BUG: Beserker 100% misses second attack run
Been testing it with another mesmer in HoM and we’re both seeing it. 100% misses are very common on the second attack run.
Yup, tested it too. Second attack is missing the target… <.<
So – do we have to wait another month for you guys to attempt another fix? Was it really impossible for anyone from anet to take a mesmer to HoM, cast a beserker a few times and see it’s broken just in a different way before the patch was released? Seriously?
I just noticed this myself. Plus when you fight anything that hits back berserker and likely other illusions are still dying before they even get a hit off.
I will say that the delay reduction is quite noticeable and will help a lot, but maybe put something into effect that lets illusions survive to at least get a single hit off. Give them 10k health and have that get cut quartered every time they use an attack. Or make them invulnerable until they have executed their initial strike.
With more testing I’m sometimes only getting a single hit on the initial attack depending on where the illusion spawns.
(edited by Wise.8025)
Don’t feed the troll
This is a serious issue, and it’s good to see people reporting bugs like this instantly.
I’m reporting a bug, which I have just tested extensively, so that the bug can be addressed.
I tested it with 3 other mesmers in heart of the mists, for a good 20 minutes, and we all experienced the same thing.
ok debbie downer
By the way, the Zerker still lands only one hit every now and then. Anyone else experiencing that?
the berserker attack a single time. there is no second attack rolf : (
I’ve been toying with phantasms, especially Berserker, and have not seen any zero-hit passes. Is there a particular golem you’re using? I tried the ones near the 25pt NPCs. Maybe it’s due to something unique about your test target; eg. terrain.
Sigh, I hope it’s just a bad joke and that it’s gonna get fixed fast. They really want us to just use shatter builds, do they?
i’ve made some tests as well, and for me it doesn’t 100% miss the second attack. but it still misses most of its attacks. i have seen it hit for full damage like 10-15% of the times. most of the times it only lands 1 attack. maybe it has something to do with it’s positioning? i remember that before that LoS patch the phantasm usually ran to a certain point before attacking, now it just attacks from wherever (and usually bad) place it stopped from the previous attack.
maybe there’s the problem
Sigh. One thing fixed to what it was before (it wasn’t a buff or anything, just reverted) and another thing broken. :C It seems rather endless for Zerker and phantasms.
I’m truly not seeing any problems with berserker. From my play, it looks like it’s working the way it used to work before the nerfy bugs started. Which targets are y’all testing on?
Been testing iBerserker a bit too in the HoM where there are the 3 golems near the underwater combat zone. The first attack generally have 4 hits but not always.
The ones after that can go from 4 hits to none and generally there aren’t 4 hits but less. I would understand missing some of the hits on a moving target but on stationnary one, it feels a bit ridiculous.
The damage seems better than before though and the delay too.
This is completely absurd. I just tested izerker for a few minutes, its CONSTANTLY only doing 2k damage total in full berserkers gear, and sometimes missing entirely. Yes there will always be bugs but come on anet do you even test your changes before they go live???
[BLNT] Better Luck Next Time
Tarnished Coast
Checked this out running all 3 paths of AC and the bezerkers 2nd pass is always misses. Also I’m not sure but warlock dmg seems to be even less. Still observing it though.
LOL, this balance skill Team, is the MOST incompetent person in the world.
3-4month and still SO many bug, and they are able to correctly fix many problem.
kittenty game who cant even provide a decent class gameplay.
Mike Obrien
Legen – Wait for It – dary joke
I would like to kindly ask everyone to make a post reply in the thread I created in Bugs forum regarding Phantasmal Berserker’s missing attacks.
Please note: the missing attacks does occur in both of its initial and subsequent attacks on tested stationary golems.
Mesmer’s Phantasmal Berserker is still showing inconsistency with its attacks. It does not reliably lands 4 hits on tested stationary golems in Heart of the Mist. The missing attacks occur in both of its initial and subsequent attacks. As of the current state, it’s at a loss of 50-75% of its overall damage.
The Mesmer community is really looking forward to see this bug be fixed asap, since Nov 15th patch introduced this bug unintentionally.
[HERO] – Star Leader – Black Gate
(edited by Mystiq Angelic.8193)
This will be “fixed” in the next patch 10 days from now.
Big QA fail.
It doesn’t fully miss on the second attack for me. A completely miss is very rare in my testing. However, at least 70% of the time, it only lands 2 ticks of its attack, and at least 30% of the time, it lands only 1 tick. This is completely unacceptable, and just goes to show how horrific anet is at bugfixing.
So much for thinking that greatsword might be a viable weapon again….
Ok, I’m back, and I just did some very extensive testing with the greatsword.
I was able to count the number of hits done by the phantasm by going into full crit gear and using phantasmal fury, as well as swapping to sword as soon as I summoned the phantasm to give it a critical chance of 94%.
The way the skill works is it summons the phantasm next to the target, it then uses the skill and ends up far from the target. Another skill use puts it close to the target, and starts the cycle over again.
With 100% accuracy over a sample size of around 50 skill uses, the attack when used close to the target produced 4 hits, while the attack used far from the target produced 2. Whether this is by design or a bug, I can’t say.
This has several ramifications. First of all, on a lot of targets, the first attack by the berserker will work properly, which is good to know. However, when summoned on a moving target, the .25 second delay in skill use may allow the target to move far enough away that they will not get hit by all 4 attacks (not tested). Additionally, it also means that the berserker is not really worth keeping after the first attack, as it places itself into a position where it is better to shatter it than wait for the third attack to deal decent damage.
I can confirm the above. The berserker now does hit well on its first trip & the long delay is gone, but on the way back it barely hits a thing.