Balance suggestions for "into the void"
1.) make it so you HAVE TO HAVE line of site for the pull to work
2.) make it so it can not pull you off of siege
You got pulled and decided to make a post with your suggestion so you can stand at the ledge and be safe instead of positioning yourself and being aware enough to not get pulled…
Would you like to add in some thief QQ..
Maybe some warriors are to strong with a hint of nerf ele?
Wow another QQ post.
Other classes can push/pull you off siege.
Angry Intent [AI] | Yak’s Bend |
Fine, then balance it so that ALL pull moves need line of site
There is no reason for that either. As a matter of fact, if it needed line of sight it would be pretty much useless like Berserker is now on opponents on walls that are LoS.
Did you get pulled off Mendon’s bridge by chance?
Angry Intent [AI] | Yak’s Bend |
Fine, then balance it so that ALL pull moves need line of site
I got one better
make all AoE’s need a target and make them Line of Sight..
Seriously though
If you dont like being pulled
Dont stand at the edge of a keep
If you find it a must to be at the edge of a keep, then be prepared to get pulled, or AoE’d.
Fine, then balance it so that ALL pull moves need line of site
Use stability.
Without a staff (Chaos Storm), Into the Void is the ONLY TOOL MESMER HAS TO ATTACK SOMEONE ON A WALL NOW THAT BERSERKER HAS BEEN NERFED… eve though it basically acted as any other AOE.
As it is already, when I want to feel useful during a siege, I have to either depend on others to build something for me (and spend the silver myself), or sit around waiting for defenders to fall off/jump down of their own volition and attack them for the 3 seconds it takes to get back inside the fort… then watch as every other profession with an AOE finishes them off on or through the wall.
Gimp the only offensive (no damage) ability I can use without a staff? No thanks.
Sanctum of Rall since beta 3. Mesmer since 1070 AE
Re-roll ele. Then when you die from standing on the ledge you can just run back in.
“Maybe I was the illusion all along!”