, it comes from Restorative Mantras)(20 on inspiration)
if mantras spamed:


Total 16 Mantras 16*2700=43200/59=732.20HPS aeo others
12 MoP +8532 damage
4 MoR +21600 more self heal = 1098.305 hps self
%66 time on channel

However Best effectiveness spam usage MoP MoR MoP
= 8.15 sec total and 8100Hp aeo Hps= 981.81 with(200 Healing Power)(with 1450 Healing power=1163.63 Hps)
This combo can be performed once every 6.30 seconds
and %66 on channeling (out of action)

in conclusion if i compare with ele with 200 300 Healing power both from drq`s reply

Eles combo: 45sec cd with 11sec execute heal 13960 ( and 19079 on yourself ) Health Points to your allies + 9 condition removes %20 channel time %80 free
Mesmer combo:6.30 sec cd with 8.15 execute channeling heal 8.100( and 13500 on yourself) Hp to allieas +3064 damage %66 channel time %33 free

Example in 2 mins..
Ele make this combo 2.14285 times
Mesmer make 8.135 times
Ele: 13960*2.14285= 29914,186 heal all / 120sec = 257,142 Heal per second+9 cond.
if it was 1300 healing power = (393.85 Heal per second it effect %53 more than 300heal power ele)(

Mesmer : 8100*8.135=65893,5 Heal all / 120 = 549.1125 it is %113 more than 300 healing power ele( mesmer have 200 healing power)
if it was 1300 healing power = 9429*8.135=76704,915/120= 639 hps its just %16 more than 200 heal power mesmer(from 1300 hp ele %62 more)

ele has %230 more apm than mesmer

effectiveness heal (if there %100 apm)
(300healing ele) hps/20=12,8571
(200healing mes) =8,32048.. %50 less than ele

(1300healing ele)=19,6925
(1300healing mes)=9,684954.. %103 less than ele

in conculation in my opinion:
*mesmers dont need healing power as eles effectivenes of healing power attirubute much more with eles..
*in theoriocally it can be sacrifice trait to harmonous mantras.. and if get protected mantras trait u will have 266.66 armor always
*if environments action higher eles effectiveness decrease however mesmers increase
*MoR is more effective than Ether Feast..
*can compared better ex: i have cd with pull glamours berserk phants.. so giving 8100hp(exp to 1 person it can be 2) and 3064damage in 8.15 sec easier better than auto attack ofc it can be int. miss but it looks works on theorically it can be experianced..

if i miss some things or wrong.. let me know..

so i mean all try to make solution how to increase of effectiveness of mesmers and team.. it was just an idea that i always wanted to tell share..

Azolina – Mesmer
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”

Azo `s scratch pad

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azo.5860


*Yes its correct if u get harmanious mantra trait.. it gives + aeo heal 300range i think.. it includes self healf heal.. as MoP heal aeo as well heal u.. so its 2 charge +1(from restorative mantras trait)

  • How mantra works
    1 – Mantra channel activation.. 2.45sec
    2 – insta use of power return
    3 – 1 sec cd of 2nd use of power return
    4 – 1 more sec after last(2nd) use of power return then MoR starts cooldown 10 sec(mantra mastery make it 8sec)

*example of use of MoR and MoP
1- Channel MoP after 2.45 sec(it gives heal aeo and self) i can start
2 – channel MoR, and can use power spike as a free action while channeling MoR, after 2.45sec i can start
3 – channel MoP again, and however while channeling MoP i can use Power Spike as a free action
-MoR has 10 sec cooldown and +1 for +1 for Power returns so 12 sec..
12sec-2.75sec(its MoP)= 9.15 sec i need ti can start MoR again However i start my combo With MoP so it ll 9.15sec – 2.45sec = 6.5sec (between estimate times it needs to start combo MoP, MoR, MoP) why i wait 6.30 sec to use this combo again instead of can spam more 2 MoP in 6.30 sec (i try to decrease cons of channel time and can use my others skills)

Before i join this guild i start game just play %85 of my mesmer in spvp, tpvp until rank ~35inpvp and then i play pve to make lvl 80 for wvw.. at those long time i play every kind of builds as i like to as gw1 (i was the first, who play Hammer assasin if u remrmber that build) and i trust my self that can see pros and cons with mesmers..

  • i ve already make some maths on my previous posts.. with mantras

- i point.. at bunkers(exp: there is non stop incoming damage as ranged zvz or by the arrow rains, MoP MoR MoP effects good,,(becaouse u dont have problem with stability and u dont have burst spikes on u)
- i need to try more as well at close range combats (as assoulting, or try to penetrate) MoR MoP MoC(Mantra of Concentration/stability) works well
- if u comfortable with change any of your trait to harmonous mantras MoR effect nice..
- as i told altough with no healing power expect +200Healing Power mesmers can heal %39.43 more(with MoP MoR MoP combo) than with +1300 than support ele as drq`s combo..

exp: make a fantasy 30 man group with 6 mesmers with 2 mantras MoP and MoR with +200 healing power, group walk as a 1 group and always stability
and we have foe as 30 man with balanced builds(incoming damage ll balanced) so 6 mermers can heal 3294,675heal per second and can use his other skills rarely it means 6 mermers can heal in 10 seconds 32940,675 to 5ppl around +self.. of course we have 24 balanced classes..

i had just limited reserchers it needs practice and more experiance,,

Mantras heal effectiveness imo with MoP MoR MoP combo,
-lost 1 trait (Restorative Mantras)
-lost 1 skill (MoP Mantra of Pain)
-it needs stability on where has CC Conditions
-needs more clicks with buttons
-hardest to play as needs best timing situational
-effectives decrease if we regroup (till from out of combat to enter combat again) more than 6.30sec passes time.. as compare with apm(action per minute)
-can not target aeo ( close burst 600 range)
-Healing power doesnt affect much (2600*0.2HP)

+MoR heal self more than Ether Feast ( between %91….%179) +heal others +2700

  • MoR works better with (_10cd active on heal as Alturism Rune)
  • MoR works better with Mender`s Purify trait..
    +Variable traits to effect Mantras
    Grandmaster Trait XI Harmonious Mantra – Mantras can be activated three times before needing to be channeled again.
    *Adept Trait VI Protected Mantras – Gain up to 400 toughness while channeling mantras.
    *Master Trait VII Mantra Mastery – Mantras recharge 20% faster.
    *Master Trait X Restorative Mantras – Heal allies when you cast a mantra.
    +Huge heal out put(with 200healing power 549.1125 heal per second)
    +MoP (power spike) 2
    324 base damage (1200range)
    …. just tired if miss something or wrong can edit later

Hey laini i ve just checked your build..

Azolina – Mesmer
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”

Azo `s scratch pad

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azo.5860


i would use this one my opinion not pushing for anything|c.1g.h1j.d.1g.h2|1.1o.h1j|1c.7i.1g.7i.1c.7i.1g.7i.1c.7i.1g.7i|2t.0.1c.61.1c.67.3t.0.21j.0.1c.67|a5.k4a.0.k2a.k58|2e.1|32.3b.3d.39.3q|e

  • 260.71 more Effective Power +%7.8 (if have fury on it is +%10.29)
    +2429 More EHP +%11.18
    more health self + other
    more activation of lyssa
    *Dazzling Glamours(blind is > 80dmg Confusion) blind is good for me on bombs and foes bombs (u ve chance of deny his big hammerstun )
    *power>precision on damage or change weapon sigils on Crit on chance sigils
    *2hand GS berserker to Rampage i think %9critdmg < 128cond damage
    *Restorative Mantras can swap with Debilitating Dissipation if u go ether feast however not much cond damge Sigils of energy active more clones, cond spread
    *%16.2 damage reduction can go till %20 however healt point is > on armor on this situation that u wont get much heal on action instead of regroup.. (if u use 918though damage reduction ll be %33.33 however if u use half 459though damage reduction ll not be %16,66 ill be %20 or if u use quarter 230thoughness it ll not be quarter reduction as %8.33 i ll be %11.13
    *can use crit damage on ascendants cuz
    (exp:1hand gives 1critdamage per 12.6any of attribute,jewels give 1 critdamage per 5, feet,shoulder,glove 12, head 16, chest 14.4, legging 16, ascendants(accessory 8.57, rings 8.5,amulet 9,44, jewels 5) …. 21 precision give 1crit chance, exp if have %50 critchance and %50crit damage is %150 damage muiltiplier or %40chance and %75crit damage is same %150 damage muiltiplier if u want to go %170 damge muiltiplier u can use( %40critdamage or %20 critchance(420precision)based on %50critchance %critdamage u ve.. so 10.5precious = 1 crit damage however if u go %15cdamage and %10cchance ill %169damagemultiplier(210prec
    10cirtdamage if we say10prec=1critdamage better)
    sorry if cut long :d while writing i am learning :p
    i like this combo as well for roams signet invul mesmer :p|c.1g.hy.f.1c.h2|6.1d.hz|1c.7d.1g.7d.1c.7d.1g.7d.1c.7d.1g.7d|2t.d1d.21k.d1d.2v.d1d.2s.0.3s.0.1c.67|a6.u4a8.0.0.u64b|69.1|31.3l.3d.35.0|e

exp: there is 100 people blob in front of u run into of them..
*use 1 one of phantasm
*torch 4th skill

  • dodge dodge (u ll have 3 clones)
    *shatter distortation(u ll have 4 sec invul slack in them jump attack :p)
    *use sword 2 (2sec evade it was invul before can take 2much retal didint prove it after patch gonna check)
    then 2 alternative

1) *blink get away charge distortation with signet of illusion and repeat
2)if u get second signet instead of blink as signet of midnight use 1 sec invul with midnight and use signet of illusion 2gether +1 sec invul dodge while dodging use mirror images and shatter for distortation and continue..

+ if u go %50 health below u recharge your distortaion again or u can save mirror images for that

with f4 shatter, signet of illusion dodge mirror images f4, sword 2 and blink u can stand alone in 100 man blob with 10 sec and can get away blink staff 2nd skill and torch4th or mass inv

thats fun build to annoy decharge and some it looks work as personal as my some videos

Azolina – Mesmer
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”

Azo `s scratch pad

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azo.5860


yess before confusion nerfed (-%50 damage in wvw not as in pve, and some scripts been corrected) it was the best for mesmers,
now blurred frenzy got nerfed as well that u take 2much retalation, in my gvg videos with burst i get ~4k 6k retalation,
i need re build for gvg, power builds are more effective i think, interupt builds ve been done but need solution to foes stability, so i made this build as a ranged

what i thought with these selection
-illusion 30 (1sec invul distortation, 30 XI
for greatsword berserker 25 they nerfed it
might might might
duration for fake spread condtion
blind aeo good versus burst ( think it can deny hammers f1 skill :p )
Duel 20 clone on dodge, gs berserker buffer condition spread bleed, vigor..
dom 20 confusion VIII (not happy with that gs training maybe, and V cripple

Azolina – Mesmer
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”

Azo `s scratch pad

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azo.5860


want discussions on what we see pros and cons.. why i am writing these.. as a team some ways we can be more effective..

Exp: at a gate who has inspiration 20points as a core most of us have.. can change 1 trait to restorative mantras and change 2 skills(recovary mantra and mantra of pain) to can spam heal.. ~800 hp persecond.. without healing power.. it can give( instead of heal if he attack gate ~100 damge persecond it can give maybe?
as 2 3 days before we rushed to hills to lord room rida and me to busy ~6 ppl to not get our lord.. while rushing i change skills to more survival and we accomplish our misson to delay and let our blob to catch them and distrupt them kill our works remember rida ?

i think if i am wrong correct me.. elese are more effective in every situation.. thats why i want to eles more in positions.. how it can be used mantras..
exp this build
high survival and conditon damage mantra hybrid glamour..

i think we dont need mesmers as a damage as i seen.. need it for unique skills(Veil, Quickness, glamours, pulls).. maybe we can use mesmers can heal on as well.. instead of auto attack.. while wait other skills to finish their cooldown..

exp.. on bombs use chaos storm pulls glamours then close to our group to spam heal.. ..

(if spam mantras in 23.25 sec it gives 18.9k total hp aeo in close burst with 7 channeled mantra.. ``without any healing power`` and lost apm(be on channel) just ll have 4 sec for on other skills, etc..
Calculation: [2.45 sec 7 + 4 sec = 23.25sec] [72.7 hp = 18.9k hp] 18.9k hp / 23.25sec = 813hps aeo

skill cost 2.45sec channeling (most skills have 1 sec so it is 1.45 sec more however after channeled usage of skills doesnt need any action) while channeling it gives +400 armor when finished it gives ~3100 hp + regen aeo close to me with ~1200 healing power..

or if we have runes that actives on heal it requires 10 sec all.. we could use mantra of restoratives 1 different trait and when we use it it gives aeo heal as well and it heals self more than ether feast.. Mantra of resolve without healing power gives 2.7*3=(8.1k self and 2.7k aeo) every 12sec +1.45sec(extra channel time rather than ether feast) however Ether Feast heals 5760 to 7740 hp just self every 21sec. mantra wins with restorative trait..

we can delay our group to regrouping and can pressure more on them.. theoricly 1 mesmer in clear conditions can spam heal 50k around self and 72k self in minute if it has 3mantras skill on belt.. it means every ~3.5 sec it can give hp as ~3k.. if we calculate and check effectiveness -can give damage to others more or -heal ours more we could check this.. i am just trying brainstorm.. and sharing i wrote all these cuz i have question marks nobody interest most of time what i said.. if nobody talk to me or if talk as racing his pee it doesnt give any solution.. we should be open any idea i think, if its silly we should conclude check if its necessery or how it helps..etc..

Azolina – Mesmer
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”

Azo `s scratch pad

in Mesmer

Posted by: Azo.5860


Not all of your damage coefficients are correct, and you can go ahead and assume that all coefficients for phantasms are incorrect, as they don’t follow the same calculation as normal skills. Most of your coefficients are close though.

  • Yes for phantasms i used best of 10 avarage..
  • for halting strike if heart of mist warior npc armor is 2600 is correct..
  • dps can be wrong where it needs record capture.. where i made i lost them already however they re still approximet numbers..
  • skill co-efficients made with with last patch..

anyway its not ours job its slackers developers job.. to make real tool tips numbers.. or did i miss that we are still in beta?

Azolina – Mesmer
“There Is No Shame In Not Knowing; the Shame Lies In Not Finding Out.”